Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973
See story on page 30. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Happy New Year from the Staff at Fire News
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 3
In this issue... Thru the Roof in Lincoln Lincoln (RI) Engine 3 arrived to fire throughout the entire roof of a home at which they’d responded earlier. See story on page 6
Darien Chimney Fire Extends A chimney fire in a Darien (CT) commercial structure extends into the ductwork.
See story on page 9
Brookline Barn Blaze Held Brookline (NH) crews stop a barn fire from extending in a no-hydrant area.
See story on page 11
Truck into Gas Station Injures Worker A worker at a Mobil gas station on Route 20 in Oxford (MA) is hit by a car.
See story on page 18
Obituary Kensington’s Joseph Marino See story on page 25
A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
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Leicester Chief of Department Retires Chief Robert Wilson retires from the Leicester (MA) Fire Department after 46 years of service. See story on page 26
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . pages 22-23 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 28-29 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Page 4, Fire News, January/February 2021
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Happy New Year? I really don’t think that there is anyone who will argue that 2020 was a tough year. Many districts were forced to change the rules governing socialization in our second home. Departments were forced to change response rules so that the members were kept safe as they rode on the trucks or came down to the firehouse to respond to calls. Kudos to our commissioners and chiefs, who had a tough job keeping everyone happy, while keeping their responders Covid free. Yes, 2020 was a tough year. People lost family members and, in many cases, could not be with them when they passed away. Rules also limited the wakes and funerals for our loved ones. Hospital rules drastically changed, and patients found themselves on their own after they were dropped off at the hospital. Nurses and doctors became your family while you were there. Thank you to the dedicated staff at all hospitals who went way above their job description to help us get well. Are we going into 2021 with apprehension? Are you feeling that there was nothing positive in 2020 and the 2020 trend will con-
tinue in 2021? I personally had a lot of negative situations in 2020, but I learned a long time ago, to turn negatives into positive. Here are a few things I thought were positives that happened in 2020. I developed a new hobby: Gyms were closed, so I got out and walked eight to 10,000 steps a day with my camera and soon learned that nature is thriving. Wow, my fire photos were replaced with wildlife photos! We had major improvements in medicine. A vaccine for Covid-19 is here. Yes, researchers found a vaccine in record breaking time. I hope this research continues and we find cures for other disease such as cancer. We became innovated and our computer skills reached new levels. As I write this, my wife is currently teaching her students via Google Classroom. Our meetings are now commonplace using Zoom and Google Meet. Education has adapted to the dangers of Covid. We learned that if the classroom isn’t sanitized every day and if students don’t wear masks all of the time, the disease haunts and infects us. If I learned anything in 2020, I learned
that I must remain strong and excuses are not a way to overcome the negatives that are around us. Carry your positive thoughts into 2021. My favorite author was Mark Twain. He once said, “Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” You were given the skills to survive Covid-19 in 2020. You must set the example by carrying those skills into 2021. You are first responders. You have been trained to do whatever it is to get the job done! Enter 2021 as a leader. Carry out the rules that you now know will keep everyone safe. Stay safe in 2021 ... and Happy New Year! -Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, January/February 2021
Fire Thru the Roof in Lincoln
Brockton Taxpayer Fire
Lincoln (RI) Engine 3 arrived to find heavy fire through the entire roof of a Cormier Road home on August 5, 2020. Mutual aid came from the City of Central Falls. Companies worked a kitchen fire in this dwelling earlier in the day. Several big lines and a ladder pipe where used to bring this fire under control. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
On the early morning of November 12, 2020, the Brockton (MA) Fire Alarm Office received a call reporting smoke coming from a building in the Montello section of the city. Engines 3 and 7, Squad A and Ladder 1, under Command of Deputy Chief Nardelli, responded. Engine 3 and the chief arrived and reported smoke from a 75- x 75-foot taxpayer. Crews made entry and encountered a heavy smoke condition in the store. Conditions deteriorated quickly and DC Nardelli struck a second alarm. Ladders opened the roof to find heavy smoke and heat conditions. Heavy fire was now showing through the roof and crews were ordered from the building. A third alarm was transmitted at 0507 and fire was put under control about 0730 with crews remaining on scene through the day. - Fire News photo by Bob Myers
Manchester 2-Alarmer
Manchester (CT) firefighters responded to a two-alarm fire on Birch Street on November 12, 2020. Companies arrived to heavy fire showing on two floors of a 2-1/2 story wood frame. All occupants made it out safely. One member fell through a floor, so companies were withdrawn from the building at that point. - Fire News photos by Patrick Dooley and Michael R. Brinius
Tolland Garage Fire
Firefighters in Tolland (CT) battled a garage fire located on Torry Road on November 24, 2020. - Fire News photos by Patrick Dooley
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 7
Page 8, Fire News, January/February 2021
Vacant Dwelling Fire in New Haven
On November 25, 2020, New Haven (CT) firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke and fire issuing from a vacant 2-1/2 story wood frame on Winchester Avenue. Multiple lines were stretched to the second and third floors. Engine companies had a hard time making the third floor and attic due to Collyer’s Mansion conditions and the heavy smoke. The fire traveled the walls and voids prompting the transmission of a second alarm by Chief of Department Alston. The fire took about an hour to bring under control. The cause of the fire was deemed suspicious and was investigated by the New Haven Fire Department FMO. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
Big-Time Save in Boston
Around 0830 on December 2, 2020, Boston (MA) Fire Alarm received calls for a building fire in the city’s South End. Engine 22 was returning to quarters as the box was being struck and turned onto West Brookline Street, and reported heavy fire showing from the first floor of an occupied four-story brick (attached) brownstone. Car 4 struck a second alarm and Engine 22 and other pumps ran lines and aggressively attacked from the front and rear alleyway. Meanwhile, ladder companies conducted primaries and vented. Ladder 4 plucked a deaf mother and her two young girls from a third-floor fire escape and made a dramatic rescue down their stick at the front of the building. There were no reported major injuries, due to some quick water and good vent work. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Dance Theater Destroyed in Becket
The Doris Duke Theater on the grounds of the Jacob’s Pillow campus in Becket (MA) burned to the ground on November 17, 2020. Firefighters were hampered by poor water supply and a wellinvolved building on arrival. The Dance Festival, which was already hard hit by a cancelled 2020 season due to the Covid-19 pandemic, must now work though this additional setback. Normally a mainstay for locals and tourists alike, the festival is one of the more popular attractions in the Berkshires. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey
Landfill Fire in Agawam
A massive landfill fire broke out recently in Agawam (MA) at Bondi’s Island landfill on October 16, 2020. Multiple mutual aid from surrounding towns were called to the scene including three tanker task force teams, the state HazMat Team, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services, Agawam Emergency Management, MEMA, DEEP, West Springfield and Agawam Police. No injuries were reported. Crews were on scene throughout the day breaking down piles of stubborn hot spots. It was estimated that over onemillion gallons of water was dumped at the site via tankers and engines to battle the blaze, which consisted of eight large piles including a small building and smoldered for three days. The fire was under investigation by the state fire marshal. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 9
Darien Chimney Fire Extends Around 2100 on October 5, 2020, Darien (CT) firefighters were dispatched to an activated alarm with possible smoke in the structure. Upon arrival, crews were sent into the commercial building and discovered a fire in a chimney. Companies quickly went to work knocking down the fire and then started checking for extension. Upon opening up, firefighters found that fire had extended into the duct work of the building. Through an extensive overhaul process, firefighters were able to knock down any remaining pockets of fire and put the fire under control. - Fire News photo by
Leicester Shed Fire Firefighters responded to Carlson Drive in Leicester (MA) for a shed fire on October 20, 2020. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Page 10, Fire News, January/February 2021
Two Alarms Struck in Brockton On September 14, 2020, the Brockton (MA) Fire Department responded to a building fire at Saint Casimir Avenue. Crews arrived to smoke showing from a two-story brick building. Car 56 arrived and immediately struck a second alarm. A person trapped on the second-floor rear of the building was rescued over a ladder by two of the building’s occupants. The rescued occupant was evaluated by Brewster paramedics but refused transport. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Quick Work at Sheffield Farm Fire Sheffield (MA) firefighters responded to a fire in a bucket loader on November 20, 2020, at a farm on Hewins Street. Crews were on scene quickly and the fire was extinguished equally so. There was brief concern for the safety of some of the farm animals, but that was tended to by the farm staff. Crews were on scene for little over an hour. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey
Taunton Fire Held
Lincoln Dumpster Fire
Firefighters responded to a working fire in Taunton (MA) on Hart Street. Crews arrived to find an outside fire that had extended to the wall of a building. First-due companies quickly knocked down the fire without incident. - Fire News photo by John Sjostedt
On November 15, 2020, Lincoln (RI) firefighters worked a wellinvolved 35-yard dumpster on the grounds of Twin River Casino. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Quick Response Saves House from Car Fire
Cambridge Structure Fire
On November 11, 2020, Wolcott (CT) firefighters responded to Todd Road for a car fire next to a dwelling. A quick response saved the house from the flames of the fully-involved vehicle. - Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann
At about 0530 on October 7, 2020, the Cambridge (MA) Fire Department responded to a report of a building fire on Buckingham Street. On arrival, smoke and fire were showing from a 2-1/2 story dwelling. An occupant was rescued from the second floor. Multiple alarms were quickly ordered, and the fire was brought under control in about an hour. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Barn Fire Kept from Extending in Brookline
Firefighters battled a three-alarm fire in Brookline (NH) on November 10, 2020. The fire was in a barn attached to a house on Townsend Hill Road. Due to no hydrants in the area, multiple tankers were called to the scene and crews drafted and filled tankers from a nearby pond. the fire was kept to the barn with no extension to the house. Firefighters from at least a dozen towns responded. - Fire News photo by David Bryce
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 11
Webster 2-Alarmer
Webster (MA) Fire responded to a garage fire on October 5, 2020. Chief Hickey arrived to find the garage heavily involved and fire extending into the house. A second alarm was struck, bringing in mutual aid departments. Master streams were initially used to knock down the heavy fire. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Page 12, Fire News, January/February 2021
Photo left
Nice Stop in Hartford Apt. Fire On October 10, 2020, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded for a fire on Orange Street in the city’s west End. The fire was contained to the apartment of origin on the first floor. Units were on scene for about an hour. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CFPA
Photo right
Fire in the Walls in Fall River Recently, Fall River (MA) firefighters responded to Abbott Place, a narrow dead-end street in the city’s South End. Firefighters arrived to smoke showing, which command said smelled like wire insulation burning. Engines 2, 4 and 5, Ladders 2 and 4, and Heavy Rescue 1 responded along with Car 3. Engine 4 began fire attack and quickly knocked down all visible fire, then went to work opening up the walls to find the hidden fire. Firefighters made extensive use of thermal imaging cameras to expose the fire. - Fire News photo by Ken Leger
Brockton 2-Alarmer
Pepperell Barn Fire Firefighters battled a two-alarm fire in Pepperell (MA) on November 17, 2020. The fire was in a large barn behind a house. A second alarm was struck bringing several engine companies from several towns to the fire. The fire was contained to one area of the barn and quickly brought under control. - Fire News photo by David Bryce
New Britain 2-Alarmer New Britain (CT) firefighters responded to a second-alarm fire on West Main Street in New Britain on November 1, 2020. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CFPA
On November 30, 2020, Brockton (MA) firefighters responded for a house fire on the east side of the city. Engine 4, Squad A, Engine 7 and Ladder 4 responded under Command of Deputy Chief Joe Marchetti. Ladder 4 arrived to fire and smoke showing from a 21/2 story dwelling. Two lines were stretched to the second floor but the fire had already extended to the attic. A second alarm was quickly ordered as fire broke through the roof and all members were withdrawn. Engine 3 supplied Ladder 4’s ladder pipe and Engine 5 was special called to help with water supply. The fire was knocked down in about an hour. East Bridgewater, Avon and Whitman covered. - Fire News photo by Bob Myers
Car Fire in Peabody Recently, Peabody (MA) firefighters responded to a vehicle fire. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 13
Hartford Fire Department
Quick Stop 2-Alarmer On October 21, 2020, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a fire on Zion Street in the city’s Behind the Rocks neighborhood. The fire was discovered on the top-floor rear. A Mayday was declared, which was quickly cleared. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CFPA
Top Floor Fire Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to Jefferson Street for a fire. Units arrived to heavy fire from the top floor. The fire brought under control in minutes. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CFPA
Nice Stop in Apartment Fire On October 10, 2020, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded for a fire on Orange Street in the city’s west End. The fire was contained to the apartment of origin on the first floor. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta, CFPA
Defensive Fight Another Look On October 9, 2020, the Hartford (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Capen Street in the city’s North End. A defensive attack was ordered, due to the building being the site of a previous collapse. The fire was under investigation by the fire marshal’s office. An additional ladder was called to the scene for assistance. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta
Page 14, Fire News, January/February 2021
Tree Down Injures Loader Operator East Brookfield (MA) Fire and Sturbridge Fire responded on October 25, 2020, for a tree down on a front-end loader cab which severely injured the operator. He was transported via MedStar helicopter. Route 49 was closed for the LZ. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Manchester MVA On November 2, 2020, Manchester (CT) crews responded to an MVA on Tolland Turnpike in which a car was pinned between a minivan and the wall and the driver trapped inside the vehicle. Members had to pull the vehicle away from the wall to get access to the driver who suffered only minor injuries. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
Haddam 2-Car MVA At 0225 on December 3, 2020, Haddam (CT) Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to Route 9 North under the Christian Hill Road overpass for a two-car MVA with possible entrapment. Upon arrival, crews noted that the drivers of both vehicles had self-extricated. They were evaluated by EMS personnel, and one was transported to Hartford Hospital via Haddam Volunteer Ambulance Service. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 15
Leicester 2-Car MVA
On November 22, 2020, Leicester (MA) firefighters responded to an MVA in front of the Cherry Valley fire station. One vehicle rolled over and the other snapped a pole. There were only minor injuries. The windshield of the van had to be cut out for the driver to exit. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Page 18, Fire News, January/February 2021
Acton Rollover Recently, Acton (MA) crews responded to Route 2 east, near exit 43, for a multi-vehicle MVA with a rollover, deep into the woods. - Fire News photo by Shaun Shattuck
Bolton MVA, Fire Bolton (CT) Fire responded to Birch Mountain Road on October 2, 2020, at 2305, for an MVA. On arrival, members had a well involved car fire into a tree with the occupants reported to have fled the scene prior to arrival. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
Truck into Gas Station Injures Worker Pickup Hits Sturbridge Motel On November 15, 2020, a pickup slammed into a Sturbridge (MA) Super 8 motel. The driver of the truck was not injured. A tech rescue team from Fire District 7 was called to the scene to shore up the building. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
3-Car Crash, Rollover in Abington Around 1315 hours on the afternoon of November 25, 2020, the Abington (MA) Fire Department responded to an MVA at the intersection of Plymouth (Route 58) and Summer Streets. Companies arrived to find a three-vehicle accident, with one vehicle on its roof, partially on top of another vehicle. The occupant was removed from the vehicle prior to fire department arrival. There was a report of a child in the overturned auto, but after a complete search, no child was located. One victim was transported to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
About 0045 on October 23, 2020, Oxford (MA) Fire-EMS and Oxford Police responded to a Mobil gas station on Route 20 for a vehicle into the building. The pickup truck crashed through the front of the building striking the clerk inside. The clerk was transported by EMS while the operator of the truck was taken into custody. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
1 Injured in Whitman Overturn Around 1830 on November 17, 2020, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department responded to Bedford Street (Route 18) for an MVA with rollover. Ambulance 249, Engine 243 and Car 3 responded. Companies arrived to find a single-vehicle accident with the vehicle on its roof. All occupants were reported out upon arrival. The car appeared to have struck a telephone pole, then rolled. One person was transported to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Page 20, Fire News, January/February 2021
Portland FF Memorial The Firefighters Memorial outside the main station in Portland (ME). - Fire News photo by Ken Leger
Light the Night in Simsbury
Surprised-looking Pumpkin Wins First Orange Pumpkin Blaze A surprised, one-eyed pumpkin won the People's Choice Award at the Orange (CT) Volunteer Fire Department’s first pumpkin-carving contest. Adria Boyle won the top prize. She carved the face into the surface of the pumpkin. And just to make it just a little more Halloween-scary, the missing eye — a chunk of stringy pumpkin — sits on the bench in front of the winning gourd. Other winners included: Brynn Panapada, Happiest pumpkin; Kate Panapada, Cutest pumpkin; Chloe Clemens, Prettiest pumpkin; Helene Flynn, Best traditional pumpkin; Silas Hill, Most hungry pumpkin; Kaury and Ian Kucera, Most intricate pumpkin; Zoe Kucera, Most adorable pumpkin; Melissa Parniawski, Spookiest pumpkin; Orange Children's Dentistry, Most unusual pumpkin; Mia Quoka, Most athletic pumpkin; and Greyson Fatone, Most team spirited pumpkin. Winners received a certificate…and had fun. - Fire News photo by Doug Fenichel
Arlington US Army Pilot Killed in Crash Honored On November 19, 2020, the remains of Chief Warrant Officer 2 Marwan S. Ghabour, an Arlington (MA) native, killed in a helicopter crash in Egypt, was brought through his hometown in a procession. As the cortege passed the Highland Fire Station, the firefighters paid their respects. Ghabour, 27, was one of five service members killed in the crash. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Simsbury’s (CT) six fire stations and the Frank Bradley Memorial were illuminated with red lights for a week for “Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters,” held from September 27, 2020 to October 4, as a part of National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend. “The Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company and Simsbury Fire District remembered our own Simsbury volunteer, Lieutenant Richard Kelleher, who died while fighting a fire at the Knights of Columbus Hall on November 6, 1981,” said Fire Chief James Baldis. The Frank Bradley Memorial is named after Simsbury’s first member to die. Frank Bradley was one of 17 men who volunteered to form the company in 1944 when Ensign-Bickford Industries notified the town they no longer had the resources to provide fire protection. Just seven days after its founding, Frank Bradley and his family went to the circus. Bradley and his wife, Helen, died in the Hartford circus fire. Their two young daughters survived and were raised by Dr. Owen Murphy. - Fire News photo by Kitty Vangunten.
Ground Breaking for North Acton New Station Recently, crews took part in the ground breaking ceremony on Harris Street, for North Acton (MA) Fire Station 4. - Fire News photo by Shaun Shattuck
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 21
Salem’s Arno Retires
Salem (MA) 1st Lieutenant Richie Arno recently ended a 34plus-year career as a well loved and respected “Witch City” jake. Richie came on the job in 1986, following his family tradition. In 1993 he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He was a part of the District 6 HazMat Team, as well as FEMA’s USAR Task-Force 1. In 2012 he was awarded Firefighter of the Year by the governor of Massachusetts, for the rescue of a young girl trapped on an upper floor of a high-rise. Arno exposed himself to extraordinary risk under extremely heavy and deteriorating fire conditions to affect the rescue. Richie successfully completed his last tour as a boss on Engine 4, on Essex Street. He will be missed and never forgotten. - Fire News photos by Glenn Preston
Page 22, Fire News, January/February 2021
Up Close & Personal
On August 12, 2020, New Haven (CT) firefighters used foam at a New Haven Substation fire. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
Salem (MA) 1st Lieutenant Tommy Brophy, Jr., of Salem Engine 1, with his father, Chief Tommy Brophy (ret.). - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Stamford (CT) Firefighter Alan Hagander after working a dwelling fire on October 11, 2020. - Fire News photo by PuckStopper
Charlton (MA) Fire and Police rescued pets at a two-alarmer on December 3, 2020. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
(Left) Rutland (VT) Firefighter Patrick Coffee and Worcester (MA) Firefighter Michael Coffee at a live burn. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Three generations as Windsor Locks (CT) Chief Gary Ruggiero poses with his son, Lieutenant Anthony Ruggiero, and his grandchildren, Gianna and Leo. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero
Springfield (MA) District Chief Ty Denson, Firefighters Kevin Morrow and Nick Frank, Lieutenant Evan Cournoyer and Commisioner BJ Calvi. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Hartford (CT) crew after a November 7, 2020, Jefferson Street house fire. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 23
Up Close & Personal
Barre (VT), Rutland (VT) and Oakham (MA) fire departments held live burns at the Worcester (MA) FD training facility. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
A Becket (MA) firefighter operating a ground monitor at a dance studio fire on November 17, 2020, on the Jacob’s Pillow property. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey
Newly promoted Lincoln (RI) Rescue 1 Captain Mike Reid. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Chief Shawn Tryon and Deputy Chief Chris Tryon of the Monterey (MA) Fire Department discuss tactics at a mutual aid fire in Becket. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey
Hamilton (MA) acting Chief Kirby Brand operating as the IC at a drill, simulating a building fire with people trapped. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Brookline (NH) firefighters working a three-alarm fire on November 10, 2020. - Fire News photo by David Bryce
Brockton (MA) Firefighter Brian Gray. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers A Worcester (MA) firefighter with a bird rescued from a two-alarm fire on Oxford Street. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Page 24, Fire News, January/February 2021
The Portland Fire Museum The Portland Fire Museum is located at 175 Spring Street in Portland (ME). - Fire News photos by Ken Leger
Let’s See if It Can Handle This… November 18, 2020, the local E-One dealer bought a 95-foot tower to Worcester (MA). The truck was shown to Ladder 3 who is next up for a new rig. Worcester is referred to as the City of Seven Hills, and crews drove the truck around the district and set the truck up on some of the eponymous hills. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 25
Kensington’s Joseph Marino When you think of a dedicated, family man, passionate and devoted, Joe Marino’s name should be in that sentence every time. Joe was born in 1948 and he was the son of James and Anna (Lipila) Marino. Joe was a graduate of New Britain High School where he was a baseball star for the Golden Hurricanes. After high school he joined the US Navy and, while in the Navy, began a lifelong passionate hobby with photography that he would enjoy up until his passing. After the Navy, Joe was hired by Dakille Studio in New Britain. Joe then turned his photography to fire apparatus and fire scenes throughout the Hartford area and extending into Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. Joe joined the Kensington Fire Department in the mid 70s and he quickly rose through the ranks to Lieutenant. Before this, he was a member of the New Britain Civil Defense Rescue Squad. Joe was an aggressive firefighter and spent time with the Hartford County Emergency fire training school in Bloomfield as an instructor. He served as the President of the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department Ambulance Association. Joe was also the department photographer for the KFD, as well as a founding member of the Connecticut Fire Photographer Association (CFPA) in 1975. In November 2020 Joe was named as the first ever life member of the CFPA. His amazing dedication and vision allowed for the formation of the first mass casualty vehicle that in Central Connecticut. As a lifelong resident of New Britain he gained the respect of many local departments with his amazing photos and his great sense of humor when he visited the firehouses to chat. Many buffs have said over the years Joe would buff some of the biggest fires in New England and has been known from time to time to just take a ride to Providence to grab a lemon square from Honey Do Donuts and catch a fire or two. He also spent many years in Hartford covering the HFD and would be seen riding with District Chief 1, 2, or 3 at times. Joe was also the official photographer for the New England Fire Chiefs Association. His granddaughter Samantha put it best during the funeral service.
“My grandfather was one of the most unselfish people in this world, he put his family before anything else and that meant the world to us. He made sure the family had whatever they needed even if they didn’t need it.” One thing I will never forget about Joe is his caring and outgoing personality. Joe was a Buff’s Buff, he could take a joke and was going to give it back to you quickly. He never took anything for granted, he lived an amazing life day-to-day, always had a smile on his face, told you how it was no matter if you liked it or not, accomplished so much in 72 years, and left a legacy not only with his fellow buffs but with his family and friends that will last forever. - Submitted by John DeForest
Page 26, Fire News, January/February 2021
Leicester’s Chief of D Wilson Calls it a Career On November 29, 2020, Chief Robert Wilson retired after being a member of the Leicester (MA) Fire Department for 46 years. The chief joined the department in 1974. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1984, Captain in 1987, District Chief in 1990, Deputy Chief in 1992 and to Chief in 1993. Michael Dupuis was named the new Chief of the Department. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea and Bud Harris
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 27
Remembering Those Who Have Passed On November 1, 2020, members of the Windsor Locks (CT) Fire Department and the Windsor Locks Ladies Auxiliary safely gathered with their families to remember members who have passed away. This year the following names were added to the role of honor: Heidi Vaughan, Joseph Hannigan, Herman True, Joseph LaPierre, Jr., and Charles Hagist. - Fire News photos by Coral Ruggiero
Worcester Honors Anniversary of Menard’s Death
November 13, 2020, marked the one-year anniversary of the LODD of Worcester (MA) Fire Lieutenant Jason Menard. The service was held at the McKeown Road firehouse. Due to Covid regulations only family members were allowed to attend. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea
Southwick’s 9/11 Ceremony
Southwick’s (MA) 9/11 ceremony. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Page 28, Fire News, January/February 2021
Pepperell Live Fire Pepperell (MA) Fire conducted live fire training at the Nashua Training Grounds in the month of October. Crews performed fire attack, fire behavior and ventilation with their newly-placed-in-service ladder truck. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Canton Live Burn Drill
Training in Newington
The Canton (CT) Fire Department recently took part in a live burn exercise at the Connecticut Fire Academy in Windsor Locks. Crews worked on fire attack on the second floor and basement as well as search and rescue. The live burn was under the direction of Jason Gilbert and Romona Mansfield. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
On October 19, 2020, the Town of Newington (CT) Fire Department’s companies 2 and 4 held their first live fire training of the 2020 season. Companies practiced search and rescue and throwing ground ladders. The cadets were on hand to help with advancing lines and picking up at the end of the night. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 29
TRAINING Hamilton Training for the Real Deal
Simsbury Live Burn Training On October 12, 2020, Simsbury (CT) firefighters took part in a live burn at their Weatogue Station training center. Crews focused on fire attack, search and rescue, as well as ventilation. - Fire News photo by John Deforest
Hamilton (MA) Fire Department has spent the last several months doing hands-on training, keeping the focus on “the field” and not “the book.” These back-to-basics drills have been designed as refreshers and oriented to a small town job with very limited manpower. Pictured is a drill involving all of the call and fulltime firefighters working together. HFD was able to secure an irregularshaped, mixed-use 2-1/2 story brick and wood multi-use building. Several fire scenarios were given as companies arrived and members had to make their own decisions, and run their own lines to the smoked-out simulated fire room and then call for the line to be charged. Several ground ladders were utilized along with rescues from rear porches and stick work. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Live Burn Training in Worcester
Hartford Fire School FF 1 Class
Barre (VT), Rutland (VT) and Oakham (MA) fire departments held live burns at the Worcester (MA) Fire Department training facility. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Hartford (CT) County Regional Fire School FF 1 class. Instructors recently went over 10 point inspections and SCBA. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Page 30, Fire News, January/February 2021
Cover Story
Southbridge Multi-Alarm Southbridge (MA) Fire, along with multiple mutual aid companies, battled a multiple-alarm blaze in a three-decker with fire running the cockloft area. Everyone made it out of the house unharmed. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Fire News, January/February 2021, Page 31
FDIC INTERNATIONAL BRINGS PRODUCT SOURCING VIRTUAL WITH THE FDIC PRODUCT NETWORK: A SINGLE PLATFORM FOR ALL PRODUCT SOURCING NEEDS AND LIVE CONVERSATIONS WITH THE INDUSTRY FDIC International and Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment are launching an ALL-NEW year-round virtual experience, FDIC Product Network, beginning December 8, 2020. The platform was developed for the fire community based on industry demand to provide decision makers with a single year-round resource for sourcing and building connections within the FDIC community virtually. FDIC Product Network will use its entire cadre of marketing vehicles, coupled with exhibitor product content to provide buyers an interactive look at what’s new, next and innovative to fulfill their departments sourcing requirements. Access is complimentary for attendees and will include: • Live monthly video product demos where you can view and interact with exhibitor’s products & services and ask real-time questions to presenters; • Access to on-demand video product demos following live events; • Easy-to-use searches and personalized recommendations based on user profiles and search behavior; • Exhibitor showrooms featuring information about the brand and latest products and services complete with a company chat feature to ask question or receive more information; • Personal calendars to request and accept one-on-one meeting requests with exhibitors; “While the FDIC Product Network does not replace the experience of connecting face-to-face at our live events, it allows the FDIC community to still see each other and continue to connect to drive business forward year-round in a safe, virtual environment. We
believe the platform will be a powerful sourcing and lead generation tool, providing critical connections between exhibitors and attendees that ultimately keep our communities safe,” says Eric Schlett, Senior Vice President, Clarion Events Inc., Fire & Rescue Group. While the FDIC Product Network will be open year-round, each month will feature two or three days of live events organized around a specific product category theme. The schedule kicks off on December 8 with SCBA & Breathing Air. Additional themes throughout 2021 will include: PPE, Apparatus & Specialty Vehicles, Apparatus Accessories & Components, Innovations, Wildland & Urban Interface, FDIC in Review, Education & Training Services and Systems, EMS, Stations, Training Buildings and Station Equipment & Supplies, Extraction, Special Ops & Rescue, Communications, Software, Accountability & Compliance Systems. “As we continue to navigate through not being able to see everyone face-to-face, we are excited for this new opportunity to launch a platform that can change how our industry does business moving forward,” Schlett continued, “our team is committed to continuing to provide solutions that bring the industry together.” Explore FDIC Product Network and get started by creating an attendee profile or learning more about becoming an FDIC Product Network exhibitor at: For more information about FDIC International and FDIC Product Network, please visit: