Fire and Rescue International Vol 6 No 1

Page 8


City of Tshwane Emergency Services receives new apparatus; Mayor hands over bravery medals

City of Tshwane honoured 17 of its fire fighters with bravery medals


n Thursday, 3 June 2021, South Africa’s City of Tshwane honoured 17 of its fire fighters with bravery medals for selfless service and commitment to protecting residents by responding swiftly to emergencies. The special event

City of Tshwane showcased the new additions to the EMS fleet


was held to commend the noble deeds by Tshwane fire fighters who helped to extinguish the Bank of Lisbon Building fire after answering a call to assist their colleagues in Johannesburg in 2018. The City of Tshwane also used the occasion to showcase the newly received fleet of vehicles by the Emergency Services Department. A total of 10 efficient and modern vehicles joined their fleet and include a multi-patient major incident unit built on an Iveco 26.28 Afriway 6x2 bus chassis, an E-One industrial pumper with a compressed air foam system (CAFS), an E-One Water Master (tanker), an E-One foam tender and an E-One foam tanker/pumper, all three built on International IH chassis were built on International (IH) chassis’. The E-One airport rescue and fire fighting apparatus (ARFF) and E-One industrial pumper was built on a custom E-One chassis by

FleetAfrica, the official E-One Dealer Partner in Sub Saharan Africa. All the above was supplied on a full maintenance lease-to-own basis while the WP1800 armoured fire engine, WP1800 armoured ambulance and special infection ambulance built by TFM Industries and supplied by FleetAfrica, is owned outright. City of Tshwane Mayor Randall Williams said at the official handover ceremony, “Together with the MMC for Community Safety Councillor Karen Meyer, we had the honour of bestowing the bravery medals to the 17 fire fighters who were part of the Bank of Lisbon Building operation. An 18th medal was also awarded in absentia. As executive mayor of Tshwane, I would like to thank our fire fighters for being true professionals and for flying the Tshwane flag high. They have earned these bravery medals. It is important that we show our appreciation to the men Volume 6 | No 1

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Articles inside

UMaqopholwana, The red armoured fire engine - Lindsay Z Mnguni

pages 59-60

The evolution of face masks

pages 57-58

Why self-defence for emergency workers? - by Morné Mommsen

pages 55-56

Importance of developing leadership and standards within the fire and emergency services - by Etienne du Toit

pages 50-54

“Where’s the command post?”: Placement and positioning of incident commanders during structural fireground operations - by Colin Deiner

pages 46-49

Firebreaks: A matter of terminology? - by Tiaan Pool

pages 38-42

Command Corner: Leader’s intent - by Chief Tim Murphy

page 37

The effective incident management team during wildfires - by Michelle Kleinhans

pages 34-36

Ponsse introduces fire fighting equipment for forwarders with a 47-metre reach in rugged terrain

pages 32-33

Locally produced compressed foam system (CAFS) offers huge advantage to fire fighting efforts

pages 30-31

FireWeb Incident Management software system implemented at KwaZulu-Natal Fire Protection Association

pages 26-29

City of Tshwane Emergency Services receives new apparatus; Mayor hands over bravery medals

pages 8-13

Human detection system optimises rescue and surveillance: X3 Finder is now available in South Africa

pages 20-21

Industrial Fire and Hazard Control’s Double Assassin

pages 18-19

Industrial fire fighting for on-site responders at ETS Emergency Training Solutions

pages 22-24

Automatic extinguishing solutions in recycling facilities and incineration plants utilising heat detection - by Frank Preiss

pages 14-17

National Veld and Forest Fire Protection Advisory Forum established for South Africa - by Dale Nortje

page 25

You need to upgrade your equipment to keep up with the changing world: Stihl BR 800 for real blowing power

pages 6-7

FRI Images

page 5
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