1 minute read

West Hempstead House Fire

On January 6, 2023, the West Hempstead Fire Department was dispatched to a reported house fire on Berry Hill Court. Second Assistant Chief Brohm was quickly on scene and transmitted a Signal 10 with active fire on the first floor of a two-story house. Engine 763 stretched the initial line to begin extinguishing the fire. Aftersearches by crews, the fire was found to have extended to the second floor. Nonetheless, all fire was knocked down. With the assistance of crews from Lakeview, Franklin Square and Munson, Elmont, Hempstead, Uniondale and South Hempstead, the fire was placed undercontrol in approximately 40 minutes. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos by Over the Edge Photography, K2MPhotography.com and FirstOnScenePhotos.com

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