Serving DELAWARE Serving Fire, Rescue
VOLUME 23, NO. 3
Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JUNE 2020
See story on page 17. - Submitted by L. Robertson, DE110
Thanks to All Delaware Fire, Rescue and EMS Heroes!
Fire News, June 2020, Page 3
In this issue... 52 Displaced by Bear Apartment Fire Station 16 was assisedt Stations 3, 6 and 12 (Christiana) for the second alarm assignment in the Village of Barrett Run Apartments. See story on page 8
Midday Fire Destroys Structure On March 20, 2020, Clayton was dispatched for a residential structure fire on Hopewell Drive. See story on page 9
Delmar 2-Alarm House Fire Delmar, Hebron and Salisbury were alerted for a house fire on Maryland Avenue. See story on page 11
Landing Road Fire for Smyrna Firefighters battled a house fire on Landing Road in Smyrna on April 12, 2020. See story on page 14
Dover Horse Rescue The Dover Fire Department was alerted for a horse stuck in the mud at a farm on Nault Road. See story on page 27
Obituaries Harrington’s William R. Outten Greenwood’s Elaine Jones Houston’s Theodore T. Yerkes Farmington’s Jack Bradley Aetna’s George B. Robinson See story on pages 35 & 36
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4 Delaware Pioneers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 31 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 41 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 45 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 45 Fire Marshal’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 46 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 46
An independently owned news and information resource for the dedicated firefighters, emergency medical technicians, auxiliary members, and public safety officials in the State of Delaware. Thanks to the support of its advertisers, this newspaper is distributed free of charge to every fire station in the First State. Published bi-monthly by Fire News, Inc., 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713. Delaware Fire Service News is a registered trademark and all material contained herein is copyrighted. All rights reserved.
Frank C. Trotta, Publisher Tim Edwards, Executive Editor Dennis Whittam, Editor Gary Joyce, Asst. Editor Marie Trotta, Vice President, Production/Sales Cliff Chiesa, Art Director Barbara Connolly, Director of Sales & Marketing Greg Jones, Lynn Sedler Graphic Artists Warren F. Jones and Thomas J. Mitten, Publishers Emeritus Sal DeVivo, Founding Publisher Contributors: Mark Anderson, Steve Austin, Wayne Barrall, Christine Bennett, Dave Bosco, Earl Brode, B. Scott Bullock, Sean Byron, Dave Carpenter, Mike Carroll, Skip Carrow, Michael G. Chionchio, Fred Cullis, Michele Ehart, Mary Eisenbrey, Mark Felicetti, Dave Ferguson, Robert Fox, Jon Gallo, Claudia Garner, Glenn Gillespie, Larry Gum, Chuck Hayes, Dave Horack, Doug Hudson, Jerry Hull, Sean Humphreys, Chad Ingram, Bill Ireland, Jr., Terry Jester, James Jobes, Warren F. Jones, Ed Kalinowski, Kevin Keating, Ryan Knowles, Randall Lee, Michael Lowe, Chris Lucas, Karen Majewski, Candice McDonald, Mike McMichael, Harry Miller, Patrick Miller, Tom Mitten, Joseph Mriss, Joe Mullen, Amy Murray, Tim Murray, Michael J. O’Connor Jr., Dwayne Pearson, Phil Pennington Sr., Gary Plotts, Bob Powell, Patricia Quigley, Patrick Quigley, John Randolph, James Read, Matthew Read, Lauden Robertson, Bob Romig, D. Ruff, Gene Shaner, Kevin Sipple, Chuck Snyder, Russell Stinson, William Thomas, Eugene Tucker, Lisa Turner, Leonard Tylecki, Rob Watts, Jim Watson, Steve Watson, Matt Williams, Dave Wilson, Jack Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Jim Woznicki ADVERTISING: Rate card and marketing information are available on request. To advertise call 631-776-0500 x111 or email We reserve the right to reject, edit, or decline to publish any advertising material submitted. Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. NEWS: News items about fire, rescue, and EMS activities in our coverage area are welcome. Contact us at 631-776-0500 x111 or email: Deadline for news is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Material submitted is subject to editing and cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. SUBSCRIPTIONS: All fire stations in Delaware receive a sufficient number of copies for their personnel. Those wishing to receive direct delivery may subscribe for $25.00 per year, paid in advance to Delaware Fire Service News, 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Index of Advertisers AdvantEdge Healthcare ........... 27
Provident Agency Inc. ................ 9
Atlantic Emergency Solutions ....................... 5, 19, 24, 25, 33, 47
Roll N Rack ............................... 11
DPC ................................. 2, 29, 48 ESI .............................................. 9 Fire & Rescue Products ............. 4 Fire, Rescue & EMS Today Podcast ..................................... 21 Firehouse Expo ........................ 15
Rush Uniforms ......................... 21 Sunset Printing ......................... 41 Sutphen ..................................... 13 Terry Farrell ........................... Firefighters Fund ...................... 8 VCI .............................................. 7
Page 4, Fire News, June 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
COVID-19, A Cultural Awareness As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, we must give thought to returning to a new sense of normalcy. Yes, I believe that when things begin to calm down, which they appear to be doing, our return to what once was will be changed. Before I share my thoughts, I would like to sincerely thank our doctors, EMS staff, nurses, and all hospital employees, who have been through hell caring for the constant string of patients in need of help. I pray for the families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. As of May 7, 2020, there has been over 265,000 deaths worldwide, related to the virus. On a positive spin, there have been 1,313,251 patients who have recovered from it. Currently, there are 2,262,826 patients who have the disease with over 48,000 of them in grave condition. I applaud everyone who is involved with caring for our patients. I thank our newly graduated nurses for their service before they even get started working. I relate their service to a firefighter going in service during war years, or during other times when the horizon looked bleak. The Wildfires of 1995, the crash of Flight 800, the attacks of 9/11 - I could go on and on. At first, a responder feels exhilarated that they are responding to a seri-
ous call. However, when the realization that you are now part of a horrible situation clicks in, you can become worn out and discouraged. It is easy to have thoughts of being a failure, when you feel helpless because you may not be performing up to your own expectations. You may not have been prepared emotionally for the devastation around you. To all essential personnel, everyone around you knows you are doing the best that you can with the skills you have. Do not be afraid to talk with friends or your fellow workers. Talk to your clergy, or anyone else who may have been through what you are going through. As a firefighter, I look back on some of the serious calls I have been on. Why do I sit at times rethinking the calls that upset me? Today we have a name for this. It is call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is something that has become part of our job. Take a moment to talk to the people around you and share your experiences and thoughts. When we return to normalcy, share time together and protect one another with encouraging conversation. Why do I love starting my day at the firehouse? Why do firefighters say they miss the firehouse? It is because being around the people who have shared
CVVFA Convention Cancelled for 2020 After careful deliberation, the Association has decided for the safety of our members and guests, the 2020 Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s convention scheduled for July 29 - August 1, 2020, is cancelled. There is uncertainty that many of our members would be able to attend even if the National Emergency is lifted by mid-summer. The cancellation is the first time since World War II that there has not been a CVVFA Annual Convention. Unfortunately, this includes the 35th Annual CVVFA President’s Council meeting that is traditionally held during the convention. Some events are being planned for fall of this year if circumstances warrant. We will be communicating these plans as they are formulated. CVVFA President Allen Baldwin has clearly stated our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of our members. We look forward to seeing everyone soon during better times. - Submitted by Steve Austin
your experiences understand what you have been through. An outsider may not fully understand that the bond we have with one another is what gets us through our rough times. We call this brotherhood. It is that special relationship between close friends or the feeling of kinship with others in the same boat. When two people have a close and loyal friendship, this is an example of brotherhood. When a group of people all share the same goals and tribulations and support each other, this too, is an example of a brotherhood. As responders and what is now called essential personnel, we share the same feelings. You will get through these tough times. Look out for one another and share your thoughts of a better time. - Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, June 2020
Serving Delaware’s First Responders Since 1921
DVFA Office
Covid-19: The DVFA Office has been working on many things for during this virus. We have been sending out weekly bulletins to all chiefs and presidents, been a part of a lot of state and other conference calls, have researched a number of items, checking on their validity, and then passing them out to the fire service. We worked with the State Fire School on the AFG-S COVID-19 reimbursement grant. We would like to thank Director Newnam and Tucker Dempsey for the work on the grant. We have been working with DEMA and DPH setting up first responder testing station. We would like to thank Lewes Fire Department and the Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company for the use of Station 3 and the Bridgeville Fire Company for the use of their
station. We are hoping to schedule more. If you are interested please contact the DVFA Office. Surf Fishing: The State Parks Offices are now open which means we are back to almost normal procedures for processing Surf Fishing Licenses. The almost normal procedure would be: Send your application to the DVFA Office or to President Jay Jones with a self-addressed return envelope. Your application will be stamped and mailed back to you. DVFA Executive Meeting: The DVFA Executive Meeting for June has been cancelled. We will be holding a Special DVFA Executive Meeting on July 12 providing we are in Phase 2 by then. Phase 2 allows meeting of 50 people with proper distancing and the wearing of masks. The meeting will be simulcast to
by Norman Jones Jr., President, DVFA 2020. Where do I begin? It seems like our world has been turned upside down with this global pandemic, a crippling economy and now riots in the streets. We lost our regular normal personal lives around the firehouse. Our meetings, hands-on training, socializations, or just sitting around the firehouse with our friends went away. Our meetings were stopped, our firehouses were closed and the connection to our fire service family became non-existent. Times were and are definitely uncertain. We are waiting to see what the “New Normal” is. While we are waiting, it is very important that we take care of ourselves and our families. It the past we have prayed for health, wealth and prosperity, but because of current situations, those three seem to be out of
reach for a lot of us. We are still responding and answering our call to duty, yet we are human. We need to not debate in anger but come together and lift one another up. We must take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically so we can continue to provide excellent services. If you feel yourself getting down or lost about what to do, reach out. Talk to a friend, your chaplain, a CISM team member or the firefighter’s helpline - 1-888-731-FIRE (3473). Stay strong. The resources are there. There is nothing more important that your health. I encourage all companies, as we move forward in this new normal, that we conduct our business in a safe manner. The most important part of our companies are our members. The DVFA is continuing to stay on top of all the state issues for the good of the fire service as best we can. These are certainly new times for us. The face-to-face contact with legislators and state government is gone. Now we have to live on computers with e-mails, conference
by Karen Workman, President LADVFA The events of Spring 2020 were not something any of us could have imagined. We have had to cancel/postpone meetings, events, memorial services and so much more. We are unable to be together, as we have always been. We are unable to be in our communities to support them as we always
have. We’ve had to change the way we support our first responder family. And it stinks! As always, we will get through this together. During this pandemic, we just have to do it a bit differently. Phone calls, e-mails and Zoom meetings have become the norm in our personal and professional lives. Supporting each other is something we have always done and it is very important to continue to do so while we are staying safe at home. Check in with your extended family, friends and neighbors to see
each fire school location. The meeting at each fire school will start at 1000. There will be no committee meetings. Conference Call System: The DVFA has been offering its conference call system to any fire company who would like to use it. If you would like to use it please contact the DVFA Office to schedule its use. These have been very different times we have experienced for the last several months. If the DVFA Office can be of any assistance to you for any of your needs please contact us. Thank you for what you do and stay safe. Warren Jones, Executive Manager 302-535-4566 (cell) 302-734-9404 (fax)
DVFA President
calls, Web-tex, Zoom and Skype. It takes up more time and affects how we conduct our business. The uncertainly is mind boggling. While many events have been cancelled, we are still planning on having an excellent conference. By September we are optimistic that the last phase is in effect and the new normal is running smooth. The State chiefs and the DVFA are putting together a great list of seminar speakers. We should have more exhibits and vendors for you to look at, sample and talk to. The socialization of Meet Your Host, the Recognition in the Opening Ceremonies and the Remembrance and Reflection of our Memorial Service will be there in full swing. We are looking forward this conference with your safety and well-being as a top priority. For over 200 year the fire service in Delaware as always persevered, it is certain that we will continue to do so! Thank you for your service. Take care and stay safe.
how they are doing. It will do them and you a whole lot of good. Conference 2020 is still being planned even though Dover Downs is currently closed due to Covid-19. The Conference Committee is working to ensure a successful conference while keeping everyone safe. Information will be shared as soon as possible. Please stay safe and healthy and I hope to see everyone very soon.
Laurel, Gumboro and Delmar Respond to 3 Suspicious Fires On May 11, 2020, at 2347, Laurel, Gumboro and Delmar, along with SCEMS, were alerted for a house fire on Pepperbox Road in the area of Arvey Road. This location is one of the most remote areas of Sussex County, being eight miles from Laurel. Assistant Chief Mike Lowe responded as 81 Command. While responding, Lowe was advised that Sussex E.O.C. was receiving calls reporting this as a working alarm. Soon, Gumboro Fire Company Captain DeFelice arrived and advised command that an abandoned house was fully involved. Engine 79-2 arrived with Chief Billy Bant as officer, and he took Operations. Engine-Tankers 74-2 and 81-4 arrived at the same time and 74-2 established water supply. It was determined to protect exposures as the house was already collapsing. At approximately 0035, Command was advised to switch to dispatch and stand by for a second alarm. Gumboro, Laurel and Delmar were alerted for a house fire at the corner of Whaley’s Road and Arvey Road, about three miles from the original scene. Engines 81-4 adn 81-3 and Tanker 79-5 were released from the original scene to respond to that location. Gumboro Deputy Chief Corey Davis arrived and assumed Command of an abandoned, double-wide mobile home with fire through the roof. About 45 minutes later, Sussex E.O.C. received a call for a third fire on Whaley’s Road. 74-2 responded to that location, as well as Engine/Tanker 14 from Sharptown, which was standing by at Laurel. They arrived to find a large pile of trash and an abandoned boat on fire in the woods. The fire was contained in about 10 minutes. All three fires were under investigation by the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office. - Submitted by Michael Lowe
Fire News, June 2020, Page 7
Lake Drive House Fire
Recently, crews responded to a house fire on Lake Drive. - Submitted by Chris Hudson; photo by Curt Gruber
Page 8, Fire News, June 2020
52 Displaced by Bear Apartment Fire
On May 11, 2020, around 1900, Station 16 was alerted assist Stations 3, 6 and 12 (Christiana) for the second alarm assignment for fire through the roof in the Village of Barrett Run Apartments in Bear. Ladder 16 responded with a crew of five. While en route Christiana Command requested a third alarm. Ladder 16 arrived and was directed to the Charlie side of the apartment building and set up for ladder pipe operations along with Ladder 9 (Aetna) and Quint 15 (Delaware City). Ladder 16 was tasked with operating a 2-1/2 inch line and extinguishing hot spots along the Bravo and Charlie sides. Chief Facciolo was also on the fire ground and assisted with command functions on the Charlie side. Crews operated for about three hours. - Submitted by Frank Maule and Dave Wilson; photos by Vincent Gains, Charles Hayes and John Jakowski
Fire News, June 2020, Page 9
Midday Fire Destroys Structure
On March 20, 2020, at 1134, Clayton was dispatched for a residen- 3, QAC 6-4, Quint 45, Tower 43, Tanker 51, QAC Rescue 6, Light & tial structure fire in the 100 block of Hopewell Drive. Crews arrived Air 51, B-64, KM6, FM-15 (Sipple), FM-28 (Brode). Engine 26 covand encountered heavy fire throughout, with the structure starting ered Station 45 and handled an AFA while units were committed. - Submitted by Skip Carrow; photo courtesy Jerry Hull, to collapse. The fire was brought under control in about 20 minutes, Tucker Dempsey, Ken Rife and Robbie Johnson at which time searches were completed. Captain Moorhead had the command. Units responding: Command 45, Engines 45-2, 45-3, 43-
Page 10, Fire News, June 2020
Clayton Assists Smyrna on Residential Structure Fire
On April 10, 2020, at 1331, Clayton and Leipsic Fire Companies, along with Ambulance 64 and Kent County Paramedics, were dispatched to assist Smyrna on the house fire on South DuPont Boulevard in Smyrna. Crews arrived to find a two-story single-family home with heavy fire showing from the attached garage with extension into the residence. Crews placed several handlines in service and the fire was brought under control in about 45 minutes.
First Assistant Chief Robbie Daniels had the command. The fire is being investigated by the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office. Units responding were 44-9, Engines 44-2, 44-3, 45-2, 45-3, SQD 53, Ladder 44, Quint 45, Rescue 44, Tanker 53, D-64, KM5, KM6B, KM9, FM-15 (Sipple). - Submitted by Skip Carrow; photos courtesy Gene Shaner
Richardson Park Garage and House Fire Just before 1500 on April 4, 2020, Five Points was alerted for a structure fire in the area of Glenrich and Elsmere Avenues in Richardson Park. Engine 17 arrived and crews led off with 1-3/4 inch handlines to a single-story garage with exposures to houses on both sides. Other crews from Elsmere 1, Minquas 1, Belvedere, Cranston Heights, Mill Creek Stations 2 and 21 and Wilmington Manor assisted. The garage suffered substantial damage and both homes received damage as well. There were no injuries reported. Also on the scene were New Castle County Paramedics and the Five Points Ladies Auxiliary. The Delaware State Fire Marshal was investigating the cause. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
Déjà vu All Over Again …
On March 28, 2020, at 0002, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, along with mutual aid companies, were dispatched by the New Castle County 911 to the 200 block of Felix Drive in the Chestnut Hill Preserve development for a house fire. Arriving crews found a two-story residence which was under construction and was well involved with fire resulting in a structural collapse. A large propane tank was also venting causing further hazard to responders. The heat from the blaze was so intense that it melted the siding off of a neigh-
boring home. Multiple hoselines, a deck gun, and a tower ladder were used to extinguish the blaze. The fire was marked under control in 50 minutes by Incident Commander Deputy Chief Steve Debold. Crews remained on scene for just under two hours completing overhaul and there were no injuries. This is the second fire in this development since construction began and the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating. This development is not equipped with residential fire sprinklers. - Submitted by Dave Wilson
Fire News, June 2020, Page 11
Shed Fire Stopped from Extending On June 1, 2020, around 1545, the station was alerted for the ladder to assist Five Points Fire Company Station 17 on a house fire in the 300 block of Brookside Drive. Ladder 16 made the response along with Engine 16 and 16-8. Fireboard advised responding units that it was now being reported as a shed on fire in the rear yard. Chief 16-8 arrived and reported a shed fully involved. Engine 17 stretched a line to the shed, and Engine 16 stretched a second line to assist, as well as extinguish a wooded area that was on fire. Ladder 16 assisted with gaining access. No extension to the residence was found. Crews operated for about an hour. - Submitted by Frank Maule; photo & story by Mark Facciolo
Delmar 2-Alarm House Fire On March 22, 2020, at 2355 hours, Delmar, Hebron and Salisbury (Station 2) were alerted for a house fire on the 200 block of Maryland Avenue. Fire Chief Joe Morris responded as 74 Command. Upon arrival, Morris found a 2-1/2/ story, balloon construction home with heavy fire visible. He requested a second alarm, bringing Laurel, Sharptown and Mardela Springs to the scene. Eventually, Salisbury Station 16 and Parsonsburg were also alerted. - Submitted by Michael Lowe
Page 12, Fire News, June 2020
FF Injured at Old New Castle Basement Fire
Clearview Ridge Apartments 2-Alarmer
At approximately 0515 on March 18, 2020, Good Will and mutual aid units from Wilmington Manor, Minquas, Christiana, Minqudale and Delaware City were alerted to a house fire on West 5th Street in Old New Castle. Chief 18 reported a 2-1/2 story home with smoke showing from the rear. Engine 18 stretched a handline to the front door. Engine 18’s crew made a push into the basement with the assistance of Engine Squad 23. Crews encountered severe hoarding conditions on the inside the residence and fire conditions in the stairwell as they descended to the basement. The fire was successfully extinguished and all searches proved negative. Crews were on scene for just over four hours checking for fire extension throughout the first floor. One firefighter was injured. He was transported to the local trauma center in non-life-threatening condition by Christiana Ambulance 12 and New Castle County Paramedics Medic 2. The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr.
On April 27, 2020, at 0035, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, along with mutual aid companies, were dispatched to the 400 block of Benham Court in the Clearview Ridge Townhouses for a residential fire. Crews arrived to find fire in several townhouses and a second alarm was transmitted. An aggressive attack limited the damage to two townhouses and protected further residences. Crews operated for just under three hours and there were no injuries. Two townhouses sustained damage and two occupants were displaced. Working smoke alarms alerted the occupants and they were able to safely exit. One cat was rescued and was transported by Aetna ambulance to VCA Newark Animal Hospital in good condition. The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating the fire and Assistant Chief Happer had Newark Command. - Submitted by Dave Wilson
Fatality in Wilmington Manor Blaze
Busy Day for Harrington
Just before midnight on March 10, 2020, Station 18 was alerted for a rescue assist to the Wilmington Manor Fire Company for a house fire with entrapment on Paul Road. With Squad 18 out of service, Engine 18 made the response. Upon arrival, Rescue Engine 28 and Engine 33 from the Delaware Air Guard had initiated fire suppression. The crew from Engine 18, along with other units, initiated a search for a reported trapped occupant. Engine 18’s search team located and removed the occupant with the assistance of a member from Minquas (Newport) Squad 23. Crews battled a stubborn incident with fire extending to the D exposure, as well as the garage and cars in the rear of the residence. The patient succumbed to injuries suffered. Other companies operating included Rescue Engine 28, Engine and Tower 12, Engine’s 33, 20 and 22, Ladders 17 and 13, New Castle County Paramedics, and multiple ambulances. - Photo by FMartin Jr.; submitted by David Majewski, Jr.
Millsboro Assists Recently, Millsboro Station 83 Tanker assisted Stations 77 and 85 with a structure fire. - Submitted by Larry Gum
On April 16, 2020, at 0715, the Harrington Fire Company was dispatched, along with Carlisle Fire (Milford), to assist the Houston Fire Company with a trailer fire on Holly Hill Road in the area of School Street. Engine 50-5 and Tanker 50-2 responded. While units were operating at the trailer fire, Harrington was alerted for an MVC on Milford-Harrington Highway in the area of Midway Drive. Ambulance 50, Rescue 50 and Engine 47-4, who were standing by at Houston responded. The scene was then placed under control and turned over to the Harrington Police Department for investigation. OIC was Captain Cody Rash. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Hammondtown Road Car Fire Recently, Station 47 responded to a vehicle fire on Hammondtown Road in Harrington. - Submitted by Tom Williams
Fire News, June 2020, Page 13
Page 14, Fire News, June 2020
Landing Road Fire for Smyrna
Busy Day for Minquadale
Firefighters battled a house fire on Landing Road in Smyrna on April 12, 2020. - Submitted by Chris Hudson; photo by Carol Anne Morris
Nice Save at Frederick Ave. Fire On May 31, 2020, Station 16 and mutual aid units were dispatched to the 2600 block of Frederick Avenue for a house fire. Engine 16, Ladder 16, A-16, and 16-8 all made the response within seconds. While units were en route, Fireboard advised that a bedridden occupant was trapped. Chief Mark Facciolo reported a singlestory residence with heavy smoke showing. Engine 16 stretched a line, as did Engine 14 Cranston Heights. Ladder 16 made entry to began a search. While Engine 16 was stretching their line, they found off-duty member J. Parisi in the process of removing the victim from the side door and requiring assistance. Engine 16 Capt V. Games and Engine 16 back up (Firefighter T. Fagan) assisted with the removal and the man was turned over to awaiting EMS units. Engine 16 nozzle (Firefighter M. Wiktorowicz, Jr.), and the crews of Engine 14, Engine 23 and Minquas 1 began to extinguish the fire located in the rear of the structure and the attic. Crews operated on scene for about two hours. Thank you to all of the assisting companies for your response and quick work. - Fire News story by Chief Mark Facciolo; Submitted by Frank Maule
Vehicle Fire on Jackson Ditch Rd. On May 26, 2020, at 1148, the Harrington Fire Company was alerted for a vehicle fire in the 1400 Block of Jackson Ditch Road. Captain Cody Rash reported a vehicle on fire with the engine compartment involved but not threatening any structures. Units placed one handline in service and quickly brought the fire under control. Units on scene: 50 Command, Engine 50-4, Engine 50-5, Tower 50, Ambulance A-50 and Fire Police. Officer in charge: 3rd Assistant Chief Jeff Outten. - Submitted by Earl Brode
April 10, 2020, proved to be a busy day for the Minquadale Fire Company. Crews assisted Holloway Terrace with a building fire where crews from Engine 22 performed fire suppression duties. Minquadale assumed the duty crew for the east side companies and responded to numerous wires down calls in and out of district along with a tree into a structure in the Minquadale Trailer Park. - Submitted by Minquadale FC
Grass Fire on Staytonville Rd. Brush 47-0 and crew recently operated at a mid-day grass fire on Staytonville Road. - Submitted by Tom Williams
Laurel Chicken House Fire Recently, the Laurel Fire Department, Blades, Seaford and SCEMS were alerted for a structure fire on Discountland Road, near the intersection of Camp Road. Sussex County EOC Director Joe Thomas was soon on scene and advised of a chicken house with total involvement on the A side extending quickly down the structure. Assistant Chief Mike Lowe responded as 81 Command. Engine/Tanker 81-5 took a position on the B side and was joined by Engine 81-3 and Engine/Tanker 71-2. Fire was extending rapidly on the B side through an area of woods. Shuttle operation were initiated and additional tankers were requested from Georgetown, Sharptown and Bridgeville. LFD Captain Zac Lecates, Firefighter-EMT Jamey Ashmead and Seaford Fire Chief Jack Wilson acted as Operations Sections. Firefighter-EMT Colby Phelgar was tasked with accountability and safety. SCEMS Paramedic Dave Hammerer acted as Medical and Rehab Officer. Units had the fire under control in about 90 minutes. Delaware State Fire Marshal Magee conducted an investigation. - Submitted by Michael Lowe
Fire News, June 2020, Page 15
Page 16, Fire News, June 2020
FF Injured at Wilmington Church Fire
On April 16, 2020, shortly before 1630, Wilmington firefighters on the D-Platoon were alerted to a structure fire on West 26th Street. NCC Emergency Communications Center was receiving several calls reporting an unknown fire in the area of the 100 block of West 26th Street. Upon arrival, Squad 4 gave an updated report of a heavy smoke condition from a 1-1/2 story church. The upgrade brought additional ladder and engine companies for assistance. Battalion Chief Dennis Kirlin established command, and operations moved to a defensive mode. The fire progressed rapidly and quickly vented through the roof. Chief Kirlin placed the scene under control at 2000. The fire was under investigation by the Wilmington Fire Marshal’s Office along with agents from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). No civilians were injured, however one firefighter was transported to St. Francis ER for minor injury. - Submitted by John Looney
Car Fire on SR-1
Recently, Smyrna firefighters responded to a car fire on State Route 1. - Submitted by Chris Hudson; photo by Curt Gruber
1 Civ Transported, 3 FFs Injured in Good Will Fire
Dog Saved at Dover Fire
Shortly after midnight on January 18, 2020, the Dover Fire Department was alerted for a working house fire in the 700 block of Miller Drive. First units on scene found a two-story, single-family dwelling with heavy fire showing from the front of the house and fire through the roof. A defensive attack strategy was taken initially. The bulk of the fire was knocked down with the deck gun on E5. Crews then advanced attack lines within the structure to extinguish the remaining fire. Primary search revealed a small canine in an upstairs bedroom still alive. She was brought outside injured. Crews remained on scene for several hours performing overhaul. The scene was turned over to the City FMO for investigation. We would like to thank the Little Creek for their assistance as RIT and Cheswold and Camden-Wyoming for covering. EMS standby was provided by Saint Francis EMS and the County Medics. - Submitted by Michael J. O’Connor Jr.
At 2230 on March 11, 2020, Good Will and mutual aid units were alerted to the unit block of Castle Hills Drive for a house fire with reported entrapment. Engine 18, Ladder 18, Chief 18, and Deputy Chief 18 responded. Chief 18 arrived to fire showing from the front and rear of the home. Engine 18 deployed a hoseline into the house as Ladder 18 initiated an aggressive search under deteriorating conditions. The search of the home was negative. Additional crews from Holloway Terrace, Wilmington Manor, Minquadale, Minquas of Newport, Christiana, and Cranston Heights were on scene assisting. EMTs from Holloway Terrace and Elsmere along with New Castle County Paramedics evaluated three Good Will firefighters for minor burns at the scene. A fourth patient, a civilian, was treated and transported to the local trauma center in stable condition. The Delaware State Fire Marshall’s Office is investigating this incident. - Submitted by David Majewski, Jr.
Fire News, June 2020, Page 17
Cover Story
Residents Displaced from 24 Apts. in Dover
Recently, the Dover Fire Department was alerted for a building fire at the Baytree Apartments. Initial units found a heavy fire condition on the third floor, extending into the roof line. Command ordered a second alarm. Gusty wind conditions pushed the fire through the attic space above. Sprinklers in the apartments held the fires in the apartments in check. There was a roof collapse at one point and crews were evacuated. Four master streams were placed in service. Crews re-entered the building to finish mopping up. The City FMO condemned both D and E buildings, displacing residences in 24
apartments. There were no civilian or firefighter injuries. Three cats and two dogs were removed and treated by Saint Francis EMS and the Kent County Department of Public Safety Medics. The scene was turned over to the City FMO for investigation. Many thanks to Little Creek, Cheswold and Camden for their assistance on scene and Camden and Leipsic who ran several calls in the district while covering. - Submitted by Michael J. O’Connor Jr. & L. Robertson, DE110
Page 18, Fire News, June 2020
Christiana FC Stays Busy
Multi-Residential Structure Fire in Bear On March 15, 2020, Christiana Fire Company and automatic aid companies were dispatched to a multiresidential structure fire at the Rockwood Apartments on Pulaski Highway in Bear. Companies arrived to find fire showing from the second and third floor balconies of two apartments with fire extending horizontally and vertically. Searches were negative, but one resident who had escaped was transported to Christiana Trauma Center for a nonrelated medical condition. Four 1-3/4 inch handlines were utilized to extinguish the fire which damaged four apartments with three additional apartments damaged by smoke and water. The building is sprinklered. The FMO determined the fire started on the second-floor deck and extended into the walls and ceilings. Early work by TW12 roof team and interior crews prevented any significant extension into the attic. Battalion Chief Godek had command. Mutual aid came from Aetna, Goodwill, Port Penn, Wilmington Manor and Delaware City. - Submitted by Dennis Godek
Residential Structure Fire in Salem Woods
On April 2, 2020, at approximately, Christiana Fire and automatic aid companies were dispatched to a residential structure fire on Boyer Drive in Salem Woods. Companies arrived to find heavy fire in the rear of the two-story single-family home. The fire had extended into several rooms and the attic of the structure, as well as to a fence and wooded area in the rear. Companies conducted searches and initiated an interior attack on the fire using five 1-3/4 inch handlines. An adult and child who escaped the home were both transported to the Christiana Trauma Center. The adult was transferred to the Chester-Crozer Burn Center. Both recovered from their injuries. Deputy Huelsenbeck had command. - Submitted by Dennis Godek
Trailer Park Fire
Around 1630 on May 31, 2020, Ladder 16 was dispatched to assist Station 21 Mill Creek on a trailer fire in the Murray Manor Trailer Park. While units were en route, a member from Station 21 arrived and reported smoke and fire showing. The Ladder 16 crew split into two teams to ladder the structure and start a primary search. The search proved negative and the crew began to assist with ventilating the structure and opening up to check for extension. Ladder 16 operated for about an hour. - Submitted by Dennis Godek; photo & story by Mark Facciolo
Multi-Residential Structure Fire On March 13, 2020, Christiana Fire Company and automatic aid companies were dispatched to the Sophia’s Place Apartments on Highland Boulevard in the Wilton area for a multi-residential fire. Companies arrived to fire showing from the Charlie side of the structure between the second and third floors of the three-story building. Searches were conducted and proved negative. The ceiling of the second floo had fire extending into the attic area. Two 1-3/4 inch handlines were utilized to extinguish the fire with ladder crews opening up void spaces. Companies operated for two hours. Battalion Chief Godek had command. Mutual aid came from Aetna, Goodwill, Minquas, Cranston Heights and Wilmington Manor. - Submitted by Dennis Godek
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MVA on Longridge Road On March 10, 2020, at 1551, Station 45 along with Ambulance 64 were dispatched for an MVA on Longridge Road at Jordan Drive. Units arrived to find a two-vehicle accident. Crews assisted with patient care and secured the vehicles. ALS was requested for one of the patients. Two patients were transported to a local medical facility. Units responding: Command 45, Engine 45-3, EMS 45, A-64, B-64, KM6. - Fire News photo courtesy Mike Carroll; submitted by Skip Carrow
Dinahs Corner Rd. Entrapment On April 14, Cheswold and Hartly were alerted to an accident with entrapment at Dinahs Corner. Rescue 43 arrived to find an ambulance on its side. One occupant was slightly trapped and removed by crews from both companies. - Submitted by Tucker Dempsey
Rollover Crash At 0800 on March 25, 2020, Five Points Squad 17 and A-17 responded to Interstate 95 south for an MVC with a rollover. Two patients were transported to the Christiana Medical Center. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
Harrington Handles 1-Car MVA On May 20, 2020, at 0941, the Harrington Fire Company was dispatched for an MVA on Little Mastens Corner Road in the area of Paradise Alley Road. Firefighters arrived to find a single-vehicle accident with a vehicle on its side in a field. The occupants of the vehicle were evaluated by EMS and determined to be uninjured and all refused treatment. The scene was turned over to the Delaware State Police. Units on scene: A-50, C-50, Rescue 50, 50-1, Fire Police and DSP. The officer in charge was 1st Assistant Chief Derrick Brode. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Fire News, June 2020, Page 21
Extrication at Kirkwood Hwy. MVC Recently, Station 16 was alerted to Kirkwood Highway in front of the PNC Bank for an MVC. Rescue Engine 16 and A16 responded. Upon arrival, the accident was found to be at the intersection of Kirkwood Highway and North Clifton Avenue and involved a dump truck and a work-style van, with one subject heavily trapped in the van. New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Trooper 4 were added to the assignment. Rescue Engine 16 began to extricate the trapped occupant using multiple rescue tools. After reassessing the situation, an additional rescue was requested, adding Cranston Heights Rescue 14. Both crews worked for about 35 minutes to successfully remove the trapped occupant. The patient was transferred to Trooper 4 to be airlifted to the trauma center. Belvedere Fire Company Hazmat 30 was also requested for clean up. Thanks to the assisting agencies for your help. - Submitted by Frank Maule
Rte. 9 Rollover Recently, Smyrna crews responded to an MVC on Route 9. - Submitted by Chris Hudson; photo by Curt Gruber
Page 22, Fire News, June 2020
Seaford Road Extrication Dover Semi, Pickup MVC
On April 3, 2020, at 1950, Sussex EOC alerted Station 81 Laurel, Station 71 Blades, SCEMS, and Trooper 2 for an MVC with reported entrapment on Seaford Road. Chief Jeff Hillreceived a report of a pickup versus a combine with one person trapped. Command arrived along with A81 to find a pickup truck versus a bender pulling a disk plow and confirmed a person heavily entrapped in the pickup. Tower 81 with Deputy Chief Donnie Layton, as well as Engine Tanker 81-5 with Captain Brandon Givens, were followed in by Rescue 71 with Chief Jason Hudson. Command advised incoming units that a roof removal along with a dash lift was needed. Tower 81 arrived and started extrication. Crews were able to extricate the patient in less than 20 minutes, and A81 took the patient to the LZ. Trooper 2 transported the patient to Christiana. Units on scene: 81 Command, A81, Tower 81, 81-5, 81-0, 81-8, Rescue 71, 71-9, A71, SCEMS, and Trooper 2. - Submitted by Michael Lowe; photo by Trevor Chaffinch
In the wee hours of the morning of March 6, 2020, the Dover Fire Department was alerted for a rollover MVC in the southbound lanes of State Route 1 in the area of Dover Downs. When crews arrived on scene, they found an 18-wheeler on its side and a pickup with extensive rear end damage off the roadway. One subject was transported by Saint Francis EMS and the Kent County Department of Public Safety Medics to the ED for evaluation. The scene was turned over to the Delaware State Police for investigation. The roadway was partially blocked for several hours as the truck was righted. - Submitted by Michael J. O’Connor Jr.
Clark Street MVA
Motorcycle Crash
On May 19, 2020, at 0735, the Harrington Fire Company was dispatched to an MVA at the intersection of Clark and Thomas Streets. Firefighters arrived to a two-vehicle accident with one subject suffering minor injuries. The injured subject was transported to a local hospital. The scene was then placed under control and was turned over to the Harrington Police Department. Units on scene: Chief’s vehicle, Rescue 50, A-50, B-50, Fire Police and Harrington PD. Officer in charge: Chief Robbie Brode. - Submitted by Earl Brode
West Denney’ Rd. MVC
On April 21, 2020, Cheswold and Hartly were alerted for an MVC with entrapment on West Denney’s Road. Rescue 43 arrived to find septic truck versus a car with the occupant of the car heavily entrapped. Crews from both companies worked for an extended period of time to extricate him. - Submitted by Tucker Dempsey
Just before 1300 on April 18, 2020, Five Points, New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Section were alerted for a motorcycle accident on Boxwood Road and Conrad Drive. Squad 17, returning from an assignment, arrived immediately after dispatch. A-17 and NCC Medic 7 also responded. Crews found a seriously injured female. EMTs and medics treated and readied the patient for transport by Trooper 4 to the Christiana Care Medical Center. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
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3 Hurt in Blackiston Road MVA On March 14, 2020, at 1759, Rescue and Ambulance 51, Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were dispatched for an MVA with a vehicle overturned and a subject reported trapped in the 1400 block of Blackiston Road. Crews arrived to find two vehicles involved with one being on its side with no entrapment. Fire crews went to work securing that vehicle, checking for additional occupants, while EMS crews began treating the occupants of both vehicles. Two occupants were transport to KGH with a third being airlifted to CER.. Units responding: Command 45, Rescue’s 45 and 51, Engine 45-3, EMS 45, B-64, B-51, KM6, KM5, Trooper 4. - Submitted by Skip Carrow; photo courtesy; Jerry Hull, Mike Carroll and Robbie Johnson
2 Injured at MVC on I-95 On April 28, 2020, at 1550, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, along with Christiana Fire, New Castle County Paramedics, and Delaware State Police Aviation, were dispatched to I-95 northbound in the area of South Chapel Street for an MVC with rollover. Crews arrived to find a single vehicle with a trailer rolled over and one occupant egress-challenged. A second occupant self-extricated. The windshield was removed to facilitate removal of the patient. Both were transported to Christiana Hospital by Aetna Ambulances with NCCEMS. The Delaware State Police investigated the collision and Assistant Chief Happer had Newark Command. - Submitted by Dave Wilson
Tree into A House Recently, Squad 17 and A-17 were alerted to assist Minquas Fire Company for a tree into a house with injuries on the 400 block of Forest Drive in Forest Brook Glen. Crews assisted removing two persons from the residence and transported them to the Christiana Hospital with minor injuries. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
Medical Emergency on Vessel at Port of Wilmington Shortly after 1830 on May 26, 2020, Wilmington firefighters on the D platoon were alerted for a person suffering an medical emergency on a vessel docked at Berth 5 in the Port of Wilmington. Engine 2 arrived and requested additional support from the department’s Special Operations Team. Engine 2 Lieutenant Jeffrey Lindell advised the person in distress was approximately 60-feet below deck and unable to move. It was determined the male subject was to be removed via Stoke’s basket utilizing ropes and rigging. Battalion Chief Michael Harris assumed command. The rescue team packaged the patient and utilized the onboard crane to hoist the patient out of the hull to dockside units, from where he was transferred to Wilmington Hospital. - Submitted by John Looney
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Harrington Responds to Outside Gas Leak On April 25, 2020, at 1040, the Harrington Fire Company was alerted for an outside gas leak in the 200 Block of Benjamin Street. Command 50 and 50-4 arrived to a natural gas line which had been struck by a back hoe and was actively leaking. Unit 50-4 secured a water supply at a nearby hydrant and stretched a handline. Units remained on scene until the arrival of Chesapeake Utilities, which secured the leak. Units on scene: 50 Command, Engines 50-4 and 50-5, and Ambulance A-50. While members responded, there were an additional 25-30 members at the Delaware State Fairgrounds assisting in a joint fundraising event with Mountaire Farms. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Man Pulled from Car in Garrison Lake On April 15, 2020, Cheswold was alerted to a car into the water with a subject trapped inside at Garrisons Lake. Brush 43-0 arrived to find a car approximately 30 feet from shore with a large unconscious person located inside with water up to his chin. Crews quickly dressed and began extrication, followed by a paramedics from Kent County. The man was removed from the car and transferred to waiting EMS crews. - Submitted by Tucker Dempsey
Tree Down on Millsboro House
Millsboro Fire Company responded to tree down into a structure. Crews removed debris and provided temporary cover for roof. - Submitted by Larry Gum
Dover Horse Rescue
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Around 1500 on March 27, 2020, the Dover Fire Department was alerted for a horse stuck in the mud at a farm on Nault Road. The Large Animal Rescue Team as well as the Kent County Special Operations Team was immediately requested. Initial units found a large draft horse partially submerged in the mud. The farmer relayed the animal had been in the mud for approximately 30 minutes. An equine veterinarian was also requested. As specialized units arrived, the area around the animal was shored to provide a work area. Special equipment was utilized to lift the animal and place shoring underneath. After an almost two-hour ordeal, the animal was able to walk out of the pasture under its own power. Special thanks go out to all the members of the Special Ops and Large Animal Rescue Teams. We would also like to thank the Brenford Animal Hospital (PA) for their response. - Submitted by Michael O’Connor
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Worker in Serious Fall at Port of Wilmington Recently, Wilmington firefighters responded for an injured worker on a vessel at Berth 1 in the Port of Wilmington. Upon arrival, units encountered a worker from the ship who fell approximately 25 feet. Battalion Chief Michael Schaal took command. The Special Operations team lowered a Stoke’s basket to remove the patient who was then transported to Christiana Hospital with serious injuries. - Submitted by John Looney
A Joint Save on Mother’s Day On May 10, 2020, Stations 40, 57, 54 and 53; Troop 2; and DNREC Fish and Wildlife were alerted for a vessel taking on water approximately 1.5 miles east of the daymarker off Bowers Beach. Fire units responded with their smaller rescue boats as the channel shoals up at low water. A large schooner was grounded in the middle of the channel blocking the larger rescue boats from making a response. All the commercial crabbers in the area made a response to the distress call. Two of the crabbers rafted up alongside and tied off tight to the vessel in distress keeping him afloat till enough pumps were on board to keep up with the flow. After the water was being controlled, the vessels had to wait another hour for the tide to make enough water to pass the channel back into Bowers. Upon arrival at the boat ramp, another hour was needed to make enough tide to trailer the vessel. Many thanks to the commercial crabbers and the fire department rescue boats for making this a successful endeavor. - Story by Marine Capt Jeff Morris; photo by FF Louden Robertson and FF Donald Foraker
Construction Rescue On April 16, 2020, about 0900, A-17 and Squad 17 were alerted for an injured subject at the construction site on Boxwood Road and Dodson Lane. Assistant Chief Craig Lindell arrived and his assessment of the scene indicated a man working in a trench was struck in the head by a pipe. Because he was in a trench, Chief Lindell requested R-14 from Cranston Heights to assist. Crews from both units set up rigging while New Castle County Paramedics and A-17 stabilized the patient. The man was then lifted out of the trench by the rigging and taken to the Christiana Medical Center for treatment. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
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SCEMS Announces Promotions & Awards
Sussex County EMS is pleased to announce the following promotions and awards presentations over the last month. With cancellations of spring trainings, SCEMS senior staff visited personnel at their stations to present them with their awards. They will be recognized in front of their peers during their next training sessions. Promotions Paramedic 1 - Jay Lowman and Rob Luksic
have been promoted to the rank of Paramedic 1. A paramedic 1 has successfully completed the out-of-state process and demonstrated the ability to perform as a single medic if needed. 5 Years of Service Amanda McCloskey Chris Hilliard Jarrod Deal Kristen McAfee Gary Matthews
15 Years of Service Teresa Perry Bryan Murray Recognition of Education Award Jarrod Deal - Masters SCEMS congratulates those above on their promotions an award’s and looks forward to their continued success with the department. - Submitted by Glenn Marshall
Fire News, June 2020, Page 31
Pioneers of the Delaware Fire Service: Ken McMahon By Bob Romig For this issue, we are back in New Castle County, to honor a gentleman that most all of us old timers know very well and is respected in the fire service of Delaware and across the United States. That gentleman is none other than past-Chief Ken McMahon of the Christiana Fire Company. Chief McMahon joined the Christiana Fire Company in February 1973. During his time with them he has held many positions within the department to include Director; Engineer; Assistant Chief; Deputy Chief and Chief of the Department for seven years and in 2011 he was honored to be recognized as Chief Emeritus. Ken was born and raised in Salem, New Jersey, and graduated from Salem High School and then enlisted in the US Air Force and proudly served for four years. While residing in New Jersey with his parents, he hung out at the Elsinboro Fire Department with his dad and friends. He liked hanging out at the fire station with them and that is what influenced him in joining the fire service when he moved to Delaware. In 1968, he married his lovely wife, Wanda (Eby) and moved to the First State. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Lisa who
lives in Bear and is a forensic analyst nurse with Delaware Attorney General’s office. She is also an emergency room nurse at the Christiana Hospital and enrolled in college to become a nurse practitioner. Thank you, Lisa, for being involved in the medical field and doing a superb job during this pandemic. His other daughter, Jennifer, is married to Thomas Whelan and they live in Nottingham (PA) with their four children. Wanda and Ken enjoy being grandparents to Patrick, Michael, Brian and Claire. Jennifer is a K-8 guidance counselor and currently Director of Development at Sacred Heart School in Oxford (PA). I asked Chief McMahon why he joined the Christiana Fire Company. He stated that his brother-in-law and father-in-law belonged to Christiana and kept urging him to join and, of course, the rest is history. I hope that I will be able to enlighten everyone with the rest of this article about what Chief McMahon has contributed to the fire service and put the State of Delaware in the limelight. There are not a lot of fire service folks in Delaware who have come even close to representing us the way Ken McMahon has, other than maybe Lou Ambili.
Page 32, Fire News, June 2020
DSFS’s Brittingham Retires March 31, 2020, marked the retirement of DSFS Administrative Specialist Lisa Brittingham. Lisa dedicated over 20 years to our EMS classes, our billing, or our class announcements over the last few years. Perhaps unbeknownst to students, Lisa has been influential in many aspects of the Fire School in her time here. To say she has helped the school get to where it is today is an understatement. She has been here from the original paper file system to the electronic Fire School Information System of today. She has worked tirelessly through many changes in course delivery and different courses in general. - DSFS file article
DSFS’s Tom Faison Retires On April 23, 2020, Tom Faison retired from the Delaware State Fire School after over 12 years of service. Tom has been one of gentlemen who has helped keep the buildings standing and the power on. Tom was involved in many projects over his time here, including tracking down and marking every electrical outlet and switch installed during each addition to the school in Dover. We wish him the best on his retirement and we will miss his subtle humor and smile around the school. - Submitted by Michael Lowe; article by Vincent Miller
DSFS Reminds You About Summer Safety With the events that 2020 has brought each of us, we all face a level of uncertainty, restlessness and hope for this coming summer. As all things, the summer comes and hopefully, we get to get out of the house, share experiences with our family and friends and have some fun. We still need to keep safety in mind, however. Speaking to emergency services personnel, sometimes gives you the feeling that you are “preaching to the choir,” however, sometimes, to use another old saying “the painter has the ugliest house on the street.” Our own people need a reminder to be safe and not let that split second of inattentiveness cause a lifechanging event. As summer approaches remember some basic principles of life safety: Grilling • Propane and charcoal grills should only be used outside.
• Keep the grill away from deck rail ings, overhanging branches and eaves. • Children and pets should have a threefoot safety zone. • Never leave the grill unattended. • Always leave the grill lid open when lighting. Campfire Safety • Campfires should be 25 feet from any structure. • Clear away dry leaves and branches • Avoid dry, windy days. • Always make sure the campfire is attended and being watched. • Keep a hose, bucket of water, shovel and dirt nearby. Lightning Safety • If you hear thunder you are within striking distance of lightning. • Do not use trees as shelter. • Avoid porches, windows and doors. - Submitted by Michael Lowe
Page 34, Fire News, June 2020
Controlled Burn on Andrewville Road
On April 18, 2020, at 0700, the Harrington and Greenwood Fire Companies assisted the Farmington Fire Company with the controlled burning of a house on Andrewsville Road. Harrington assisted with Engine 50-5, Tower 50 and the chief's vehicle. Units were clear of the scene by 0900. - Submitted by Earl Brode & Tom Williams
Fire News, June 2020, Page 35
Harrington’s William R. Outten The officers and member of the Harrington Fire Company are saddened to announce the passing of past-President and 50-year member William R. ‘Bobby’ Outten who answered his last alarm on March 17, 2020. President Outten served the Harrington Fire Company and his community for over 50 active years. President Outten held the offices of Vice-President, President from 1994 to 1997 and Board of Directors. He was also one of the top responding drivers for many years. Along with his dedicated service to the community and fire company, President Outten was also a State Representative, serving the 30th District for 14 years from 2004 to 2018, for the State of Delaware. Outten was a graduate of Harrington High School and was retired from Delmarva Power. He also served as a Director for the Delaware State Fair. We ask that everyone keep the Outten family in their thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Greenwood’s Elaine Jones F. Elaine Jones formally of Greenwood, passed away on Monday, April 20, 2020, at the Genesis the Milford Center in Milford, Delaware. She was 92. She was born on December 9, 1927, in Chester (PA), the daughter of the late Wilbert Joseph and Edna Beck Joseph.She married Arthur Jones and they made their home in Greenwood. He preceded her in death in 2002 after 54 years of marriage. In addition to raising her family, Elaine worked in accounts payable at O.A. Newton for many years, and was a lifetime servant to the Greenwood community. She was a Memorial Charter member of the VFW Post 7478 of Greenwood since 1950, past-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and also served as the District Four treasurer for 44 years. She was a part of the committee that started cooking and serving barbeque on the corner many years ago. She earned the nickname ‘Sarge’ from doing floor work with Helen Best in the Wilmington area. In addition, she served the Greenwood Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary since 1948, served as an officer for all but two years, served as Secretary for 51 years and Treasurer for the state for six years; President of Sussex County and later the State of Delaware from 1980-1981; served as a chairman of the dining room for many years, and served for the chicken barbeque as well as the fried oyster and chicken salad dinners over the years. She was a lifetime member of the Bridgeville BPN Sussex Chapter 7 Order of the Eastern Star of Seaford for more than 30 years. She loved cooking, playing cards with her friends and neighbors and
spending time with her family and grandchildren. She is survived by a daughter, Susanne Foskey and her husband Cliff of Harrington, a daughter-in-law Robin Jones of Greenwood, a grandson, Chad Jones (Casi) of Greenwood, one great granddaughter, Aubrey Jones, a sister-in-law, Florence Jones of Greenwood, and two nieces, Dolores Slatcher of Seaford and Durene Jones of Greenwood and many other nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Thomas Jones, and a grandson, Zachary Jones. Because of the limitations of Covid-19, services were private. A memorial service will be planned at a later date. Burial was in St. Johnstown Cemetery. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the Greenwood Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary, Post Office Box 17, Greenwood, DE 19950 or to the Greenwood Memorial VFW Post 7478 Auxiliary, 102 Maryland Avenue, Greenwood, DE 19950. - Submitted by Mark Anderson. Chief - Greenwood FC
Houston’s Theodore T. Yerkes Theodore T. Yerkes (‘Ted’) passed away peacefully on March 10, 2020, at Milford Center. He was 83. Ted was born in Milford, the son of the late Robert H. and Eleanor (Moore) Yerkes. He began his career as a salesman at the Milford Chronicle. He also worked for many years for Boulevard Electric, Economy Auto and Chick’s of Harrington. After his retirement, Ted worked as a parts runner for I.G. Burton in Milford for several years. Ted was a Life Member of the Houston
Volunteer Fire Company and had just received his 60-year service award, and was still an active member. As well as serving on numerous committees, he held the positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Fire Police. Ted was a loyal and dedicated member of the Houston Volunteer Fire Company as well as to the citizens of the Houston community. The fire company was very fortunate to have such a dedicated member for over 60 years. - Submitted by Cheryl Wyatt
Page 36, Fire News, June 2020
Tower 50 and Quint 78 Assist with Funeral for Past-Chief Jack Bradley
On May 26, 2020, Harrington Fire Company Tower 50 and Greenwood Fire Company Quint 78 assisted the Farmington Fire Company with the funeral services for Life Member/past-Chief Jack Bradley of the Farmington Fire Company. Tower 50 and
Quint 78 assisted with the ladder arches at the Hollywood Cemetery. Please keep Chief Bradley and his family in your thoughts and prayers. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Aetna’s George B. Robinson
The Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company announced the passing of past-President George B. Robinson. George joined Aetna in 1967, serving as President for six years, Director for 30 years, and Hall Manager for over 30 years.
His presence will be missed and we are grateful for his many years of dedicated service to our department and the community. Services will be held privately and a celebration of life will be held at a later date. - Submitted by Dave Wilson
Fire News, June 2020, Page 37
Elsmere Shows Support for Hospital Personnel The officers and members of the Elsmere Fire Company participated in three displays of support to the dedicated men and women at area hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic. - Submitted by Frank Maule
Elsmere Easter Bunny On April 10, 2020, several members of the company and the Elsmere Bureau of Police went from neighborhood to neighborhood throughout the district with the Easter Bunny. In a time of uncertainty such as the Covid-19 pandemic, it was great and humbling to be able to bring a smile to so many faces. - Submitted by Frank Maule, story by Vince Gaines
Girl Scouts Special Delivery The officers, members and staff would like to thank Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Service Unit 45 for dropping off Girl Scout Cookies and a thank you note for us. A special thanks to Ann Pollock for delivering the donation. - Submitted by Frank Maule; story and photo by Mark Facciolo
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Showing Appreciation for Their Work On April 7, 2020, in a coordinated effort between the majority of the Kent County firehouses, crews surrounded all three Bayhealth Medical Center complex’s and showed them a little appreciation. The Dover Fire Department, Saint Francis EMS and the Dover Police Department had the honor of covering the ED at the Kent Campus. The Sussex and Smyrna campuses had a similar showing. We hope that this brought a little joy to their busy day. - Submitted by Michael O’Connor
Thanks for the Sanitizer We would like that thank Senator Anthony Delcollo for stopping by the firehouse on recently to donate hand sanitizer and to talk with us on how we are battling the Corona-19 pandemic. The donation of hand sanitizer was greatly appreciated. - Submitted by Frank Maule
Holloway Terrace Gets New Ambulance The Holloway Terrace Fire Company has placed in service a new ambulance. The unit is a 2019 F-450 4x4 Super Duty 6.7 l Power Stroke V8 Diesel Demers MXP 170. The unit features 72 inches of headroom, sport an all-aluminum module, Whelen M Series Emergency Lighting, glove compartments integrated into the driver and passenger doors, six-point safety seat belts in the patient compartment, dual O2 system power Inverter, 360-degree zone defense camera system with integrated DVR and upgraded rooftop mounted AC. The new unit will be named B-20. - Submitted by Randy Roberts
Fire News, June 2020, Page 39
Multiple Donations for Covid-19
In recent weeks, the fire company and personnel have received to convey our appreciation for the love and support! numerous donations of food, supplies and support from members of - Submitted by Charles Hayes the community, local restaurants and businesses. We cannot begin
Member Provides BBQ
Sunday nights we are assigned Duty Crew night. The purpose of this is to be staffed to assist our six neighboring companies on alarms. There are seven local companies involved, consisting of Cranston Heights, Elsmere, Five Points, Hockessin, Mill Creek, Minquas and Belvedere, which each cover one night a week. On the
April 5, 2020, duty crew night, member Charlie Johnston provided the meal for the crew. We appreciate Charlie’s donation and service. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
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Easter Bunny!
On Easter Sunday, with the assistance of a community member, we were able to transport the Easter Bunny through our district for
our local kids to enjoy!
Jefferson Awards
Congratulations to members Terry Casson and Lorrie Williams on their nominations for the 2020 Jefferson Awards. They were nominated by New Castle County Government, where both are employed. - Submitted by Charles Hayes
- Submitted by Charles Hayes
Fire News, June 2020, Page 41
Up Close & Personal Morgan Wilson, a Cadet with Aetna HHL and her father Dave Wilson, a 34-year member of Aetna HHL. - Submitted by Dave Wilson Firefighters from Christiana Fire Company at a March 15, 2020, multi-residential structure fire at the Rockwood Apartments on Pulaski Highway in Bear. - Submitted by Dennis Godek
A firefighter at a house fire on Route 13. - Submitted by Chris Hudson; photo by Gene Shaner
Wilmington firefighters on the D platoon assisting with a medical emergency on a vessel docked in the Port of Wilmington. - Submitted by John Looney
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Marydel’s Line Officer of the Month On April 30, 2020, 2nd Assistant Chief Ricky Short was selected as the Line Officer of the Month. Ricky has, and continues to, dedicate his expertise to leadership and incident report writing. Congratulations to Chief Short. Keep up the great job! - Submitted by Mike Bredin
Front Line Covid-19 Workers Appreciation
Several times during the month of April we participated in our Christiana Hospital, Wilmington Hospital, the VA Hospital and A.I. county’s fire service paying tribute to the hospital workers on the DuPont Hospital for Children. front lines of Covid-19 pandemic. We were able to attend events at - Submitted by Charles Hayes
Thanks for Lunch!
The officers and members of the Elsmere Fire Company would like to thank First State Fleet Service, Ioannoni’s Specialty Sandwiches, and Serpe and Sons Bakery for donating lunch to our members and
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staff on April 16, 2020. It was delicious and greatly appreciated. - Submitted by Frank Maule; story by Vince Gaines
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American Legion Ambulance Thanks All Who Helped
Shureline Electric
Lenape Builders
The Lukas family, Brenadette Robinson and Capriott’s Sub Shop.
BB Nail Salon
The American Legion Ambulance Service would like to thank our surrounding communities. We have been showered with support from masks and gloves to hand sanitizer and food by the tons. Our hard working crew really appreciates the contributions made to us
from all. Pictured are just a few of the many individuals and companies who have rallied around our First Responders during that trying time. Thank you! - Submitted by Jeanette Havel
Gator Assist On March 21, 2020, Five Points Gator 17 assisted Minquas Fire Company 1 on a small outside fire in the woods behind Creekwood Drive off of Basin Road. Gator 17 traveled deep into the woods along a narrow path to extinguish the fire. - Submitted to Charles Hayes
Fire News, June 2020, Page 45
FIREHOUSE EXPO CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION MOVES TO OCTOBER 2020 Endeavor Business Media and the Firehouse Expo event team have closely monitored the developments around the Covid-19 pandemic with the highest intention of protecting the health and safety of its attendees, instructors, exhibitors, sponsors and employees. In these efforts to host a safe and productive event, the decision has been made to postpone the event until October 30 to November 1, 2020. “While Firehouse Expo’s commitment to providing life-saving training and education remains stronger than ever as we collectively fight this pandemic, the health and wellbeing of the fire service is our top priority,” says Peter Matthews, Firehouse Expo Conference Director. “The timing of Nashville’s recovery plan, CDC guidelines, and close discussions with local officials and partners has prompted our difficult decision to reschedule the event.” Firehouse Expo 2020, originally scheduled for July 20-25, will now take place October 30 through November 1, 2020, at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN.
“The fire service community’s hearts, minds and efforts are now rightly focused on Covid-19 at home as so many continue their work on the front lines of this pandemic,” said Matthews. “While we are disappointed about postponing the event, we are also confident that the October dates will result in a stronger, safer, and more well attended event where the fire community can come together to train, learn and rebuild.” The annual conference and expo will maintain its focus on training and educating the fire service through hands-on training classes, conference sessions, workshops and an exhibit floor showcasing more than 200 vendors. The event attracts approximately 4,000 attendees each year from across the United States. With the date change, there will be forthcoming changes to the conference program, hands-on training and workshop curriculums and schedules. An updated program as well as reduced registration fees were announced on the Firehouse Expo website on May 26.
Page 46, Fire News, June 2020
Fire Marshal’s Report Lewes FD, Mutual Aid Responds to Milton Fire John M. Galaska, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal investigated a structure fire that damaged a mercantile consignment establishment in Milton, Delaware on June 1st, 2020. The fire, reported shortly after 0430, occurred in the 28000 block of Lewes - Georgetown Highway at Mary’s Touch Moving and Packing consignment shop. The Lewes Fire Department arrived on the scene and found smoke and flames coming from the structure. Mutual aid fire companies assisted at the scene. Fire damage is estimated at $125,000. There were no reported injuries.
Fatal House Fire in Delaware City Michael G. Chionchio, Assistant State Fire Marshal The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s office investigated a fire that took place on May 27, 2020 in Delaware City. The blaze, reported shortly after 0200, occurred in the 100 block of Clinton Street. The Delaware City Fire Company arrived on the scene with flames engulfing the two-story dwelling. Firefighters entered the burning structure and rescued a 19-year-old male. The victim was critically injured and transported to the Christiana Hospital with life threatening injuries and later passed away at the hospital. A 69-year-old female sustained smoke inhalation and was in stable condition at the same hospital. New Castle County Police, Delaware City Police, and special agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives assisted with the investigation. Heavy fire damage was estimated at $200,000. The American Red Cross responded to the scene to provide emergency assistance to three adults that have been displaced.
14 Year Old Male Arrested For Arson in Bridgeville John M. Galaska, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal investigated a fire that damaged a maintenance and storage structures located on Woodbridge School District property in Bridgeville, Delaware on April 30, 2020. The fire, reported shortly after 1900, occurred to the structure in the 40 block of Church Street on the grounds of the Phillis Wheatley Elementary School. The investigation revealed that the fire was intentionally started. Fire damage is estimated at $80,000. On Wednesday May 13, 2020 State Fire Marshal Deputies arrested a 14-year old male subject in relation to this incident.
Two Frankford Fires Intentionally Set John M. Galaska, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal investigated two structure fires that damaged separate unoccupied dwelling structures in the Frankford, Delaware area. The first incident, reported shortly after 0430. on May 10, 2020 , occurred to an unoccupied dwelling structure in the 34000 Block of Evans Road Frankford, Delaware. The Roxana Volunteer Fire Company arrived on the scene and found heavy flames coming from the structure. Mutual aid fire companies assisted at the scene. Damage was estimated at $35,000. The second incident, reported shortly after 0230 on May 11, 2020 , occurred to an unoccupied dwelling structure in the 31000 Block of Gum Road Frankford, Delaware. The Frankford Volunteer Fire Company arrived on the scene and found heavy flames coming from the structure. Mutual aid fire companies assisted at the scene. Damage was estimated at $60,000. State fire investigators were called to both scenes and performed separate investigations to determine the fire’s origin and cause. The result of the investigation was that both fires were intentionally started. There were no reported injuries. Any persons with information on these fires are asked to call The State Fire Marshal’s - Sussex Division at (302) 856-5600 or Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
Heavy Fire Damage in Dewey Beach John M. Galaska, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal investigated a structure fire that damaged a structure and boardwalk area under construction in Dewey Beach, Delaware on April 23, 2020. The fire, reported shortly before 2200, occurred to the structure in the 100 block of Dickinson Avenue. The Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company arrived on the scene and found heavy flames coming from the structure. Mutual aid fire companies assisted at the scene. The fire is being investigated as an Arson at this time. Fire damage is estimated at $750,000.