Fire News Long Island, January 2022 edition

Page 4

Page 4, Fire News, January 2022

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

As We Enter 2022 … As Fire News welcomes everyone to 2022, I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to look back to December 2021 and offer condolences to the Malveaux family and to the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Recently, FDNY Firefighter Vincent Malveaux was in training and began to feel ill and lost consciousness during his daily training at the FDNY Fire Academy on Randall’s Island. ‘Pablo,’ as Malveaux was affectionately known to his classmates, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he died. As a firefighter, I know the sadness of losing a brother or sister firefighter. Fire News will bring you coverage of the Line of Duty funeral to honor Firefighter Vincent Malveaux in a future edition of our paper. As we enter 2022, I would like to congratulate all firefighters and officers as you take on your new positions of being a firefighter and a new officer. To all firefighters, especially those firefighters who have some time under their belts, take the time to share your knowledge with your newer members and take the time to offer learning experiences that will

help your company officers lead you through the year. New officers should confer with past officers so you don’t repeat the same mistakes that they may have made. As a new leader, never embarrass a member who may seem weak in certain skills. You will soon learn that as a new officer, you now take on the role of being a teacher. Firefighters must practice what they have learned to become proficient in the skills that save lives, including your own. Officers need to make sure every member knows how to use the tools of your trade - firefighting! Anyone with experience will tell you that going on calls is the easy part of our job. Making sure you and your colleagues know what they are doing is the hard part. Hopefully everyone realizes the importance of drills, training, and truck maintenance. Yes, I said truck maintenance! Saws must start; air packs must work as expected and simple things like making sure the fuel tanks are full is important. When you leave the firehouse after a call, stop, and look around and give thought to anything that requires attention. If you see something is wrong, don’t wait until the next day to make changes. As an officer, you must set the example and keep the bar raised high, so that your troops are ready for action.

On New Year’s Eve, hug your loved ones, say a prayer for world peace and dust off your training manuals so that you can be the best at what you love to do. Also, remember Firefighter Vincent Malveaux and offer prayers of comfort to his family. In my family, we have a tradition; at the stroke of midnight, we hug one another and start the new year with three foods: herring, lentil soup and rye bread. Yes, I know, to some this sounds horrible. But the symbolism is meaningful. I wish everyone good luck, good health, and prosperity in 2022. Happy New Year and good luck to all as you enter 2022! - Dennis

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