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The Season Gets Underway
Hero Day at Cooke Elementary
On September10, 2022, Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany joined the University of Delaware Emergency Care Unit, New Castle County Paramedics and University of Delaware Police in kicking off the 2022 football season with the first home game. EMS coverage of home football games involves multiple organizations with special resources that include foot patrols and all-terrain vehicles all coordinated through an integrated central command post.
- Submitted by Lawrence Tan
Hockessin Fire Company Captains George Lamborn and Kevin Hovis, along with FF/EMTPat Langshaw, participated in Hero Day at Cooke Elementary with otherfirst responders on November 10, 2022. Approximately 600 children throughout the day visited the first responders!

- Photo by Kevin Hovis; Submitted by Mark Felicetti
Laurel Recognizes Winners of Fire Prevention Competition
On November27, 2022, the Laurel Fire Department recognized the winners of this year’s Fire Prevention Posterand Essay Contest. Children in kindergarten through Grade 3 prepared a posteron an assigned Fire Prevention topic. Grades 4 though 8 compile and essay. Winners were judged by the department with first place winners moving to the County competition and then to the State level.
2023 GVFC Administrative Officers
Sitting left to right: TreasurerDavid Minton, President Justin Boyce, Vice-President Ryan Boyce, Secretary Maria Pusey. Standing left to right: DirectorDale Willey, Director Sammy Millman, Fire RecorderDavid Warner, DirectorJohn Givens.

- Submitted by Deputy Chief Mark Anderson
Pictured: 1st Row: Kenna Evans, Kubra Karaslaan, Isaiah Hayden, Mya Gschwandtner, Kelsey Graetzerand Jamin White. 2nd Row: Alondra Aguilar-Beneitez, Charli Evans, Ana Vasquez, Jude Baxter, Raegan Bryant, Dylan Tallent and Russell Ellis. 3rd Row: Rogue Garcia, Abigail Phillips, Emily James and Gabriel James.
- Submitted by Michael Lowe
2023 GVFC Fire Line Officers 2023 GVFC Fire Police Officers

Sitting left to right: 3rd Assistant Chief Bruce Bowman, Deputy Chief Mark Anderson, Fire Chief Chris Petrone, 1st Assistant Chief Justin Bickling and 2nd Assistant Chief Philip Vannicola. Standing left to right Fire Captain Doug Leatherman, Fire Captain Ryan Boyce, Fire Lieutenant Bill Rose, Fire Lieutenant Cotton Collins and Chief EngineerStacy Carter.
- Submitted by Deputy Chief Mark Anderson