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Industry News
Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. (FDM) are pleased to announce the election of FDM Board Directors at the FDM Board Meeting held on April 17, 2021. Congratulations to the following individuals: Craig P. DeBaun- Nassau Co.; Randall J. Rider - Erie Co.; Amy Speech - Onondaga Co.; John LoScalzo - Suffolk Co.; and D. Donald Greene - Ulster Co.
Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. Election Committee is pleased to announce the re-election of all Board Officers has concluded at the FDM Board Meeting held on April 17, 2021. Congratulations to the following individuals on their re-election: Michael H. Geoghan - President; Michael L. White - Vice-President; Thomas E. Herlihy, Jr. Secretary; and Randall J. Rider - Treasurer.
We are also pleased to announce the addition of two newly elected individuals to the FDM Board of Directors. Joining the Board in the fall of 2020 is Ralph Raymond from Long Island, in addition to Amy Speech from Central New York Region joining the Board in spring of 2021.
Ralph Raymond, Town of Oyster Bay Deputy Commissioner of General Services and North Massapequa Fire District Fire Commissioner and Executive Director, Emergency Preparedness Committee Elected, has joined FDM’s Board bringing extensive experience in Public Administration in county, regional, state and federal departments. In his roles as municipal budget director, human resources director and Superintendent administrator, Ralph has reviewed insurance policies pertaining to property, liability and most important for FDM - is his comprehensive knowledge of workers’compensation and VFBLinsurance. As a past Fire Chief, past Fire District Clerk, and past Supervisor of Fire District Operations, in addition to his current positions mentioned above, Ralph is a dedicated Member of the North Massapequa Fire District. Currently, Ralph's fire service extends beyond his local department as he is serving in the elected position as President, Association of Fire Districts Nassau County. FDM looks forward to Ralph sitting on the Marketing and Digital Committees as his pulse on fire district activity will be greatly appreciated.
Amy Speech is District Secretary at Belgium Cold Springs Fire District in Baldwinsville, New York. Amy’s career in insurance, especially in the workers’compensation field, is very extensive before becoming District Secretary at Belgium Cold Springs FD. Already a volunteer firefighter serving her community in many capacities since 2004, Amy saw the District Secretary position as an extension to serve her community. To add to this extension, Amy is very excited to participate in a Director’s position at FDM as she feels her two passions, insurance, and fire service, will contribute a unique vision to her role on the Underwriting Committee at FDM. Finally, FDM would like to extend a sincere thank you to Thomas J. Newman, Jr., Esq. for his years of service providing counsel to our Board. Tom’s 15-plus years of service with FDM and his dedication to Fire Districts in New York State has been impeccable and will be genuinely missed. William S. Badura of the same law offices, Kornfeld, Rew, Newman and Simeone, is now serving as Counsel for Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. Board of Directors.
Thank you to all of you that serve our communities.

L-R - Michael H. Geoghan, Randall J. Rider, Michael L. White, Thomas E. Herlihy Jr., Thomas J. Newman Jr., Esq. L-R: Craig P. DeBaun, Randall J. Rider, D. Donald Greene, Amy Speach (Not in photo - John LoScalzo)

Seated L-R - Michael H. Geoghan, Michael L. White, Thomas E. Herlihy Jr., Randall J. RiderStanding L-R - William L. VanGorder, Craig P. DeBaun, Roberta Doremus, Jay Egan, Ralph Raymond, Amy Speech, D. Donald Greene (Not in photo - John LoScalzo)

139th Lawrence Cedarhurst Installation
The 139th annual installation dinnerof the Lawrence Cedarhurst Fire Department was held on the night of May 27, 2021. The masterof ceremonies was ex-Chief Michael Rizzo, the pledge of allegiance was led by Frank Abrams, and Rabbi Kenneth Hain gave the invocation. Captain Thomas Koehlerwas awarded the Fireman of the Yearand several members of the department were recognized forlength of service ranging from 20 to 60 years. The company officers, department officers, commissioners, and chiefs were all officially installed into office. Leading the Lawrence Cedarhurst Fire Department in the year ahead will be Chief of Department Thomas Foy, First Deputy Chief Michael Beilinson, and Second Deputy Chief MeyerAdler. The best of luck to all those installed. - Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com