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Honoring the Fallen in Bohemia

The Bohemia Fire Department hosted a 20th anniversary of 9/11, to recognize and honorthose citizens, military, families, and friends who lost their lives on September11, 2001. It was a memorable event with respect and patriotism filling the airwith songs, prayers, memories of then and now. As we reflected on the passing of the 13 service members who lost theirlives in Afghanistan during the withdrawal, they were honored by fellow members of the military and the Bohemia FD. Ourprogram concluded with prayers and flyovers. It was well attended by ourcommunity both young and old, all taking home a special message for9/11, that we cannot and will not forget. - Fire News photos by Sue Orlando, PIO

Centereach’s Lawrence Viverito

It is with deep regret and sadness that the Centereach Fire Department announced that Honorary Deputy Chief Lawrence Viverito has answered his last alarm. He was 79-years old.
Viverito joined the Centereach Fire Department on May 2, 1977, first serving with Emergency Company 1 (1977-1989), Engine Company 3 (1989-1998) and the Fire Police Company (1998-present) He held the rank of Lieutenant in the Emergency Company in 1981, 1986 and 1987. He was highly trained in rescue operations, as well as being a certified EMT.
On April 23, 1981, he was involved with the rescue of trapped workers in the Eastwood Boulevard water tower for which he and other members of the department were recognized by Town of Brookhaven and the Suffolk County Medal of Valor for their heroic actions.
On June 21, 2021, members of the Centereach Fire Department brought forth a resolution to appoint Lawrence Viverito the rank of Honorary Deputy Chief for his years of service to the department. The department wishes to send its deepest sympathy and thoughts to his family and loved ones. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

Holtsville’s Annamarie H. Bender

On October 29, 2021, the Holtsville Fire Department mourned the loss of Ladies Auxiliary Life-Member Annamarie H. Bender. Firematic services were held at the McManus-Lorey Funeral Home in Medford. She was 63.
Annamarie was a very active and involved member of the Ladies Auxiliary. Those who knew her, know she was a beautiful, gentle soul, who gave so much, yet expected nothing in return. Though gone physically, Annamarie’s memory will live on, as she has left a mark on the organization forever.
Annamarie was also a joyful member of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Ladies Guild in Middle Island. - Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez