Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973 JANUARY 2020
- Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade and Paul Shea
Worcester Mourns the LODD of Lt. Jason Menard See story on page 20.
Fire News, January 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Fatality at West Haven 2-Alarmer On October 30, 2019, West Haven (CT) firefighters arrived to find smoke showing from a two-story dwelling. See story on page 7
Stratford House Fire Stratford (CT) fire companies were toned out at 0100 for a structure fire on Holmes Street. See story on page 8
Rescue at Fitchburg Fire Fitchburg (MA) firefighters battled a twoalarm fire on Holt Street. See story on page 10
North Smithfield 2-Alarmer North Smithfield (RI) firefighters knocked down a dwelling fire on September 29, 2019, on Bearskin Farm Road. See story on page 11
Flooding Traps Motorists in Bridgeport Two autos and their occupants became trapped under a railroad viaduct, in rapidly rising waters on Bishop Avenue. See story on page 14
A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
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Six Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania Proud Member Of:
Obituary Arlington’s Harold ‘Skeeter’ Vincent Final WW II veteran passes at age 95. See story on page 23
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 21 & 22 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
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Page 4, Fire News, January 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
2020: What is Your Vision? When I hear someone say 2020, I think of my eyesight. Seriously, from an early age it was drilled into me that 2020 was a good thing and my eyes were perfect! Let’s check our vision and look into the year 2020. I give thought to what I would like to personally change to make 2020 a landmark year. Yes, all of us have the power to change to be the best that we can possibly be, especially as a first responder. According to the US Fire Administration, fires are down by 6.2 percent. Unfortunately, deaths from the fires are up 9.6 percent since 2008. What can you do to make a difference in 2020? Through your continued dedication to your community, help your fire department increase community awareness about preventing home fires. Work with the news media to get fire prevention messages into news stories. I will ask again, does your department have a trained public information officer? Your department should have a positive working relationship with your local newspapers and community boards. Learn about the latest research on fire detection, suppression and notification systems and get this information to your community through your fire prevention program.
Hopefully your program is an on-going program rather than just a one-day event. As the year comes to an end, I am saddened that we have recently lost several firefighters in the line of duty. Firefighter LODDs have steadily decreased since 2015. However, one emergency responder death is too many when it comes to a member of our emergency responder family. In 2018, we lost 44 volunteer firefighters, 33 career firefighters and five wildland firefighters. To date, 54 fire firefighters have been lost in the line of duty in 2019. What can we do to continue the downward trend in firefighter fatalities? First you must look at how responders are dying and ask yourself where can you make a difference to lessen the chances of emergency responder deaths. The leading cause of fatalities of firefighters is heart attack (44 percent), followed by trauma (27 percent), motor vehicle collisions (20-25 percent) asphyxia and burns (20 percent). Reading these statistics, I realize many of us can lessen our chances of a fatality by realizing we may not be doing all we can to protect ourselves from danger. Fire departments offer physical training to their members. Are you tak-
ing advantage of this? Do you exercise on a regular basis? Does your exercise program include a good cardio workout? How about your diet? Are you overweight? Let’s face it, wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) is taxing on the body. Responding to calls is taking lives. Hey, slow down! And finally, everyone must wear their gear at all calls! If we save the life of one responder by changing our thought process, we have made a difference. In 2020, look to see your job more clearly, so that you can continue the trend of lowering firefighter fatalities. Happy New Year to all! Dennis
Fire News, January 2020, Page 5
Fire News, January 2020, Page 7
Fatality at West Haven 2-Alarmer
On October 30, 2019, West Haven (CT) firefighters arrived to find smoke showing from both floors of a two-story private dwelling. They were alerted while en route that one occupant was reported trapped. Truck 1 arrived and started forcible entry and searches under Collier’s Mansion conditions. One handicapped victim was located on the first floor. Members had difficulty with removal due to the hoarding condition. The fire rapidly extended to the second floor and through the roof. Firefighters were withdrawn due to the conditions and darkened down the fire with a quick exterior attack. The victim was pronounced at the scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the state and local fire marshal. - Fire News photos by Glenn Duda
Page 8, Fire News, January 2020
Collapse at Bethlehem Barn Blaze
Bethlehem (CT) volunteers responded to a barn fire on Main Street North recently. They arrive to find a single-story, L-shaped barn well involved. The initial water supply from the municipal hydrant yielded low flow so mutual aid for tankers was requested from Bantam and Morris and an additional request was made for a ladder from
Watertown and Morris’s LDH reel truck. With the fire already having a good head start, a defensive operation ensued. Companies would spend over an hour before controlling the fire, and the building would ultimately collapse due to the heavy structural damage. - Fire News photos by Kevin Czarzasty and
Stratford House Fire
Stratford (CT) Fire Company’s 1, 2 and 3 were toned out at 0100 for a structure fire on Holmes Street in District 1. On arrival, crews reported a working fire in a 1-1/2 story residential structure that was 50-percent involved. Crews from Engine 3 made an aggressive initial attack, knocking down the heaviest fire from the exterior. Crews from Engines 1, 2 and 4 worked additional lines on all four
Fatality at Norwich Fire
Norwich (CT) Fire, was dispatched to Bentley Avenue for a dwelling fire on October 23, 2019. Dispatch updated Battalion 1 of power lines down in the street and a possible occupant in the building. Battalion 1 arrived and reported fire showing on the A side. Engine 3 began the fire attack, as the truck searched and vented. The fire spread to the upper floor and attic space before being brought under control. Second and third alarm companies were brought into the scene for manpower. Laurel Hill, East Great Plain and Yantic responded. One person died in the blaze and eight were displaced. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd CFPA
sides of the structure. Once the heavy fire was knocked down, crews moved into an interior operation, conducting primary and secondary searches, chasing hot spots and overhauling. The building was vacant and under renovation. Crews from Plymouth covered. - Fire News photos by Tyler Reardon and John Sjostedt
Fire News, January 2020, Page 9
Mixed Use Fire in Worcester
Johnston Outbuilding Fire
A fire on Water Street in Worcester (MA), had taken over the cockloft due to a very windy morning. Firefighters were told to evacuate the building as the fire was getting too far ahead of them. The building contained a plumbing and heating supply company on the first floor with apartments above. Four residents and the business were displaced. It took about an hour to bring the fire under control. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Firefighters from the Town of Johnston (RI) worked a fire in an outbuilding on Anglewood Avenue on November 16, 2019. The wooden 12 x 12 was fully involved as companies arrived. One handline was used to contain the fire. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Page 10, Fire News, January 2020
Conditions Deteriorate in Bolton Bolton (MA) firefighters, along with automatic mutual aid, were sent to Lynwood Drive for a structure fire on October 17, 2019. The first arriving member reported a fire and updated the location to Orchard Lane. Conditions quickly deteriorated while members were operating an attack line inside. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
Rescue at Fitchburg Fire On October 14, 2019, Fitchburg (MA) firefighters battled a twoalarm fire on Holt Street. The fire was on the second floor and extending upward. One rescue was made via a ground ladder. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by David Bryce
Whitman Woodchip Pile Fire
Heavy Damage in Greenwich Blaze
Around 1850 on November 9, 2019, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department Car 3, Engine 243 and Ladder 246 responded to Bedford Street for an outside fire. Companies arrived to find a large pile of wood chips and a tub grinder on fire at the rear. Access was difficult due to several locked gates. Firefighters stretched multiple handlines to knock down the fire. Mutual aid responded from Hanson to Whitman Headquarters for coverage. A Hanson engine, initially slated to cover, was diverted to the scene to assist in a water supply, and an Abington engine covered. The fire was knocked down with the assistance of heavy machinery which was able to open up the pile of wood chips, exposing hidden fire pockets. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
On October 11, 2019, just after 2300, a Greenwich (CT) police officer reporting smoke from a building on East Putnam Avenue. Crews arrived to nothing showing, but then found heavy fire on the first floor. Crews with a handline made a strong push on the first floor, while another crew went to the top floor and roof. As crews reached the fire, they reported flames rolling above them. The fire had extended to the second floor and through the roof within minutes of arrival. Crews continued a strong interior attack and the main body of fire was quickly knocked down. The fire was put under control in about 30 minutes after arrival. The building suffered heavy damage on both floors. - Fire News photo by
Quick Stop in Danvers
2-Alarm Fire in Watertown
On October 15, 2019, Danvers (MA) crews picked up a run for an auto fire against the building. Engine 3 arrived to a wellinvolved SUV extending up the side of the 2-1/2 -frame structure. They got quick water on the vehicle and exposure and there was no extension into the building, and no injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Firefighters battled a two-alarm structure fire on Grove Street in Watertown (MA) on November 2, 2019. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Quick Thinking at Quinebaug Car Fire
At approximately 2100 on November 26, 2019, members of the Quinebaug (CT) Volunteer Fire Department were dispatched for a vehicle fire on Hagstrom Road. Crews arrived to a full sized SUV heavily involved with fire in the backyard of a residence. The owner/operator noticed the car smoking, and flames started to appear and he drove it to the backyard where the vehicle wasn’t as close to any structures as in the driveway. Mutual aid was called for additional water from the neighboring Community Fire Company, as it appeared firefighters were hampered with a running fuel fire. The fire was finally quelled with a handline and a 20-pound dry chemical extinguisher. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett
Fire News, January 2020, Page 11
North Smithfield 2-Alarmer
North Smithfield (RI) firefighters aggressively knocked down a dwelling fire with the first-due companies on September 29, 2019, on Bearskin Farm Road. Engine 2 arrived to smoke showing from an occupied, single-story, residential dwelling. A quick attack kept the fire to the area of origin. Mutual aid companies on the second alarm assisted on scene with overhaul and RIT. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Page 12, Fire News, January 2020
Yantic 3-Alarmer The Yantic (CT) Fire Department struck second and third alarms within several minutes after arriving at heavy fire showing from the second floor of a balloon type three-story multifamily on Otrobando Avenue. The response brought representative manpower and equipment from all Norwich companies including Taftville’s Tower 25, and the City of Norwich’s Tower 1. With multiple handlines operating, and the two aerial pieces utilizing their master streams, the fire was eventually brought under control. All civilians and pets were safely evacuated, with one firefighter receiving minor injuries. The Norwich Fire Marshall’s Office was investigating. - Fire News photo by Joe Shefer
Naugatuck Apartment Fire At approximately 2045 on September 12, 2019, the Naugatuck (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Spring Street for an apartment building fire. First-in companies found a fire in a bedroom that was quickly extinguished and contained to the bedroom. Two occupants were home at the time of the fire and one was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital for smoke inhalation. - Fire News photo by
Heavily Involved in Bridgeport On November 23, 2019, Bridgeport’s (CT) West End companies arrived to find a singlestory, block building that was heavily involved with fire through the roof. Companies utilized handlines, a tower ladder and an aerial master stream fed by a fire boat. The fire was knocked down within 15 minutes from time of arrival. The cause of the fire was being investigated by the fire marshal’s office. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda
Fatality at Springfield Blaze Springfield (MA) Fire received multiple calls around 2100 for a fire on Yale Street in the McKnight section of the city. Crews arrived to a large three-story home with the first and second floors fully involved. First arriving initial reports were that someone was still inside. Crews tried to enter but heavy fire pushed them back. After the fire was out they re-entered to find a man’s body. The man was believed to be homeless. Crews had to deal with major water issues and a tight street. It took firefighters about 90 minutes to knock down the blaze. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Residents Displaced in Fall River 3-Alarmer On November 22, 2019 at 2030. Fall River (MA) firefighters responded to a three-alarm fire in a three-decker located on Hamlet Street in a wood frame dwelling. Several residents were displaced. - Fire News photo by Ken Leger
Chicken Coop Fire
Leicester firefighters on scene at a chicken coop blaze on November 16, 2019. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea
Page 14, Fire News, January 2020
Flooding Traps Motorists in Bridgeport Two autos and their occupants became trapped under a railroad viaduct, in rapidly rising flood waters on Bishop Avenue in Bridgeport on October 23, 2019. Members of Engine and Truck 6 donned coldwater suits and waded into the waist-high waters to remove the occupants. The autos were soon submerged as heavy rain continued to pour water into the area. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda
Crane Down in New London
New London (CT) firefighters secured the scene of a crane accident at a construction site on the corner of Bank and Howard Streets. There were no reported injuries. - Fire News photo by Joe Shefer
Busy in Hartford
On November 9, 2019, the Hartford (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Edwards Street for a structure fire. Due to this being the third fire this year in this building, a second alarm was quickly called and crews went defensive. Temperatures were in the 20s, and created icing conditions. The fire was determined to be arson. This was the first of three fires in a four-hour time period for Hartford. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta, CTFPA
On October 3, 2019, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a fire on Capen Street. Companies arrived to find heavy smoke showing from a 2-½ story, wood frame, vacant structure. One extra engine was requested to the scene for assistance. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
On October 6, 2019, Hartford (CT) Fire Department Engine Company 1 was at Engine 10 getting fuel when they smelled a structure fire. Engine one left Company 10 and immediately found the fire around the corner from Engine 10’s house on Roosevelt Street. A working fire was called and the fire was quickly extinguished. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CTFPA
On September 27, 2019, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a bedroom fire on Park Street in the city’s Parkville Section. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CTFPA
Dudley Extrication
On October 29, 2019, Dudley (MA) firefighters and paramedics responded to the report of a single-car MVC in the area of Oxford Avenue and Cemetery Road. Upon arrival, members found an SUV had crossed over the oncoming lane of traffic and off the roadway, plunging down a steep embankment. The lone occupant of the vehicle, an elderly woman, was injured and pinned with the vehicle nose down at the bottom of the hill. Paramedics started tending to the patient as firefighters stabilized the SUV with a cable from a winch on Engine 3. They then removed the driver’s side door and extricated the woman utilizing a spinal immobilization device. The patient was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries by the Dudley Ambulance. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett
2 Injured, Medevac Required in Westford
Recently, Westford (MA) firefighters responded to an MVA with entrapment on Great Road. Both occupants were heavily pinned on arrival. After extrication, one patient was airlifted via Boston Medflight to Boston Hospital, and the other was transported by ground to Lahey Clinic. - Fire News photo by Shaun Shattuck
Fire News, January 2020, Page 15
Page 18, Fire News, January 2020
Pole, Wires Down in Whitman MVA Around 2040 hours on a rainy November 20, 2019, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department responded to an MVA on Washington Street. Car 3, Ambulance 249 and Engine 243 responded. Companies found a single-vehicle accident involving a pickup truck which had left the roadway and struck a telephone pole, taking down live wires with it. National Grid was requested to the scene. The single occupant was transported to the South Shore Hospital by Whitman Ambulance 249 with unknown injuries. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Wolcott 1-Car MVA Recently, the Wolcott (CT) Fire Department responded to Meriden Road for a single-car MVA, with the car on its side in the yard of a residence and an occupant trapped. The driver was transported to an area hospital for injuries. - Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann
Whitman 3-Car MVA Around 0020 on October 20, 2019, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department was dispatched to an MVA in the area of School Street. Ambulance-247 responded, while Engine 242 and Car 3 responded from a previous MVA on Franklin Street. Companies arrived to find a three-vehicle accident, in which an SUV apparently struck two parked cars. The collision resulted in heavy damage to the SUV and the two parked vehicles crashing into each other, one striking a telephone pole. The operator of the SUV was transported to the Brockton Hospital by Whitman Ambulance 247 with unknown injuries. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
1 Hurt in Kingston MVA Recently, firefighters responded to a MVA in Kingston (MA). The vehicle was traveling on Route 3 north, just prior to exit 10. The vehicle struck a guardrail, then went off the road and up a hill and landed on its side. One person was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by John Sjostedt
Page 20, Fire News, January 2020
Cover Story
LODD: Worcester Fire Lieutenant Jason Menard
On November 13, 2019 Worcester Fire Lieutenant Jason Menard died in the line of duty at a fire on Stockholm Street. Lieutenant Menard, age 39, was assigned to Ladder 5, Group 2 at the McKeon Road Fire Station. He had served on the Worcester Fire Department since 2010. The fire on Stockholm Street was first reported at 0058. Initial reports were for a fire on the second floor, with a baby possibly trapped on the third floor. Four firefighters were transported to a local hospital from the scene. An adult female occupant was transported with serious injuries. All other occupants
were accounted for and no other civilian injuries were reported. “This is an extremely difficult day for the Worcester Fire Department,” said Chief Michael Lavoie. “Lieutenant Menard’s heroic actions saved the life of one of his crew members.” Lieutenant Menard, leaves behind his wife Tina and three children, and his parents. He was a Worcester resident. A memorialfFund has been set up for those who would like to help Lieutenant Menard’s family and honor the sacrifice Jason made for others. Donations are now being accepted
through the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts Foundation. One hundred percent of the donations collected will go directly to Jason’s family. Donations are being accepted online or can be mailed to: Worcester Fire Department Credit Union, 34 Glennie St., Worcester, MA 01605. Checks should be made payable to: PFFM Foundation c/o The Menard Children’s Fund. The PFFM Foundation is a registered 501c3. - Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade, Pat Travers and Paul Shea
Rocky Hill Drills
On October 22, 2019, the Rocky Hill (CT) Fire Department conducted their live fire training for the month. Each company drills in a state of the art, gas-fed fire room. The companies practiced stretching lines, SAR and knocking down the fire. Thanks to the Rocky Hill Volunteer Fire Department for allowing me to photograph their training. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta
Fire News, January 2020, Page 21
Medflight Hosts LZ Class
Boston Medflight hosted a landing zone class for the Lincoln (RI) Fire and Rescue services on November 23, 2019. - Fire News photo by Ken Labelle
Page 22, Fire News, January 2020
Opening the Roof
Suffield Drills
Lincoln (RI) Rescue 1st Lieutenant Mike Reid opens the roof prop at a recent training evolution. - Fire News photo by Ken Labelle
Recently, Suffield (CT) firefighters trained at the Connecticut Fire Academy. Firefighters took turns drilling on roof operations and ventilation. - Fire News photo by John Deforest
Newington Highrise Drill On September 23, 2019, the Newington (CT) Fire Department trained on some highrise and stand pipe operations. The training took place at Cedar Crest Hospital which has been closed and condemned. Companies 2 and 4 took part in the training. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta
East Hartford Trains on Condemned Structure Recently, East Hartford (CT) firefighters trained at various exercises on the old Showcase Cinemas building. The commercial structure has been sitting vacant for years, and soon construction crews contracted by the town will raze it. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius
Fire News, January 2020, Page 23
Simsbury Promotions With the retirement of 1st Assistant Chief Patrick Tourville after 22 years of service, Chief James Baldis of the Simsbury (CT) Volunteer Fire Company has announced several promotions. Second Assistant Chief Jason Gilbert will move up to 1st Assistant Chief in charge of personnel while Main Station’s Captain Kristin Kelley, will step up to 2nd Assistant Chief in charge of training. Captain Mike Brown of Tariffville Station will become 2nd Assistant Chief in charge of firefighting equipment and safety, while Lieutenant Jeff Holmes moves from Tariffville Station to Captain of Main Station. At the promotion ceremony, Baldis said, “As we celebrate our 75th
anniversary, the promotions of 1st Assistant Chief Gilbert, 2nd Assistant Chief Kelley and 2nd Assistant Chief Brown bring forward the next generation of executive leadership to key positions in personnel, training and safety. We also are pleased to see the ongoing development of our station officers, which allowed for the promotion of Captain Holmes to command the Main station.” Gilbert, Kelley, Brown and Holmes all joined the Fire Company as junior firefighters, Gilbert in 1997, Kelley in 1995, Brown in 1994 and Holmes in 2004. - Submitted by Kitty Vangunten
Tree onto House in Stamford On October 16, 2019, a strong storm swept through Stamford (CT) bringing winds over 70 miles per hour. Engine 3 and Truck 3 operated at a tree onto a dwelling call on Stephen Street. - Fire News photo by
2019 CT Fireman’s Convention & Parade On September 15, 2019, Shelton’s (CT) Huntington Company 3 hosted the 2019 Connecticut State Fireman’s Convention and Parade, coinciding with Company 3’s 100th anniversary. Events ranged from a performance by The Rumrunners on Friday at the Courtyard Marriot on Bridgeport Avenue, the delegate’s convention and president’s reception on Saturday morning, anniversary celebration at Bad Sons Beer Company on Roosevelt Drive in Derby on Saturday night, and the parade, competition, and awards presentation on Sunday. Approximately 100 pieces of apparatus arrived in Shelton for the parade. - Fire News photo by
Arlington’s Harold ‘Skeeter’ Vincent Arlington (MA) Chief Kevin Kelley explains the significance of sounding the All Out signal on the ceremonial bell at the funeral of Firefighter Harold ‘Skeeter’ Vincent. Firefighter Vincent was the last World War II veteran who was a member of the Arlington Fire Department. He passed away at the age of 95. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Page 24, Fire News, January 2020
LaRochelle Calls it a Career
After 36 years in the fire service, Lieutenant Paul LaRochelle, Jr., of Rescue Company 1 (also a Fire News correspondent) is calling it quits. His firehouse served up a steak tip meal for his last dinner in
the firehouse before his last shift. Congratulations Paul! - Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade and Ken LaBelle
Fire News, January 2020, Page 25
Dudley Cuts Ribbon on New HQ On October 19, 2019, Dudley (MA) Chief Dean Kochanowski and the members of the Dudley Fire Department welcomed the citizens of Dudley as well as a number of state and local dignitaries to a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly completed headquarters at 128 West Main Street. The new building was built in the same footprint as the original headquarters, which was dedicated on November 3, 1960. Following the actual ribbon cutting ceremony, members of the department took residents on guided tours through the new facility. - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett
Hartford Remembrance for FF Kevin Bell
October 7, 2019, the Hartford (CT) Fire Department assembled at Engine 16 (Kevin Bell Fire House), to remember the life of Firefighter Kevin Bell who lost his life five years ago. Members laid a wreath and observed a moment of silence. The department also planted a tree in memory of Bell. Even though he’s gone we shall never forget him. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta, CTFPA
Long Ridge Open House On October 12, 2019, the Long Ridge (CT) Volunteer Fire Company invited residents for a first-hand look at what they do as a part of fire safety month. Firefighters demonstrated fire safety tips, showed how a kitchen fire can start and how to prevent it. People were also treated to rides on a fire truck, free smoke detectors, free food and live music. - Fire News photo by
Orange Open House for Scouts
The normally tranquil Orange (CT) Volunteer Fire Department station on Boston Post Road was filled with laughter and excited voices from groups of young Scouts earlier this week as they learned about fire safety and performed tasks that firefighters often do. Firefighters welcomed members of different Orange-based Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops and packs to the fire station and talked about fire safety and then helped them try skills ranging from handling a hose line to searching a smoke-filled room with a thermal imaging camera. Firefighter Angela Bachman also talked with the girls, telling them becoming a firefighter isn’t just for boys. “Helping Scouts earn their merit badges is one of the fun things we get to do,” said Firefighter Robert Panapada, who oversaw the evening. “By having all the Scouts come on one night, we can set up more exercises, have more people here to help and give them a more exciting experience. And while they’re having fun, they’re also learning.” In addition to using a thermal imaging camera in a room filled with non-toxic fog that imitated smoke, Scouts moved a bucket using a charged hose line, followed a firefighter through an obstacle course and practiced staying low to get out of house filled with smoke. “Preventing fires and teaching people how to escape injury in case of a fire is as important to us as fire suppression,” said Fire Chief Vaughan Dumas, who was also at the event. “This is a great way for the kids to get to know us, know our equipment and not be afraid of us if they ever have to meet a firefighter during an emergency.” Perhaps the biggest thrill for the kids, however, could have been when the evening ended with back-to-back fire alarms, sending apparatus out of the station with lights flashing and sirens wailing. - Fire News photo by Doug Fenichel
Page 26, Fire News, January 2020
Hyannis Dedicates New Firehouse & 9/11 Memorial On October 12, 2019, Hyannis (MA) firefighters dedicated their new 32,000square foot firehouse which sits on the footprint of the old firehouse that was demolished. The new fire house costed $18.5 million to build and included a 9/11 memorial next to the house done by firefighters on their off-duty time and paid for with donations. - Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann
Darien Open House On October 12, 2019, residents in Darien (CT) enjoyed a great experience as the Darien Volunteer Fire Department held their annual open house. Firefighters were able to interact with members of the community to teach fire safety and show what they do with a car extrication demonstration. - Fire News photo by
New England FOOLS Training Event Fire News contributing photographer Kevin White from Lawrence (MA) working his craft at a recent training event for the New England FOOLS (Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society). Kevin, always willing to go above and beyond to “get that shot,� donned PPE to get up close and personal to take some point of view photos! - Fire News photo by Alan Brackett
Fire News, January 2020, Page 27
13th New Hampshire FFs Memorial
On September 28, 2019, firefighters attended the 13th Annual New Hampshire Fallen Firefighters Memorial. - Fire News photos by Liz Feitelberg
Temporary Quarters in Boston Boston Fire Department Engine Company 42 is staying in its temporary firehouse, while a new firehouse is being constructed on Columbus Avenue. The temporary house is located on Atherton Street, just a few blocks from the old one. Engine 42 expects to be there, along with the chief of District 9 for at least 18 months. Rescue 2 has moved to Blue Hill Avenue with Engine 52 and Ladder 29. - Fire News photo by Bill Noonan
MA Fire Chaplains Corps Holds 20th Anniversary
The 20th Anniversary of the formation of the Massachusetts Corps Wayside Inn, in Sudbury (MA). of Fire Chaplains was held on October 21, 2019, at Longfellow’s - Fire News photos by Liz Feitelberg
Page 28, Fire News, January 2020
Up Close & Personal Lincoln (RI) Deputy Chief Todd Tucker with his son Firefighter Craig Tucker responded on the RIT team to a recent working fire. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Parade judges gather for a group photo before the commencement of the 2019 Connecticut State Fireman’s Convention and Parade on September 15, 2019. - Fire News photo by
The Lost Acres Fire Department of Granby (CT) culminated a month of training on an acquired structure by conducting a live fire demolition on October 12, 2019. - Fire News photo by Stephen Hess
Boston firefighters from Engine 42 pose for a group photo. - Fire News photo by Bill Noonan
Orange (CT) Volunteer Fire Department station on Boston Post Road held an Open House for Scouts - Fire News photo by Doug Finichel At Lieutenant Jason Mernard’s funeral, Lynn (MA) Fire Chief (retired) James McDonald, Worcester (MA) District Chief (retired) Michael McNamee and Boston Fire Commissioner Joseph Finn. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Fire News, January 2020, Page 29
GOGLAS ELECTED AS FDSOA EASTERN DIRECTOR Judge Phil Goglas, ex-Captain of the Central Islip Fire Department was elected as the new Eastern Director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). Goglas will be sworn in at the annual general meeting held in conjunction with the 2020 Health and Safety Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Goglas, a member of FDSOA since 2010, started his firefighting career as a volunteer in 1979 with the Wyandanch Volunteer Fire Company of Suffolk County, New York. He is a former New York City Transit Police Officer. He received his bachelor’s from St. John’s University and his Juris Doctorate from Brooklyn Law School. Among Goglas’ goals as director are to increase membership in the Eastern Region;
have greater involvement bringing relevant speakers and information to FDSOA members and the Health and Safety Conference; and decreasing injuries and fatalities to all members of the fire service. Both the FDSOA Health and Safety Conference and the Annual Fire Apparatus Safety and Maintenance Conference will be held at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz., January 13-16, 2020. - Fire News photo courtesy of Phil Goglas
SUPER VAC AND COMMAND LIGHT LAUNCH DEALER MARKETING HUB Super Vacuum Manufacturing, the parent company of Super Vac and Command, has introduced a Marketing Hub for its dealers, an online platform that centralizes all of its brand’s marketing collateral in one, easy-to-use location. The Marketing Hub gives authorized dealers immediate access to logos, photos, videos, brochures, spec sheets and more. Super Vac is one of the world’s leading manufacturers in fire and industrial ventilation products; Command Light manufacturers light towers and other scene lighting products for the fire and emergency industry. Both brands have an international footprint with dealers spread throughout the United States and across the globe. Login instructions were provided to dealers, but if any key sales personnel was missed in the mass communication, please e-mail Marketing Director Amy Speer at to request credentials.
About Super Vac Super Vac is the world’s leading manufacturer in emergency ventilation products. A one-stop-shop for all things ventilation, Super Vac equips crews with a versatile array of only the toughest solutions, including the industry’s largest lineup of PPV fans, spanning from eight- to 80-inch blades, as well as smoke ejectors, available in 12-, 16-, 20- and 24-inch blades. Super Vac also manufactures rescue saws, rehab misters and other necessities, including the patented Smoke BlockAid for smoke mitigation. About Command Light Command Light, located in Fort Collins, Colorado, has specialized in scene lighting for the emergency industry for more than 25 years and features only the best light towers, compact scene lighting, traffic flow boards and other safety lighting products. Command Light’s towers are available in a variety of configurations, including AC or DC, different tower bases, varying output choices and a long list of options, such as backlighting to illuminate both sides of the scene.
Page 30, Fire News, January 2020
Fire News, January 2020, Page 31