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Port Washington Engine 1’s 131st Installation
The Port Washington Fire Department Protection Engine Company 1 held their131st installation of officers on March 25, 2023. Ex-Captain Donald Alexanderwas the Masterof Ceremonies forthe program which began with the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation, and welcoming remarks. During the evening, various awards were presented and the Company’s officers were installed. Among the award recipients were ex-Captain Daniel Buettner, recognized forthe term he recently completed in office and Thomas J. Ryan recognized for50 years of service. Amemorial shadow box was also unveiled in honorof Janet Kimmerly, a 32-yearmember of Protection Engine Company and the Company’s first female memberwho, unfortunately, passed away in 2021. Leading Protection Engine Company in the yearahead will be Captain Robert Pape III. Congratulations to those awarded and good luck to those installed.

- Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com