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SupervisorRomaine and Councilwoman Bonner HonorWading RiverFD

On March 4, 2023, Brookhaven SupervisorEd Romaine and Councilman Dan Panico attended the Mastic Beach Ambulance Company’s annual installation dinnerheld at the Residence Inn in Riverhead. During the event, the Supervisorand Councilman congratulated newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers fortheirservice to the community. Councilman Panico also swore in the new chiefs of the company and spoke of the many sacrifices that volunteerambulance members make to fulfill the obligations associated with emergency service personnel. The Mastic Beach Ambulance District was founded in 1948 and covers an area approximately 11.8 square miles, covering Fire Island on the south from Moriches Inlet to Old/New Inlet, and north to Wavecrest Drive. Formore information go to www. MasticBeach Ambulance.com.

On March 25, 2023, Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine (left) and Councilwoman Jane Bonner attended the Wading River Fire Department's annual installation dinner at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point to honor the company's members. During the evening, Certificates of Congratulations were presented to the officers to commemorate their years of service.

Supervisor Romaine said, “I thank the brave members of the Wading River Fire Department who give so much of their time to protect life and property. These dedicated fire fighters put their lives on the line every day and I thank them for the sacrifices they make to keep us safe.”

Councilwoman Bonner said, “I congratulate the incoming officers and the chiefs, and thank all the members of the Wading River Fire Department for their service.”

- Fire News photo provided

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