Fire News Delaware, December 2023

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DELAWARE December 2023

Volume 26, No. 6

See story on page 13. - Submitted by Larry Gum

2023 DVFA/LADVFA Conference See pages 17 - 20.

Fire News, December 2023, Page 3

In this issue... Laurel House Fire with Entrapment Laurel Fire Department, along with other companies were alerted for a house fire with entrapment at the corner of 2nd Street and Poplar Street. See story on page 4

An independently owned news and information resource for the dedicated firefighters, emergency medical technicians, auxiliary members, and public safety officials in the State of Delaware. Thanks to the support of its advertisers, this newspaper is distributed free of charge to every fire station in the First State. Published bi-monthly by Fire News, Inc., 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713. Delaware Fire Service News is a registered trademark and all material contained herein is copyrighted. All rights reserved.

DFS Wildland The Delaware Forest Service dispatched a Type 6 engine to Yosemite National Park in California to support local fire staff during the peak of their fire season. See story on page 9

Multiple Companies at Minquadale Fire Station 20 was dispatched along with mutual aid companies for a reported house fire with subjects trapped in box area 2210. See story on page 10

2023 DVFA/LADVFA Conference Fire News pictorial coverage of the annual DVFA/LADVFA conference. See story on page 17-20

Training Accross Delaware Fire News coverage of training exercises throughout Delaware. See story on pages 28-29

9th New Castle County Fire Academy Graduation On May 25, 2023, 18 probationary firefighters, representing 12 area fire companies, completed their preliminary training. See story on page 42

PLUS: Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 21 SCEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 32-34 NCC*EMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 36-38 Delaware State Fire School . . . . . . .pages 39-41 Apparatus Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 45 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 45

Frank C. Trotta, Publisher Tim Edwards, Chief Operating Officer Dennis Whittam, Editor Gary Joyce, Managing Editor Marie Trotta, Vice President, Production/Sales Cliff Chiesa, Art Director Barbara Connolly, Vice President National Sales Suzanne Bancroft, Business Development Manager Bryan Lopez, Editorial Assistant Greg Jones, Lynn Sedler, Graphic Artists Warren F. Jones and Thomas J. Mitten, Publishers Emeritus Sal DeVivo, Founding Publisher Contributors: Mark Anderson, Steve Austin, Wayne Barrall, Christine Bennett, Dave Bosco, Earl Brode, B. Scott Bullock, Sean Byron, Dave Carpenter, Mike Carroll, Skip Carrow, Michael G. Chionchio, Fred Cullis, Michele Ehart, Mary Eisenbrey, Mark Felicetti, Dave Ferguson, Robert Fox, Jon Gallo, Claudia Garner, Glenn Gillespie, Larry Gum, Chuck Hayes, Dave Horack, Doug Hudson, Jerry Hull, Sean Humphreys, Chad Ingram, Bill Ireland, Jr., Terry Jester, James Jobes, Warren F. Jones, Ed Kalinowski, Kevin Keating, Ryan Knowles, Randall Lee, Michael Lowe, Chris Lucas, Karen Majewski, Candice McDonald, Mike McMichael, Harry Miller, Patrick Miller, Tom Mitten, Joseph Mriss, Joe Mullen, Amy Murray, Tim Murray, Michael J. O’Connor Jr., Dwayne Pearson, Phil Pennington Sr., Gary Plotts, Bob Powell, Patricia Quigley, Patrick Quigley, John Randolph, James Read, Matthew Read, Lauden Robertson, Bob Romig, D. Ruff, Gene Shaner, Kevin Sipple, Chuck Snyder, Russell Stinson, William Thomas, Eugene Tucker, Lisa Turner, Leonard Tylecki, Rob Watts, Jim Watson, Steve Watson, Matt Williams, Dave Wilson, Jack Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Jim Woznicki ADVERTISING: Rate card and marketing information are available on request. To advertise call 631-776-0500 x111 or email We reserve the right to reject, edit, or decline to publish any advertising material submitted. Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. NEWS: News items about fire, rescue, and EMS activities in our coverage area are welcome. Contact us at 631-776-0500 x111 or email: Deadline for news is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Material submitted is subject to editing and cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. SUBSCRIPTIONS: All fire stations in Delaware receive a sufficient number of copies for their personnel. Those wishing to receive direct delivery may subscribe for $25.00 per year, paid in advance to Delaware Fire Service News, 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Index of Advertisers Atlantic Emergency Solutions ....................... 5, 11, 26, 27, 31, 51 DPC ................................. 2, 16, 52 ESI ............................................ 29 FDSOA ...................................... 39 Firehouse Payroll LLC ............ 35 Matheny Fire & Emergency .......................................... 7, 23, 48 National Volunteer Fire Council ...................................................... 9

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Laurel House Fire with Entrapment On September 12, 2023, at 1521, the Laurel Fire Department, Blades Volunteer Fire Company, Seaford Volunteer Fire Company, Delmar Fire Department and Sussex County EMS were alerted for a house fire with entrapment at the corner of 2nd Street and Poplar Street, in the center of town. Initial calls advised that law enforcement were on the scene and confirmed that one victim was trapped. Engine 81-4 was the first responding unit from Laurel, along with Engine 81-2 from Laurel’s substation with Assistant Chief Brandon Givens on board. Units arrived to find the house heavily involved. Crews made an aggressive attack with confirmation that there was a bedridden female victim still inside. Firefighters from Laurel and Blades made an aggressive interior attack. Firefighters from Delmar laddered the C side of the house to perform a vent, enter and search to gain access. As interior firefighters located the victim, the VES team made access and the victim was removed. The victim, who was in cardiac arrest was transferred to EMS crews and Sussex County Paramedics whose resuscitation efforts were successful. Crews remained on scene for about three hours. Units involved also came from Seaford, Bridgeville, Greenwood, Georgetown, Farmington, Sharptown (MD), Hebron (MD) Parsonsburg (MD) and Mardela Springs (MD). - Photo from Laurel FD files; submitted by Michael Lowe

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Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921 As we are approaching the end of 2023, the state parks will be starting up the surf fishing tag program for 2024. Just as in years past, in order to obtain the president’s signature stamp on your document, you can see any of the vice presidents at the county meetings or send the form to the DVFA office at PO Box 1849, Dover DE 19903, with a self-addressed stamped envelope. The annual conference will be in Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach. The host hotel for the conference will be the Hyatt Place with some additional rooms available at the Gold Leaf Hotel in Dewey Beach. All of the events will take place at the Hyatt Place and the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. The new agenda and location for the conference will be held on September 16 through 19, 2024. We would encourage you to book your rooms now. The new kiosk locations are up and running for State of Delaware background checks. Please go to Delaware State Bureau of Identification website (https://dsp.delaware .gov/obtaining-a-certified-criminal-history/) and follow the instructions to set up your appointment. Please read everything carefully as you go through the steps to set up the

DVFA Office

appointment. Your new members will need to pay by credit card when they appear for the appointment. The code they will need to use on the website to get the discounted rate is 27S47F. The background check will be sent via email, so please make sure you are giving them the correct email address to ensure that you receive it. Also, please note, that in that email you receive for the background check, you will need to answer a security question, so the applicant and fire department needs to coordinate that information so that you are able to retrieve the information. We are currently in the beginning stages of conducting a statewide Financial Study. We are asking everyone to please be open and participate in the financial study as it comes around. We want to paint the best picture possible to the recipients of this study to show the funding need across the state. The vendor has started the initial work in New Castle County, then proceeded to Sussex County fire companies and will wrap up in Kent County before the final report is written and sent to the State Legislators and County Governments. The best way to get a fair analysis is for us to sit at the

table and participate; data creates dollars for all involved in the fire service. Here are a couple of other events we encourage you to add to your calendars, one is the Congressional Firefighters Institute Symposium to be held on April 24 and 25, 2024, in Washington DC. The other is the next DVFA executive meeting, which will be held at the Delaware State Fire School on December 10, 2023 at 0900. We would like to take the time to congratulate, State Fire Marshall Grover Ingle on his retirement. He has faithfully served as the State Fire Marshall for 16 years. We wish him the very best in his retirement endeavors. We congratulate the new Delaware State Fire Marshall John Rudd on his new position. We offer our support in his new role. If you need anything from the DVFA office, please contact us. Have a safe and Happy Holidays. Norman “Jay” Jones Jr., DVFA Executive Manager Office Line - 302-734-9390 Fax Line - 302-734-9404

DVFA President by Ron O’Neal, President, DVFA The work begins. At the point most of you read this article, we will already be two months into this administration. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by, and you suddenly realize the very short time span you actually have to accomplish the tasks in front of you.

First off, I want to congratulate the Conference Committee for their hard work and long hours in putting together a successful 2023 Conference. Plans for the 2024 Conference are well underway and I’m excited to see it come back to Sussex County. Moving the conference back to each county brings its own set of challenges but I’m confident that the committee will once again dedicate themselves to developing a program that we all can be proud of. As LADVFA President Stacy Northam-

Smith and I gaveled the end of the 2023 Conference, we all realized that the real labor now begins. Prior to the Conference, the DVFA Officers developed a list of priority projects to tackle in the coming months. Obviously funding and manpower are at the top of the list, but we don’t want to get so focused on those issues that we forget some of the other items we have before us as well. Issues such as Federal Background checks, which will require a change in Legislative Hall; increasing the amount of money available Continued on page 8


Greetings from the LADVFA President’s Hive by Stacy Northam-Smith, President LADVFA Fall is in the air and that signals several things in the fire service. Certainly, the first thing that comes to mind is fire prevention. Nothing is more rewarding

than watching the excitement in a child’s eyes when they first see a fire truck and start asking a thousand and one questions. Or to see their smiles as they put on their very own plastic helmet. This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign is, “Cooking safety starts with YOU.” As an auxiliary member, this is a topic that hits

home. I am excited to see this year’s posters and essays and how the children will capture the topic. I hope they take the lessons they learn back to their families. I also hope we plant seeds of volunteerism with some of these young people and that they will join us as fire service and auxiliary members in the future. Continued on page 8

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Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921 DVFA President’s message continued from page 6 tion and to have the opportunity to work with the DVFA and LADVFA in the Revolving Loan Fund, finalizing the Medicare Reimbursement Officers, plus those in all the different Associations. But I am also humDistribution, moving forward with the Delaware Fire Caucus, all of bled to know that I am a small part of a tremendous organization with which are extremely important and require our attention. such a rich history, made up of men and women from all walks of life, I do want to recognize retiring State Fire Marshall Grover Ingle as he with the goal of service to their communities. None of us know what the closes out his extraordinary career and years of dedication to the future holds, but I promise to do whatever I can to move the DVFA forVolunteer Fire Service. Congratulations Grover and enjoy your retire- ward in a positive manner to help secure that future. ment, you’ve earned it. Now, let’s get to work! In closing, let me say how extremely proud I am to be in this posiLADVFA President’s message continued from page 6 Fall also reminds us that we recently held our annual conference. It is always a wonderful time to renew old friendships and make new ones. In addition to the meetings and festivities, I attended a very informative seminar on recruitment and retention presented by members from the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Department. The seminar was well attended, and the information shared was pertinent, not only for the fire service, but for the auxiliaries. The Rehoboth Beach members shared how changing their mindsets around membership made positive changes for their department. Changes as small as paring down their application and following up with prospective applicants in a timely manner made an impact. Small steps turned into large gains. They

shared many other ideas and tips, and I took lots of notes. Recruitment does not need to be complicated or expensive. We have inexpensive tools such as social media and simply beefing up the websites that many of us already have. There are lots of helpful tools on-line that we can tap into. We can also learn from each other just by sharing and listening. Our LADVFA R&R committee came up with several ideas just from sharing what we do at our home auxiliaries. In closing I want to extend to everyone a happy and safe holiday season! My wish is that we will all have a prosperous 2024 and grow our organizations! Remember the three R’s of any great volunteer program - Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition.

Marydel Covers

On October 4, 2023, Marydel Station 56 was dispatched for the cover-up assignment to Queen Annes County Station 6 (Sudlersville). As requested Tanker 56 responded under the direction of 56-17 with a crew of six firefighters. During the cover up Tanker 56 was diverted into the scene and was assigned to supply Engine 5 and to assist with overhaul operations. - Submitted by Mike Bredin, 1st Asst. Chief

Fire News, December 2023, Page 9

DFS Wildland Fire Program Assists at Yosemite National Park

On July 28, 2023, the Delaware Forest Service (DFS) dispatched a Type 6 engine to Yosemite National Park in California to support local fire staff during the peak of their fire season. DFS Engine 612 remained on assignment for 66 days, returning on October 1, 2023. The deployment included four crew swaps requiring 10 different firefighters. Type 6 engines are staffed with three firefighters: a captain, an operator and a firefighter, and usually deploy for two weeks per crew assignment. During the two-plus months spent in the park, the crews boosted staffing in Wawona, California, a small

town just inside the southern park boundary. Daily activities included patrol, project work (fire related prep-work such as thinning underbrush, pre-installation of firebreaks, etc.), training and readiness drills, maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities, and remaining ready for initial attack. E612 participated in a handful of initial attack fires (lightning and human caused), assisted with multiple search and rescue and a variety of other operations. Interested in joining the DWE program, contact contact Sam Topper at - Submitted by Sam Topper, DFS, WFP

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Multiple Companies at Minquadale Fire On August 1, 2023, at 1220, Station 20 was dispatched along with mutual aid companies for a reported house fire with subjects trapped in box area 2210. Units 20-4, U-20, D-20 and 208C responded. Engine 22 arrived to find a single-story, single-family dwelling with smoke showing. Engine 22 stretched 200-feet of handline to extinguish two rooms well off. WFD Engine 2 arrived and pulled a second handline to help suppress the fire. Engine 204 arrived and extinguished the fire which had extended into the attic space. Units had a dead hydrant and were working off one hydrant and engine. Rescue 23 responded and located a dog which EMS transported to the animal hospital. Rescue 23 also located one victim and EMS transported the person to the hospital. Captain 1 had Minquadale Command and units operated for approximately three hours. - Submitted by @route9response

Box 1450 L19 with the Staffing Level of Three Arrived as the SDS - Submitted by Patrick Langshaw

Vehicle Fire on Sussex Hwy. On September 30, 2023, at approximately 1600, the Laurel Fire Department was alerted for a vehicle fire on Sussex Highway, northbound, in the area of Gordy Road. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

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Car Fire in Liberty Plaza On October 19, 2023, at 1221, the Harrington Fire Company was dispatched to a vehicle fire in the parking lot of Liberty Plaza Shopping Center located on South DuPont Highway. Units arrived to find fire in the engine compartment of the vehicle and placed one hoseline in service and quickly extinguished the fire. The scene was then placed under control and the scene was turned over to the Harrington Police Department. Units on scene were Engine 50-4, Tanker 50, Ambulance 50, Fire Police and Harrington PD. OIC was Captain Mark Scribner, Jr. - Submitted by Kenny Brode

Structure Fire on Constance Drive On October 17, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics assisted Station 14 on a residential structure fire on the 900 block of Constance Drive. Medic 7D, M3D, ALS 24, and EMS4 provided ALS coverage for the incident. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Blades Handles Barn Fire On October 1, 2023, Blades Volunteer Fire Company, along with mutual aid, were alerted for a structure fire. Units arrived to find a barn fire with no animals inside. The scene was turned over to the State Fire Marshal’s Office for investigation. - Submitted by Jason Hudson

Shed Fire in Millville On October 4, 2023, at 1142, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company, along with the mutual aid, responded for a street alarm assignment on the 36000 block of Lisa Avenue, north of Millville for a reported shed fire. Units arrived to find a 10- x 10-foot shed with smoke showing. The fire was brought under control in short order and the assignment was reduced to Millville units only. Engine 84-2, Tanker 84 and Command 848 made the response. The street alarm mutual aid was provided by the Bethany Beach. Assistant Chief Mike Melson had command. The Delaware State Fire Marshal is investigating the cause of the fire. Units operated for approximately 30 minutes. - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt. Millville FVC

Fire News, December 2023, Page 13

Cover Story

Gumboro Farming Blaze

Firefighters from several mutual aid companies assisted Station 79 recently with a large farming structure blaze with exposure issues. - Submitted by Larry Gum

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Amazon Warehouse Fire Hockessin Fire Company Ladder 19 operating as the fourth-duespecial-service on a fire in an Amazon packaging unit. - Submitted by Patrick Langshaw

Early Morning Fire in Clarksville On September 29, 2023, at 0020, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company, along with the mutual aid box alarm assignment and the Sussex County Paramedics, were dispatched to the 32000 block of Hickory Manor Road in Clarksville for a house fire. Units arrived to find a single-story home with fire showing from the rear. Engine 842, Rescue 84, Tanker 84, Command 84-8, Traffic Control 84-13 and Ambulance C-84 made the response. Mutual aid was provided by Frankford, Dagsboro, Roxana and Bethany Beach. Station coverage was provided by Selbyville and Millsboro. The fire was under investigation by the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office. - Submitted by DouglasW.Scott,Capt., Millville VFC

Jefferson Farms House Fire Just after midnight on October 20, 2023, the Good Will Fire Company and mutual aid units were alerted for a house fire on Monticello Drive in the Jefferson Farms community. Patrol officers from New Castle City Police Department arrived and reported a working fire. Engine 18 arrived to fire showing from the second floor in the rear of the house. The crew secured a hydrant and deployed a handline to the extinguish the fire. Additional responding companies included Minquadale Station 22; Minquas 1; Wilmington Manor; Cranston Heights; and Christiana. Ambulance 17 from Five Points and New Castle County Paramedics Medic 1 stood by as well. No injuries were reported and the incident was being investigated by the Delaware State Fire Marshal's Office. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr., Chief, Good Will FC 1

Odor of Smoke in Millville Residence On September 24, 2023, at 2202, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to a reported odor of smoke inside a residence in the 36000 block of Ridgeshore Lane in Millville. Engine 84-2, Engine 84-4, Rescue 84, Traffic Control 84-13 and Ambulance C-84 made the response. Fire Chief Walter Johnson had command. Units operated for approximately 45 minutes. - Submitted by Doug Scott

Fire News, December 2023, Page 17

2023 DVFA/LADVFA Conference

Photos by Regina Olliver

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2023 DVFA/LADVFA Conference

Photos by Regina Olliver

Fire News, December 2023, Page 19

2023 DSFCA Meeting

- Fire News photos by Tim Edwards

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Nomination Heroic FF

Dear Chief Watson, On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 1929, the Magnolia Fire Company, along with mutual aid companies, were dispatched to Bay Road and Trap Shooters Road in the Magnolia Fire District for an MVA with vehicles reported on fire and entrapment. BLS Unit B55 made the response at time of dispatch with FF/EMT Joshua Norris and FF/EMT Lindsay Adams as the crew. B55 arrived on the scene within two minutes. As FF/EMT Adams exited the unit she advised Kent Center of a two-vehicle MVA with one vehicle fully involved with an occupant still believed to be inside and the second vehicle involved with the driver trapped. As FF/EMT Adams was giving her report to Kent Center, FF/EMT Norris grabbed the fire extinguisher from B55 and made his was up to the second vehicle with FF/EMT Adams. As they approached the second vehicle, FF/EMT Adams noticed that the driver was trapped, conscious and verbal. At this time, there was heavy fire in the rear portion of the vehicle with fire rapidly making its way forward to the passenger compartment. With no protective gear and no regards to her personal safety, FF/EMT Adams entered the passenger side of the vehicle and iniated patient contact and attempted to free him with the assistance of Delaware State Trooper Thomas Catalfano and an unknown bystander. Meanwhile, FF/EMT Norris was discharging the fire extinguisher into the vehicle to keep the fire at bay in conjunction with the Rescue attempt. Seconds later, it is believed that the fuel tank had ruptured intensifying the fire and stunning FF/EMT Adams. It was at this time Trooper Catalfano and the bystander rapidly removed FF/EMT Adams from the vehicle to safety. Fire was then noticed advancing up the outside of the vehicle into the driver’s side window. At this time, FF/EMT Norris changed positions to the driver’s side and began to knockdown the fire and protect the trapped driver. FF/EMT Norris then again repositioned to the passenger side of the vehicle where he discharged the remainder of the contents of the extinguisher into the vehicle. It was at this time, Trooper Catalfano without regard for his own safety, entered the burning vehicle and was able to free the driver and rapidly remove him, all while noticing that the patients clothing was on fire entirely up his left side and back. He was placed on the ground and rolled around and a piece of clothing was used to smother the flames on the patient. Simultaneously, a handline was placed in service off Rescue 55 and the nozzleman placed the stream on a modified fog pattern and sprayed the patient and rescuers briefly to make sure the fire on the patient was completely extinguished then moved on to extinguish the vehicle fire.

At this point, FF/EMT Norris began patient care and Kent County Paramedic Jennifer Sweetman arrived and began ALS interventions. During the time this rescue was happening, FF/EMT Adams discovered another victim, believed to be the passenger of the same vehicle, laying on the ground in the field away from the car. After having sustained burns to her arms, FF/EMT Adams still rendered care to this patient until the second BLS unit arrived and assumed care. FF/EMT Adams then returned to the original patient and assisted her partner with care. A stretcher was then obtained from B55 by a firefighter from Rescue 55 and taken to where the patient was being treated. The patient was then placed on the stretcher and taken to B55. It was at this time immediate care was then continued by FF/EMT Adams, FF/EMT Norris, Paramedic Jennifer Sweetman and Paramedic Ken Kelly. With an extended ETA of DSP aviation, it was decided to rapidly transport the patient by ground in B55 to Bayhealth Kent Campus. Continuous and constant patient care was provided throughout the transport and upon arrival at Bayhealth Kent Campus. The patient was conscious and speaking with ED staff. If it had not been for the selfless actions taken by FF/EMT Adams, FF/EMT Norris and Trooper Thomas Catalfano (DSP Troop 3) as well as the unidentified bystander, coupled with the immediate patient care given by EMS responders, then the patient would have undoubtedly perished in the vehicle on scene. The actions portrayed during this rescue were nothing less of heroic and the pristine teamwork was inspiring. These actions are of the highest standards of the public safety field and a display of complete selflessness of these individuals and their commitment to serve their community. These individuals are a credit to themselves, their departments and their noble profession. It is the honor of the Magnolia Fire Company to nominate FF/EMT Joshua Norris and FF/EMT Lindsay Adams for the Delaware State Fire Chiefs Heroic Firefighter of the Year Award and to recognize Trooper Thomas Catalfano of the DSP Troop 3 patrol section for his heroic actions as well. Respectfully Submitted. Ryan Buff James Bethard Fire Chief President Magnolia Fire Co. Magnolia Fire Co.

Derrick Brode EMS Supervisor Magnolia Fire Co.

Nomination Meritorious Award

Members of the selection committee: Early on the morning of February 26, 2022, Stations 15, 29, SQ12, L12, L18, E28 and Rescue 4, were alerted for a house fire on Center Street in North St. Georges. Multiple calls from neighbors said nthere was fire showing. Chief Emeritus James ‘Jamie’ Rosseel responded, and since he would have had to pass the scene, went directly there. Upon his arrival, neighbors advised that they were unsure if the resident was out of the house. Along with a few New Castle County Police, Chief Rosseel forced entry to the front door of the residence and were immediately met with heavy smoke. Chief Rosseel got into a prone position and began searching the floor inside the front door for any possible victims. Chief Rosseel located the occupant, advised the police and began trying to remove themselves from the structure. Squad 15 arrived and the crew assisted the County Officers in removing Chief Rosseel and the occupant from the structure, and onto the front lawn. Chief Rosseel immediately began resuscitative measures, assisted by the County Officers. Chief Rosseel directed the County Officers in providing Bag Valve Mask rescue breathing while continuing compressions. A6 was the first BLS unit to arrive on scene, assisted Chief Rosseel in moving the occupant to their stretcher and into their ambulance for transport. Chief Rosseel rode with A6 and Medic 6 to CER during patient care and transfer.

The State Fire Marshall’s Office kept relaying information about the occupant’s condition, as she was transferred to Crozer Burn Center. Unfortunately, the occupant ultimately succumbed to her injuries. The act of heroism truly stands with Chief Rosseel, who not only searched for a victim, but continued to stay with that person until transfer at the Emergency Department. Chief Rosseel called on his years of experience and knowledge of fire behavior and victim behavior to realize that most victims are found within reach of a door or window. True to form, Chief Rosseel was determined in his mission to get the victim to a safe

area and provide medical care. Chief Rosseel has had continuous dedication to the citizens of Delaware City and its surrounding areas, as well as those of New Castle County as a Fire/EMS dispatcher for many years. I believe Chief Rosseel will continue to dedicate his service to the citizens of New Castle County for years to come. It is for the above actions, I wish for you to consider Chief Emeritus James ‘Jamie’ D. Rosseel for the 2022 Firefighter of the Year. It would be my pleasure to answer any further questions. Respectfully, Allan T. MacKenzie II Fire Chief

Fire News, December 2023, Page 21

Up Close & Personal Wilmington firefighter on scene at an August 1, 2023, Minquadale house fire. - Submitted by @route9response

On July 28, 2023, the Delaware Forest Service (DFS) dispatched a Type 6 engine to Yosemite National Park in California to support local fire staff during the peak of their fire season. - Submitted by Sam Topper, DFS, Wildland Fire Program

Laurel Firefighter/EMT Leah Croy revives a cat at the scene of a recent house fire. - Submitted by Michael Lowe Members of the Good Will Fire Company after a house fire on October 20, 2023. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr., Chief, Good Will FC 1

Page 22, Fire News, December 2023

7 Injured in Millsboro 3-Car MVA Millsboro Fire, Rescue and EMS responded to three-vehicle MVA with one vehicle overturned at DuPont Highway and Houston Street. Seven patients were transported with help from Station 79 Gumboro and Station 93 Georgetown. Trooper 2 was on the ground on standby. - Submitted by Larry Gum

8 Injured in South DuPont 2-Car MVA On September 4, 2023, at approximately 1140, the Harrington Fire Company, Kent County EMS and Delaware State Police Aviation were dispatched for an MVA with rollover on South DuPont Highway in the area of Paradise Alley Road. Medic KM-8 was responding to a separate EMS call when they came upon this incident. Units arrived on scene to find a two-vehicle accident with one of the vehicles containing multiple patients. Command 50 arrived and declared a Level 1 MCI. Additional ALS and BLS units were dispatched along with a second aviation unit. EMS began triaging patients; six were transported by ambulance and two patients were transported by helicopter to various facilities. The scene was placed under control in approximately 45 minutes and turned over to the Delaware State Police. Units on scene were 50 Command, Chief Vehicle, Engine 50-1, Rescue 50, Brush 50, Ambulances A-50, C-50, A-52, A-49, A-48, KM-8, KM-5, KM-10, DSP Trooper 2 and 4, DSP Patrol, Harrington PD, Fire Police and Del-Dot. OIC was Fire Chief Robbie Brode. - Submitted by Kenny Brode

3 Injured in ATV MVA On Sunday October 1, 2023, at approximately 1700, the Laurel Fire Department, Sussex County EMS and Trooper 2 were alerted for an MVA involving an ATV at the intersection of Ross Point Road and Scott Land Road, about eight miles northeast of town. Sussex Medic 102 arrived to find an ATV on its side and one adult and two pediatric injuries. The adult was classified as priority two and the two pediatrics were priority three. All were transported to Tidal Health, Salisbury. Tower 81 and Engine 81-4 secured the scene and controlled traffic. Captain Mike Stanfield had 81 Command. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

MVA Near Ocean View On October 5, 2023 at 1741, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to an MVA at the intersection of Bayard Road and Double Bridges Road south of Ocean View. Units arrived to find a two-vehicle accident with several patients requiring medical evaluation. Rescue 84, Engine 84-4, Command 84-8, Traffic Control 84-13, Ambulance A-84 and Ambulance D84 made the response. Units operated for approximately 30 minutes. Deputy Chief Paul Sterling had command. - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt., Millville VFC

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Bicyclist Hit in Ocean View On September 24, 2023, at 1607, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company, along with the Sussex County Paramedic and the Delaware State Police Aviation, were dispatched to a reported MVA between a vehicle and a bicycle at the intersection of Central Avenue and Substation Road south of Ocean View. Units arrived to find one person in the roadway with serious injuries. The patient was stabilized at the scene and then transported to an LZ at Melson’s Funeral Chapel on Parker House Road, and was flown to Christiana Hospital for treatment. Rescue 84, Engine 84-4, Command 84-8, Traffic Control 84-13, Ambulance B-84, Ambulance C-84, Sussex County Paramedics and Delaware Trooper 2 made the response. Fire Chief Walter Johnson had command. Assistant Chief Eddie Hammond handled the LZ responsibilities. - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt., Millville VFC

2-Vehicle Head-on Injures 4 On September 17, 2023, at 1029, the Harrington and Houston Fire Companies along with Kent County EMS and Aviation units were dispatched to a vehicle accident with entrapment in the 5900 block of Milford-Harrington Highway. Units arrived to find a two-vehicle head-on collision with two subjects trapped in one vehicle and a single subject trapped in a second. A second aviation unit was requested. All subjects were extricated within 15 minutes. Four were transported, two by aviation units and two by ambulance. Units on scene were Officer 50-18, 50 Command, 52 Command, Ambulances A-50, C-50, A-52 and A-42, Rescue 50, Rescue 52, Engine 50-1, Engine 52-2, Brush 50, KM-8, KM-5, KM10, Delaware State Police Aviation Trooper 4, Maryland State Police Aviation Trooper 6, DSP Patrol Units, Harrington PD, Greenwood PD, Fire Police and Del-Dot. OIC: Deputy Fire Chief Kenny Brode. - Submitted by Kenny Brode

Busy Morning for Harrington and Houston On October 21, 2023, at approximately 1607, the Harrington Fire Company was alerted for an MVA in the 8000 block of Vernon Road. Harrington units were just clearing from a previous accident scene in which they were assisting the Houston Fire Company with an MVA with entrapment. Harrington and Houston units cleared the first accident and responded to the Vernon Road accident. Upon arrival units found a single vehicle had run off the road and struck a propane tank and a house. Crews secured the propane tank and checked the residence for any hazards. One subject in the vehicle was transported with minor injuries and the other occupant was uninjured. Units on scene were Rescue 50, Tanker 50, Engine 50-4, Rescue 52, Ambulance C-50, DSP, Harrington PD and Fire Police. OIC was Fire Chief Robbie Brode. - Submitted by Kenny Brode

No Transport After Overturn MVA On October 25, 2023, at 1405, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company, along with Sussex County Paramedics and the Delaware State Police Aviation Division, were dispatched to Atlantic Avenue in the area of Charlie K's BBQ in Ocean View for an MVA with reported overturned. Units arrived to find a two-vehicle accident with one vehicle on its side. Several patients were evaluated but none required transportation to a medical facility. All ALS resources dispatched were cancelled. Rescue 84, Engine 84-2, Traffic Control 84-13, Command 84-8, Ambulance A-84, Ambulance D-84 made the response. - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt., Millville VFC

Wilmington Road MVA

On August 4, 2023, the Good Will Fire Company responded to a auto accident at Wilmington Road. and Edgewood Drive. Two people were transported to Hospital. - Submitted by Regina Olliver

Fenwick Island MVA into Store

A car crashed into a clothing store on northbound Coastal Highway in Fenwick Island, resulting in multiple injuries. The crash occurred just before 1100 on October 6, 2023. The Bethany Beach Fire Company along with other first responders were on the scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos

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Mass Casualty Incident Near Maryland On October 27, 2023, at approximately 0345, the Laurel Fire Department, Sharptown Fire Department and Sussex County EMS were alerted for an MVA on Sharptown Road in the area of Columbia Road, approximately seven miles west of Laurel. Initial reports were that a tractor trailer and a minivan were involved, and Emergency Operations alerted Sussex County Technical Rescue. Tower 81 responded with Firefighter Jamie Nelson as officer. Rescue Engine 14 responded from Sharptown with Chief Billy White. Since the incident was approximately two miles from Sharptown, Rescue Engine 14 was first on scene and Chief White assumed Command. It was confirmed that a tractor trailer with live chickens collided with a minivan containing six occupants. Extrication was needed to access the victims through door removal. Triage by Sussex County EMS confirmed all injuries were minor and patients were transported to Tidal Health in Seaford. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Occupant Trapped Hockessin Fire Company A Platoon operating at a vehicle fire with one occupant trapped. - Submitted by Patrick Langshaw

Traumatic Injuries in New Castle At approximately 1530 on October 10, 2023, Good Will Fire Company units, along with Wilmington Manor Fire Company Ambulance A-32, New Castle County Paramedics Medic 1, Medic 2, ALS 23, ALS 31, ALS 12, and Delaware State Police Aviation Section Trooper 4, responded to a reported multiple traumatic injury incident in the 400 Block of West 7th Street in New Castle. New Castle City Police Department arrived and secured the scene, allowing units to respond in. Upon arrival, crews from Good Will began triaging and treating patients. One patient was transported to a local trauma center by air with a second going by ground ambulance. Once care was completed and transport was initiated, the scene was turned over to NCPD who is conducting the investigation. Responding units from Good Will included Ambulance B-18, Engine 18, TSU 18, Chief and Deputy Chief 18. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr., Fire Chief

Route 9 2-Car MVA Good Will Fire Company responded to Route 9 and Landers Lane for a two-vehicle accident. Two people were transported to hospital. - Submitted by Regina Olliver

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Trench Rescue Refresher

On September 30 and October 1, 2023, the New Castle County Technical Rescue Paramedics joined the New Castle County Special Operations Team and other responders from across the state, for a

full weekend of trench rescue refresher training. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

DE Resuscitation Academy

Now in its eighth year, the New Castle County Paramedics held the Delaware Resuscitation Academy on October 16, 2023, at the Executive Banquet and Conference Center, in Newark. The intense one-day course takes participants through the science behind high performance CPR as well as practical skills, greatly improving patient’s survival from out of hospital cardiac arrest. This fall’s course hosted 42 participants from all three Delaware Counties and four states. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

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Millsboro Hosts Driver Ops Class Millsboro hosted a DSFS driver operator’s class. Thirty students completed the course thanks to instructors Chuck Snyder and Wally Evans. - Submitted by Larry Gum

ALERRT Program Prep New Castle County Paramedics attended an ALERRT related “Active Assailant Incident Management” (ASIM) program in October at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover. The program focused on advanced ALERRT and management principles designed to prepare first responders for the challenges faced by active assailant incidents. This puts Delaware one step closer to the goal of having all first responders trained to ALERRT I standards, practices, and procedures. - Submitted by Oliver Kocher, New Castle County EMS

NCCo at CODE EMS Conference

The New Castle County Paramedics had the opportunity to attend the Eastern Pennsylvania Regional EMS Council’s Annual CODE EMS Conference, in Mount Pocono, this fall. Not only was an exhibit set up for a multitude of EMS providers, firefighters and healthcare workers to peruse, but New Castle County Paramedics were part of the educational line-up, presenting programs on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) and the “Zero to Hero” academy program. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

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Busy 4 Days for Good Will’s Marine 18 On October 27, 2023, Marine 18 was alerted to assist Holloway Terrace Fire Company on an injured person on a barge under the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Marine 18 responded and made patient contact. Upon assessment, the crew found a male who had a leg injury as a result of a piece of steel being dropped on it. The male was packaged and transported back to the Third Street Boat Ramp with the assistance of Fireboat 15’s crew. The patient was transferred to Holloway Terrace B20 and New Castle County Paramedics. On October 28, 2023, Marine 18 responded to assist Volunteer Hose Company on an overturned vessel in the C&D Canal. Delaware City Fire Company Fireboat 15 and Volunteer Fire Company 1 of Chesapeake City Boat 2 also responded as well as ground units. Upon arrival, the crews found one vessel overturned with the passengers safely on an a good Samaritan vessel. The crew from Marine 18 and Fireboat 15 stood by until SeaTow had the vessel secured and in tow. On October 30, 2023, as on duty career and volunteer members were completing daily checks, members started picking up chatter on the marine band radio of an overturned vessel in the Reedy Island Range of

the Delaware River (adjacent to the Port Penn area). The U.S. Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay Command Center was contacted to confirm information while members were dressing in dry suits. MRU18 proceeded to the Third Street Ramp where Marine 18 was launched. In addition, Delaware City Fire Company Fireboat 15 and Port Penn Volunteer Fire Company Marine 29 responded. Units navigated south under dense fog conditions, relying on radar and navigation equipment. While responding, Good Samaritan vessels in the area were able to get close to the overturned vessel and retrieve an unconscious subject from the vessel. Fireboat 15 was able to intercept the Good Samaritan vessel and transfer the patient to begin providing care. Marine 18 redirected to the Branch Canal to assist Fireboat 15 and members from Ambulance C15 and New Castle County Paramedics with moving the patient from the Fireboat to the Ambulance. One patient was transported to a local hospital. It was determined that this incident was the result of the vessel being struck by another vessel. This incident is under investigation by the Division of Fish and Wildlife and the US Coast Guard. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr., Fire Chief

More Wires Down for Millville On October 11, 2023, at 1450, as units were clearing the fire prevention detail at Lord Baltimore Elementary School, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for a report of wires down in the 30000 block of Sandy Landing Road west of Clarksville. Units arrived to find wires down, energized on the ground, with several spot fires. Delaware Electric Cooperative was on the scene and secured the power to the area. Units operated for approximately 30 minutes prior to returning to quarters. - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt., Millville VFC

Tree Down, Wires Down, CO Alarm Make for a Busy Morning On September 23, 2023 at 0737, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company was alerted to an electrical hazard - a tree reported into electric wires on Holts Landing Road in the area of Frog Farm Lane north of Clarksville. Units arrived to find a large tree had come down, falling into the electric lines running along Holts Landing Road causing a power outage in the area. Engine 84-2, Brush 84-0, Command 84-8, and Traffic Control 84-13 along with additional Millville Fire Police made the response. Fire Chief Walter Johnson had command and requested a response from Delaware Electric Cooperative and the Delaware Department of Transportation. While operating at the original call and additional call was received at 0816 hours for a CO detector activation on Flycatcher Way in the Bay Forest Development. The alarm was due to the loss of power in the area and cleared quickly. Millville Volunteer Fire Company would like to recognize the efforts of Delaware Electric Cooperative along with all the other power company line crews in the Delmarva area for their efforts under very difficult conditions. You have our admiration and respect for the job you do! - Submitted by Douglas W. Scott, Capt., Millville VFC

South Bowers, Kent Co. Water Rescue on Call South Bowers Fire Volunteer Department and the Kent County Water Rescue Team were on duty for the duration of a storm on September 23, 2023. - Submitted by Amanda Hudson

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Sussex County EMS Earns Simulation Accreditation

Sussex County Emergency Medical Services has another badge of excellence to add to its belt, recently earning accreditation for its educational training program from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). SCEMS is the first EMS agency in the world to achieve the designation, typically reserved for hospitals and medical schools, according to the Society. The certification — the latest for the agency, after winning re-accreditation in late 2023 from another peer-reviewing organization — means Sussex County EMS’s high-fidelity simulation training program, developed and put into place in 2008, meets or exceeds various standards established by the third-party SSH that reviews such programs worldwide. The county’s educational program, which includes the use of dynamic mannequins and mock ambulances, among other tools, is used to train paramedics, as well as basic life support (BLS) providers, in administering the highest level of pre-hospital care to patients in southern Delaware. “Internally, we have known for a long time how lucky we are to have the simulation team performing at the level they do. They make us a better agency,” said Sussex County EMS Director Robert Murray. “Well, today, their hard work has been formally recognized by an independent group, putting us in rare company with the likes of Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, and the Mayo Clinic, as well as some of our respected

local healthcare facilities.” In Delaware, SCEMS joins ChristianaCare, Nemours Children’s Hospital, and Beebe Healthcare in having achieved SSH accreditation. It also adds to the agency’s impressive list of accolades of late, including re-accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS), and a gold-medal win earlier this spring at the annual Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) Games. Sussex County Medical Director Paul Cowan said the accreditation demonstrates the commitment of County leadership and SCEMS to provide excellent patient care. SCEMS Director Murray seconded that, acknowledging that it is only through the longstanding support of County Council and other county leaders that Sussex paramedics have been trained and equipped to deliver the best care possible. County Council President Michael H. Vincent congratulated SCEMS on earning the simulation accreditation. “Once again, our EMS team has shown that it is hands-down the standard for which all others strive,” Mr. Vincent said. “With the best training, state-of-the-art equipment, and a drive that is unrivaled, our medics are able to deliver some of the best medical care you’ll find anywhere. For that, we are immensely proud of, and even more thankful for their achievements.” - Submitted by Glen Marshall

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Sussex County EMS Awards The following individuals were recognized during the fall continuing educations sessions. SCEMS congratulates all that were recognized. Micaela Hawkins - Length of Service - 5 yrs. Brandon Donaway Departmental Commendation - Supervisor of year Jay Shine - Departmental Commendation Admin Excellence of year Matthew Troutman Departmental Commendation - SSH Accreditation Austen Kauffman - Departmental Achievement - SSH Accreditation Robert Mauch - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation John Wright - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation Jordan Dattoli - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation Kristin Endres - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Ian McClure - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Joseph Hetu - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Maria Hernandez - Promotion to PI, Phoenix Leah O'Boyle - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Andrew Vickers Departmental Commendation - FTO of year Parker Shandrowsky - Length of Service - 10 yrs. & Meritorious Service - Joshua Freedman Award Wayne Jester - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Leah O'Boyle - Phoenix (These are from the last ceremony. With the addition of these awards, she has received 20 phoenix awards) Cassandra Petralia Departmental Achievement - SSH Accreditation Joseph Keller - Promotion to PI, Education Catherine Chorman - Promotion to PI Lorne Bailey Hale - Promotion to PI Paula Moore - Phoenix Russell Hooper - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation James Rose - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation Teresa Perry - Departmental Achievement SSH Accreditation

Michael Masche - Departmental Achievement - SSH Accreditation Amanda McCloskey Departmental Achievement - SSH Accreditation Thomas Jefferson, III - Promotion to PI, Education Matthew Farlow - Meritorious Service - Joshua Freedman Morgan Willey - Length of Service - five years Chris Hilliard - County Shining Star Award - Submitted by Glenn Marshall

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Sussex County Cuts Ribbon on Expanded, Re-christened Emergency Operations Complex

Sussex County’s complement of emergency managers, 9-1-1 dispatchers, and paramedics have long been united in their missions to serve and protect the public. Now they are literally working side by side, thanks to the completion of the multi-million-dollar project to house the County’s emergency assets. County officials and other guests joined together October 10, 2023, to cut the ribbon on a $12 million expansion to the Sussex County Emergency Operations Complex near Georgetown. The facility, located at Delaware Coastal Airport, since 2008, has housed the County’s 911 dispatch center and emergency management divisions. With a nearly 20,000square-foot addition to the newly minted Emergency Operations Complex (formerly Center), the County’s Emergency Medical Services department joins their counterparts to create the first unified public safety complex. “Bringing the administration of our public safety resources together, under one roof, has been a top priority for the county for years. This will give our staff the modern technology, training space and other amenities they need, working together, that will make for a stronger, more collaborative system to best serve our constituents,” Sussex County Administrator Todd F. Lawson said.

The expansion, which began in the fall of 2021, nearly doubles the size of the operations complex, and will serve as the headquarters and training facility for the County’s 125member paramedic department that staffs a dozen stations across the county. In addition to office space for about two dozen administrative staff members and a logistics warehouse, the addition has a focus on paramedic education and training, as well, featuring a state-ofthe-art 50-person classroom, and five medical simulation rooms, including a mock ambulance laboratory. The new wing replaces outdated space in the County’s Administrative Offices West Complex just off US 113 in Georgetown. Staff relocated to their new quarters in late August, and have since settled into the new space. “The heart of the new facility is centered around training and education,” Sussex County EMS Director Robert Murray said. “It was our desire to ensure that we had a state-of-the-art training facility that would accommodate the County paramedics and our public safety partners for decades to come.” Funding for the project came through the County’s portion of realty transfer tax revenue, which, under Delaware law, can be utilized for a variety of local government expenditures,

including public safety. The project was managed by Sussex County’s Engineering Department; design and engineering services were provided by George, Miles, & Buhr, and RMF Engineering, with Bancroft Construction serving as general contractor. County Council President Michael H. Vincent said the expansion was a necessary ‘next step’ in the community’s growth, and to ensure Sussex County’s public safety system keeps pace with the increased demand for fire protection, law enforcement, and emergency medical services. “Public safety is without question the County’s most important job. We’re talking about saving lives, and you can’t really put a price on that,” Council President Vincent said. “The training, the tools, and most importantly the talent that Sussex County employs to ensure the best public safety system you’ll find anywhere is reflected in a project like this.” “The County Council is proud of all our first-responder heroes, and we are proud to be able to deliver on that promise to serve the people of this great community,” Mr. Vincent said. - Submitted by Glenn Marshall

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Next Up, Paramedic Ride-Alongs On September 14, 2023, current seniors from the St. Georges Technical High School (SGVT), who have chosen EMS as their pathway, were oriented for the next portion of their education, “Paramedic Ride Alongs.” Students who are following the EMS pathway and are interested in continuing on as paramedics following graduation, are afforded the opportunity to be paired up with a mentor from the New Castle County Paramedics. They will ride with the paramedic and, through a series of ride-alongs during the senior year, will be further introduced to the field of pre-hospital medicine and gain hands-on experiences. Current Paramedic Michah Joseph-Young and Paramedic Recruit Samantha Carbonara are also graduates of the SGVT EMS pathway and were on hand to share their experiences with the program. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Four Obtain Paramedic Cert in NCCo

The New Castle County Paramedics would like to congratulate the following on obtaining their Paramedic Certification: Paramedic Courtney R. Cella, a member of the 4th Paramedic Academy, received her badge on October 19, 2023. P/Medic Cella is from Deptford, New Jersey, where she previously worked as a full-time 911 dispatcher in Gloucester County and part time Firefighter/EMT for Westville Fire Department. She has been assigned to EMS Platoon 2. Paramedic Kari A. Elzey, a member of the 4th Paramedic Academy, received her badge on September 19, 2023. P/Medic Elzey is from the Newark area, where she previously worked at a local high school as an athletic trainer. She has been assigned to EMS Platoon 3. Paramedic Kirk S. Witting, Jr., a member of the 4th Paramedic Academy, received his badge on August 30, 2023. P/Medic Witting is from the Wilmington area, where he resides with his wife. Prior to the 4th Academy, he worked in healthcare with a specialty in rehab and was employed as a specialist for individuals with special needs. He has been assigned to EMS Platoon 4. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

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NCCo Heroes Night

On October 3, 2023, the New Castle County EMS Community Outreach Team was on location at Chick-fil-a in Christiana for “Heroes Night.” Families were able to stop by and check out one of our ambulances on display and find out a little bit more about what we do. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

New Castle Co. Paramedic Promotions

The New Castle County Paramedics are pleased to announce the following promotions: William J. Doan has been promoted to the rank of Corporal. Cpl. Doan is a nine-year veteran of the division who is currently assigned as the New Castle County EMS Paramedic Academy Coordinator. He is a field training officer, CPR instructor, and decorated with numerous awards amassed from his tenure. Mark A. Plumley has been promoted to the rank of Corporal. Cpl. Plumley is a seven-year veteran of the division who currently works in

Field Operations and is stationed at Medic 7. He also serves as a field training officer, a CPR instructor and is a member of the Tech Rescue Team, holding additional certifications in confined space, high angle rescue, trench rescue and water rescue. Craig J Lindell has been promoted to the rank of Senior Corporal. S/Cpl. Lindell is a 12year veteran of the Division who currently works in Field Operations and is stationed at Medic 7. He also serves as a field training officer, a CPR instructor, an ACLS instructor and

is a member of the Tech Rescue Team, holding additional certifications in confined space, high angle rescue, trench rescue and water rescue. Brian C. Bradford has been promoted to the rank of Senior Corporal. S/Cpl. Bradford is an 11-year veteran of the Division who currently works in Field Operations and is stationed at Medic 6. He also serves as a field training officer and a CPR instructor. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

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A Spooktacular Event in NCCo

The New Castle County Paramedics provided a spooktacular display for the Annual New Castle County Police ‘Trunk or Treat’ event. The annual event takes place at the Route 9 Library and Innovation Center. It allows children from the area an opportunity to interact with public safety agencies and nab some great candy in the process. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Responder Thanking Responders

Reunions between responders and patients are few and far between, but they serve as a vital reminder for the rescuers why their jobs are so important. On September 28, 2023, the paramedics from New Castle County EMS Platoon 4 were gifted just such a visit. Corporal James Haddix of the Aberdeen Police Department was on his way to his shift the morning of May 28, 2023, when he was involved in a serious crash on Christina Parkway in Newark. Trapped in his service vehicle for over 40 minutes and critically injured, Paramedics began life saving care, to include the administration of whole blood in the field, which had only been approved by New

Castle County Paramedics a few days prior. Though his road to full recovery will be lengthy, he was given that chance. He was able to see his son graduate from the New Castle County Public Safety summer camp in July, hug his wife, and thank the responders who aided him in his time of need, something that he himself has done for countless individuals as an police officer. To say this reunion was special is a great understatement. Thank you will never be enough, and we are grateful of his powerful reminder to our Paramedics that our job has impacts larger than we sometimes realize. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

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DELAWARE STATE FIRE SCHOOL Delaware Recognizes How the Dalmatian DSFC Announces Campus Fire Safety Became the Mascot Leadership Week of the Fire Service? for 2023-2024

At the annual luncheon of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association, held at its Conference on September 15, 2023, Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long presented a proclamation to the officers of the association proclaiming September Campus Fire Safety Month throughout the State of Delaware. The Delaware State Fire School as well as other agencies work with the University of Delaware, Delaware State College and Goldey-Beacom College to provide fire safety training for resident assistants at those institutions. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

According to the National Kennel Club, Dalmatians were bred as stable guards. They also ran with the carriages when they were transporting people or goods and provided companionship to the horses in times of inactivity. The Fire Department of New York City (FDNY) can take some credit in making the breed famous as fire dogs. Due to their expertise as carriage dogs, it was logical that Dalmatians would serve well running with fire carriages. FDNY began utilizing Dalmatians as early as the 1870s. The most famous Dalmatian, Sparky, was created in 1951 by the National Fire Protection Association as its official mascot. Today, Sparky is a valuable part of efforts to promote Fire Safety to young and old. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Operation GEM Cadets Train

On August 27, 2023, the cadets of Operation GEM learned how to do effective CPR, use an AED and help someone that is choking. They also welcomed two new members. Special thank you to Max Twigg for another fantastic training tonight, the Dagsboro Ladies Auxiliary for a delicious dinner and the Reed family for donating CPR face shields for every cadet. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

The mission and purpose of the Delaware State Fire Commission (DSFC) is to oversee the operations of the State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Delaware State Fire School as well as protecting life and property from fire within our state. The DSFC also oversees the training and certification of all EMTs and firefighters by providing Professional Standards for fire and EMS. At the October meeting of the Fire Commission, Ron Marvel was re-elected as Chairman for the term of 2023-2024. William (Bill) Kelly was also re-elected as Vice Chairman. The Fire Commission is committed to the safety of our state, while providing educational training through the delivery of public education, code enforcement, fire suppression and life saving measures. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

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Apple Scrapple Festival a Big Success On October 14, 2023, in spite of cool and rainy weather, the annual Apple Scrapple took place in Bridgeville. The Fire and Life Safety area was busy throughout the event. In accordance with the 2023 Fire Prevention Week theme, the kitchen fire safety simulator was used for demonstrations. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Fall Structural Class Runs at DSFS The fall Structural Firefighting Skills Class at the Delaware State Fire School took place on October 21, 22, 28 and 29. Eighty students were in attendance. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Lowe’s Hometown Heroes Day On September 20, 2023, Lowe’s of Millsboro held its Hometown Heroes Day. Despite poor weather the event was very successful. Representatives in attendance included Beebe Medical Center, Millsboro Fire Company, Bethany Beach Fire Company. and the Delaware State Fire School. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Newest Addition to DSFS Staff The Delaware State Fire School would like to introduce its latest addition to the staff, Senior Instructor Michael Frazer. Mike comes to DSFS from the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, where he recently retired as the Deputy Fire Chief of Operations. Mike brings many years of firefighting and hazardous materials experience between his service at the airport and with the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company in Anne Arundel, Maryland. Senior Instructor Frazer will be responsible for Hazardous Materials Training, Foam Classes, as well as assisting in Liquids and Gasses programs. Mike is assigned to the Kent Division and will be visiting various upcoming meetings statewide. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

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Industrial Program at DSFS Continues to Grow Training for Industrial Students at the Delaware State Fire School has continued to grow in 2023. On October 23, 2023, Lyondell-Basell came to the school for a Brigade Refresher Class. Pictured: Students maneuver a handline at the flammable liquids pit. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

DSFS Participates in Ocean City’s Open House The Delaware State Fire School was happy to be invited to have a presence at Ocean City, Maryland’s Open House, which took place of October 15, 2023. Information was explained to guests regarding the Fire Prevention Week Theme of Fire Prevention Week (FPW) campaign, “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.’ - Submitted by Michael Lowe

FFA Students Present Topics at Progressive Ag Safety Day On September 29, 2023, the Delaware State Fire School coordinated a Progressive Ag Safety Day for the first-grade students at Laurel Elementary School. Progressive Ag Safety is a program that focused on safety issues that pertain to children living in a rural environment. There were 188 students involved in the program learning about lawn, animal, fire, food, tractor, electrical, ATV, first aid and chemical safety. Students of the Laurel Future Farmers of America (FFA) chose topics to present. They did research and made props to support their presentations. Pictured: FFA students explain principles of fire safety to first graders. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

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9th New Castle County Fire Academy Graduation

On May 25, 2023, 18 probationary firefighters, representing 12 area fire companies, completed their preliminary training and graduated as the ninth class of the New Castle County Fire Academy, at ceremonies held at the Delaware State Fire School’s New Castle facility. The evening ceremony took advantage of beautiful late spring weather, with the graduation being held outdoors. The new firefighters, and the companies they represent include: Jacob Abbott, Christiana Fire Company (FC); Christian Acker, Talleyville FC; Tyler Brock, Elsmere FC; Juan Chavez-Garcia, Elsmere

FC; Evan Demaio, Talleyville FC; Bruno Esmeraldo, Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder, Company; Julie Griesback, Mill Creek FC; James Haddix, Five Points FC; Bayard Hollett, Elsmere FC; Richard Mitten, Christiana FC; Tyler Pellegrino, Aston Township Fire Department, PA; Anthony Ramos, Townend FC; Christopher Remedio, Talleyville FC; John Roderick, Holloway Terrace FC; Justin Sauble, Cheswold FC; Eric Stewart, Wilmington Manor FC; Zakey Trusty, Townsend; and Juan Vazquez, Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown. - Fire News photos by Tom Mitten

Good Will Promotion Ceremony

On October 15, 2023, the Good Will Fire Company held a promotion ceremony and a press conference. Tom Shoemaker became Captain, and Frank Schoeffler received his Life Membership. Chief David Majewski, Jr., reported on the new air packs that were made possible through FEMA grants and the City of New Castle. - Submitted by Regina Olliver

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Hocker Named 1st Veep of SCVFA

On the evening of October 24, 2023, Gregory Hocker was elevated to the position of 1st Vice-President of the Sussex County Volunteer Firefighter’s Association (SCVFA). Greg has previously served in the capacity of the 2nd Vice-President. President Hocker will become the organization’s president next year. Fire Chief Walter Johnson and Deputy Chief Paul Sterling led the Millville Volunteer Fire Company (MVFC) members delegation to this event. In addition, MVFC Administrative Assistant Velicia Melson was inducted as the Treasurer for the Volunteer Firefighter’s Association. Velicia is also member of Frankford Volunteer Fire Company.

Greg’s wife, Mary Ellen, had the honor of pinning his new badge to his uniform. Greg’s father, State Senator Gerald Hocker was in attendance supporting his son with this momentous occasion. This event was held at the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company. From a historical perspective the Millville Volunteer Fire Company has a proud tradition of leadership in the Sussex County Firefighter’s Association. Past Presidents from the Millville VFC include Clifford Temple 1943-1944, William Quillen 1964-1965, Linwood Marvel 1969-1970, Norman Amendt 1990-1991 and Donald Harkins 20012002. - Fire News article and photographs by Tony Petralia and Douglas Scott

Laurel Provides Fire Safety Programs In the month of October, the Laurel Fire Department stayed busy providing Fire Safety Programs to the local school systems. According to Fire Prevention Chairman Mark Oliphant approximately 1400 children experienced a tour at the fire station or a visit to their school from the local fire department. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Taylor New Prez of SCVFA Auxilliary

Millsboro Auxiliary wishes Sharon Taylor well as President of the Ladies Auxillary of the Sussex County Volunteer Firefighters Association. - Submitted by Larry Gum

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Clayton’s Richard Chase Gets 50 Year Award On October 10, 2023, during the October President of the Clayton Fire Company LLC, a meeting of the Clayton Fire Company, regular holding company and was the Chairman of the member Richard Chase was awarded his 50company’s 100th Anniversary Committee in year membership in the Clayton Fire Company. 1991. Richard A. Chase, Sr., or ‘Dickie’ as he is He said his most memorable event in the known, joined the Clayton Fire Company on fire service was when he won the Clayton Fire February 13, 1973. Since that time, he has held Company Fireman of the Year Award. He also numerous positions and served on several comloves to attend the DVFA Fireman’s mittees. He has held the following administraConference Parade each year. Dickie has severtive offices; President, Vice President, Director al members of his family who are also memof Finance, Director of Building and Grounds, bers of the company. His son Richard A. Chase, Director of Supply, Director of Recreation and Jr., is a Life Member and was a Junior Entertainment, and he has been a Trustee. He Firefighter of the Year Award winner and Left to right: President Cheryl Hurlock, Vice served on several committees. held administrative offices for 33 years. He has served the following fire line offices, President Rodney Whalen, Dickie Chase, and - Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson Lieutenant and Captain. He also served as a Fire Chief Austin Moorehead.

Mill Creek’s Campbell Honored for 20 Years Service On October 16, 2023, Mill Creek Fire Company was proud to honor and celebrate a milestone of William Campbell III: 20 years of dedicated service. In two decades, his commitment, expertise, and passion have been instrumental in the company’s success. On behalf of the officers and members of Mill Creek, we thank you for your dedication to helping our community. - Submitted by Amy Mossinger

Clayton’s Boyle Completes Training for Interior FF During the October Clayton Fire Company meeting Fire Chief Austin Moorehead presented Firefighter Evan Boyle his black helmet shield. Firefighter Boyle has completed all of his training that allows him to be a certified interior firefighter. “With all of the requirements to become a interior firefighter, Firefighter Boyle should be very proud of this accomplishment,” said Chief Moorehead. Firefighter Boyle will now be able to ride the jumpseat, mask up, and perform interior firefighting functions. - Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson

Millsboro Ambulance Gets Air Time WBOC-TV interviewed EMS Supervisor Jay Meyers regarding the growth and service of Millsboro’s ambulance service. - Submitted by Larry Gum

Fire News, December 2023, Page 45

Apparatus Corner Well, some good news for New Castle County, Delaware. GWFC, Station 18, New Castle Engine 18-4 has returned to Delaware. I was looking at some FB posts and saw one about a 1964 Mack belonging to Goodwill FC (GWFC) that was purchased by a young gentleman from Volunteer Hose of Middletown, by the name of Kyle Kokoszka, a 16-year member of the VHFC. Engine 18-4 was in service with the GWFC from 1964-1996 and was a work horse. In speaking with past Chief Dave Majewski, Sr., this engine was on the scene of the Amoco Refinery blaze on October 20, 1980 and did a great job. This fire required most all of New Castle County stations plus several from Maryland. Earlier in 1980 it was the workhorse for the Episcopal Church fire in Old New Castle. I contacted Kyle and got a lot of information on the then 18-4 and was able to add some of the history that I knew. In 1996 the Mack was sold to the Summerville (AL) FD and

- Submitted by Bob Romig

remained with them until 2005. From 20052007 James Vogel from Florida owned 18-4 for his pleasure and as a hobby. In 2007 Mr. Jim Briggs, past President of the Florida Antique Bucket Brigade purchased this rig for his collection and took it to many shows. When I first saw this rig at a muster we had, I saw the mural of the Delaware Memorial Bridge on the cab doors and all the brass fittings. I told him I thought the rig was from New Castle, and he gave me some of the history on how he obtained it. Jim owned and proudly displayed this rig at many shows in Florida. Jim was reducing his collection and sold it to Mr. Ted Stiger, a contractor in Florida in 2017. Mr. Stiger put this rig on the market in early 2023 and that is when Kyle was able to purchase the old girl. Past Chief Majewski, Sr., related a little of the history on 18-4 to include a body refurbishment with higher compartments and safety features in 83-84. He also stated that it was involved in three major collisions. This shows

you that those Macks were tough back then. Past Chief Grover Ingle, Sr. ,was the person who purchased this rig. His son Grover Ingle went on to serve as Chief of GWFC also. David, Sr. related a story to me that he had taken his son David to the Lancaster County Fire Expo at Dutch Wonderland (some of you older guys would remember that show) when David was about eight or nine years old. Kyle is very delighted to have this rig and will hopefully be taking it to some shows and parades in the Tri-State area. He was able to take it the DAFAA show in Sudlersville, Maryland, in October and I am sure that it will be around to many other shows. Kyle, thanks for saving a piece of Delaware’s fire service history.

REDLINE GEAR CLEANING ANNOUNCES NEW LOCATION SERVICING NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE AND EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA RedLine Gear Cleaning, a pioneering force in the realm of turnout gear cleaning and inspection, is thrilled to announce its latest expansion. The company has opened a new franchise location servicing New Jersey, Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania, marking a significant step forward in its mission to enhance firefighter safety and offer the most innovative solutions in the industry to every fire department in the country. RedLine is renowned for its specialization in on-site turnout gear cleaning. The company’s unique approach revolves around its patented Mobile Extraction Unit (MEU), a self-contained truck equipped with cutting-edge technology and gear cleaning equipment. This game-changing method allows RedLine to clean and inspect 40plus sets of turnout gear directly at fire departments, eliminating the need to send gear away. The expansion into New Jersey, Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania is more than just a business endeavor; it’s a commitment to the core mission of RedLine. By bringing their services directly to fire

departments in these areas, RedLine is helping departments prioritize the health and safety of their firefighters. As a firefighter owned and operated business RedLine is proud to have Michael Miller, a New Jersey firefighter for more than 30 years, as the newest franchise owner. The company’s unwavering commitment to firefighter safety and well-being is evident in this expansion. Properly cleaned and inspected turnout gear is not just a luxury but a necessity in today’s world. With the opening of this new franchise location, RedLine Gear Cleaning reinforces its dedication to reducing the risk of cancer associated with the exposure to dangerous materials. The new franchise location is already servicing departments in New Jersey, Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania and is currently scheduling cleaning services for its official launch in early 2024. Visit to learn more about RedLine’s innovative solutions and to schedule your cleaning!

NVFC OFFERS ONLINE AND IN-PERSON TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FIRE SERVICE The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) offers many training opportunities to support the fire and emergency services. Topics focus on health and safety, recruitment and retention, grant writing, public education, leadership, and much more. The NVFC Virtual Classroom features dozens of on-demand courses for just $21 per course. Better yet, purchase an NVFC membership for a yearly fee of $21 and get access to all Virtual Classroom courses for free. In addition, the NVFC hosts a series of

free live webinars and roundtable talks on current issues facing the fire and emergency services. Among the in-person educational opportunities is the NVFC Training Summit, an annual conference featuring classroom sessions on topics of critical importance to the fire and emergency services. NVFC members are eligible for a travel stipend to help offset the costs of attending. Other in-person trainings include the Partners in Training (PIT) Crew project, which provides free haz-

mat courses at locations across the country. Learn more about the NVFC’s training opportunities at Join the NVFC to take advantage of free training and other benefits at

Page 46, Fire News, December 2023

Millville Fire Prevention Poster & Essay Winners

On October 25, 2023, the Millville Volunteer Fire Company awarded trophies and two bicycles to student winners of the fire prevention posters and essays at Lord Baltimore Elementary School in Ocean View. In addition to the trophies, several students received a cash prize. President Gregory Hocker, Fire Chief Walter Johnson and Deputy Chief Paul Sterling presented the trophies and bicycles. Administrative Assistant Velicia Melson was instrumental in organizing this event. The new bicycles went to the top 4th and

5th grade winners. The first place-winners will proceed to the Sussex County Fire Prevention Poster and Essay Contest. 2023 Lord Baltimore Fire Prevention Poster and Essay Winners: Kindergarten: 1st Place - Bethany Brasure, 2nd Place - Jaxson Steele, 3rd Place Violet Bennett. 1st Grade: 1st Place - Claire Andrews; 2nd Place - Layla Warner; 3rd Place - Alivia Payne. 2nd Grade: 1st Place - Kira Phanousith; 2nd Place - Sophie Hickman; 3rd - Nolan Hull.

3rd Grade: 1st Place - Asha Ziskay; 2nd Place - Rhys Berard; 3rd Place - Spencer Breeding. Special Poster: Delaney McCowan. 4th Grade: 1st Place - Samuel Bouloucon; 2nd Place - Paige Adkins; 3rd Place - Nora Tice. 5th Grade: 1st Place - Owen Nuttle; 2nd Place - Cora Deck; 3rd Place - Mia Lambert. - Fire News article and photo by Tony Petralia and Douglas Scott

National Volunteer Fire Council Update Greetings from your National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Directors Bill Betts and Jay Jones. The DVFA was truly honored at this year’s conference to have the NVFC Chairman Steve Hirsch and Deputy Director Dr. Candice McDonald in attendance. Chairman Hirsh brought greetings and Dr. McDonald gave an excellent presentation on Recruitment and Retention during Wednesday’s sessions. We were pleased that over 30 new members signed up during our conference, and there is always time for new members by visiting Dues are $21 per year, and it includes a $10,000 AD and D policy from Provident. In addition, there are many free training webinars from Recruitment and Retention, PTSD, Cancer Presumption, to Lithium-Ion Batteries and Hazardous Materials. On September 20, 2023, Jay and I traveled to Cooperstown (NY) for

the annual Fall Meeting of the NVFC which was hosted by the Fireman’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY). FASNY really pulled out all of the stops on welcoming us to a very productive two days of meetings and presentations. The Lake Ontesaga Resort was a magnificent hotel that was built in 1909 and was located right on the Lake. This spring, the NVFC is having their Spring Meeting in Alexandria, VA, and it will not lead into the CFSI Event since it is moving to February. The current main project of the NVFC is to simplify the applications for the AFG by lobbying FEMA to make the process more user-friendly. If anyone has any questions on training or membership, please contact Jay or me. -Submitted by Bill Betts

Fire News, December 2023, Page 47

Fire Prevention Millville Style

On Wednesday October 11, 2023,members of the Millville Volunteer Fire Company traveled to Lord Baltimore Elementary School in Ocean View to deliver their annual Fire Prevention Program. The students were presented various fire prevention and safety topics to include Escape Plans, Fire Extinguishers, Stop-Drop-and-Roll, Friendly Firefighter, Campfire Safety, 911, know your address and many others. Sparky was in attendance and made visits throughout the school to the delight of the students. Students got to experience what it is like to use

a fire hose. A Fire Engine, Rescue Truck and Ambulance were on display and tours were given explaining what our apparatus and equipment are used for. The MVFC would like to thank the administration and staff of the Lord Baltimore Elementary School for this opportunity and your cooperation in allowing us to provide fire prevention and safety messages to the students. Over 28 volunteers and paid staff were in attendance to put on this years program. - Submitted by Doug Scott

New Engine Placed in Service at Milton Fire

Milton Fire announced that on September 16, 2023, their new 2023 Pierce Saber engine was placed in service. This unit seats six firefighters, has 1,000 gallons of water, multiple handlines and various other firefighting tools. Crews responded to multiple emergencies throughout the day including assisting Georgetown on a camper fire just after midnight. Engine 85-3 arrived as the first engine and operated two handlines. Crews operated for approximately one hour before clearing. - Submitted by Bailey J Millman, 2nd AC/Training Officer

Fire News, December 2023, Page 49

Millsboro’s O’Neal New President of DVFA

Congratulations to new DVFA President Ron O’Neal, President of the Millsboro Fire Company. - Submitted by Larry Gum

Millsboro Keeps Busy with Fire Prevention

Bringing fire prevention has kept Millsboro busy with schools and many day cares. Some of there Howard T. Ennis, Millsboro Elementary-schools, and daycares. - Submitted by Larry Gum

Page 50, Fire News, December 2023

Millsboro Remembers Their Fallen

Millsboro placed firefighter memorial flags honoring those members who have served. - Submitted by Larry Gum

Fire Prevention Week in Clayton

“Fire prevention week is one of the most import weeks of the year for the fire service,” said Clayton First Assistant Chief Alex Carrow. “It’s our time to show to the public who we are and what we have. We also have the responsibility to educate the public on fire safety and what we do.” On October 9, 2023 the Clayton Fire Company held its annual open house where the company invites other companies to bring a piece of equipment and invites other safety related agencies to come and educate the public. This year it is estimated that 500 folks attended the event. During the remaining days of the week the fire company brings in several hundred kids from the various local schools to teach them about fire prevention and safety. Thanks to the Smyrna School District for bringing the kids to the station and to everyone who attended or work this important event. - Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson

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