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From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor As We Enter2022 …

As Fire News welcomes everyone to 2022, I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to look back to December 2021 and offer condolences to the Malveaux family and to the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Recently, FDNY Firefighter Vincent Malveaux was in training and began to feel ill and lost consciousness during his daily training at the FDNYFire Academy on Randall’s Island. ‘Pablo,’as Malveaux was affectionately known to his classmates, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he died. As a firefighter, I know the sadness of losing a brother or sister firefighter. Fire News will bring you coverage of the Line of Duty funeral to honor Firefighter Vincent Malveaux in a future edition of our paper.

As we enter 2022, I would like to congratulate all firefighters and officers as you take on your new positions of being a firefighter and a new officer. To all firefighters, especially those firefighters who have some time under their belts, take the time to share your knowledge with your newer members and take the time to offer learning experiences that will help your company officers lead you through the year. New officers should confer with past officers so you don’t repeat the same mistakes that they may have made. As a new leader, never embarrass a member who may seem weak in certain skills. You will soon learn that as a new officer, you now take on the role of being a teacher. Firefighters must practice what they have learned to become proficient in the skills that save lives, including your own. Officers need to make sure every member knows how to use the tools of your trade - firefighting!

Anyone with experience will tell you that going on calls is the easy part of our job. Making sure you and your colleagues know what they are doing is the hard part. Hopefully everyone realizes the importance of drills, training, and truck maintenance. Yes, I said truck maintenance! Saws must start; air packs must work as expected and simple things like making sure the fuel tanks are full is important. When you leave the firehouse after a call, stop, and look around and give thought to anything that requires attention. If you see something is wrong, don’t wait until the next day to make changes.

As an officer, you must set the example and keep the bar raised high, so that your troops are ready for action.

On New Year’s Eve, hug your loved ones, say a prayer for world peace and dust off your training manuals so that you can be the best at what you love to do. Also, remember Firefighter Vincent Malveaux and offer prayers of comfort to his family. In my family, we have a tradition; at the stroke of midnight, we hug one another and start the new year with three foods: herring, lentil soup and rye bread. Yes, I know, to some this sounds horrible. But the symbolism is meaningful. I wish everyone good luck, good health, and prosperity in 2022. Happy

New Year and good luck to all as you enter 2022! - Dennis

Smithfield Kitchen Fire Extends

Smithfield (RI) firefighters responded to Oakdale Street on the afternoon of October23, 2021. Engine 2 arrived to heavy smoke showing from a raised ranch occupied home. An attack line was stretched in through the A-side doorto find the seat of the fire. The crew found heavy fire on the B/C cornerfrom a fire that originated on the reardeck. The fire extended into the kitchen area and slightly into the attic space. Asecond alarm was requested to the scene forRITand manpower. The fire was brought undercontrol in about an hour. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

East Hartford 3-Alarm

On November15, 2021, East Hartford (CT) firefighters, fought a three-alarm blaze on Woodlawn Circle just aftermidnight. Car3 (shift commander) struck a second alarm on arrival fora four-family building with fire in the end unit with extension to the attic. Companies kept the fire damage to two of the units. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

5 Displaced by Springfield Fire

On November20, 2021, just before 1800, Springfield (MA) Fire and Emergency Services was dispatched to Loring Street in the city’s South End fora structure fire. Engine and Truck 1 arrived to heavy fire and smoke on the C side of a large two-story wood framed home. Crews made an aggressive attack on the stubborn fire. It took crews almost an hourto bring the fire undercontrol. The fire displaced five occupants and the cause was unattended cooking. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

FFBurned, Civilian Injured, 1 Fatality in Manchester 3-Alarm

Just afterdinnertime on November6, 2021, Manchester(NH) Fire responded to a building fire on Dutton Street. Upon arrival, there were waterproblems and heavy fire throughout all three floors of a large wood frame apartment building. Crews was able to rescue six people from the building, most of the rescues being completed over ground ladders from the third floor. One of the six rescues was medevac’d to Boston. One person was reported to have died in the fire. In the rescue efforts one memberof MFD was severely burned and also flown to Boston. - Fire News photos by Dylan Conway, Jeffrey Hastings and Patrick Kerrigan

Fireplace Fire Causes…Well, AFire

Around 1130 on November7, 2021, the Hanover(MA) Fire Department responded to a reported building fire on CedarStreet. Engine 7, Engine 3, Engine 1, Tower1 and Ambulance 1 responded to the scene and found smoke showing from an occupied raised ranch. Crews found a fire in the walls nearthe fireplace on the first floor. Rockland and a Hanson responded to the scene or to cover. Firefighters utilized thermal imaging cameras to locate the fire. The fire was determined to be caused by the fire in the fireplace which extended to combustible building materials behind the chimney mantle. - Fire News photos by Pat Travers and John Sjostedt

FireNews.com Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 9 House, Garage, CarInvolved on Arrival

Nashua (NH) firefighters responded to a garage and house fire recently. Crews cut holes in the roof to ventilate the fire from the attic, and windows were removed throughout the house to eject smoke. When firefighters arrived the roof of the garage was already gone, and the right side of the garage was leaning and ready to fall. Firefighters worked to knock down the heavy fire inside the garage and to extinguish a carthat was fully engulfed. The fire was brought undercontrol in about 45 minutes, and firefighters put salvage tarps overthe contents of the house. - Fire News photos by Jeffrey Hastings and Patrick Kerrigan

Branford Commercial Blaze

Firefighters in Branford (CT) responded to an automatic fire alarm at Branford Building Supplies on Main Street and arrived to find a working fire. The blaze, which was reported at 0501 on November6, 2021, was confined to the interiorof the two-story wood frame structure. The office area along with an ACE Hardware concession were heavily damaged. An RIT from Guilford and mutual aid ladders from East Haven and North Branford were required to help contain what would turn out to be a two-alarm fire. - Fire News photo by Doc Johnson

Quick Stop in New Haven

On November12, 2021, New Haven (CT) firefighters arrived at a fire on Ferry Street to heavy fire showing from two windows on the top floorof a private dwelling. Two lines were quickly stretched and operated. Searches proved negative and trucks opened up to check forextension. The fire was knocked down in 20 minutes and was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

Lawrence 2-Alarmer

On November14, 2021, Lawrence (MA) Fire was dispatched to Margin Street at approximately 2130, and arrived to find heavy fire throughout a large two-story building. Companies had most of the heavy fire knocked down in approximately a half an hour. The fire went to two alarms.

- Fire News photo by Dylan Conway

Ashby Rooming House Fire Snuffed

Ashby (MA) firefighters responded to West Road fora building fire in the early morning hours of November4, 2021. Companies arrived to find heavy smoke showing from a rooming house. Aworking fire call brought multiple mutual aid tankers and engines to the scene. Adraft site down the road had to be set up forwatersupply and Fitchburg TowerLadder2 cut multiple holes in the roof. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan

Auto Shop Fire in Wilton

Wilton (NH) firefighters responded to Tremont Street fora building fire. Upon arrival, fire was showing from a single-story auto repair shop and a second alarm was struck. Acarfire inside the garage appeared to have extended into the attic. Mutual aid from Milford, Lyndeborough, Brookline, Greenville, Amherst assisted at the scene. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time.

- Fire News photos by Patrick Kerrigan and Dylan Conway

Southington 2-Alarmer

Southington (CT) crews responded to a fire alarm at 2314 on November8, 2021 on KnotterDrive. Car3 (shift commander) arrived to heavy smoke showing from a strip of stores. Asecond alarm brought in mutual aid from surrounding departments. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Working Fire in Hartford

Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a fire on Linnmore Street in the city’s South End on November30, 2021. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

Fatality at Derby House Fire

At 0022 on November10, 2021, the Derby Fire Department was dispatched to Pleasant View Road fora house fire. As members entered, they located a victim who did not survive the fire. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

Just before 1500 on October22, 2021, the Rockland (MA) Fire Department responded to a dryerfire at the South Shore Laundry laundromat on Market Street. Rockland Engine-1 responded. - Fire News photo Pat Travers

Rockland Laundromat Fire

Looking Back

Somerville - 1991

On May 20, 1991 Somerville (MA) firefighters fought a seven-alarm fire at the Hans Kissle Company. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Lancaster - 2003

On November29, 2003, LancasterRescue 1, Clinton Engine 6, LancasterEngine 4, Ladder1. R1 and Clinton E6 responded to Mill Street in Lancaster(MA) fora basement fire. At 0414 a MayDay was sounded for firefighters trapped in the basement. Lancaster FirefighterMartin ‘Marty Mac’McNamara V died that night. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Leominster- 1989

On August 2, 1989, Leominsterfirefighters fought a blaze on WalkerStreet. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Fitchburg - 1989

On June 2, 1989, a microburst storm moved into the Fitchburg (MA) in the middle of the afternoon with yellow skies and winds moving between 120 and 150 mph. Anurse was stopped at the traffic light when the church’s steeple came crashing down on top hercar. She did not survive. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Déjà vu All OverAgain

Hudson (NH) firefighters responded to Boyd Road forreported house fire in the early morning hours of October17, 2021. Engine 1 arrived and reported a fully involved house and the captain of the shift struck the working fire ands then a second alarm, bringing in multiple mutual aid engines and tankers to the scene. This was the scene of a previous fire the day before. Crews stretched multiple handlines and had the main body of the fire knocked down in approximately 30 minutes. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan

2+ Alarms in Boxborough

Boxborough (MA) Fire and mutual aid partners responded to Liberty Square Road on October20, 2021, fora fire. The fire went to two alarms with special calls fortankers above the second. Mutual aid worked at the scene and covered. The fire was knocked down quickly and companies remained on scene for overhaul. - Fire News photo by Dylan Conway

Quick Knock Down of Hanson Fire

At 2054 on October28, 2021, the Hanson (MA) Fire Department responded fora building fire at Main Street (Route 27). A Hanson police officer, along with an East Bridgewaterpolice officerarrived first and reported an active building fire. They were able to confirm all occupants were out. First arriving crews used a fire extinguisherto knock down the initial fire on the exteriorof the building. A handline was stretched to the B side of the building to knock down hot spots on the exterior. Crews made entry to the building and performed primary and secondary searches of the two-story, occupied, wood framed dwelling. No extension was found to the interior. Whitman responded to the scene and Pembroke covered Hanson. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Providence 2-Alarmer

Providence (RI) Engine 14 arrived to find heavy smoke and fire from the Alpha side of a 2-1/2 story wood framed occupied apartment house on Bowdoin Street on October24, 2021. Command requested a second alarm as crews began getting wateron the fire. Several lines were stretched and operated to the upperfloors of this balloonframed building. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Propane Smell Proves Right

At 1630 on November18, 2021, Haddam (CT) VolunteerFire Company was dispatched to a residence on Embassy Drive in Higganum fora leaking propane tank. The homeowners noticed the smell of propane in the air shortly afterthe fuel was delivered. Afterdetermining there was indeed a leak at the bottom of the tank, Guilford Fire Department’s HazMat Team was called, which came equipped with a flare stack and other equipment. Flaring the entire tank took about an hour, according to Fire Chief Sam Baber. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake

Dunstable Building Fire

Dunstable (MA) firefighters received a call fora building fire in the early morning of November9, 2021. While en route, C8 transmitted the working fire, bringing in mutual aid. Engine 1 arrived and reported heavy fire showing from an attached garage and stretched a 1-3/4 inch handline. They then entered the residence to cut off the fire extending into the house. Mutual aid arrived on scene and assisted with watersupply, ventilation and overhaul. Mutual aid came from Nashua (NH), Tyngsborough, Westford, Hollis, Pepperell and Groton (all MA). - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan

Structure Fire in Hill

On November22, 2021, Hill (NH) along with mutual automatic aid partners, responded to Commerce Street and found heavy fire conditions in the rearof a structure. The initial Hill company took a line to the rearwhile Bristol companies were able to make the interiorof the building. Companies were able to knock down the heavy fire in a short time and worked to overhaul for an extended time.

- Fire News photo by Dylan Conway

Derry Carinto Shop MVA

Derry Fire and Police were dispatched to a vehicle that had driven into a building on Manchester Road. While en route they were advised the person in the vehicle was injured and possibly needed extrication. Derry Fire arrived to find a mid-size SUVinside a dry cleaning business in a shopping plaza. The driverof the vehicle was still in the vehicle and was removed by firefighters and transported by Derry Ambulance to Parkland Medical Hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries. The building was examined forstructural integrity before the vehicle was removed. Workers from the dry cleaning business who were in the shop at the time were uninjured. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Shelton Responds to MVA

Shortly after2100 on October28, 2021, the Shelton Fire Department was dispatched to the entrance ramp to Route 8 southbound nearExit 12. First companies on scene found a carwell off the edge of the ramp and down and embankment. Members used ropes to access and extricate the driver. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

Auburn House Fire

Auburn (MA) firefighters responded to reports of a basement fire on Leicester Street on November 4, 2021. Companies arrived to find a working fire, which was quickly knocked down. There were no injuries, but the house suffered significant damage. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

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