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5-Alarmerin Freeport

The Freeport Fire Department was alerted to a building fire on Commercial Avenue on April 1, 2023, at 1109. The original call was received as an automatic fire alarm with subsequent calls reporting a truck fire inside the Emergency Ambulance Services facility. Fire conditions rapidly deteriorat ed and firefighters were forced to evacuate and go to a defensive attack. Afifth alarm was transmitted bringing in over20 fire departments to battle the flames. Two firefighters were injured and removed to Nassau University Medical Centerin East Meadow. The Freeport Police, Nassau County Fire Marshal and Arson Squad were on scene investigating the cause. All operations were underthe command of Freeport Chief of Department Scott Donnelly.

East Meadow House Fire Extends

On April 3, 2023, at approximately 1600, the East Meadow Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire on Stephen Street. Safety Officer6155 reported a large volume of smoke from the house and found active fire on the first floor. Engine 613 stretched the initial line into the house. During searches, fire was found to have extended to the second floor. At least three lines were stretched and extensive overhaul was conducted. Mutual aid came from Hicksville and North Merrick. The fire was placed under control in approximately 45 minutes. All operations were underthe direction of Chief of Department Cheswick. - Fire News photos by Over the Edge Photography