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SC Fire Instructor John Hawkins Retires

Congratulations to Suffolk County Fire InstructorJohn Hawkins (center) on his retirement! The Suffolk County Fire Academy thanks you forthe 20 years of hard work, dedication, and passion that you gave to the fire service. You will be greatly missed! Good luck in your new occupation, Retirement! - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Fourth Battalion Officers Sworn In for2021

At the May meeting of the Fourth Battalion Fire District, the officers forthe coming yearwere sworn into office. Rockville Centre ex-Chief (left to right): ex-Chief and Chairman Mark Murray, Rockville Centre FD; ex-Chief and Vice-Chairman Joe Mihalich, East Rockaway FD; ex-Chief and Secretary James Lang, Malverne FD; and ex-Chief and TreasurerKevin Bien, Lynbrook FD. They will serve forone year. The Fourth Battalion Fire District is one of nine battalions in Nassau County’s volunteerfire service and is made up of the East Rockaway, Lakeview, Lynbrook, Malverne, and Rockville Centre Fire Departments. - Fire News photo by Steve Grogan

Covid Vacs in Montauk

On May 13, 2021, Stony Brook-Southampton Hospital, with the support of East Hampton Town, held a free Covid-19 vaccination clinic at the Montauk Playhouse, neighborof the Montauk Fire Department. Members of Ambulance Company 4 joined othervolunteers in creating a successful health event. - Fire News photos by Richard Lewin

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