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Thanking OurMedics

Lexington Fire Department First Platoon officers hosted a Paramedic Appreciation Breakfast at the Local 526 Union Hall forall of the First Platoon Paramedics assigned to their12 ambulances (24 total medics). This idea began on Second Platoon this yearand was brought to First Platoon by Captain Jason Picklesimerof Engine 4 and Captain Adam Day of Engine 8, each of whom also delivered a quick encouragement on the topic of leadership. Attendees were honored to have retired LFD Paramedic/FirefighterJeff Godby speak about his 22yearcareeron LFD Ambulances. Each paramedic left with a gift as a small token of the appreciation fortheir hard work and professionalism. OurBuggy crews are busy day and night in high stress enviroments. First Platoon Officers wished to create a culture where thankfulness is communicated to ourparamedics and appreciation is demonstrated. Ourmedics are valued and their hard work does not go unnoticed. Keep up the great work paramedics! Keep up the leadership LFD officers.

- Photos courtesy of Lt. Larkin Lair & Lexington FD

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