Process Book - Kristen Brophy

Page 1

principles, theories and practices of 2D and 3D design


kristen brophy

dsgn 2010 nova scotia



design studio1


michael b. leblanc division of design nscad university

process book

process design

design studio 1:

process DSGN NSCAD

Table of Contents Type Specimen . . . . . . . 5 Design Permutations. . 7 Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hierarchy. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Font Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mafquack. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Word Play. . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Website Regrooving. .35 Product/Package. . . . . 41 "Home". . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51




kristen brophy


kristen brophy

font specimen In this project we were asked to create a type specimen page for one of the fonts from the Dejavu Font family. The type specimen is meant to be a sample of a typeface, kind of like a catalog for fonts.



kristen brophy


kristen brophy

design permutations In this project we were asked to experiment and create 150 thumbnails of different combinations of our initials. I experimented with my initials through 5 different stages. The first 45 thumbnails were the positional set, the next 40 were the rotational set, the next 20 were the scale set, the next 20 were the weight set and the next 20 were the border set. Once I'd completed these I chose favorites from each of those sets and breeded them to make 50 more thumbnails. At the end of this process we were asked to pick our top ten.




kristen brophy


kristen brophy



kristen brophy

kristen brophy

original design


final 10 designs

grid In this project we were asked to pick a magazine and overlay tracing paper on the cover, the table of contents and two different two-page spreads inside of it. Once we'd done this we were asked to write analyses of each page.



kristen brophy

The large O is placed in a pink rectangle in the top left hand corner of the page. There is no space between the rectangle and the edge of the page. Oprah’s photograph is centered in the page and spreads across the entire thing. The top of her head ends before the end of the page and lines up with the text on the right side of the page. Her arms do not spread all the way to the edges of the cover. Her bottom half bleeds to the edge of the page. There is large text saying “Own Your Power!� in the centre of the page and bleeds off either side of it. There are three horizontal stripes located underneath the previous text with more topics included in the magazine. The three stripes of color are the same thickness and all spread from left to right across the entire cover. The text inside the stripes is offset from the left hand side and does not line up with one another or with anything else on the page. The titles placed along the right side of the page are the same distance from the right side of the page as from the top of the page, which is also the same distance from the bar code to the bottom of the page, located on the bottom right corner. The lack of a clear grid on the cover page allows it to be more fun and visually exciting. The way that things are laid out work very well and the choices made by the designer to allow some things to bleed to the edges of it or not to seem to help the cover to be more interesting.


kristen brophy

The table of contents in Oprah magazine is placed on a two-page spread. The pages are linked because of a three-column grid of equal sized images and text boxes which spreads across the two pages. Two columns are placed on the left hand page and one column on the right. On either side of these images there is text of the contents of the magazine. On the right page there are three columns equally spaced. On the left page there is a single column with the featured stories of the magazine. The page numbers that correspond with the images in the grid are placed in the bottom left hand corner of each image, placed inside of a small purple circle. The circles all come out of the image a couple millimeters to appear more visible to the reader which is working very well. The only thing that bleeds to the edge on these two pages is one image located at the top left hand corner of the page on the right. This seems to work well to fill the entire left column of that page with images and large text because the rest of the page is filled with smaller text. The distance between the text and the edge of the page both on the left side of the left page and the right side of the right page are equal. The layout of the page works well, it has a nice structure to it yet the designer has found a way to make it more fun by adding the colorful grid of pictures and text boxes. These images split up the large amount of information that the reader takes in on a contents page.


kristen brophy

kristen brophy The first two page spread has three columns on both pages. The space between each column remains equal across the entire spread. The distance from the edge of the text and the left and right edge of the page remains constant. The distance from the bottom of the columns to the bottom of the page is equal to the distance from the top of the columns to the top of the page. The page numbers are located below the columns on the left bottom corner and the right bottom corner and line up with the text in the columns. A section of text is blown up on both pages which breaks up some of the text and structure of the pages making it more visually interesting. Another design decision made was to enlarge the first letter of two different paragraphs, one on each page and color them green. Both of these letters are approximately the same size and line up with the edge of the text. There is an image placed on the right hand side of the right page about a quarter of the way down the page, it also lines up with the right edge of the text. Everything is lined up with the three columns of text other than one word “connections” located in the top left hand corner of the left page which may describe the section of the magazine. This title does still line up with the left edge of the text but is much closer to the top of the page than anything else on the two page spread. The second two page spread that I looked at was a different article yet resembled the first spread in a number of ways. The first thing that can be noticed are the enlarged letters. There is an enlarged X on the first page and it is the first letter of the title. This brought the theme of the enlarged letters from the first spread to the second however changed it so that it began the title and not the paragraph. There is also an enlarged lowercase I on the right hand page which begins the article on that side. The left page has the same three column setup as the first spread with equal distances from one another and from the bottom and top of the page. There is one column on the right hand page which is in the same format on the right hand page which finishes the article. There is then a slightly off white colored rectangle which holds a new article as well as an image. In this case the edge of the image does not line up with the edge of the text above it, which is different from the previous spread. The off white colored rectangle has a purple stripe at the bottom of it that bleeds off the edge of the page. The page number on the left page is located in the same place as it was on the previous spread however, there is no page number on the right hand page, most likely because of the purple stripe at the bottom of the article which lies where the page number would have been. The second two page spread seems a little more interesting simply because the article is not as long and is therefore able to contain a new article on the right side of the page which is made interesting by the features added to it such as the enlarged “i”, the image and the purple stripe at the bottom of it.



kristen brophy


kristen brophy

hierarchy For this project we were asked to create an information hierarchy in the context of a poster. The text and photographs were provided and we were to create a poster for the Atlantic Jazz Festival. We were to use only the text and photographs given, no more, no less.



kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy

font flag

In this project we were asked to create a font flag for one of the fonts in the Dejavu font family. A font flag is intended to generate interest among designers in the typeface so they will buy it and use it.



kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy




kristen brophy

kristen brophy


re facipsusci blam dolor adigna feugue molorperatum ver se dignibh ex estinibh el iurerci duipissit vel utem ing et alit vel ilissed dolenisit lobortie mod duisi tat voloreet numsandrem nos nonse magnit am, quis dolor sum dio et dit inis nonsenit nosto eliquip eril dolorem dolore consed tat velesectem iustrud minim deliquatuer iriusto ea faci eu feugue magnim velessisim irilla. Conulla consequam quisl illa consed modo odolore feugiat volum ipit lumsand reraesenis aliquisim amet, sent loboreetum zzriuscin utatuer incip eugiamc onsequatie feuisit dolorem eu faci blam, quipsus cipsustrud tin ullametue vel incipit am alit dolor sum niamcon sequism odiatem ing et lor sectem essis nonum zzrit, quipsum augait lutat lut ulpute dipis nit il ent lor am deliquisim quisl ea commy nibh eummolut iriurerit alit erit wisi bla conse faccum zzriuscil iriuscipsum eu feugiatie magnit ullut ea core et, sum do digna faci ex eumsan ullaor sed ent acip eum ipsustinci bla core duis do dionsent nos augait prat, conum zzrit adit nis do


Xercilit alissit num velis nostrud magniscipit, vel dolorercidui eratie delit dit adit, consequi tio eugait vullaor aliquat ex etuero

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kristen brophy


kristen brophy

word play

In this project we were given two words, a noun and an adjective. The nouns communicate a negative idea and the adjectives communicate a positive idea. The two words I was given were Torture/Lucky. We were asked to use typographic design to adapt the noun so that it communicates the idea of the adjective.



kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy

kristen brophy

t rture t rture

t rture lucky



kristen brophy


kristen brophy

website regrooving In this assignment we were asked to choose a website from a list provided that was confusing to use and consisted of an unattractive design. We were then asked to redesign the home page of the website.



kristen brophy

kristen brophy

- way too many tabs - no organization - alot could be eliminated - needs consistent fonts - bad organization and hierarchy

- broken link

Links: Events/Media and Fund-raising --> merge Services can be eliminated and included in EANS profile volunteers info could be included in fundraising Kids Korner leads to a book --> include this link in about Epilepsy Membership and Community Groups --> Merge eliminate EANS before everything, just takes up space



kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy

The original design for the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia was poorly organized and very visually confusing. On the home page were sixteen links to other pages of the website, between them a lot of information overlapped. The large number of links also made it very difficult to find any specific information that a user might be looking for. The home page also has old announcements that have not been updated as well as some information about the association. It also included links to order epilepsy bracelets and the association’s contact information. In order to make the website more user friendly I looked through the navigation links and eliminated those that were unnecessary or overlapped information with others. This narrowed down the number of navigational links to eight, which I then placed underneath the title of the website in a well structure navigation bar. I then included some of the association’s profile on the main page; its value statements, its mission and its vision. These elements seemed to be the most defining of the association. On the left side bar I included a few announcements that I had found on the original website, which would need to be updated on a regular basis to keep the users up to date on what new things were going on for the Association. Something that a lot of users visiting this website are looking to do is donate to the association and to make this easy for them I added a “Donate Now” button on the main page. I decided to include the image of a sunflower by the title to create more visual interest and light up the page. My redesign of the website is a lot more readable and well organized. Someone visiting the website for the first time can easily navigate through it by using the navigation links at the top of the page which are now clear and to the point. Users will also be able to read the most recent updates for the association in the announcements section, and for new users a brief profile of EANS is provided immediately when they navigate to this page.



kristen brophy


For this assignment we were asked to research typical visual elements of current pharmaceutical packaging as well as research the typical elements of gaming visual communication. We were then asked to develop a design for a Butane Honey Oil that was influenced by casino/lottery imagery.


kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy


kristen brophy


Freebooter Script

Delusion FOO

46 Butane

- mind expansion Et un sentiment général de bien-être!

Utilisations: - soulagement de la Uses: douleur - stimulation pain reliefde l'appétit - appetite - voyages d’un jour enhancement - élargissement de la -conscience day trips


Honey Oil


And a general feeling of well being!

huile de miel


- soulagement de la douleur - stimulation de l'appétit - voyages d’un jour - élargissement de la conscience

Et un sentiment général de bien-être!

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Uses: - pain relief - appetite enhancement - day trips - mind expansion



BUTANE honey oil 5ml


- pain relief - appetite enhancement - day trips - mind expansion

And a general feeling of well being!

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

gambling culture: • lots going on-->very busy • everything is lit up, lights/fireworks/fountains • imagery in ads and lottery tickets • lots of colors used • serif and sans serif fonts used -> some very cursive and original • Interiors of casinos also have a lot going on-->machines/tables/ lights • patterned carpets • lots of gold, black and red but slot machines add lots more color • fonts have lots of strokes around them • everything lights up

Huile de miel

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

pharmaceutical packaging: • mostly sans serif fonts • basic colors-->primary mostly • lots of text • a lot are italic • bottles and pills come in boxes • lots of regulations for what needs to be included on packaging • each package sticks to one-two colors max. • lots of info, warnings, dosage etc. • straight lines, very structured/rigid (tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

kristen brophy kristen brophy





voyages d'un jour stimulation de l'appétit soulagement de la douleur élargissement de la conscience

Et un sentiment général de bien-être!

48 !"#$%&'()*+&$,"-$!./

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Butane Honey oil

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Huile de Miel

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada. 5ml

Un sentiment general de bien-etre!

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. 5ml (tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

kristen brophy kristen brophy

Promotes a general feeling of well being!




(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes: Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

(tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP) Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses: Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptômes s'aggravent. Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

kristen brophy kristen brophy


For this project we were asked to brainstorm the word home and all the feelings that come along with it. From this brainstorm we were asked to come up with a product or service. We were then asked to prepare a photographic scenario as a two page spread that illustrates the use of a product or service that you have developed.


kristen brophy "Home" Brainstorm: - "where the heart is" - head space - security - comfort - food - home sweet home - home made bread - good smells - familiarity - memories - trust - warmth - family -sentiment - pets -solitude/belonging - couch - communication - work - personal - ownership - sounds - family dinner - shopping - yellow - blue - brown - beige - paintings - magazines - clean - laundry - help - support - connection - acceptance - unconditional love - housecoat - cocooning - photo albums - toys from childhood - old - gardens


- growing up - childhood - certain colors - heirlooms - nagging - tantrums - fights - tv - blankets - bed - backyards - christmas - stress - boring - roommates - clean/mess - books - personal entertainment - kitchen - clutter - nicnacs - art - photographs - plants - tool box - laundry - running around - quilts - errands - storage - baking - busy - wine - comfort - fireplace - stress - mom, brother, dad, family - lists - grandma - grandpa - holidays - easter - thanksgiving

kristen brophy


To Do List


pay water bill


pick up potatoes


drop off invitations


christmas shopping


make bed


pay cleaning lady

spaghetti sauce

pick up VIM


contact Taylor’s teacher


buy toilet paper

frozen pizza

call Marcy back


Goals get a pay raise get a promotion finish christmas shopping read a book save money


save up for a ski vacation plan a ski vacation make up with Bryan learn a new recipe lose 5 pounds


To Do List pay water bill pick up potatoes drop off invitations christmas shopping make bed pay cleaning lady pick up VIM contact Taylor’s teacher buy toilet paper call Marcy back



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