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Drowning in Stony Brook
The Suffolk Police and Stony Brook Fire Department responded to the boat ramp at the Stony Brook Yacht Club at the end of Shore Road in Stony Brook on March 26, 2023, at 0645, fora carthat had driven into the water. Police and firefighters removed a female occupant and pronounced her dead at the scene. Emergency rescue divers from Nesconset and Mount Sinai Fire Departments along with Suffolk Police Marine and Emergency Services with assistance from Smithtown Public Safety Rescue Boat were called to the scene to search the carand waterforany additional victims. Police investigated and interviewed witnesses at the scene.
Busy Day forRoslyn
Roslyn units 561, 5610, and 591 underthe command of Chief J. Williams handled a two-carMVA on Northern Boulevard at the entrance to Wheatley Plaza on April 4, at 0815. One driverwas seriously injured and both were transported to the hospital forevaluation. Though a heavy hit, extrication was not required. Upon completion units were alerted to anotherMVAon the Northern State Parkway east of IU Willets Road fora multi-vehicle accident with three aided patients.

SUVinto House in East Farmingdale
The East Farmingdale Fire Company and West Babylon Fire Department were called to an MVAon Straight Path at 10th Street on the borderof the districts at about 1845 on April 3, 2023. East Farmingdale Ambulance 1-5-9 reported there was one vehicle into a house. Avan and an SUVcollided sending the SUVoff the road and across a driveway where it crashed into the side of a house. East Farmingdale Chief of Department Lewis, Second Assistant Chief Greco and West Babylon Chief of Department Vergano and Third Assistant Chief Manzi responded along with theirrespective crews. Firefighters checked the home and there were no injuries to anyone inside. One person from the van and two people in the SUVwere taken to Good Samaritan University Hospital. The Town of Babylon Fire Marshal responded and deemed the house uninhabitable until repaired. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza