33 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Dennis Whittam, Editor As We Enter2022 …
As Fire News welcomes everyone to 2022, I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to look back to December 2021 and offer condolences to the Malveaux family and to the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Recently, FDNY Firefighter Vincent Malveaux was in training and began to feel ill and lost consciousness during his daily training at the FDNYFire Academy on Randall’s Island. ‘Pablo,’as Malveaux was affectionately known to his classmates, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he died. As a firefighter, I know the sadness of losing a brother or sister firefighter. Fire News will bring you coverage of the Line of Duty funeral to honor Firefighter Vincent Malveaux in a future edition of our paper.
As we enter 2022, I would like to congratulate all firefighters and officers as you take on your new positions of being a firefighter and a new officer. To all firefighters, especially those firefighters who have some time under their belts, take the time to share your knowledge with your newer members and take the time to offer learning experiences that will help your company officers lead you through the year. New officers should confer with past officers so you don’t repeat the same mistakes that they may have made. As a new leader, never embarrass a member who may seem weak in certain skills. You will soon learn that as a new officer, you now take on the role of being a teacher. Firefighters must practice what they have learned to become proficient in the skills that save lives, including your own. Officers need to make sure every member knows how to use the tools of your trade - firefighting!
Anyone with experience will tell you that going on calls is the easy part of our job. Making sure you and your colleagues know what they are doing is the hard part. Hopefully everyone realizes the importance of drills, training, and truck maintenance. Yes, I said truck maintenance! Saws must start; air packs must work as expected and simple things like making sure the fuel tanks are full is important. When you leave the firehouse after a call, stop, and look around and give thought to anything that requires attention. If you see something is wrong, don’t wait until the next day to make changes.
As an officer, you must set the example and keep the bar raised high, so that your troops are ready for action.
On New Year’s Eve, hug your loved ones, say a prayer for world peace and dust off your training manuals so that you can be the best at what you love to do. Also, remember Firefighter Vincent Malveaux and offer prayers of comfort to his family. In my family, we have a tradition; at the stroke of midnight, we hug one another and start the new year with three foods: herring, lentil soup and rye bread. Yes, I know, to some this sounds horrible. But the symbolism is meaningful.
I wish everyone good luck, good health, and prosperity in 2022. Happy New Year and good luck to all as you enter 2022!
- Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, January 2022 Cover Story

Farmingdale Fire Deemed Suspicious

The Farmingdale Fire Department responded to a building fire on Eastern Parkway just before 1900 on November16, 2021. First Assistant Chief Tortoso arrived to fire showing from the second floorof a vacant two-story warehouse and immediately transmitted a second alarm. Engine 921 stretched multiple lines, and supplied Bethpage Ladder3, which was set up in front of the building. Plainview Ladder 9533 set up in the rearand was supplied by South Farmingdale Engine 972. Levittown Ladder621 also set up in front and was supplied by Bethpage Engine 905. The fire eventually went through the roof of the building but was brought undercontrol in just overtwo hours with three towerladders and multiple handlines. Overa dozen surrounding departments provided mutual aid to the scene and forstandby. The fire was considered suspicious and was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza,
Bryan Lopez and K2MPhotography.com

Massapequa House Fire Extends

The Massapequa Fire Department was called to a house fire on Oakley Avenue about 2217 on November16, 2021. Third Assistant Chief Friedland arrived to fire showing on the exteriorof the exposure 2-3 cornerthat extended into the house. Engine 6314 and Ladder636 set up in front of the house. Engine crews stretched fourlines with three going into operation as the fire had extended into the first floorand attic. The crews from 636, Ladder 632, and Squad 8, laddered searched and vented the home. The occupants home at the time exited the house safely. The fire was brought undercontrol within an hour. Mutual aid came from Amityville, Seaford and Bellmore. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza; Ed Tuffy, Massapequa FD; Bryan Lopez; and K2MPhotography.com

N. Babylon House Fire

The North Babylon Fire Company responded to a reported house fire on Parkdale Drive just before 2300 on November23, 2021. Additional information was that there was a fire in a second-floor bedroom. Engine 1-8-3 was supplied by 1-8-8 from a hydrant down the street. Engine crews stretched two lines with one going into operation to knock down the fire and bring it undercontrol in about 30 minutes. Mutual aid came from West Islip and DeerPark. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza
DeerPark House Fire Snuffed

Recently, the DeerPark Fire Department responded to Dahlia Lane forreports of the side of a house on fire. Units arrived to a two-story private dwelling with flames showing. Chief 1-4-31 acknowledged that the 2 side of the house was on fire and was extinguished priorto arrival. First due Engine 1-4-11 stretched a line, while Ladder1-4-14 overhauled. - Fire News photo by TNTFirePhotos.com
Lynbrook Wetdown

On November21, 2021, Lynbrook Engine Company 1 held a wetdown for theirnew Engine 421, a 2021 Spartan, which replaced a 2003 Seagrave. ExChief John O’Reilly opened the program and was followed by Deacon McCormack who gave the invocation and laterblessed the engine. First Lieutenant Sean Hynes did the Pledge of Allegiance. Aftera few words from local dignitaries, Company Captain Ryan Tachiera, Chief of Department Donald and Apparatus Committee memberexChief Nicholas Pearsall, the engine was christened with a bottle of champagne by two ex-chiefs, two honorary chiefs and an ex-captain. The engine was then wetdown by the Company’s 1927 Ahrens Fox, Ladder427 and Rockville Centre Engines 443 and 445. Good luck to the company with theirnew engine. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza and K2MPhotography.com

Lakeview House Fire

In the early morning hours of November24, 2021, the Lakeview Fire Department was called to a house fire on Ronkonkoma Avenue off Mahopac Road. Firefighters arrived to fire showing from the second floorof a two-story private dwelling. Firefighters stretched two handlines and put at least one into operation. The main body of fire was quickly knocked down and all occupants made it out of the residence safely. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation and all fire department units were underthe command of Lakeview Chief of Department James Galia. - Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com and AJDPhotoG

FireNews.com Fire News, January 2022, Page 13 Ronkonkoma House Fire

On the evening of November16, 2021, the Ronkonkoma Fire Department was called to DorchesterRoad in Lake Ronkonkoma fora structure fire. Crews were met with smoke and flames coming from the basement with extension to the first floor. Three lines were pulled and, with help from Centereach, Holtsville, Lakeland, Farmingville and Nesconset, the fire was brought to a halt. Crews worked vigorously forabout two hours before returning to service. - Fire News photos by Jack McNamara, DFC 16A

Looking Back
Coram - 2017

On November10, 2017, the Coram Fire Department responded fora structure fire on BeecherStreet with smoke coming from the garage. Upon arrival flames were engulfing the garage and extending. - Fire News photo by Jim Dunn and Jim Brown
North Amityville - 2018

Fire companies from both Nassau and Suffolk counties battled a massive fire in an abandoned motel in the North Amityville Fire District on October 25, 2018. The wellknown vacant motel, was the site of a fatal fire about fouryears ago. The building eventually collapsed onto itself. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScene Photos.com

West Hempstead 1973
Victory Chemical Engine and Hose Company, betterknown as the West Hempstead Fire Department, responded to this house fire on June 6, 1973. - Fire News photo provided by Mike Capoziello

Plainedge House Fire
The South Farmingdale and Bethpage Fire Departments were alerted fordual response to a house fire at AnchorWay and Dolphin Drive just before 1430 November15, 2021. South Farmingdale Chief of Department Klein and Second Assistant Chief McFarlane arrived and had fire showing from a soffit on the exposure 1 side of the house. Bethpage Engine 905 and Ladder3 were the first units on scene, followed by Engine 972 and Farmingdale Engine 923. The crews from Ladder 3, 978, and Farmingdale 926 laddered, searched and vented the home. Engine crews stretched three lines with two going into operation. Additional mutual aid came from Massapequa, Seaford, East Farmingdale and Amityville. The fire was brought undercontrol in about an hourwith no reported injuries and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza, Bryan Lopez and Joseph C. Sperber

Lakeview Blaze

The Lakeview Fire Department responded to the report of a house fire on Robin Court in the early morning hours of November13, 2021. Heavy fire was showing from the upperfloorof the two-story home and companies immediately went to work. Mutual aid units were called to the scene to assist. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com and K2MPhotography.com

Syosett Basement Fire

On October25, 2021, at 2348, the Syosset Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a basement fire on North Street. Chief of Department Silverarrived to a working fire in the basement with a residential sprinkleractivated. First-due units stretched the initial attack line to quickly knock down the remainderof the basement fire. With the assistance of crews from East Norwich, the fire was placed undercontrol in less than 30 minutes. - Fire News photo by OvertheEdgePhotography.com

Heavy Damage at Wantagh House Fire

At approximately 0325 on November12, 2021, the Wantagh Fire Department responded to a heavily involved house fire with fire visible on all floors on Bayview Avenue in Wantagh. First Assistant Chief Tom Bloomfield was first to arrive, followed closely by Chief Kelly. Engine 5, led by Captain Alex Errico, secured a watersupply at a nearby hydrant and stretched a line. They were followed by Engine 3, led by Captain Phil Schaaf, who secured anotherwatersupply in anticipation of the possibility of a defensive operation by Ladder1. Engine 3 stretched a second line and began to attack the fire. Athird line was stretched by Engine 7, led by Captain Joe Seier. Crews from Ladder1, led by Captain Bruce Sparke, and Ladder2, led by Captain Richard Mongiello, searched, ventilated, and overhauled. EMS operations were coordinated by ex-Captains Erica Goetz and Jocelyn Bristol. Firefighters were challenged by high winds feeding the flames as well as a caron fire in the driveway. The home sustained extensive damage. Mutual aid came from Bellmore, North Bellmore, Seaford, Massapequa and Levittown, along with a rehab unit from the Nassau County Fire Marshal’s office. - Fire News photos by Chief Kelly, K2M Photography, OvertheEdgePhotography.com and Kevin Regan, PIO

Brentwood Bakery Fire

The Brentwood Fire Department was called to a fire at the Jocorena Bakery on Islip Avenue at 0038 on November14, 2021. Third Assistant Chief Doyle arrived to smoke showing. Engine 3-21 was followed by 3-2-12. The engine crews stretched two lines with one going into operation. The crew from Ladder3-2-28 cut open the roll down gates and forced entry into the building. The fire was located in the boilerroom, and was knocked down quickly and contained to that area. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by Islip and Central Islip. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza
Small Fire in Hempstead

On November16, 2021, just after1500, the Hempstead Fire Department was dispatched to a report of smoke from the house on Holly Avenue. Engine 2 and Ladder2 arrived to smoke coming from the house and located a small fire and extinguished it with extinguishers. - Fire News photo by OverTheEdgePhotography.com

Fire News, January 2022, Page 23 FairPlay Ambulance Cost Recovery Act
Local fire service leaders and state fire associations join Assemblyman Billy Jones in calling for support of ‘Fair Play Ambulance Cost Recovery Act’in Albany which would bring over $3M to the region for fire department ambulance services.
On November 18, 2021, Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) joined with members of the North Country’s volunteer fire service to call for passage of legislation in Albany that would allow fire departments to recover the costs associated with providing emergency medical services —specifically ambulance transport services —in New York State. Jones is the Assembly sponsor of the Fair Play Ambulance Cost Recovery Act - Assembly Bill A.534-A.
EMS cost recovery for volunteer fire department ambulances is the number one legislative priority of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY), representing 85,000 volunteer firefighters across the state. The emphasis on passing this bill is shared by the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs and the Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York.
This critical piece of legislation will allow fire departments that provide emergency ambulance services to recover the costs associated with their response. New York State is currently the only state in the nation that does not allow fire departments to recover the costs of ambulance services. The law would facilitate the recovery of $100 million in EMS costs by local fire departments —with an anticipated $3 million in recovery going to North Country fire departments that provide ambulance service.
“There is no reason why local fire departments should not be able to recover EMS costs,” said Assemblyman Jones. “The inability to recover these costs is creating an undue burden on our local fire departments, many of which are run by volunteers, and this burden is being passed along to taxpayers. Since ambulance services operated by police departments and ambulance departments are able to charge a fee for their services, fire departments should not be singled out and should be permitted to do the same. As costs for services continue to soar, the state must support our local fire departments and change this unjust policy.”
“We thank Assemblyman Jones for his leadership and hard work in carrying this important piece of legislation in the Assembly,” said FASNYpast-President Joseph Finnegan, a member of the Madrid Fire Department in St. Lawrence County. “Our fire department EMTs and Paramedics spend a substantial amount of time training for and responding to medical emergencies, and fire departments upgrade their equipment continuously to provide the highest level of protection to New Yorkers. Allowing local fire departments to recover the costs of EMS services will save taxpayers money and allow volunteer departments to continue serving their communities.”
This legislation is the main priority for New York’s volunteer fire service. It represents a bipartisan effort to provide equity among New York State’s EMS providers, which include private EMS companies, volunteer ambulance corps (VACs), and fire departments. Fire departments provide EMS coverage to nearly half of the state, and many of these departments are smaller, with roughly 90 percent of all fire departments in the State of New York staffed with volunteers. These departments are usually the first to respond to urgent situations, providing medical treatment and transport.
The number of ambulance calls has risen across the state in recent years and the cost of providing EMS services has soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. While ambulance corps and paid ambulance services are able to bill patients’medical insurance providers, fire department operated ambulances cannot. This has left fire districts —and in turn taxpayers —footing the bill for EMS responses. The ability to bill a patient’s insurance and recover the cost of emergency calls will help reduce the burden on taxpayers as well as on fire districts across the state.

No Injuries in N. Lindenhurst Head-on

The North Lindenhurst Fire Department was alerted foran MVAwith carfire on North Wellwood Avenue and 51st Street at about 1430 on November24, 2021. An SUVand a pickup collided head on, causing the pickup to catch fire. Several North Lindenhurst units were already responding to an MVAthat came in right before this incident. Neither driverwas injured. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Quick Stop at Plainview House Fire
The Plainview Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Eton Place on November17, 2021. The blaze was located on the second floorof the split-level home and was quickly knocked down by arriving engine companies. Mutual aid units also responded to the scene. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

FireNews.com Fire News, January 2022, Page 27 Woodmere House Fire Extends

The Woodmere Fire Department battled a working house fire on Hazel Drive on November 10, 2021. The blaze appeared to have originated on the first floorwith extension to the upper floors. Mutual aid companies were called to the scene. - Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Page 28, Fire News, January 2022 Quick Work in Elmont

On November12, 2021, shortly after1600, the Elmont Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire on Harrison Street. Chief of Department Conti arrived to fire on the first floorof a twostory house. Engine 703 stretched the initial line to extinguish the fire in approximately 15 minutes. - Fire News photo by OvertheEdgePhotography.com

Page 30, Fire News, January 2022
FASTDrill for2nd Battalion

On October9, 2021, multiple departments from within the Second Battalion participated in a FASTdrill at the Oceanside Fire Department training facility. The firefighters present were divided into groups and rotated between six stations. Each station was led by an instructorfrom within the battalion. Among the topics covered was firefighterpackaging, securing a firefighterwho fell below grade, taking a firefighterthrough a window and down a ground ladder, and a mask confidence course. Once every member completed each station, they were able to apply what they learned in a live burn scenario. Forthis evolution dummies were placed inside of the building, needing to be located and properly removed. - Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com

Albertson Wetdown

On August 29, 2021, the Albertson Fire Company held a dedication and wetdown of two new pieces of apparatus, Engine 806 and Ladder809. Replacing a 1998 Pierce Quantum, Engine 806 is a 2020 Spartan MetroStardedicated in memory of Ladies Auxiliary MemberLisa WeberMargaritis. The new Ladder809 is a 2021 Spartan Gladiator110-foot Rearmount Aerial which replaces a 1991 E-One Aerial and is dedicated to past-President and exTrustee John Lasek. Congratulations to the Company on theirnew apparatus! - Fire News photos by OvertheEdgePhotography.com

EMS ACROSS THE ISLAND 1 Fatality, 2 Injured in Holtsville Crash
Late on October19, 2021, the Holtsville Fire Department was activated foran MVAwith heavy rescue at the intersection of North Ocean Avenue and Express Drive South. First arriving units were met with one patient who was ejected from a vehicle lying in the roadway, and the driverof anothervehicle heavily pinned. The driver who was pinned was pronounced dead before crews could get tools into operation. The occupant who was ejected, and the otherdriverwere transported to Stony Brook University Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The scene was then turned overto Suffolk County Police foran accident investigation. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

2 Injured in Smithtown MVA
The Suffolk Police and Smithtown Fire Department responded to an MVAat the intersection of West Jericho Turnpike and Ledgewood Drive in Smithtown on October21, 2021, at 1700. Two vehicles collided and injured both drivers. Smithtown Fire Department Ambulance transported the injured to Stony Brook University Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber
Rolloverin Hempstead
The Hempstead Fire Department responded to an MVAwith rollover on Front Street nearIngraham Boulevard on the evening of October 27, 2021. There were no apparent serious injuries and village police were on the scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

No Entrapment at Elmont Rollover

The Elmont Fire Department was alerted foran extrication call at an overturn on Elmont Road nearDutch Broadway on October28, 2021. On arrival, units found no one trapped in the vehicle and county police handled the scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Brentwood Car vs. Building

On October28, 2021, the Brentwood Fire Department was activated foran MVA, reported as a vehicle into a building on Brentwood Road. Units arrived to find a single vehicle partially into the structure and advised of negative entrapment. The crew of 3-2-14 secured the involved vehicle. Structural damage was minorand no injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez
4-CarMVAin DeerPark

On November5, 2021, at 0825 the DeerPark Fire Department responded to a four-vehicle chain reaction MVAon Commack Road and Burlington Avenue. Three people in the vehicles were injured and transported to Good Samaritan Hospital by DeerPark and Dix Hills Fire Department ambulances. - Fire News photos by BTFirePhoto
Fatality in East Garden City MVA

The Westbury Fire Department was toned out fora multi-vehicle MVAon Stewart Avenue in East Garden City on November8, 2021. Aflatbed truck and an SUVcollided which led to the flatbed crossing the centerline and striking a small panel truck. The vehicle that the flatbed was carrying was hurled onto the roadway on impact. The driverof the panel truck was pronounced at the scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
4 Injured, 1 Dead, 1 DUI in Robert Moses MVA

The West Islip Fire Department, an Ambulance from Bay ShoreBrightwaters Ambulance, Suffolk County Police and New York State Police responded to an accident on the southbound Robert Moses Causeway about 1930 on November21, 2021. The driverof a sedan traveling south, lost control causing it to roll overmultiple times, across the median landing on its roof in a northbound lane, also striking a compact car. Second and Third Assistant Chiefs Celeste and Mirrione responded along with Engines 3-17-1, 3-17-5, Heavy Rescue 3-17-3, numerous ambulances, Fire Police 3-17-10 and an ambulance from Bay Shore-Brightwaters. An ambulance from Babylon stood by at West Islip Headquarters. There were two people in the compact that suffered minorinjuries. There were four people in the sedan; three of them were transported to Good Samaritan Hospital along with the people from the compact. Apassengerfrom the sedan was laterpronounced dead at the hospital. The driverof the sedan was arrested at the scene by New York State Police and was latercharged with DWI. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza
Roosevelt Multi-CarMVA
The Roosevelt Fire Department responded to a multi-vehicle accident on Pennsylvania Avenue on November24, 2021. Three or fourvehicles were involved, and police were investigating the accident which was spread overa two-block area. Fire department units were not required at the scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Bethpage MVA with Overturn
The Bethpage Fire Department and Nassau County Police responded to an MVAon Broadway nearSherwood Drive on November10, 2021, at 1205. Acarlost control and struck a parked carthen overturned onto its roof. The driverwas removed from the vehicle by firefighters and police. Bethpage Fire Department ambulance transported the driverto Nassau University Medical Centerin East Meadow suffering non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

Overturn Injures 1 Person
On October17, 2021, at 0230, a caroverturned trapping one person. The person was removed and transported to Huntington Hospital. Chief Stephen Fitts was the officerin charge. - Fire News photo by Jack Italiano, CSHFD

Garden City 2-Car
The Garden City Fire Department responded to a two-vehicle MVAon Stewart Avenue at Washington Avenue on November1, 2021. Village police and NYU ambulances were also on scene. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Hempstead MultiVehicle
The Hempstead Fire Department turned out fora multi-vehicle accident on South Franklin Street at Elizabeth Avenue on November1, 2021. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

Port Washington Installation and Awards

On August 14, 2021, the Protection Fire Engine Company 1 of the Port Washington Fire Department held their129th annual installation and inspection dinnerat the North Hempstead Country Club. Captain Daniel Buettner, 1st Lieutenant Robert Pape, Jr., and 2nd Lieutenant Erit Eguizabel, as well as the company’s trustees, assistant engineers, secretaries, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms and company steward were installed by Assistant Chief Reese. In addition to the annual installation and awards presented to members, Company Trustee John Murro and past-Trustee William CarpentierIII were honored fortheir50 years of service to the company. Both members received numerous awards and citations from elected officials in attendance. Congratulations to all installed officers as well as Trustees Murro and CarpentierIII fortheiryears of service! - Fire News photos by OvertheEdgePhotography.com


On October14, 2021, the DeerPark Fire Department took part in an extrication drilled at the Suffolk County Fire Academy. - Fire News photo by BTFirePhoto

Massapequa firefighters at the 2021 Massapequa Fire Department installation dinner. - Fire News photo by Ed Tuffy, Massapequa FD

Members of Bethpage aftera recent working fire in Syosset. - Fire News photo by OvertheEdgePhotography.com Firefighters from The Mineola Fire Department at a recent building fire in Garden City. - Fire News photo by AJDPhotoG

Locust Valley ex-Chief Longo, Sr. (left), Bethpage ex-Chief/Fire Commission Chairman DeBobes Sr(center), and Locust Valley 3rd Assistant Chief/5th Battalion District Chairman Nolan (right) on the scene of a working fire in Syosset. - Fire News photo by OvertheEdgePhotography.com

Members of the Community Ambulance Company. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

The Westhampton Beach Ladies Auxiliary. Shown here are: Vanessa Winters, Jackie Saccente, Meena Chockalingam, Cody Hoyle, Shanise Pegues, Rena Mootoo, Elise Thomasoff and Debbie Dalessio. - Fire News photo by Cody Hoyle

Page 46, Fire News, January 2022
Wantagh Home Drill AFun Day

On September25, 2021, members of the Wantagh Fire Department participated in theirHome Drill, which is an old-fashioned intercompany competition meant to fostercamaraderie and teamwork. The drill took place at the Wantagh LIRR parking lot next to fire headquarters and featured several fun events including midnight alarm, running hose, running hose replacement, efficiency and the always-popularbuckets. Afterthe drill all participants and their families enjoyed a barbeque at headquarters, while the children enjoyed theirtime at the bounce house. Everyone enjoyed a fun day and hats off to the members of Ladder1 fororganizing everything and all theirhard work. Congratulations to the team comprised of members from Engine 3 and Engine 8 who came in first place. - Fire News photos by Paul Krussmann; story by Kevin Regan, PIO

Central Islip Invitational Drill
July 31, 2021
Place Team Points 1st Islip 31 2nd Central Islip 19 3rd North Lindenhurst 17 4th West Sayville 16 5th Lindenhurst 7
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Central Islip Invitational Drill

Hagerman - Joe Gonnelly Memorial Drill
July 24, 2021
Place Team Points 1st North Lindenhurst 32 2nd West Sayville 22 3rd Farmingville 14 4th Carle Place 13 5th Hagerman 12
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Joe Hunter Memorial Drill
July 8, 2021
PlaceTeam Points 1st North Lindenhurst24 2nd Central Islip 22 3rd Hagerman 21 4th North Bellmore 16 5th Farmingville 13
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

St. James Day

These are members of Engine Company Two at Saint James Day on October3, 2021. In the group photo are the following: (standing) Sean Wouters, Don Bradshaw, Chief Dave Mills, Bob McGovern, Dan Keegan, Dan Jordan, Roy Bradshaw, Vincent Puleo (ex-Chief, Nesconset and Smithtown Town Clerk), Liam Carroll, Richard Smith. Seated: Lieutenant Tim Gatto, Captain Bill Capurso and Dan Tambasco.
- Fire News photo by Ron Pacchiana

Hewlett’s Kohlmier, Holupka and Reisman Honored for50 Years

The Hewlett Fire Department honored three of its members on November 14, 2021, each forattaining over50 years of service with the department. ExChief Otto Kohlmier, Jr.; ex-Captain Donald Holupka; and ex-Captain Jack Reisman were all honored fortheircontinued dedication and service to the department. Awards were given to each of the honorees from many local and state dignitaries including the NYS Association of Fire Chiefs, NYS Office of Fire Prevention, Long Island Firemen’s Association, NYS Assembly, Nassau County Legislature, Town of Hempstead and the Hempstead Fire Department Yellow Hornets Drill Team. - Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

PBMC Presents EMS Certificates of Recognition to Greenport EMS Crew
Centerport Chief Ties the Knot
Peconic Bay Medical Center(PBMC) has recognized EMS members from the Greenport Fire Department fortheir fast actions in saving a man having a heart attack. The team was honored with certificates of recognition at the firehouse on November9. (Left to right): Jason Groff, Paramedic Supervisor; Maryjo Stark, Directorof Nursing, Emergency Medicine and Trauma; Alain De Kerills, 2nd Assistant Chief; Daniel Creedon, Driver; James H. Kalin, 1st Assistant Chief; Helen Reiss, EMTand Squad Captain; Scott Falley, Paramedic; Wayde Manwaring, Chief of the Greenport Fire Department; and Amy Loeb, Exec. Directorof PBMC. - Fire News photo provided

Second Assistant Chief Daniel Guntherof the Centerport Fire Department and Daniella Reali were married on October8, 2021. Centerport firefighters provided an honorguard forthe couple at the ceremony held at OurLady Queen of Martyrs Church in Centerport, followed by a reception at the Stonebridge Country Club in Smithtown. Danny is a memberof the FDNYLadder138 in Queens, and Daniella is a school psychologist forEastern Suffolk BOCES. - Fire News story by Steve Silverman, photo courtesy Studio 27