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Bellport Hosts Brookhaven Districts
The Bellport Fire Department hosted the Brookhaven Town Fire Districts meeting. An amazing roast beef dinnerwas served thanks to the cooking crew of (left to right) Teddy Hermus, Tony Citarella and TylerFuria. - Fire News photos by Tony Citarella

Busy Weekend for West Sayville Juniors

The West Sayville JuniorFire Department had yet anotherbusy weekend. On October 15, 2021, at theirmonthly meeting they trained on the different classes and uses of fire extinguishers. Then on October17 they assisted in the Multi-District Fire Prevention event which was held at West Sayville’s HQ. The West Sayville JuniorFire Department consists of approximately 50 youths ranging from the ages of eight to 17. They hold monthly meetings, trainings, compete with the Juniors racing team, and assist the department wheneverthey are called upon. The Juniors program is very successful in the recruitment and retention of members and offers a smooth transition to the “big” department. - Fire News photos by Patrick D’Onofrio, WSFD

HonorFlight forWWII Vets
An HonorFlight forWWII Veterans departed on a brisk early morning in October. WWII veterans came to Long Island-MacArthur Airport to participate in an opportunity to visit the WWII monuments and othersites in Washington, DC. Bohemia and West Sayville departments set up the American flag as the veterans and families drove underit while we all shared words of “thanks foryourservice” as they drove by. Upon returning late that same evening, Bohemia and Holbrook set up the American flag to welcome home those same veterans. It was a good day forall. - Fire News article and photos by Sue Orlando, PIO; and ex-Chief Tom Riedel