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Special Feature
FireNews.com Fire News, December2021, Page 77 Coram’s New 9/11 Memorial

On September11, 2021, the Coram Fire Department dedicated theirnew 911 memorial, featuring an eternal flame and a perpetual waterfall. Commisioner James Brown raise the American flag while Commisioner Jerome Delabove lit the retinal flame. - Fire News photos by Jim Dunn

Burn CenterFundraisera Success

Thank to all who attended othe Burn Center’s Beers and Cheers Fundraiserand made it a success! To all those that volunteered helping with all the preparation food, and helped at the event, we couldn’t have done it without you! Aspecial thank you to Westhampton Beach Brewing Company forallowing us to have it at theirestablishment again and fortheirgenerous donation! - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

Looking Back
Hempstead - 2018

Hempstead firefighters battled a raging house fire November17, 2018, which totally destroyed a two-story house on Thorne Avenue. One firefighterwas injured. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
East Hampton - 2018

At roughly 0040 on the morning of November10, 2018, the East Hampton Fire Department were called to the bus stop on Main Street fora report of an MVAwith entrapment. Arriving units found a four-doorsedan had rear-ended a Hampton Jitney bus. - Fire News photo by Michael Heller

Springs - 2018
On November25, 2018, the Springs Fire Department battled a structure fire in an unoccupied residence. As the crew on the first line forced and entered the front door, the smoke was down to the floor; it was only good fortune that prevented them from crawling into a hole in the floor. - Fire News photo by Michael Heller