Pittsford firefighters, along with mutual aid, worked a house fire.
See story on page 6
Animals Saved from Rochester Fire
Crews had fire showing on arrival from the second floor.
See story on page 10
Total Loss in Corfu
The Corfu Fire Department was dispatched to a residence on Main Street in the Village of Corfu.
See story on page 20
Home Destroyed in Stony Point Blaze
The Stony Point Fire Department responded for a reported structure fire.
See story on page 28
Rescue at All Hands Fire in Brooklyn
Battalion 58 transmitted a 10-75 for heavy smoke showing.
See story on page 34
Focus of the Month
Serving Fire & EMS Heroes Since 1973
TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer
MYLES QUINN, Long Island Editor
MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production
LYNN SEDLER, Art Director
CLIFFCHIESA, Production Manager
BARBARACONNOLLY, Vice President National Sales
SUZANNE BANCROFT, Business Development Manager
BRYAN LOPEZ, Editorial Assistant
GREG JONES, Graphic Artist
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CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka
COPYRIGHT2025, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED FOR MORE INFORMATION, (631) 776-0500 Advertising: Ext3, Editorial: Ext 281 or LI@firenews.com
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Binghamton’s John Gaudet
See story on page 38
. page 32
page 35
page 37
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Cover Story
Ramapo Working Fire
Just after2200 on February 16, 2025, the Hillcrest Fire Department was alerted to a possible structure fire on Summit Park Road in Ramapo, with multiple calls being received. Upon arrival, heavy fire was showing throughout the entire second floorof the two-story wood frame house. Fire was also already through the roof on the left side and rearof the structure. Complicating the initial attack, a powerline burned off the side of the home and lay arcing until secured. Firefighters conducted searches through the home, with
negative results. The house was vacant and was not believed to be in use at the time of the blaze. There were no injuries and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Ramapo Police Department and the BCI Unit of the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office. This was the second working fire of the evening forRockland County, as the Stony Point Fire Department was still operating at an earlierfire only a few miles away. - Fire News photos by Kenny Flynn
2 Fatalities at Pittsford Blaze
On January 26, 2025, Pittsford firefighters, along with mutual aid, worked a house fire on Callingham Street. Crews arrived to find heavy fire from multiple sides of the home with reports of people trapped. Asecond alarm was called as crews made an aggressive push into the home, battling the flames to locate the victims who were found moments later, unfortunately both victims were deceased. - Fire News photos by PuckStopperPhotography.com
Brooklyn Bus Fire Snuffed
2 Fatalities in Bronx Blaze
FDNYEngine Company 290 and LadderCompany 103 quickly contained a bus fire at the intersection of Flatlands Avenue and Louisiana Avenue in Brooklyn on February 5, 2025. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
On February 12, 2025, Bronx firefighters in the Tremont section battled a double-fatal three-alarm fire on Anthony Avenue. The fire was in a two-story large wood framed Buddhist Temple. Over150 firefighters used six hoselines to knock down the main body of fire. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
Animals Saved from RochesterFire
On February 1, 2025, Rochesterfirefighters worked a house fire on Emerson Street. Crews had fire showing on arrival from the second floorand quickly stretched lines into the home. Firefighters made quick work of the fire and started checking forextension. Multiple animals were rescued from the home, as well.
- Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com
Rescues at Bath Beach 2-Alarmer
FDNYfirefighters rescued a pairof children and an adult from a two-alarm fire on Bay 19th Street on January 15, 2025. Units arrived to heavy fire in a first-floorapartment. Units used four hoselines to knock down the main body of fire.
RochesterHouse Fire
On February 1, 2025, Rochesterfirefighters worked a house fire on FlowerCity Park. Crews had heavy smoke showing on arrival but made a quick and aggressive interiorattack, allowing them to make quick work of the fire.
- Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com
Fatality at Brooklyn All-Hands
Firefighters rescued a woman overcome by smoke during a thirdfloorapartment fire on Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn on February 24, 2025. Units removed heavy clutterfrom the apartment. The woman was pronounced deceased at a local hospital. Fire Marshals will determine the cause. - Fire
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Early Morning Fire in Colonie
In the early morning of January 30, 2025, Midway, Stanford Heights, FullerRoad, Colonie Village, West Albany, Westmere and surrounding departments were dispatched to Hansen’s Nursery on Central Avenue in Colonie. The fire quickly spread to various parts
of the buildings. Walls between the various parts of the structure hampered the crews from reaching the fire. The crews fought to keep the fire contained while also fighting brutal ambient temperatures. - Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
CarFire in Newburgh
Newburgh Police responded to a vehicle fire on Gardnertown Road on February 9, 2025. CronomerValley Fire Department responded and stretched a handline from theirengine to extinguish the fire. Central Hudson responded to scene due to the fire having spread to
a utility pole. CronomerValley command requested a Town of Newburgh Fire Inspectorto scene.
- Fire News photo by Bob McCormick
Washingtonville 2-CarMVA
The Washingtonville Fire Department was dispatched to an MVA, carinto a pole, on Toleman Road at the railroad trestles on February 8, 2025. Upon arrival, Washingtonville personnel found a two vehicle MVA, one vehicle with rearend damage on the road; the other, a pickup, struck a utility pole containing the electric service
line fora Metro North Railroad signal hut. There were no entrapments and no injuries. Central Hudson Electric was notified to respond as well as Metro North Railroad. The Town of New WindsorPolice Department conducted the investigation. New WindsorEMS also responded. - Fire News photo by Gary Hearn
South Ozone Park Fire Extends
FDNYunits in the South Ozone Park section of Queens battled an all-hands fire in the basement of a private dwelling on 131st Street near133rd Avenue on February 10, 2025. The fire quickly spread to the upperfloors and additional companies were called to the scene. There was one civilian minorinjury reported. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
All Hands in Brooklyn
Firefighters tackled a house fire on East 15th Street in Brooklyn on February 5, 2025. Units arrived to find heavy fire in the rearof a three-story private dwelling. Members quickly deployed two hoselines to bring the all-hands fire undercontrol.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
All Hands in East Flatbush
FDNYEngine Company 283 and LadderCompany 120 transmitted a 10-75 forfire in the basement of a two-story flat-roof private dwelling on East 96th Street on January 30, 2025. Units used two hoselines to knock down the main body of fire.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Bronx 3- Alarm Apartment Bldg Fire
FDNYunits in the Bronx responded to Rochambeau Avenue fora three-alarm fire in a six-story apartment building on February 14, 2025. EMS transported five patients, some who were in serious condition.
- Fire News photos by Gary Hearn
Total Loss in Corfu
On February 3, 2025, the Corfu Fire Department was dispatched to a residence on Main Street in the Village of Corfu. The structure was a total loss and the cause was underinvestigation. Mutual aid
came from the Town of Batavia, City of Batavia, East Pembroke, Crittenden, Darien, Pembroke, Elba and Genesee County OEM. - Fire News photos by Jim Lepard Digital Imaging
Sheepshead Bay 2-Alarmer
FDNYEngine Company 309 transmitted a 10-75 forfire in a twostory mixed occupancy on Avenue U on February 11, 2025. The fire extended into the second floorand cockloft and a second alarm was
transmitted. Fourhoselines were used to knock down the main body of fire. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Brooklyn Church 3-Alarmer
FDNYSquad Company 252 transmitted a 10-75 forheavy fire in a two-story wood frame church on Halsey Street in Brooklyn on February 19, 2025. Units were withdrawn from the building as fire
reached the bell tower. Three alarms were needed to bring the fire undercontrol using three towerladders and six hoselines.
- Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
1 Injured in Corona Fire
FDNYunits responded to a reported private dwelling fire on 111th Street near34th Avenue in Corona, Queens, on February 14, 2025. Fire was out the second-floorwindows on arrival and companies quickly went to work. One civilian was treated forminorinjuries. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Brooklyn 3-AlarmerExtends
On January 8, 2025, FDNYEngine Company 217 and 102 responded to a phone alarm on Broadway in Williamsburg. On arrival they found heavy fire and smoke on the first floorof a deli with apart-
ments above. Units used six hoselines to knock down the main body of fire. The fire ultimately reached three alarms afterthe fire extended to the floors above. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
Queens 3-Alarmer
On February 23, 2025, FDNYfirefighters in College Point, Queens, responded to a fire in a two-story private dwelling and two-story commercial building on 119th Street. Units had heavy fire in the basement, first and second floors. The fire went to three alarms. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
Extrication Drill in Orange County
Orange Lake’s Dan Leghorn Engine Company, the Winona Lake Engine Company and Town of Newburgh EMTs trained together on extrications recently. - Fire News photos by Vinnie Dominick
Fatality at Dykers Heights 3-Alarmer
On February 18, 2025, FDNYfirefighters battled heavy fire throughout a two-story vacant building on 67th Street in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. Units were able to rescue a squatterfrom the
building. The squatterwas pronounced deceased a short time later. This was the third time the building burned.
- Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell
Home Destroyed in Stony Point Blaze
The Stony Point Fire Department responded fora reported structure fire at around 1900 on February 16, 2025. Firefighters arrived to a fire burning in the rearof a large two-story home, rapidly extending up the exteriorand into the attic. An interiorattack was attempted by the first-due engine, but theirefforts were thwarted by the fast-moving wind-driven fire, and a lack of a steady water source as the location of the fire was in an area lacking a nearby hydrant. The department set up a porta-pond and put a tanker shuttle into operation to supply water. However, the combination of high winds and early loss of a steady watersupply ultimately destroyed the home, despite the firefighters’best efforts. Crews worked in cold and windy conditions forseveral hours before the fire was brought undercontrol. No one was injured, and the cause was underinvestigation by the Stony Point Police and the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office BCI unit.
- Fire News photos by Kenny Flynn
All Hands in Rosedale
FDNYcompanies in Rosedale, Queens, battled an all-hands blaze on two floors of an attached private dwelling on 148th Avenue on February 20, 2025. Aheavy cluttercondition hampered fire operations. One civilian was evaluated by EMS personnel.
- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Basement Fire in Laurelton
FDNYcompanies in the Laurelton section of Queens battled a basement fire in a private dwelling on 223rd Street near135th Avenue on February 14, 2025. The blaze was brought undercontrol within 30 minutes.
- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Manhattan 2-Alarmer
FDNYcrews responded to two-alarm fire on West 46th Street in Manhattan. The fire started on the second floorof a six-story vacant building on February 18, 2025. - Fire News photo by Gary Hearn
2-Alarmerin Brooklyn
On January 5, 2025, FDNYEngine Company 309 transmitted a 10-75 forfire on the second floorof a two-story dwelling in Brooklyn. Members also found heavy fire in the cockloft. Asecond alarm was transmitted. - Fire News photos by
Lloyd Mitchell
1 FFSeriously Injured at Herald Square Blaze
Fire marshals are probing the cause of a fire at the Herald Square Holiday Market which occurred on December17, 2024. Units arrived to heavy fire throughout fourbooths. One firefightersuffered serious injuries during the fire.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Good Will, Little Hope Handle Market 32 Smoker
The Goodwill and Little Hope fire departments were called out to Market 32 fora smoke condition. Santa made an appearance because Good Will was on the road fortheirSanta Run.
- Fire News photo by Vinnie Dominick
Rescue at All Hands Fire in Brooklyn
Fatal Fire in Brooklyn
FDNYHook and Ladder175 and Engine Company 332 transmitted a 10-75 forheavy smoke and fire from the first floorof a private dwelling on December17, 2024. Members quickly rescued two civilians and began lifesaving efforts before turning them overto paramedics. One of the victims was pronounced deceased, the otherwas listed in critical condition.
Looking Back
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Battalion 58 transmitted a 10-75 forheavy smoke showing from the basement of a three-story private residence on East 81st Street in Brooklyn on December28, 2024. Units were able to rescue a woman. She was removed to Brookdale Hospital in stable condition. Members used two hoselines to knock down the main body of fire.
Yonkers - 2004
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
On December12, 2004, a three-alarm fire damaged a row of stores on McLean Avenue. Around 1300, employees of a hairsalon noticed a heateron fire, which quickly spread into the ceiling and cockloft of the business. Athird alarm was requested in less than 15 minutes
as the fire extended into the cockloft of fourotherbusinesses. Four firefighters were transported to the hospital.
- Fire News photo by Mike Messar
Troy/Saratoga Springs Hockey Fundraiser
On February 2, 2025, Troy Fire and Saratoga Springs Fire came to battle it out on the ice at the CollarCity Classic at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Houston Field House. The teams once again joined togetherto help raise funds forthe Albany Fire Cancerand
Disability Foundation. The game was neck-and-neck as the teams fought to gain the title. In the end Troy Fire came out on top. Thousands of dollars from donations and raffles were raised to help local firefighters. - Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
Niskayuna 2’s Installation and Award
At Niskayuna 2’s annual installation of officers banquet Daniel Herrgesell was named Firefighterof the Year. Daniel was also named Firefighterof the YearforSchenectady County. Daniel, his fatherand brotherare all members of Niskayuna 2. Pictured with Chief Gerry Barbiero and Assistant Chief Tom Henery. Congratulations and thank you foryourdedication.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
Latham Officers for2025
On January 17, 2025, the Latham Fire Department held its annual installation banquet. The 2025 line officers are: Chief William D.T. Childs, 1st Assistant Chief David Filarecki, 2nd Assistant Chief Richard Haack, 1st Captain Brendan Treadwell, 2nd Captain Steve Enright, 3rd Captain Brian Steele, 1st Lieutenant Alex Kot, 2nd Lieutenant Kristen Leffel, 3rd Lieutenant Gavin Oswald, Fire Police Captain Patrick Germaine, Fire Police 1st Lieutenant Paul Lavigne, Safety OfficerThomas Bergin, Safety OfficerPaul Fink, and Safety OfficerWilliam Childs.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
Maplewood Install and Award
The Maplewood Fire Department held it’s 84th annual installation banquet on January 25, 2025. During the installation of the 2025 officers, William GardnerIII was named Firefighterof the Year. Thank you foryourmany years of dedication to the community and yourdepartment.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
West Albany’s BarberNamed FFof the Year
During West Albany Fire Department’s annual installation of officers banquet, Rich Barberwas honored by the members of his department by being named Firefighterof the Year. Congratulations and thank you foryourdedication to yourcommunity and department.
- Submitted by Lori Washburn; Photos by Truck
Celebrating the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Knox Company, and Chief Ron Siarnicki for Their Unwavering Commitment to Supporting First Responders
Kidneys for Communities’prestigious National Community Impact Award, honoring organizations and individuals dfor exceptional leadership, vision and dedication to saving lives through living kidney donation, was presented recently highlighting remarkable contributions to the cause.
This year’s ceremony spotlighted two major awards, the Inaugural Corporate Social Responsibility National Community Impact Award, was presented to the Knox Company for its extraordinary dedication to saving lives through living kidney donations. Under the visionary leadership of Ms. Joni Trempala, Owner and President of Knox Company, the company has played a pivotal role in expanding awareness and action within the first responder community. Despite her personal battle with kidney failure, Ms. Trempala has consistently chosen to focus on those in need. Her leadership, together with her team and in collaboration with National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), has launched the Kidneys for First Responders Program-providing first responders with renewed hope and a second chance at life.
of the first Responder community.
While accepting the award, Victor Stagnaro, Chief Executive Officer of the NFFF and the First Responder Center for Excellence, stated, “By empowering the community to become living kidney donors, we are not only saving lives but also igniting hope and creating a legacy of resilience and unity.”
Concluding the award presentation, the Inaugural Humanitarian of the Year Award was presented to Chief Ronald J. Siarnicki. Recognized for his transformational leadership and unwavering dedication to the Kidneys for Communities First Responders Initiative,
“It was my great honor to invite Chief Ron Siarnicki, Executive Director Emeritus of the NFFF and the First Responder Center for Excellence, to accept his award.” said Atul Agnihotri, Board Chair & CEO, Kidneys for Communities®
The second award recognized the NFFF for its instrumental role in developing the “Expand Your Legacy: Become a Living Kidney Donor” campaign. In partnership with Knox Company and the First Responder Center for Excellence, NFFF has ignited a national movement to raise awareness, inspire living kidney donors, via its Kidneys for First Responders Program. Since partnering with Kidneys for Communities, NFFF has done far more than endorse the program-it has connected organizations nationwide, provided critical guidance, and ensured that the initiative meets the unique needs
Expressing his gratitude, Chief Siarnicki stated, “I am deeply honored to receive this award. It is a testament to the power of community and collaboration.”
These awards recognize those committed to saving lives through living kidney donation underscores the collective effort and profound impact of community-driven initiatives. For more information about the awards and the initiatives supporting first responders through living kidney donation, please visit Kidneys for First Responders. Afour-part video series providing information on being an organ donor and a transplant recipient is also available on firstrespondercenter.org.
Award recipients and presenters gather for a group photo at the National Community Impact Award ceremony.
Binghamton’s John Gaudet LODD
It is with heavy hearts, we share the passing of John ‘JR’Gaudet of Binghamton. Adevoted husband and loving father of three young children, John dedicated his life to his family, his community, and his career as a firefighter. Born on May 19, 1984, at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, John was the beloved son of Charles and Mary Ellen Gaudet. He passed away in the line of duty on February 12, 2025, at the age of 40.
John is survived by his wife, Felly Gaudet, and their three children: Charles (9), Vanessa (5), and Michael (3). He is also survived by his parents, Charles and Mary Ellen Gaudet; his sister, Katherine Gaudet; his brother-in-law, Simon Agustinus, and his wife, Erin Agustinus; and their son, Maddox Agustinus. Additionally, he leaves behind his childhood best friends, Dante DePersis (Binghamton Firefighter) and Michael Marion, along with many others whose lives he touched.
John graduated from Binghamton High School in 2002 before attending Binghamton University, where he played Division I lacrosse during the 2003-2004 seasons. He later transferred to SUNYCortland, where he played
lacrosse in the 2007 and 2008 seasons. Alefthanded attackman, he was known for his skill in faceoffs and relentless determination on the field. The Red Dragons finished as the Division III national runner-up in both of his seasons.
John’s work ethic and compassion extended far beyond the field. He was deeply committed to his community, coaching youth lacrosse teams for Binghamton, Seton and Windsor school districts. He also dedicated himself to coaching his son Charlie’s teams.
More than anything, John wanted to be a great husband, father and firefighter. The Binghamton Fire Department stated it best: “JR embodied what it means to be a firefighter - fearless, dedicated, and always putting others before himself. His infectious smile, unwavering positivity, and relentless work ethic made him a brother to all who had the honor of serving alongside him. He was the kind of firefighter you could always count on, the one who would have your back no matter the situation.
Contributions to assist his family can be made payable and mailed to: Syracuse Fire
Department Credit Union (Note in memo section it’s for “Firefighter Gaudet”), 211 Wilkinson Street, Syracuse, NY13204; AGo Fund Me page has also been set up by friends of the family. - Fire News photo provided
On January 30, 2025, Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Saint Bridgets Drive fora building fire. On arrival companies found heavy smoke and fire showing from the first floorof a twostory vacant church. Asecond alarm was transmitted bringing in extra units as firefighters worked to knock down the deep-seated fire within the building which was being fed by high winds.