1 minute read

Commercial Auto-Alarm in Lynbrook

On December29, 2022, the Lynbrook Fire Department was dispatched to a commercial automatic alarm on Merrick Road. Third Assistant Chief Murphy was quickly on the road and advised by Firecom a passerby was reporting smoke from the building. Upon arrival, smoke was confirmed from the building with an odorof burning as was an active fire inside the garage area of the warehouse. Engine 421 stretched the initial line into the building and at least two lines were stretched to extinguish the fire, which was isolated to the engine compartment of a truck in the building. Crews, including mutual aid from East Rockaway, Rockville Centre, Malverne, Valley Stream and Elmont, worked forapproximately 45 minutes to extinguish the fire and ventilate the building before the scene was placed undercontrol. All operations were underthe direction of Chief of Department Kelly.

- Fire News photos by Over the Edge Photography, K2MPhotography.com and Paul Mazza

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