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LADVFAHall of Recognition
The DVFAConference was held on September 15, 2002, at the Chase Center on the River Front in Wilmington. Following are the LADVFAHall of Recognition Presentations.
“President Ingle, President Carrier, Officers, Past Presidents, Delegates/Alternates, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.”
“On behalf of the Hall of Recognition members Jackie Guzzo, Mary Frances Eisenbrey, Louise Betts, Saralee Stevens and Joyce Figgs, it is again my honor and privilege as Chairperson to announce the inductees into the Hall of Recognition for the year 2022. These ladies have volunteered many years of dedicated service to their auxiliary, fire company, county, state associations and their communities. Their accomplishments and commitment to the fire service is to be commended. So let us begin:”
“Our first inductee has been an active member of her Auxiliary for 51 years. She has held the Offices of Vice President, Recording Secretary. Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, and Board of Directors. She is active in the county and state associations. She has served as Chaplain for New Castle County and Chaplain of the DVFA.”
“She has served as Chairperson and CoChairperson of numerous Auxiliary fund raising and catering events. She has been awarded the Top Ten Award in their auxiliary for several years at their Annual Banquet/Banquet
Dinner. While always being there for her family, her Auxiliary says she is always there in a pinch to support them whenever they are shorthanded with catering jobs.
“New Castle County’s winneris Patsy Boys from the Brandywine Hundred Ladies Auxiliary.”
“Our next inductee joined her Auxiliary in 1998. She was very active until 2004, helping in many ways. In 2004 until 2008 she held the office of Vice President.
In 2008 until 2020 she held the office of President and from 2021 until now, she holds the office of Assistant Treasurer. They say she has served on many committees and helps wherever she is needed. Her Auxiliary says they are very proud to have her in their Auxiliary.
“Kent County’s winnerIi: Ellie Lindenmeierfrom Farmington Ladies Auxiliary.”
“Our next inductee has been a continually active member for the past 38 years. She has served on many committees such as by-laws, and kitchen for many years and has chaired the annual banquet. She has held the office of President, Vice-President, and Board of Governors. She supports both Auxiliary and department fundraisers. She has been Chairperson of our Benefit Committee. Her strong leadership has made the benefits in the past highly successful. She attends county meetings and conferences. Her Auxiliary says she is supportive of her Auxiliary, Fire Company, and her greatest joy her family which included her fire family.
“Sussex County’s Winner is: Ann Hill of the Laurel Ladies Auxiliary.”

“Last, but not least, our last award is to honor the 2020 and 2021 LADVFAPresident and to congratulate her on two successful years in leading all the Auxiliaries in supporting the firefighters of the Delaware Volunteer Fire Service through two difficult years. She is an active member of the Georgetown Ladies Auxiliary with over 25 years of active service. She has held the office of President and Vice President in her Auxiliary and was President of the Sussex County Association.”
“As immediate Past President of the LADVA. She is being inducted into the Hall of Recognition. Karen, we thank you for your leadership and dedicated service to the Georgetown Ladies Auxiliary, Sussex County Ladies Auxiliary, and the LADVFA. Our last inductee this year is:
“Karen Workman 2020 and 2021 President from The Georgetown Ladies Auxiliary.”
“Please join me in extending congratulations to these 4 new Hall of Recognition inductees for all their hard work, loyalty, and dedication to the Fire Service of Delaware.”
Lynn Warner, Chairperson - Hall of Recognition

On September11, 2022, members of Five Points Fire Company joined Minquas Fire Company and Elsmere Fire Company at the Delaware Military Academy to mark the anniversary of the events of 9/11/01- Patriots Day. We will neverforget the sacrifices of ourfellow responders and citizens that day.
- Submitted by Charles Hayes
Looking Back
Rehoboth Beach
Volunteer Fire Company’s new Ward La France’s in front of the station, circa 1956.

On the left. Engine 2 was a 1956 Ward La France 750 gpm pump with a 1000 gallon tank. The first white apparatus bought when Rehoboth Beach went from red to white.
Little Creek gets a new apparatus.

Five Points Fire Department held its 2023 election and installation of officers on December6, 2022.

- Submitted by Charles Hayes
Brandywine Hundreds Elections for2023
Brandywine Hundreds Fire Company held their annual election meeting on December 7, 2022. The following members were elected to serve as fire line/administrative officers for 2023.
Officers at Brandywine Hundred Fire Company for 2023: Fire Chief Gordy Edwards III, Deputy Chief Steve Hammerer, First Assistant Chief Edward DiMauro and Second Assistant Chief Matt Fanelli.
President: Jack Clendaniel, Vice-President Greg Haley, Secretary Joe Krieger and Treasurer Richard T. Perillo.
Auxiliary: President Chris Mellinger, Vice-President Alison Robertson, Recording Secretary Laura Smutz and Treasurer Stephanie Bonsall.
Board of Directors: Dom Libradore, Wayne Luzzo, John Norris and Dave Pearce.
The 2023 Fire Line officers held their first meeting on December 28, 2022, and have appointed the following members and career staff to the following positions.
Captains: James Nichols (1) and Tom Fanelli (2).
Chief Engineers: Gordon Edwards, Jr.; John Verbano; John P. Kelly (Career Staff); and John W. Kelly (Career Staff).
Fire Police: Jack Clendaniel; Ron Schmidt; Eric Braunsteinde; Scott Schmidt, Jr.; and Wayne Luzoo.
Fire Recorder: Wayne Luzzo
We wish success to all of the incoming officers while we offer our gratitude and appreciation to the officers who have previously served this great organization.
The Brandywine Hundred Fire Company - Auxiliary held their officer elections on December 13, 2022, for the 2023 calendar year. Congratulations to our newly elected officers. The auxiliary would like to thank Theresa Nichols for the last three years of holding the office of Vice-President.
- Submitted by Chuck Snyder
On the right is Engine 1, a 1954 Ward La France with a 1000gpm pump and 1000 gallon tank. This was the last red apparatus purchased. This unit is still in service as our antique and is housed at Station 1 in our museum. The property on the right in the picture, is where our East Engine Bay is currently.
RBVFC Administrative Leadership for2023
Rehoboth Beach VolunteerFire Company Operations Leadership for2023

On November 9, 2022, the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company (RBVFC) was recognized by the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Volunteer and Combination Officer’s Section for its Recruitment and Retention Membership Program. The award was presented at the VCOS Symposium in Clearwater, Florida. Receiving the award for the RBVFC was Vice-President Warren Jones. The award was sponsored by the VFIS, Volunteer Fire Insurance Services Company.
In accepting the award, Vice President Jones said, “After years of declining membership, in 2019, we decided to reorganize our mem-
RBVFC Awards Shields
RBVFC Receives National Recognition

bership program changing the mechanics of the program and the philosophy as well. We created a diverse, inclusive, fair and responsive program to increase our firefighter ranks and our associate members also. Since the reorganization we have dramatically increased the amount of our members, which is a win-win for us and the communities we serve.” He added, “The membership committee, appointed by President Danny Mitchell, has worked diligently and are responsible for the success of our program and the reason for this award. Recruiting is a never ending, we always have a need for firefighters.”
(Pictured left to right): Charles Flynn, VCOS Chairman, David Michaels, VPVFIS, Warren Jones, Vice President, RBVFC. and Joe Georgia, VFIS.
- Submitted by Warren Jones
- Submitted by Chuck Snyder