Mala Kit Tutorial

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MALA KITS Included in your kit // * 108 mala beads * Chakra charm *Cord for stringing mala *Tassel string *Guru bead and spacers *Beading Needle *Chakra Potion

Booklet contains embedded video tutorial focused on // *What is a mala? *Setting Intention *Why 108 beads? *Tying the Mala *The Tassel *Using it in Japa Meditation

Introduction MALA KITS Included in your kit //

*Malas are used in prayer 108 mala beads and*meditation

Chakra charm *Used to *remind yourself of your intention or manifestation

*Cord for stringing mala

*Used in*Tassel Japa Meditation string *Guru bead and spacers *Beading Needle

Booklet contains embedded video tutorial focused on // *What is a mala? *Setting Intention *Why 108 beads? *Tying the Mala *The Tassel *Using it in Japa Meditation

Click this link for video introduction

Mala Making Kit Materials

MALA KITS Included in your kit //

*108 beads *mala cord for stringing *tassel cord *beading needle *guru bead and spacers *chakra charm

* 108 mala beads * Chakra charm *Cord for stringing mala *Tassel string *Guru bead and spacers *Beading Needle

Booklet contains embedded video tutorial focused on // *What is a mala? *Setting Intention *Why 108 beads? *Tying the Mala *The Tassel *Using it in Japa Meditation

Click this link for video introduction

Setting Intention *Set intention based on something you would like to work on or reminded of when wearing your mala *Something you would like to manifest *Choose based on energy the beads hold

Link to video tutorial focused on setting intention

Setting Intention

Stringing your Mala // Why 108 Beads?

stages in the human journey *Set intention based on something you*108 would like to work on or reminded of when wearing your mala *108 Sanskrit letters // 54 female & 54 male *Something you would like to manifest *108 energy lines running to the heart chakra *Choose based on energy the beads hold *Totality of God’s expression // completion #9

Click on this link for video tutorial

Link to video tutorial focused on setting intention

Click link for video tutorial on tying your mala

Tying the Mala *Speak or think about your mantra or intention as you tie each knot. *Ritual with self love

Click link for video tutorial on tying your mala

Tying the Mala (Midway tying tips) *Speak or think about your mantra or intention as you tie each knot. *Ritual with self love

Tying your mala together *Tie once for oneness *Once for Divine Feminine energy {left side} *Once for Divine Masculine energy {right side} *Tie for a total of three times.

Link to video tutorial focused on tying your mala together

Setting Intention

Putting on the Guru bead

on the spacer, the guru bead, and the second spacer *Set intention based on*Put something you would like to work on or reminded of when wearing your mala *The guru bead is the anchor and it grounds us *Something you would like to manifest *After placing the spacers and the guru bead on your *Choose based on energy the beadsmala, hold tie once for oneness *Tie again for Earth {grounding}, Sun {giving}, and once for Moon {receiving}

Click on this link for video tutorial

Link to video tutorial focused on setting intention

Tying on the Tassel *Pull off the string tied around the tassel cord and set aside *Tie a knot between the tassel with the cord from the end of the mala *Make sure the tassel is centered *Tie twice *The tassel represents the roots of the lotus flower {rooted/grounded}

Link to video tutorial focused on tying your mala together

Click link for video tutorial on tying your tassel

Tying the Tassel {continued} *Pull both sides of the tassel down Wrap the extra string that you pulled off around the mala *Once for Sun Once for Fire Once for Air Once for Water Once for Earth

Using Your Mala in Japa Meditation *Intention is embedded in the sound of the Sanskrit words *Manas {mind} & tara {cross} Mantra means to cross the mind Om Mani Padme Om // the jewel is in the lotus You can also chant using your intention as you touch each bead 108 times

Click link for video tutorial demonstration

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