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Louisville FFs Help the WHAS Crusade forChildren Assisting at Kentucky Derby Day
Each year, Louisville firefighters help the WHAS Crusade for Children make life better for children with special needs. Recently, Louisville Engine 20 (Highlands) kicked off the Crusade weekend with their friends at Nazareth Nursing Home. Many residents at Nazareth were once Crusade Kids, and they are passionate about the Crusade. They are also fond of our firefighters.

Nazareth collected $359 to donate on behalf of Engine 20! Their generosity, kindness and desire to give back is inspiring! We encourage the community to help LFD make life better for children with special needs. One hundred percent of the money raised provides critical resources for the most precious and vulnerable individuals in our community.
Ways to Give:
• WHASCrusade.org
• CashApp $crusadechildren
• Venmo CrusadeForChildren
• PayPal WHAS Crusade for Children
• Mail 520 W. Chestnut St, Louisville KY40202
Remember to include the Louisville Fire Department’s name with your donation.