Fire News Long Island, October 2021 edition

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Serving Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Since 1973 OCTOBER 2021

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by AJDPhotoG

October and it’s Fire Safety Time Again! See Editorial on Page 4

Page 2, Fire News, October 2021

Fire News, October 2021, Page 3

In this issue... Copiague House Fire Fire in a two-story residence takes an hour to bring under control.

See story on page 12

Looking Back Fires and training from Sands Point, Brentwood and Fire Island in 2016. See story on page 15

Good Stop in Garden City Two occupants are saved, as a basement fire goes to two alarms.

See story on page 30

Fatality at Melville LIE MVA The driver of a compact car dies in a two-car MVA that injures four more.

See story on page 54

Drivers ... Start Your Engines Racing: Selden Invitatonal, Selden Juniors and Baldwin Hybrid Charity Meet. See stories on pages 68, 70 and 72

Obituaries Hempstead’s, FDNY’s Christopher Carney Pt. Lookout’s Dennis Crimmins

A Service for Long Island Firefighters and EMS Heroes Founded 1973

146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Editorial Assistant: BRYAN LOPEZ Graphic Artist: GREG JONES, JEB LADOUCEUR, Publisher Emeritus CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Vinnie Ammirati, Dennis Berger, Chris Brenner, Jeff Bressler, Kirk Candan, Amanda Coffey, Ed Coppa, Bill D'Alessandro, Jim Dunn, Larry Fox, Lee Genser, Bryan Gosik,Brian Grogan, Steve Grogan,Mike Guarino, Stephanie Handshaw, Jack Healy, Michael Heller, Robert Holley, Cody Hoyle, Kevin Imm, John Ippolito, Tom Lambui, Richard Lewin, Bryan Lopez, Harry Loud, Kurt Ludwig, Brad Maier, John Mancino, Paul Mazza, Lou Minutoli, Ron Monteleone, Michael Murphy, Charles A. Murphy, Mike Oppedisano, John Neely, Robert O'Rourk, Kevin Parkan, Tom Pesce, Kevin Peterson, Jackson Pokress, Jerry Presta, Myles Quinn, Dave Rubin, Jim Rugen, AJ Ryan, Drew Silverman, Steve Silverman, Joe Sperber, JoAnn Stephani, Brian Thomas, Ed Tuffy, Joe Virgilio, Steve Walsh, Dennis Whittam, Cameron Wilken COLUMNISTS: Jeff Bailes, Paul Hashagen, Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder, Danny Peluso, Bradley Pinksy, Tom Rinelli COPYRIGHT 2021, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3 Editorial: (631) 776-0500 Ext 281 Fax number: (631) 286-6866 Internet: e-mail:

Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of:

Nassau Fire Comm’s, RVC’s Ronald Kahan See pages 108 & 109

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 98 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 100 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 104 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . pages 106-107

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

49 Years of Excellence As you know, Fire News is in its 49th year of publication. If you have any stories, photos and good memories from the past, please send them to

Page 4, Fire News, October 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

It’s That Time Again! It is hard to believe that summer is over and as firefighters we have to once again give thought to educating our communities on the topic of fire prevention. I can still remember when my own kids ventured off to college. As a dad, I was truly happy to watch the enthusiasm that my two girls had when they left home to live on their own in a college dormitory. Another side of me was nervous. I am reminded of the fatal Seton Hall fire at Boland Hall, which claimed the lives of three students and injured over 50 more students. Statistics showed that from 2000 to 2014, 89 fatal fires were documented that occurred on a college campus, in Greek housing, or in off-campus housing within three miles of the campus, claiming a total of 126 victims — 76 in off-campus housing claiming 107 victims, seven fires in on campus building or residence halls claiming nine victims, and six in Greek housing (fraternities and sororities) claiming 10 victims. The good news is, thanks to our Fire Safety Educators, Juvenile Arson Awareness Programs and to our fire marshals and community fire departments,

2015 was the first year that there were no fatal fires on college campuses. For the year of 2020, fires were down by over three percent. All of the programs in which your fire department is involved help prevent fires and save lives. With the interruption of Covid, I ask if your department’s fire prevention program is ready to go into action? In the past, I urged everyone to evaluate their Fire Safety Education Program. I still urge you to have one of your county or town fire safety organizations to review your program to make sure you are doing the right thing. Understand, children can get mixed messages when they come to the firehouse and watch firefighters set fires and put them out. Educators are aware of the pitfalls of “negative teaching” to get a point across. I worry that someday there will be a student who will see a firefighter set a car on fire and, while being mesmerized by the flames, think that that was the purpose of the demonstration. It is important to show the community our equipment and apparatus, but it is more

important to make sure your audience knows that when a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm goes off, they need to act in a specific way. Putting Covid and new school policies aside, at the end of the day, whether the community comes to the firehouse or you go out to the community, the result should be the same. Everyone must understand “stop drop and roll,” how to “get out alive” and what to do when the smoke or CO alarm sounds. Every year, departments do an outstanding job teaching fire safety awareness. Is your program working? Statistics are saying that they are. Keep up the good work! - Dennis

Announcements BSBRA YOUTH SQUAD BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER Please help the Bay Shore-Brightwaters Rescue Ambulances Youth Squad dedicated teens with their first pancake breakfast in two years! Your pancake breakfast includes your type of pancakes various fruit or chocolate chips, type of meat if you like bacon or sausage, apple or OJ, coffee or tea. Cost of the breakfast is $10 - Adults; $8 - kids and seniors. Besides pancakes we will have a 50-50 and Chinese auction. Please put October 23, 2021, on your calendar. Breakfast is from 0900 to 1300.Come support an amazing group of teenagers at Bay Shore Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance For tickets to the breakfast or 50-50 please e-mail Advisor Mary-Catherine Dolan. E-mail; or text 631-229-5169.

BROOKHAVEN TOWN FIRE DISTRICT OFFICERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL WORKSHOP The Brookhaven Town Fire District Officers Association Annual Workshop will be held on Friday, October 29, 2021 at the Terryville Fire Department at 19 Jayne

Boulevard in Port Jefferson Station. from 1800 to 2100. Admission is $60 per person or $200 per foursome and includes dinner and dessert All Are Welcome: Probies, Firefighters, Chiefs and Commissioners Topics include: Marijuana Legislation How It Effects Your Fire District; Solar Farms Construction and Awareness; Training On Lithium-Ion Batteries and The Concerns to Firefighters. Please RSVP by October 25, 2021, to Eugene Petricevich at 631-774-7313; or e-mail for reservation

CENTRAL ISLIP OPEN HOUSE The Central Islip Fire Department will be holding its annual fire prevention week Open House on Friday, October 8, 2021, from 1800 to 2100. This annual event will be held at CIFD Station 2 at 110 Wheeler Road in Central Islip. There will be many fire prevention displays and demonstrations, a free child ID program as well as many giveaways and fire safety educational materials. All are invited to this informative and fun filled evening. For more information call 631-484-0612, or e-mail us at

or visit our website at For more information call 631-484-0612, or e-mail us at fireprevention@centralislipfd .com or visit our website at

DOES YOUR DEPARTMENT HAVE A PIO? Fire News is compiling a list of department Public Information Officers. If your department has a PIO, please send Fire News the PIO’s name, department, and contact information. E-mail us at Thank you for your help.

WHERE ARE YOUR DEPARTMENT’S PHOTOS? Fire News would like to remind its readers that we are always happy to receive photos and stories from departments who haven’t been in our paper. Feel free to e-mail your photos to We ask that any photo you do send be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and that you do not retouch, crop, alter or reduce your photos in size when you e-mail them to us. Please send two to four photos per incident. Also, include a brief write-up of the event, or family news, which includes basic “who, what, when, and where” information. We look forward to seeing your department in our next issue. - Ed. (Continued on page 5)

Fire News, October 2021, Page 5

Announcements (Continued from page 4)

SCVFA DINNER HONORS FIREFIGHTER OF THE YEAR The annual dinner of the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen’s Association will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the East Farmingdale Fire Company, 930 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735. The event begins at 1800 with appetizers, (beer, wine, and soda included) followed by the Installation of officers, dinner, and the Suffolk County Firefighter of the Year presentations for 2020 and 2021. The cost is $65 per person. Tickets are limited, so please order your tickets as soon as possible. Please visit our website at /UpcomingEvents.html for the dinner application and journal advertisement application. For further information:

FRANK TROTTA RE-ELECTED TO SUFFOLK FEDERAL BOARD Mr. Trotta is Publisher and Owner of Fire News, which serves fire, rescue and EMS departments since 1973 on Long Island as well as 12 states. He also is the Publisher of Suffolk Lawyer and the Legal Brief Magazine for the

Suffolk County Bar Association. Mr. Trotta is a Principal in a family-owned real estate company and has served as an elected official of the Village of Bellport for 31 years, including 27 years as its longest-serving Mayor. Additionally, he serves on the Brookhaven Industrial Development Agency Board, as Chaplain of the Bellport Fire Department and as Chaplain for the Fire Chiefs Council of Suffolk County. “Frank contributes so much to the Long Island community and beyond, through his publications, his real estate enterprise and his political leadership,” said Michele Dean. “With an astute understanding of communications, business and government sectors, he offers a remarkable range of expertise to our Board.” uffolk Federal Credit Union is a local not-for-profit cooperative financial institution owned and operated by its members. It was chartered in 1967 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). The volunteer-

directed credit union has assets in excess of $1.5 billion, 10 branches and over 63,000 members, including partnerships with Suffolk County employees and unions. Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships, attends school or regularly conducts business in Nassau and Suffolk counties as well as immediate family members of current membership. Suffolk Federal Credit Union was named the #1 credit union on Long Island and the #2 credit union in New York State in a recent report from Forbes. To learn more, visit or call 631-924-8000.

FASNY RUN TOWARD THE FLAME 5K FASNY will be holding a 5K Running Toward the Flame event on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at Brookhaven Town Park on Long Island. The event begins at 0900 and is a walk/run. Registration link: FASNY 5K Long Island. Proceeds from the 5K benefit the FASNY Scholarship Fund and FASNY Firemen’s Home. For more information contact Karen Wendling, Director of Development, or 518-4340987 x728.

Page 6, Fire News, October 2021

Cover Story

Hempstead Vacant House Fire

In the early morning hours of August 20, 2021, the Hempstead Fire Department was called to a structure fire on Maryland Avenue. When firefighters arrived, they were met with heavy fire and smoke showing from a vacant, 2-1/2 story private dwelling on Fulton Avenue. Firefighters stretched and operated multiple handlines to extinguish the fire, which was present on both the first and second

floors. West Hempstead, South Hempstead and Roosevelt were among the departments called for mutual aid. The cause of the fire was under investigation and all fire department units were under the command of Hempstead Chief of Department Mott. - Fire News photos by and AJDPhotoG

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1 Burned in Hicksville House Fire

In the early afternoon hours of August 20, 2021, the Hicksville Fire Department along with mutual aid companies operated at the scene of a second-alarm fire in a single-story private dwelling on Elwood Avenue off Fox Place. Firefighters put three handlines into operation to fight the fire. Westbury, East Meadow, Levittown, Syosset and Bethpage were among the mutual aid departments called. One

civilian sustained burns and was transported to an area hospital. A canine was safely rescued from the residence and turned over to the owner. The cause of the fire was under investigation and all fire department units were under the command of Hicksville Chief of Department Lewis. - Fire News photos by, and Paul Mazza

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Freeport Apartment House Blaze

On August 7, 2021, just before 0500, the Freeport Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a building fire on Smith Street. First Assistant Chief Donnelly was met with smoke showing from the side of a three-story apartment building. Engine 216 stretched the initial attack line into the building. Upon searches, fire was found on the

first and second floors prompting five lines to be stretched with four placed in operation. Mutual aid came from Roosevelt, Hempstead, Merrick, Oceanside and Baldwin. The fire was placed under control in approximately an hour with the cause of the fire under investigation. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 11

Brentwood House Fire Snuffed

The Brentwood Fire Department responded to a house fire on Arizona Avenue on August 16, 2021. Engine crews stretched and operated two lines to extinguish fire on the first floor of a two-story home. The crew from Ladder 3-2-28 laddered, searched and vented the house with all searches negative. The fire was brought under

control within an hour with no reported injuries. Mutual aid was provided by Islip and Bay Shore. The cause of the fire was under investigation. Chief of Department Kelly was in charge. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

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Copiague House Fire

The Copiague Fire Department was alerted for a house fire at Dante Avenue and Great Neck Road about 1900 on August 9, 2021. Captain Holzwarth arrived to fire showing from the first floor of a two-story home. Crews stretched and operated two lines, as the crews from Ladder 1-3-4 and Amityville 1-1-5 laddered, vented and searched the home. Additional mutual aid to the scene was provided by Lindenhurst and North Amityville. The fire was brought under control within an hour. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza and Bryan Lopez

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West Islip Porch Fire Extends

The West Islip Fire Department responded to a house fire on Hunter Avenue in West Islip on September 12, 2021, at 1345. When firefighters arrived, they discovered a second-floor rear deck fully engulfed and extending to the second floor of the home. All occupants were able to safely evacuate, but three dogs had to be rescued. The dogs were transported to a local vet for treatment. Mutual aid

came from Bay Shore, Deer Park, North Babylon, Brentwood and Wyandanch-Wheatley Ambulance. Several firefighters were treated for smoke exposure and heat exhaustion at the scene. The Suffolk Police and Islip Town Fire Marshal were on scene investigating the cause. - Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

Nice Stop in Wantagh At 0030 on September 2, 2021, the Wantagh Fire Department responded to a house fire on Crescent Lane in Levittown. Officers from the Nassau County Police were reporting a working fire. Third Assistant Chief Bill Stevens arrived and reported the house fully involved. Chief of Department Ken Kelly assumed command, followed by First Assistant Chief Tom Bloomfield. Engine 4 arrived and stretched a hoseline. They were followed by Engines 5, 3, 8 and 7. Eventually four lines were put to work, as crews from Ladders 1 and 2 commenced search, ventilation and ladder operations. EMS Crews from Rescues 1,

2 and 4 set up staging and rehab and a FAST from Levittown responded. Bethpage provided an engine and truck company while Levittown sent an ambulance to standby at Wantagh Station 2. Due to a rapid response and aggressive attack, all visible fire was knocked down in just over 20 minutes. The cause of the blaze was under investigation by investigators from the Nassau County Police Department’s Arson/Bomb Squad and the Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office although it did not appear suspicious. - Fire News photos provided by Paul Mazza, Zone2photo; Kevin Regan, PIO

Fire News, October 2021, Page 15

Looking Back Sands Point - 2016

Brentwood - 2016

A Sands Point home on Woodland Drive was heavily damaged by fire on November 2, 2016. Port Washington fire units responded, with mutual aid coming from Plandome and Manhasset-Lakeville. - Fire News photo by

In the early morning of November 8, 2016, the Brentwood Fire Department was alerted for a house fire on Arizona Avenue. Third Assistant Chief Kelly arrived and located fire on the second floor of the home. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Fire Island 2016 On November 13, 2016, the South Country Ambulance Company and the Bellport Fire Department held a joint rescue drill at the new inlet which breached Fire Island where Old Inlet once was. - Fire News photo by Alfred Roe

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East Meadow Fire The East Meadow Fire Department was alerted for a house fire on Melanie Drive on September 2, 2021. Units were faced with a heavy fire condition in the rear of the two-story split-level home and quickly went to work. Three handlines were needed to extinguish the blaze. Hicksville firefighters responded at the FAST. - Fire News photos by and

Fire News, October 2021, Page 17

Melville Garage Fire

On August 26, 2021, at 2235, the Melville Fire Department was dispatched to a general alarm on Sweet Hollow Road. Originally received as an automatic alarm, additional calls advised of a house fire. Second Assistant Chief Bernfeld arrived to fire through the roof of an attached garage. Engine 2-57 utilized the deck gun to quickly knock down a large volume of fire while crews began to stretch handlines. At least two lines were stretched to extinguish the fire which was placed under control in approximately an hour with the assistance of crews from Plainview, Dix Hills, East Farmingdale, Huntington Manor and Greenlawn. - Fire News photos by

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Page 18, Fire News, October 2021

1 Hurt in Hicksville Kitchen Fire The Hicksville Fire Department responded to the report of a kitchen fire in a private dwelling on Hewitt Street on September 7, 2021. The blaze was quickly knocked down, but one person suffered minor injuries and was transported to an area hospital. - Fire News photos by

Page 20, Fire News, October 2021

Smoking Washing Machine in Kings Park

The Kings Park Fire Department responded to a fire on Lakebridge Road South on September 5, 2021, at 0955. Firefighters arrived to a smoke condition in an apartment with the source unable to be immediately determined. Mutual aid was requested from Commack

and Smithtown for an engine and ladder to the scene. It was discovered that a washing machine was the cause. The unit was isolated, and smoke vented from the building. Units operated on scene for 30 minutes. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

Fire News, October 2021, Page 21

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Hempstead House Fire The Hempstead Fire Department responded to the report of a house fire on Lent Avenue near Morrell Street on August 12, 2021. Flames and smoke were evident from the upper floors on arrival and all occupants were able to evacuate to safety. Mutual aid companies assisted at the scene. - Fire News photos by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 23

Truck Fire Stopped in Hempstead

Hempstead firefighters quickly doused a fire on the undercarriage of a Sanitation District 6 garbage truck on Front Street near President Street on August 16, 2021. - Fire News photos by

Page 24, Fire News, October 2021

Hicksville Garage Fire Extends Just after 1230 on July 30, 2021, the Hicksville Fire Department was alerted for a garage fire on Lee Avenue. Assistant Chief DiFronzo arrived and advised Engine 933 of heavy fire showing from the garage. Engine 933 quickly put the deck gun into operation while stretching multiple handlines to transition to an interior attack. A second alarm was transmitted due to extension into the second floor of the home. Mutual aid came from Syosset, Plainview, Jericho, Bethpage, Westbury and East Meadow. The fire was placed under control within 40 minutes of the dispatch time. - Fire News photos by AJDPhotoG

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Quick Stop in Elmont

The Elmont Fire Department operated at a house fire on P Street on August 15, 2021. The blaze was extinguished with one handline. Franklin Square responded as the FAST. - Fire News photos by

Roosevelt Smoker

On August 8, 2021, just before 1900, the Roosevelt Fire Department was dispatched to a report of smoke from a garage on Royal Court. Engine 733 was met with smoke showing from the house. One line was stretched while crews worked to locate the source of the smoke. With the assistance of crews from Freeport, the scene was placed under control in approximately 45 minutes. - Fire News photos by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 27

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Quick Stop in Bohemia

On August 28, 2021, the Bohemia Fire Department was activated for a structure fire on Lincoln Avenue. Quick responses by Chief Iwanejko and Assistant Chief O’Shaughnessy determined the fire was limited to the garage. Ladder 6, Engine 1, and FP 9, went to work to suppress all fire. There was no extension to the structure. SCPD and the Islip Town Fire Marshal also responded. - Fire News photos by Sue Orlando, PIO

Fire News, October 2021, Page 29

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Nice Stop in Garden City At approximately 0512 on August 23, 2021, the Garden City Fire Department was alerted to smoke from a house on Stewart Avenue. Multiple chiefs were quickly on the road along with Engine 142, which was up the street from the scene. The assistant chief arrived to a fire in the basement. First-due units helped escort two occupants from the home. A second alarm was transmitted due to fire extending to the first floor. Mutual aid came from Franklin Square, Floral Park, New Hyde Park, Mineola, Carle Place and Westbury. The operation was placed under control within an hour. The scene was under the command of Chief of Department Moody. - Fire News photo by AJDPhotoG

Good Stop at Holbrook Attic Fire On August 18, 2021, the Holbrook Fire Department was activated for a residential structure fire on Edwil Court. Dispatch received multiple calls from nearby neighbors reporting smoke coming from the home. Units arrived to find smoke showing and with further investigation transmitted a working fire. Mutual aid was brought in from Sayville and Bohemia to assist at the scene. Crews located the fire in the attic and quickly knocked it down. The alarm was under the command of Chief Chris Heinssen. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

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Rescues at Hempstead Apartment House

The Hempstead Fire Department took numerous calls reporting an apartment fire on Clinton Street about 0240 on August 6, 2021. Firefighters arrived to fire showing from a second-floor apartment of a seven-story apartment building that was spreading to the upper floors on the exterior of the building. Numerous residents were trapped on balconies and in their apartments, several of whom were

taken down by firefighters using ground ladders and tower ladders. Crews stretched multiple lines to the fire floor and kept the fire to the one apartment. It took about an hour to bring the fire under control with mutual aid from numerous surrounding departments. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

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Bay Shore House Fire

The Bay Shore Fire Department was called to a house fire on Gardiner Drive on August 20, 2021. Units arrived to fire showing from the second floor of a twostory home. Engine 3-1-5 and Engine 3-1-1 put the first line into operation while the crew from Ladder 3-1-7 opened up and searched the home, with all searches being negative. West Islip Quint 3-17-2 operated a second line on the exterior to extinguish pockets of fire The cause of the fire was under investigation. Chief of Department Butler was in charge. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Fire News, October 2021, Page 35

Garage Fire in Carle Place

On August 16, 2021, at approximately 2115, the Carle Place Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a house fire on Ward Street. Carle Place Captain Geddish arrived to a fire in the attached garage of the house. Westbury E9610 and Carle Place E917 stretched the initial line to extinguish the fire in the garage. The fire was quickly knocked down with overhaul conducted by crews on scene. With the assistance of crews from Westbury, Mineola, Garden City and Roslyn, the fire was placed under control in 15 minutes. - Fire News photos by

Page 36, Fire News, October 2021

Uniondale House Fire

In the early morning hours of September 11, 2021, the Uniondale Fire Department was called to a house fire on Larboard Court in the dead end off Anchor Way. When firefighters arrived they were met with fire showing from the number two side of a two-story private dwelling. Firefighters stretched and operated two handlines. A quick knockdown of the fire kept it from extending deep into the residence. Roosevelt, North Bellmore, Hempstead and Freeport were among the mutual aid departments called. The cause of the fire was under investigation and the occupants of the home safely evacuated. All fire department units were under the command of Uniondale Chief of Department Martinez. - Fire News photos by

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Brentwood House Fire

The Brentwood Fire Department was called to a house fire on Udall Road about 0045 on August 23, 2021. First Assistant Chief Renison arrived to smoke showing from a single-story home. An occupant was removed by Suffolk County Police prior to the fire department’s arrival. Engine 3-2-14 stretched two lines with one going into operation to extinguish a fire in the kitchen. An Engine 4 member found a small dog in the house and retrieved it. The crew from Ladder 3-228 searched the rest of the home. The fire was brought under control in under an hour. The cause was under investigation. Mutual aid was provided by West Islip and Deer Park. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Williston Park House Fire

On August 6, 2021, just after 1600, the Williston Park Fire Department was dispatched to a reported house fire on Marsellus Road. Engine 863 found a mostly extinguished siding fire in the rear of the house. One line was stretched off Engine 863 with overhaul conducted by crews on scene. Mutual aid was requested to the scene from Mineola and East Williston. - Fire News photo by

2 Injured at Great Neck Office Blaze

On August 22, 2021, at 1035, in the middle of Tropical Storm Henri, the Great Neck Alert Fire Company was dispatched to a report of a building fire on East Shore Road. Simultaneously, Manhasset Lakeville Commissioner Morris was passing the location and notified his dispatch of a working building fire at the location. Alert Chief of Department Neubert arrived to a fire in a twostory medical office building. Engine 824 stretched the initial line and three lines were stretched to extinguish the fire with the assistance of crews from Great Neck Vigilant and Manhasset-Lakeville. One civilian suffered burns and one suffered smoke inhalation. They were transported to local hospitals in unknown condition. The fire was placed under control in under an hour with the cause of fire under investigation. - Fire News photos by

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Saving Some History in Glen Cove VFW Fire On August 24, 2021, at 0655, the Glen Cove Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a building fire at the VFW Hall on Hill Street. Chief of Department Tate arrived to fire in the rear of the building and heavy smoke throughout. Engine 525 stretched the initial line into the building to begin extinguishing the fire. Two lines were stretched to extinguish the main body of fire. Mutual aid came from Sea Cliff, Locust Valley, Roslyn, East Norwich and Manhasset. The fire was placed under control in approximately an hour with extensive overhaul and ventilation operations conducted. Crews also removed numerous irreplaceable historical items from the building. - Fire News photos by

Quick Stop in Hicksville

On September 3, 2021, at approximately 1745, the Hicksville Fire quickly knock down the fire which was placed under control in Department was dispatched to a report of smoke from the house on under 30 minutes with the assistance of crews from Bethpage and South Elm Street. Second Assistant Chief Di Fronzo arrived to fire Syosset. - Fire News photo by on the second floor of the house. Engine 932 stretched a line to

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Seaford Burger King Fire

The Seaford Fire Department received an automatic alarm for a building fire at Burger King on Sunrise Highway on September 18, 2021. Second Assistant Chief Cottone arrived to fire showing from an air handler vent on the roof, spreading to the roof material. The crews from 681, 682 and Wantagh 691 stretched and operated two lines. One line was brought inside the building, the second to the

roof. The crew from Ladder 683 and Massapequa Ladder 632 went to the roof and into the building to open up and check for extension. The fire was knocked down quickly and contained to the unit and duct work around it. Mutual aid came from North Massapequa, Massapequa and Wantagh. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Roslyn Car Fire

The Roslyn Fire Companies were alerted for a truck fire at 0220 on August 12, 2021, on the westbound side of the Long Island Expressway west of Glen Cove Road. Roslyn Rescue Engine 566 and Roslyn Highlands Engine 591 extinguished the fire in quick order under the command of 5901 Assistant Chief Luke Unger. - Fire News photo by Michael Conklin

Uniondale Basement Fire

On August 29, 2021, at 1520, the Uniondale Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a basement fire on Henry Street. EMS Fly-car 7599 was quickly on scene and advised Chief of Department Martinez that there was smoke showing. Engine 752 stretched a line into the basement to quickly knock down the fire and the scene was placed under control in approximately 20 minutes. One occupant of the home was evaluated for smoke inhalation. - Fire News photo by

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Gas Line Feeds Bayville Blaze

In the early morning hours of August 30, 2021, the Bayville Fire Company was called to a house fire on Leeward Cove off Donald Street. When firefighters arrived, they were met with heavy fire showing from a two-story private dwelling with all occupants safely evacuated. Firefighters put handlines and master streams into

operation to extinguish the fire, which was being partially fed by a compromised gas service. Within an hour firefighters had the main body of fire knocked down aside from the area around the gas meter. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by

Esther Place Garage Fire On August 18, 2021, at approximately 2145, the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a garage fire on Esther Place. Chief of Department Labianca confirmed active fire in the garage. Engine 712 stretched the initial attack line to begin extinguishing the garage fire. The fire was quickly knocked down with two lines stretched. With the assistance of crews from Elmont, West Hempstead and Valley Stream, the fire was placed under control in approximately 20 minutes. - Fire News photo by

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East Farmingdale Restaurant Fire The East Farmingdale Fire Company responded to an automatic alarm at Applebee’s in Airport Plaza about 0335 on August 25, 2021. Second Assistant Chief Quinn arrived to smoke showing and upgraded the alarm to a working fire after locating fire in the kitchen of the restaurant. Chief of Department Welliver and First Assistant Chief Lewis arrived with Chief Welliver taking command. Engine 1-5-2 and 1-5-1, and Ladder 1-5-15 arrived. The engine crews stretched a line and had the fire quickly knocked down and contained to the stove area. The crews from Ladder 1-5-15 searched and vented the building with the crew from Farmingdale Ladder 926 who was the FAST. South Farmingdale was requested for an ambulance. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Page 48, Fire News, October 2021

Garden City Park Car into House On September 10, 2021, at 1507, the Garden City Park Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a car into a house on Larch Drive. Chief of Department Sarracco found a car through the garage into the living area of the house. One person was transported to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by

Carle Place Overturn ... and a Runner On August 29, 2021, at approximately 0750, the Carle Place Fire Department was dispatched to an overturn on Westbury Avenue and Carle Road. Lieutenant Topel confirmed the overturned auto with the driver out of the car and running away. Rescue Engine 912 secured the vehicle. The scene was quickly placed under control with the driver located a few blocks away by Nassau County Police. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 49

House Fire in Hauppauge

The Smithtown Fire Department responded for a house fire on Sequoia Drive in Hauppauge, on July 20, 2021, at 1830. Firefighters discovered a fire on the second floor of the home which was unoccupied at the time. Mutual aid came from Nesconset and Saint

James. The fire was quickly extinguished and the Suffolk Police and Smithtown Fire Marshal investigated the cause. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

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Blown Hydraulic Line Strands Worker The Roslyn Fire Companies were alerted for a man stuck on a lift near the football stadium on the Long Island University-Post Campus on August 10, 2021, at 1745. Tower Ladder 565 was able to bring the stranded man down in quick order. A blown hydraulic line was to blame for the man's predicament. - Fire News photo by Michael Conklin

Fatality in Copiague MVA; DUI Charged The Copiague Fire Department was called to a pedestrian struck in front of a home on Hawkins Boulevard about 2110 on August 24, 2021. The male pedestrian was standing between two parked cars on the street in front of his home when an SUV traveling southbound on Hawkins Boulevard, crashed into one of the parked cars, pinning the pedestrian against the other parked car. Engines 1-3-7, 1-3-10, Heavy Rescue 1-33, Ambulance 1-3-27 and First Responder 1-3-80 responded along with Chief of Department Nuzzi, Second Assistant Chief Broyles and Third Assistant Chief McInerney. The male was transported by Ambulance 1-3-27 to Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center in West Islip where he was pronounced dead. The driver of the SUV was taken into custody at the scene and was later charged with DWI. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Pedestrian Killed on LIRR Tracks On August 14, 2021, the Hagerman Fire Department and South Country Ambulance Company responded to a reported train versus pedestrian, near the Station Road LIRR crossing. First arriving units quickly located the victim who was pronounced dead at the scene. The scene was then turned over to police for an accident investigation. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

Page 52, Fire News, October 2021

Right Place, Right Time for a Heart Attack Chuck Prentis, 59, was cycling up a very steep hill in Port Jefferson and suddenly went into cardiac arrest in front of St. Charles Hospital on Belle Terre Road. But all of the stars aligned that day for Chuck. St. Charles. Nursing Assistant Drew Saidler was in the emergency room and heard the outside cries for help. Drew immediately sprang into action and performed life-saving CPR on the lawn where Chuck had fallen. St. Charles ER staff immediately ran out to assist Drew. At the same time, Middle Island Fire Chief Bill Nevin happened to be driving by, and jumped out of his car with an automated external defibrillator (AED). Chuck was placed on a stretcher, with ED Nurse Kirsten Connolly on top, performing life-saving compressions as Chuck was being rushed into the emergency room. Recently, Chuck went back to St. Charles to thank the staff who helped save him. (Left to right): Middle Island Fire Chief Bill Nevin; Chuck Prentis; Jeffrey Wheeler, MD; and Nursing Assistant Drew Saidler). - Fire News story by Walter Olszewski, MIFD

FRES Provides Life-Saving Equipment to Suffolk Auxiliary Police Suffolk County FRES recently provided Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), NARCAN kits and tourniquets to the Suffolk County Auxiliary Police for use in each of the Suffolk County Police Department’s seven precincts. The Suffolk County Auxiliary Police program is a volunteer-oriented service trained to assist the SCPD and the county in an effort to serve the needs of Suffolk County residents. FRES was able to provide this medical equipment to the Auxiliary Police utilizing grant funds. The department will continue to work with all its partners in the best interest of public safety. Suffolk County Executive Steven Bellone, FRES Commissioner John Jordan and Acting Police Commissioner Stuart Cameron also attended to thank the Auxiliary members for their dedication and service to their communities. - Fire News photo courtesy of Peter Guaraldi Suffolk County FRES

Page 54, Fire News, October 2021

Fatal Crash on the LIE

The Melville Fire Department operated on scene of a serious MVA with entrapment, the night of September 6, 2021, on the eastbound portion of the Long Island Expressway, near exit 49S. A compact car hit an SUV, causing both vehicles to leave the roadway and crash into a wooded area. Crews worked quickly to extricate the trapped occupants. One passenger of the compact was transported

to Plainview Hospital where he was pronounced dead, another passenger was transported to Nassau University Medical Center in critical condition, and a third passenger was airlifted to Stony Brook University Hospital in critical condition. The drivers of both vehicles were treated for non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

Fire News, October 2021, Page 55

New Ambulance for Garden City Park

On the afternoon of August 15, 2021, the Garden City Park Fire Department and Rescue Company 5 held a dedication ceremony at Garden City Park HQ for new Ambulance 155. The new ambulance, a 2020 AEV F550 4x4 Type I TraumaHawk Ambulance, was sold by Specialty Ambulance of East Farmingdale. It replaces the department’s early 2000s Ford predecessor and is one of two ambulances that serve the Garden City Park Fire District. - Fire News photos by

Page 58, Fire News, October 2021

2 Injured in Huntington Manor MVA In the early morning of July 25, 2021, the Huntington Manor Fire Department, along with the Huntington Community First Aid Squad, responded to an MVA with possible entrapment on New York Avenue. Units arrived to find a driver and one occupant self-extricated, reporting a single-vehicle crash into a parked vehicle and tree. The crew of Engine 17 secured the involved vehicle and attended to all fluids and debris in the roadway. Mutual aid was requested from Greenlawn for one ambulance to the scene. The driver and passenger were transported to nearby hospitals for their injuries. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

Mineola 2-Car The Mineola Fire Department was alerted for an MVA on Old Country Road at 4th Avenue on July 16, 2021. Two SUVs were involved with no serious injuries. - Fire News photo by

Car vs. Pole MVA At 1447 on July 25, 2021, Massapequa firefighters and rescue personnel responded to a single-car MVA on Sunset Boulevard in Massapequa, where a sports car had struck a utility pole. NCPD ESU was also on scene. MFD Firefighters and NCPD extracted the driver from the vehicle and he was then treated by NCPD EMS. - Fire News photo by Ed Tuffy

Page 60, Fire News, October 2021

MVA on the Sunken Meadow

Albertson Van vs. House

The Kings Park Fire Department and New York State Police responded to a single-car MVA on the southbound Sunken Meadow State Parkway south of Pulaski Road on August 22, 2021, at 1815. The car appeared to be traveling northbound, lost control and struck a tree in the southbound center median. The driver was unconscious and trapped. It took firefighters 20 minutes to free the driver, who was placed in an awaiting Kings Park Fire Department ambulance and transported to Stony Brook University Hospital in critical condition. State Police were on scene investigating the cause of the accident. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

On August 16, 2021, at 1547, the Albertson Fire Department was dispatched to a van versus house MVA on Foxcroft Road. Units arrived to find a work van that struck the front of the house causing damage to the area around the front window. Crews from Engine 806 and Rescue 807 assessed the damage to the house while the driver was assessed by EMS. - Fire News photo by

1 Critical in Roslyn/LIE MVA

2 Burned in Boat Gas Tank Explosion

Roslyn Fire companies, assisted by NCPD ESU, extricated the male driver of a car which struck a tree near the eastbound LIE/Northern State Parkway interchange. Multiple hand and hydraulic extrication tools were used to free the critically injured driver who was transported to the hospital by an NCPD ambulance. - Fire News photo by Michael Conklin

The Babylon Fire Department, an ambulance from the West Islip Fire Department, and Suffolk County Police responded to a Green Avenue home about 1105 on August 19, 2021, for two men who suffered burns when they were working on a boat and the fuel tank exploded. First Assistant Chief Arundale along with Engines 1-2-3, 1-2-5 and Ambulance 1-2-10 responded. Third Assistant Chief Sadousky and Engine 1-2-6 went to the Babylon Pool to secure an LZ in the parking lot. The more seriously injured man was treated by Babylon EMS personnel and was taken to Stony Brook University Hospital by Suffolk County Police helicopter. The second man was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital by West Islip Fire Department Ambulance. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Fire News, October 2021, Page 61

Garden City MVA Garden City firefighters were dispatched to a twovehicle accident with extrication on Franklin Avenue on September 4, 2021. One driver was injured and transported to an area hospital by NYU ambulance. - Fire News photo by

3-Car MVA in Merrick On the night of September 3, 2021, the Merrick Fire Department operated at the scene of an MVA with overturn at the Dunkin' Donuts on Sunrise Highway off Hewlett Avenue. There were three vehicles involved — one appeared to have left the roadway and the other two vehicles were parked at the time. The overturned vehicle never struck the building and landed inches from the front door. Two people were injured, neither seriously. There was no entrapment, and the scene was turned over to Nassau County Police. - Fire News photo by

Page 62, Fire News, October 2021

Valley Stream MVA At least one person was injured on August 4, 2021, after an SUV plowed through the front windows of a Valley Stream medical office building on West Sunrise Highway. One person in the building was trapped behind some debris for a short time until Valley Stream firefighters and other rescue crews could reach her. The building was evacuated for a short time while officials confirmed that there was no serious structural damage. - Fire News photo by

SUV Out of Control in Franklin Square One person was slightly injured after an SUV lost control, plowed over a small fence and ended up just short of a house on Commonwealth Street in Franklin Square on August 7, 2021. Firefighters, EMS personnel, and police were all on the scene. - Fire News photo by

Page 64, Fire News, October 2021

1 Injured in Copiague MVA The Copiague Fire Department and Suffolk County Police responded to an accident at North Emerson Avenue and Montauk Highway with reported entrapment about 1535 on August 24, 2021. The driver of a subcompact was traveling east in the westbound lanes of Montauk Highway and struck a utility pole on the corner of North Emerson Avenue. Chief of Department Nuzzi arrived and confirmed the entrapment. Engines 1-3-7 and 1-3-10, Heavy Rescue 1-3-3, Ambulance 1-3-27 and Utility Truck 1-3-6 responded. The crew from 1-3-3 put spreaders and cutters into operation to remove the driver’s door and extricated her in about 15 minutes. The crew from 1-3-7 had a precautionary line stretched. The injured driver was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip by 1-3-27. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Oceanside MVA The Oceanside Fire Department was alerted for a vehicle in a creek on August 15, 2021. An SUV crashed over a guard rail on Long Beach Road, went through a chain-linked fence, and landed just short of a small creek which runs along the roadway. Luckily, the occupant was pulled to safety. - Fire News photo by

Garden City Park MVA No serious injuries after this two-vehicle collision with rollover on Marcus Avenue at Greenway in Manhasset Hills around 1100 on September 3, 2021. Garden City Park Fire Department and Nassau County Police and EMS responded. - Fire News photo by

RMAs at Massapequa MVA Massapequa Ladder 632 and Ambulance 637 responded to a two-car MVA at the intersection of Hampton Boulevard and Beverly Place in Massapequa on the afternoon of September 6, 2021. The passengers in both vehicles were RMAs. - Fire News photo by Ed Tuffy, Massapequa FD

Kings Park 3-Car The Kings Park Fire Department and Suffolk Police responded to a three-car MVA in front of the King Park Post Office on East Main Street in Kings Park on September 11, 2021, at 1210. The driver of one of the vehicles was trapped. Firefighters cut open the driver’s side to gain access. Kings Park Ambulance transported her to Stony Brook University Hospital with various non-life-threatening injuries. The occupants of the other vehicles were evaluated at the scene by EMS personnel. - Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

Fire News, October 2021, Page 65

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7 Injured in Great Neck MVA On September 12, 2021, at 1311, the Great Neck Vigilant Fire Company was dispatched to a report of a car versus a building on Middle Neck Road in Great Neck Estates. First Assistant Chief MacDonald found an overturned car through one store and into another with multiple injuries and the driver of the vehicle trapped. Rescue 834 was immediately requested to the scene as well as mutual aid rescue trucks from Manhasset-Lakeville and Great Neck Alerts. With the assistance of mutual aid crews, as well as Nassau County ESU, the driver of the vehicle was extricated and transferred to awaiting EMS. Due to the number of patients, a MCI was declared bringing multiple ambulances to the scene including Nassau County EAB, Manhasset-Lakeville, Hatzolah and Roslyn Rescue. Seven patients were transported to local hospitals for treatment. The cause of the accident was under investigation. - Fire News photo by

Minor Injuries in Hempstead MVA Thankfully, injuries were minor in this two-vehicle collision on Long Beach Road at Botsford Street in Hempstead on September 9, 2021. Hempstead firefighters along with village police were on the scene. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2021, Page 67

Page 68, Fire News, October 2021

Selden Invitational Drill June 26, 2021 Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Team Points N. Lindenhurst Piston Knockers 25 Islip Wolves 23 Central Islip Hoboes 14 W.Sayville Flying Dutchmen 13 Lindenhurst Snails 10

- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Page 70, Fire News, October 2021

Selden Junior Invitational Drill June 27, 2021 Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Team Bay Shore Jr. Redskins East Islp Jr. Guzzlers Hagerman Jr. Gamblers Lindenhurst Jr. Snails West Sayville Jr. Flying Dutchmen

Points 34.5 20 19.5 16 15

- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Fire News, October 2021, Page 71

Baldwin Celebrates 125 Years

The Baldwin Fire Department’s 125th Anniversary Parade was held on August 14, 2021. - Fire News photos by Drew Silverman

Page 72, Fire News, October 2021

Baldwin Hybrid Charity Tournament July 2, 2021 Place 1st 1st 3rd 4th 5th

Team Baldwin Tomcats Westbury Turtles Bellmore Ballbreakers Albertson Slo Pokes Manhasset-Lakeville Minute Men

Points 18 18 13 11 9

- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Fire News, October 2021, Page 73

Page 74, Fire News, October 2021

6th Battalion Parade Hosted by Seaford

- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Fire News, October 2021, Page 75

Legislator Mazzarella Honors True Heroes

Legislator Jim Mazzarella recently had the opportunity to visit with the members of the Manorville Fire Department as well as Suffolk County Police Officers in the Emergency Services Unit (ESU). He presented them with certificates of recognition for their lifesaving response to an automobile accident that took place on the Long Island Expressway on August 11, 2021. “I am always honored to recognize our first responders,” said Mazzarella. “These men and women put themselves in harm’s way even during the worst of times. They truly deserve to be acknowledged.” On August 11, the Manorville Fire Department along with Suffolk County Police ESU responded to an automobile accident just east of exit 70 of the Long Island Expressway. The call to the fire department was transmitted as a heavy rescue with entrapment. Upon arriving, it was discovered that the vehicle had crashed itself into two parts, first striking one tree and then being launched, roof first, into another tree. Upon accessing the situation, it was determined that the victim would need to

be cut out of the vehicle. The Manorville Fire Department employed two sets of cutters and spreaders throughout the operation and successfully opened the car from the passenger side through the floor and removed the back seat. After cutting away enough metal, the vehicle was pushed apart with the Suffolk County Police ESU crew providing the ram, to allow a backboard to be inserted, and the patient was lifted straight up and out of the wreckage. The patient was then handed over to Manorville Community Ambulance, and after a further assessment, he was then airlifted to a hospital. “I want to commend all the members of the Manorville Fire Department, Manorville Community Ambulance, and the Suffolk County Police Emergency Services Unit for their quick response and efforts to save a life,” said Mazzarella. “All of our first responders and emergency services providers are heroes that the community can truly rely on in our time of need.” - Fire News photos provided

Page 76, Fire News, October 2021

Brookhaven Chiefs Council Installation

The Brookhaven Town Chiefs Council held their installation brunch at Majestic Gardens. Because of Covid-19, this is the first installation brunch in two years. This gave them one incoming President, John Masem of the Medford Fire Department, and two outgoing Presidents, William Savage of the Wading River Fire Department and Jeffrey Bailes of the Selden Fire Department. The event was highlighted with the Selden Fire Department being chosen Department of the Year 2019 because of their allaround efforts in hosting many educational events over the years. Due to the pandemic, all departments in Brookhaven Township was chosen for the 2020 year. Proclamations, from Councilman Michael Loquercio, on behalf of Brookhaven Township, were given to over 146 ex-Chiefs and Honorary Chiefs with 50 or more years of service to their community. These members combined represented over 7,000 years of service. - Fire News photos by Jim Dunn, story by Jeff Bailes, 50-year members by Tina Mirando DeVito

Page 78, Fire News, October 2021

New Tower Ladder for Holbrook

On August 29, 2021, the Holbrook Fire Department held a dedication and wetdown ceremony for their new Tower Ladder 3-15-27, a 2021 Seagrave Marauder II 95-foot Aerialscope. Assigned to the Jupiter 27 Truck Company, the new 3-15-27 was placed into service on May 27, 2021, and replaced 3-15-10, a 1997 LTI Tower Ladder. During the ceremony, the Identifier of Tower Ladder 3-15-10 was retired in memory of ex-Chief Gerard Schrang, a member of Jupiter 27 and FDNY Rescue 3 who died during the events of September 11, 2001. A turnout jacket bearing his name and the identifier 3-15-10 will be displayed in the firehouse. The dedication concluded in a wetdown of the new 3-15-27 by numerous neighboring departments to welcome the new tower ladder into service. Congratulations to the Holbrook Fire Department and Jupiter 27 Truck Company on the new apparatus! - Fire News photos by, Bryan Lopez and Joseph C. Sperber

Fire News, October 2021, Page 79

Oceanside’s Ed Scharfberg Awarded Fire Safety Educator of the Year

On the night of July 19, 2021, Oceanside ex-Chief Ed Scharfberg was awarded the FASNY 2021 Fire Safety Educator of the Year. In 2009, Scharfberg’s neighbor’s house caught fire. He called in the fire and went on to ensure that all occupants made it out safely. It was later stated that a teen in the home had left a frying pan unattended while cooking. Since then, ex-Chief Scharfberg created a “program for middle school students regarding cooking fires, appli-

ances, and home fire safety.” Each year Ed and other members of the OFD teach hundreds of middle school students about the importance of fire safety. Ed has also become involved with many schools and community-based organizations. At the Monday night presentation members of the OFD along with several FASNY reps were present. Congratulations to ex-Chief Scharfberg on this award. - Fire News photos by

Page 80, Fire News, October 2021

Brookhaven Pump House, Memorial Park Dedicated Ronnie Magagna - Pump House Dedication The Brookhaven Town Drill Team Captain’s Association recently dedicated the pump house to exChief Ronnie Magagna of the Farmingville Fire Department. Ron is 57-year member of the Farmingville Fire Department. He always supported the fire department functions, drills and other tasks that departments need to get done at Fireman’s Memorial Park. Instrumental in the pump house that we still have for over 20 years, Ron is still active in the Farmingville Fire Department.

Councilman Eugene Gerrard - Park Dedication Brookhaven Town Drill Team Captain’s Association recently dedicated the Fireman’s Memorial Park to Councilman Eugene Gerrard. Eugene Gerrard served as Chief of the Mount Sinai Fire Department from 1970 to 1971 and Councilman for the Town of Brookhaven, for 25 years, starting in 1981. He founded both the Fire Department’s Benevolent Association and the Brookhaven Firefighters Museum. He also was actively involved with the Mt. Sinai Fire Department for 50 years and just turned 99 years old. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

Page 82, Fire News, October 2021

Patchogue Installation 2021

On the evening of August 13, 2021, the Patchogue Fire Department hosted their 141st installation The night was hosted by ex-Chief Jim Armstead, Jr., as the Master of Ceremonies. Second Battalion Chief Zibrim Banse led all attendees in the salute to the flag, followed by the Invocation from Pastor John Curcio. Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners, Steve Saper, installed David P. Tierney as the new Chief of the Department, as well as Deputy Chief Frank Densing, Jr., 1st Battalion Chief Steven LoDolce, and 2nd Battalion Chief Zibrim Banse. Department officers were sworn in by Paul Felice ex-Chief/Commissioner Patchogue Fire District. Ex-Chief Nicholas Greco was honored for his outstanding service as the outgoing Chief. - Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez

Fire News, October 2021, Page 83

East End-West End Softball Game

On August 29, 2021, the Massapequa Fire Department East End and West End played their annual softball game with the East End winning. A great time was had by all. - Fire News photo by Ed Tuffy, Massapequa FD

Page 84, Fire News, October 2021

Rocky Point Installation 2021

On August 28, 2021, the Rocky Point Fire Department held its 64th Annual Inspection and Installation Dinner at the Majestic Gardens. Commissioner Kirkwood Johnson was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Chief Fred Hess was installed as Chief of the Rocky Point Fire Department along with First Assistant Chief Sean McCarrick, Second Assistant Chief Sean Martin and Third Assistant Chief Rich Bernier. Also installed into office were department line officers. John Driscoll a 50-year member and Howard Sedell a 55-year member were both installed as Honorary Chiefs for their dedicated service to the Rocky Point Fire Department and to the community. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

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Hurricane IDA Deployment West Sayville Deploys to Westchester for Hurricane Ida

The West Sayville Fire Department was deployed to Westchester County after the major flooding caused by Hurricane Ida. The department provided mutual aid assistance after receiving a statewide request by New York States Office of Fire Prevention and Control. Brush 6 responded with other Suffolk County

Storm Emergency Fire Units, which were established by Suffolk County FRES While there, they assisted with numerous pump outs, welfare checks and conducted carbon monoxide readings in multiple dwellings. - Fire News photos by Patrick D’Onofrio, WSFD

SCFRES Helping Out

In the immediate aftermath of Ida, SCFRES, in addition to the West Sayville and East Moriches Fire Departments, deployed five Storm Emergency Fire Unit (SEFU) teams to Westchester County to support New York State’s Mutual Aid Plan Activation in response to the damage caused by Ida. The County’s teams assisted with debris removal, de-watering and the clearing of residential and commercial structures. - Fire News photos courtesy of Peter Guaraldi

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Page 88, Fire News, October 2021

Tony Ryan Fundraiser When I first brought the idea of a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for ex-Chief Tony Ryan — who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer — to the department, it was met with resounding approval. Jimmy ‘Spats’ Spatafora immediately offered to assist. Together we reached out to Judy McGregor to coordinate the Chinese Auction which she has done many times before. Judy assembled her crew and went to work. Ex-Chief Thomas ‘Tommy’ McGregor took on the task of community involvement and donations, recruiting our department members to assist. It is impossible to thank everyone who made this fundraiser so successful but in addition to our committee and the chiefs, officers and members of the Selden Fire Department, I would like to recognize the following: The Selden Fire District for providing the venue and resources including the entire district staff. All fire departments and fire service organizations that assisted with standby crews, providing tables and chairs, attending the event and/or financial contributions. The Selden and neighboring business community for their donations of food, supplies and gifts. The residents of Selden and our families and friends who supported the event. The Ryan family who was with us through the entire planning process. Most importantly, ex-Chief Tony Ryan for giving his many years of service to the Selden Fire Department with no expectations of repayment. The fundraising event could not have happened without the help of the following people: Ex-Chief Michael Matteo, Jr., Co-Chair; exCaptain James Spatafora, Co-Chair; Judy McGregor, Chinese Auction coordinator; ex-Chief Thomas McGregor, Donations; Kevin Ryan; Sarah Nowakowski; Samantha Cotty; and Allison Nowakowski. I am honored to have been part of this event and hope that our efforts provide some assistance to Tony and his family as well as sending the message that he is not alone. Thank you all. - Michael Matteo, Jr., ex-Chief, Selden FD

Page 90, Fire News, October 2021

Supervisor Romaine Attends Brookhaven Installation Dinner

On August 7, 2021, Supervisor Ed Romaine attended the Brookhaven Fire Department’s annual installation dinner held at East Wind Long Island in Wading River. During the event, the Supervisor honored the company’s members for their service to the Brookhaven community. Supervisor Romaine said, “Congratulations to the Brookhaven Fire Department for another fantastic year of dedicated service to the community. I commend the members of the Department who give so much of their time to community service protecting our residents.” - Fire News photo provided

Connor March Honored for Save

Late in the afternoon of June 26, 2021, a young man by the name of Connor Marsh was outside of his Massapequa home playing when he observed fire coming from a neighbor’s home. Connor quickly went to the home and alerted the occupants, who had no idea of the large amount of fire at the rear of their house. Everyone in the house was able to escape without injury and contact the Massapequa Fire Department. The MFD arrived on scene and extinguished the fire. On August 9, 2021, the chiefs and commissioners of the Massapequa Fire Department awarded Connor with a plaque in recognition of his actions on June 26. Connor was also given a Citation from the Nassau County Legislature. Connor’s proud parents were on hand to see their son receive the awards. - Fire News photo by Ed Tuffy

Fire News, October 2021, Page 91

Legislator Anker and Legislator Piccirillo Thank First Responders for Rocky Point Baby Delivery On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker joined Suffolk County Legislator Anthony Piccirillo in thanking three Long Island first responders who assisted in the delivery of a baby in a Rocky Point home in June. Suffolk County Police Officer Jason Famoso and Rocky Point Fire Department Paramedic Kim Pokorny were both presented with proclamations from Legislator Anker at the general meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature in honor of the role they played in the safe delivery of the baby. Rocky Point Fire Department Paramedic Nick Pobat was unable to be present at the meeting but will also receive a proclamation from Legislator Anker. “Thank you to Officer Famoso, Kim Pokorny and Nick Pobat for their heroic efforts that helped bring a beautiful new person into this world,” said Legislator Anker. “I want to personally thank 7th Precinct Officer Jason Famoso and Rocky Point Fire Department Paramedics Kim Pokorny and Nick Pobat who helped to deliver a child,” said Legislator Piccirillo. “It is these selfless acts that our first responders and police officers do with little fanfare. Thank you for your service and quick actions. We salute you.” (Left to right): Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker, Rocky Point Fire Department Paramedic Kim Pokorny, Suffolk County Police Officer Jason Famoso and Suffolk County Legislator Anthony Piccirllo. - Fire News photo provided

Page 92, Fire News, October 2021

Tough Extrication in Manorville On the afternoon of August 11, 2021, at 1650, the Manorville Fire Department responded for an MVA with operator entrapment on the Long Island Expressway just east of Exit 70. The vehicle and patient were pinned and the damage was so extensive that it required patient extrication through the vehicle floor to remove the seat backs. The victim was alert and responsive which allowed rescuers to ascertain that his left arm and legs were also pinned with pressure of the wrapped vehicle squeezing his upper body. One tool was put to immediate use to start cutting while a spreader provided space for Manorville EMS to provide patient assessment. Suffolk County Police ESU arrived and after using three sets of tools to remove enough metal, the fire department created solid push points and had ESU crew provide their ram. The vehicle was then pushed apart far enough to allow a backboard to be stood up and the patient lifted straight up and out of the wreck to be airlifted. The joint effort

between Manorville Fire Department, Manorville EMS and the Suffolk County ESU teams was very successful. Legislature James Mazzarella visited the Manorville Fire Department to provide the firefighters who responded and assisted in this difficult extrication with certificates. - Fire News photos provided by the Manorville FD

Westhampton Beach Open House

The Westhampton Beach Fire Department held its annual open house on August 15, 2021. The event featured water games, rescue and car fire demonstrations, equipment exhibits, and fire truck rides. Area residents and visitors were instructed in the proper use of fire extinguishers and there were fire safety lessons for children

in the department’s fire safety trailer. Youngsters received their very own firefighter’s helmets. The dunk tank proved to be very popular and there was food, refreshments, and ice cream for all. The event attracted approximately 350 people. - Fire News photos by John Neely

Fire News, October 2021, Page 93

Page 94, Fire News, October 2021

International Overdose Awareness Day

Brookhaven Town Clerk Donna Lent (center) takes time to recognize August 31, 2021, as International Overdose Awareness Day. Addiction has swept through this country claiming many lives and leaving countless others at its mercy. The ripple effect is felt by their families, friends, first responders and medical personnel. “To those who have overdosed or lost someone who has, my heart goes out to you,” Town Clerk Lent said. “It is essential that we, as a society, invest the necessary resources and break the stigma through education.” South Country Ambulance Chief Gregory C. Miglino Jr. (left) echoed the Town Clerk’s sentiments stating, “We must do better in addressing addiction and treatment, on every front the cost of failure is too much for any family or community to bear.” Home drug test kits are available at the Brookhaven Town Clerk’s office. Also pictured is South Country Ambulance Emergency Medical Technician Anna LaSora (right). - Fire News photo provided

Legislator Anker Honors Miller Place EMT Suffolk County Legislator Anker recently attended a meeting of the Miller Place Fire Department to honor Courtney O’Connor, a volunteer EMT, for providing medical assistance during a summer community concert while she was off-duty. “It is my honor to recognize and thank Courtney for the assistance she provided at the recent community concert,” said Legislator Anker. “I was impressed by her medical knowledge, quick reaction time, professionalism, and compassion as she helped a resident experiencing a medical emergency. In addition, Courtney provided comfort to the resident’s small children reminding them that everything was going to be okay. I am grateful for the services of the Miller Place Fire Department’s EMT and volunteer firefighter members like Courtney, who volunteer their time to ensure the health and safety of our community.” Last month, while Courtney was attending a summer community concert at Heritage Park in Mount Sinai, a resident experienced a medical emergency. She sprang into action as the first responder on the scene and provided medical assistance. Courtney O’Connor is a recent Miller Place High School graduate and has been a volunteer member of the Miller Place Fire Department for a year. (Left to right): Courtney O’Connor and Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker. - Fire News photo provided

Hagerman’s Frank Guarino Elected to FASNY Board Of Directors Frank Guarino, of Long Island, has been elected to a five-year term on the Board of Directors of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY). Guarino was appointed as a FASNY Director last fall to fill an open seat created by the election of Eugene Perry to the position of 2nd Vice-President. “This is a great new chapter in my fire service career,” said Guarino. “I’m proud to serve in this position and hope to bring new, younger members of the volunteer fire service to FASNY. Our goal is not only to provide outstanding fire training and education to the volunteer fire service but also to communicate the benefits that this association provides to keep us all safe.” The 30-year FASNY member continues to serve as President of the Volunteer Fire Police Association of the State of New York, approaching his fifth consecutive year of caring for over 1900 volunteer fire police members. Guarino is a 41-year member of the Hagerman Fire Department in East Patchogue, joining in January 1980. Within the department he has held the positions of Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, Chief and Commissioner. In 1996, he was named Fireman of the Year by the Hagerman Fire Department and has received the Chief’s Award four times. Guarino is also a member of the Town of Brookhaven Fire Police Association, the Suffolk County Fireman’s Association, the Fire Service Council and the New York State Chief’s Association. He is an active leader in FASNY’s training programs, including teaching courses on vehicle fires, ice rescue, arson recognition, fire police counterterrorism and emergency vehicle operation. Director Guarino served in the US Army from 1970-1973, and retired from the Long Island Rail Road in 2004 after 32 years. Outside of his work with FASNY, Guarino lives with his wife on Long Island, enjoys cheering on the Baltimore Ravens and traveling. He also has a lot of fun caring for and spending time with his two young grandchildren, Vinnie (age eight) and Melania (age two). - Fire News photo provided

Blakeman Welcomes New County Fire Marshall Hempstead Town Councilman Bruce Blakeman (left) congratulated Michael Uttaro as he was named the new Nassau County Fire Marshal on July 29, 2021, at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department Company 5 Fire Station in New Hyde Park. - Fire New photo provided

Fire News, October 2021, Page 95

RCVCFD Hosts 4th Bn. Parade

On August 21, 2021, the Rockville Center Fire Department hosted the Annual 4th Battalion Parade. The parade started at 1800 and firefighters marched down North Long Beach Road to the Fireman’s Field in Rockville Centre. There were six departments marching in the parade. - Fire News photos by Steve Takacs

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Island Park Installation Dinner

On August 21, 2021, the Island Park Fire Department held its annual installation dinner. The event began with the color guard presenting the colors and First Assistant Chief Cardineau leading the Pledge of Allegiance. The invocation (and later the benediction) was given by Monsignor Tutone. Frank Eye, the department’s newest ex-Chief, received his ex-Chief’s badges from Island Park Mayor Michael McGinty, and then went on to say a few words after having completed the past five years in the chief’s office. The line officers and chief officers of the Island Park Fire Department were installed into office. Leading the Department for the year ahead will be Chief of Department John Briguglio, First Assistant Chief Donny Cardineau, Second Assistant Chief Mike Whalen, and Third Assistant Chief Eric Gorton. Lastly, three awards were presented to EMS Personnel of the Year Lieutenant Andrew Treglia, Firefighter of the Year Logan Dexter, and the Special Service Award for Heroism to TJ Ruzicka. - Fire News photos by

FASNY Youth Day at the Selden FD - Fire News photos by Vinnie Ammirati

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Fire News, October 2021, Page 99

4th Bn. Fundraiser for the Burn Center

The 2021 Nassau County Burn Center Benefit hosted by the departments of the Fourth Battalion was held on the night of September 9, 2021, at Rockville Centre Fire Department HQ on North Centre Avenue. The event was held in honor of and dedicated to East Rockaway ex-Chief Thomas Harding and Rockville Centre ex-Chief Charlie Jaeger. Live music was performed by the Switch and there were several items raffled off throughout the night. There was also an appearance by the Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums Band. - Fire News photos by

Page 100, Fire News, October 2021

REGISTRATION OPENS FOR 2022 FDSOA CONFERENCES Registration is now available for the 2022 Fire Department Safety Officer Association (FDSOA) Fire Apparatus, Safety and Maintenance Conference and the Annual Health and Safety Conference, January 9-12, 2022, Scottsdale, AZ. Pricing and program schedules can be found at The Fire Apparatus Safety and Maintenance Conference will begin Sunday, January 9, with preconference programs including EVT F5 Aerial (Offsite, 8 hours) and the popular Spec Writing (Onsite, 4 hours) program. January 10-12, the conference will feature over 25 programs targeting apparatus, new standards, and new technology. Concurrently, FDSOA will hold the Annual Health and Safety Conference and offer pre-conference programs on Monday, January 10, with The Five Reads (8 hours) and two-day Incident Safety Officer (16 hours) and Health and Safety Officer (16 hours) Academies. On Tuesday, January 11th, additional programs include ISO Traps and Triggers - Tactical Considerations for the Incident Safety Officer (8 hours) and Conducting Reviews to Improve Safety Culture (4 hours). The Health and Safety Conference on Wednesday and Thursday

will feature over 20 programs starting with keynote speaker Gordon Graham, followed by topics ranging from fitness to hostile fire events. Schedules for both the Fire Apparatus, Safety and Maintenance Conference and the Annual Health and Safety Conference will be available this fall on our website. Please visit to register and for hotel information. The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) was established in 1989 as a non-profit association. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. The association is dedicated to the issues that affect the critical role of the safety officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities of fire departments, communities and first responders. FDSOA can be found on the web at Please follow FDSOA on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Fire News, October 2021, Page 101

Seaford Parade

Sea Cliff Wetdown

On the afternoon of August 14, 2021, the Sea Cliff Fire Department held a dedication and wetdown ceremony for the new Ambulance 579. The ceremony took place at Sea Cliff Fire HQ on Roslyn Avenue. At the event, local clergy provided their blessings and both the company officers and dignitaries from within the Village of Sea Cliff each spoke a few words. The funding of the new apparatus was made possible thanks to generous donations of Sea Cliff residents. - Fire News photos by On August 28, 2021, the Seaford Fire Department hosted the Annual 6th Battalion Parade. The parade lined up in the parking lot of the Seaford LIRR station on Jackson Avenue. - Fire News photos by Steve Takacs

Giving Back in Westhampton

ABR Rescue Drills

Atlantic Beach Rescue’s (ABR) Water Rescue Team conducted live water rescue drills during the early evening hours in its Reynold Channel area of response. The team drills, using both live and dummy victims to simulate real life situations, are held on a regular basis year-round to remain mission ready. ABR’s Drone Unit provides overwatch support for marine operations. - Fire News photo by Atlantic Beach Rescue

On August 4, 2021, the Westhampton Beach Junior Fire Department and their advisors went to Rogers Beach and Lashley Beach, located in the village, to do a beach cleanup for a community service project. This is one of the main goals in the Juniors Program to give back to the community which has supported them through the years. A light rain did not dampen their spirits. - Fire News photo by Cody Hoyle

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Members of Mineola Truck Company 2 on a mutual aid to a second-alarm fire in Hempstead on the morning of August 6, 2021. - Fire News photo by

Members of the Selden Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Jim Dunn

Rocky Point Fire Department EMS working together. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Huntington Community First Aid Squad. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

The Greenlawn Fire Department stood by at Deer Park’s headquarters, while Deer Park was out of service for a department event. - Fire News photo by BTFirePhoto

Smithtown Firefighters at the scene of a mutual aid request to the Kings Park Fire Department on September 5, 2021. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

Town of Brookhaven Fire Police members from various departments get together for a photo op. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

On August 28, 2021, Farmingville Bandits placed first in the Town of Brookhaven drill. - Fire News photo by Amanda Coffey

Fire News, October 2021, Page 103

Honoring Ex-Chief Stephen M. Doherty

On the night of August 28, 2021, Protection Company 4 of the Uniondale Fire Department held a dinner honoring ex-Chief and former Commissioner Stephen M. Doherty. Last year ex-Chief Doherty achieved 50 years of service with the department and to the community; however, due to the pandemic, a proper celebration was not able to be held. At the event were many of Doherty’s family and friends, much of Company 4, and others from within the Uniondale Fire Department. Presentations were made to him from the Chiefs Office, Company 4, and the Antique Association. - Fire News photos by

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Smithtown Remembers the Departed

Annual Memorial Service for the deceased chiefs, ex-chiefs and members of the fire department and auxiliaries of the Smithtown Township Fire Chiefs Council was held at the Kings Park Fire Department. Deceased members names from Commack, Nesconset, Smithtown, Kings Park, Saint James, Hauppauge and Nissequogue were read off, remembering their service to the department and to the communities they served. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

Fire News, October 2021, Page 105

RVCFD Woodlanders are Battalion Champs Firefighters with Woodland Engine Company 4 of the Rockville Centre Fire Department are the Fourth Battalion tournament 2021 champs after beating out the other battalion fire departments in the annual Fourth Battalion Tournament. The Woodlanders beat out teams from East Rockaway, Lakeview, Lynbrook and Malverne in hose and ladder competition. In the photo, RVCFD ex-Chief Mark Murray, Chairman of the Fourth Battalion; middle left side of trophy, and ERFD ex-Chief Joe Mihalich, Battalion Vice-Chairman left of Murray; present the huge championship trophy to members of Woodland Engine 4. - Fire News photo by Steve Grogan

Tractor Trailer Diver Charged in Bellmore MVA The Bellmore Fire Department and Nassau County Police responded to an accident at Bellmore Avenue and westbound Sunrise Highway just after 2200 on August 13, 2021. A tractor trailer traveling westbound struck a car stopped at a traffic light, which then hit a a car that was also stopped in the lane. The tractor trailer then went across the eastbound lanes and into parking lot where it came to a stop. Several pedestrians watching a car show happening in the Bellmore train station parking lot, narrowly missed being hit by the truck. The driver of the first car and the tractor trailer were injured and taken to Nassau University Medical Center by Bellmore Ambulance 6011 and Nassau County Police Ambulance 2367, the driver of the second car refused medical attention. Engine 602, Heavy Rescue 607 and multiple ambulances responded; Nassau County HazMat was also requested due to fuel leak from the tractor trailer, whose driver was later arrested and charged with assault, reckless endangerment and reckless driving. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

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Up Close & Personal

Rocky Point Fire Department 1st Assistant Chief Sean McCarrick. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Future Firefighter Shane Kelly reads Fire News every month, hoping to find a photo of his grandfather, Terryville Assistant Chief Ray Kolb. - Fire News photo by a proud mom

Max Wolf, grandson of Terryville Company 2 Lieutenant William Wolf, Jr., gets ready to go on a run. - Fire News photo by a proud grandmother

Fire News, October 2021, Page 107

Up Close & Personal

EMT Shahira Amin of the Centereach Fire Department making sure everyone stays hydrated. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Middle Island Fire Department Chief Matthew Gropper. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Holbrook Fire Department ex-Chief Rich Stack operates the pump panel of Engine 6 during a recent fire. (ex-Chief Stack is Fire News' Long Island delivery man, delivering to fire houses in both Suffolk and Nassau counties). - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

Westhampton Beach Probationary Firefighter Dan McClure at the department’s July monthly drill. - Fire News photo provided by the Westhampton Beach FD

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Hempstead’s, FDNY’s Christopher Carney

On the morning of August 20, 2021, a funeral was held at Saints Philip and James RC Church in Saint James for Firefighter Christopher Carney who passed away one week prior after a battle with cancer. At the time of his diagnosis Chris was assigned to Ladder 117; however, he had to retire early after 11 years of service to the City of New York. Aside from being a New York City Firefighter, Chris was an exCaptain of Hempstead Southside Hook and Ladder Company 2. Though

his time in the fire service was shortened, Chris made many friends and was loved and respected by all those who knew him. Christopher leaves behind his wife Jennifer, son Gavin, daughter Brianna, parents, siblings — including his brother Pat who is also a FDNY firefighter and member of Hempstead Ladder 2 — and many other family members and friends. - Fire News photos by

Point Lookout’s Dennis Crimmins On the morning of August 14, 2021, a funeral was held at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church in Point Lookout for Dennis Crimmins, a 29-year member of the Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department who passed away on August 10, 2021. Dennis was first assigned to Action Engine Company 1 but after a few years in the department became a member of Renegade Hook and Ladder Company 2. Aside from being both a Firefighter and an EMT Dennis served as a Lieutenant, Company Secretary, and Council Delegate. He later achieved the title of Honorary Captain and earned Life Membership. Dennis is survived by his brother, sister, nieces, and nephews, and those in the fire service who knew and loved him. - Fire News photos by


Fire News, October 2021, Page 109

Nassau Fire Comm’s, RVC’s Ronald Kahan

On the night of September 2, 2021, a funeral was held at the Connect Church in Bellmore for Ronald Kahan who passed away on August 28, 2021. He was 50-years old. Ron, known as Dispatcher 54 at Nassau County Fire Communications, began his career there in October 2000. In addition to the two-plus decades of service to the Nassau County residents, Ron was a two-time ex-Captain of Live Oak Engine Company 1 in the Rockville Centre Fire Department. He was also a current Rockville Centre Fire Department Warden and a Commissioner of the Bay Park Fire District. Department services were held on the night of September 1, 2021. Ronald Kahan leaves behind six children, wife Jessica, and many family members and friends. - Fire News photos by

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