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Ambulette Into Building

On January 12, 2023, at approximately 1325, the Hicksville Fire Department was dispatched to a reported van versus building in the Delco Plaza shopping centeron Old Country Road. First arriving units found an ambulette completely into the building. Upon furtherassessment, the driverof the ambulette was trapped in the vehicle with the vehicle wedged against a wall. The driverwas e ventually assisted out of the vehicle by NCPD ESU through a passenger side door. Due to the damage and initial entrapment, Bethpage TRT was requested to the scene. Afterdetermining the structure was safe, crews remained on scene while NCPD ESU removed the vehicle from the building. The driverwas transported to a local hospital forevaluation. All operations were underthe direction of Chief of Department Moskos.

- Fire News photo by Over the Edge Photography

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