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Industry News
Arlington MVA
Arlington (MA) firefighters operated at an MVAat Mystic Valley Parkway and RiverStreet on November16, 2021. The operatorwas extricated by firefighters and transported to a hospital. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
The Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum & Education Center and the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) have joined together to deliver a new emergency services exposition and educational event on Long Island.
The Long Island Metro Fire/EMS Expo will be held from February 11-13, 2022, at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y. The comprehensive event will feature exhibits of new apparatus, tools, equipment, products, technologies, and services, as well as 15 one-hour educational seminars for emergency services personnel.
Lecturers will include Chief Thomas Richardson, Deputy Assistant Chief John Norman, Battalion Chief John Salka, Captain Michael Dugan, and Captain Mark Gregory of the FDNY, Saratoga County EMS Coordinator Mike McEvoy, and many more! EMS CEU seminars will also be available for certified EMS providers.
Expo hours will be Friday, February 11 from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, February 12 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, February 13 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Seminars for first responders of all ranks will also be held Friday through Sunday.
Attendee registration is $20 per person, per day and includes entry to both the expo and seminars. Tickets are available online through Ticketmaster or can be purchased at the door. Parking is free!
This event will benefit the museum and the association, supporting their shared mission to serve the fire and emergency medical services personnel of Long Island and New York state. “The State Chiefs leadership is looking forward to bringing this new educational opportunity to Long Island, and we’re thrilled to be working with the volunteers at the Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum on this event that will benefit all of New York’s fire and EMS responders,” said NYSAFC
President Robert Kloepfer,

Jr. To learn more and register, visit the NYSAFC website at www.nysfirechiefs.com.
Questions can be emailed to liexpo@nysfirechiefs.com.
Extrication at Merrimack MVA
Merrimack (NH) Fire Rescue and Police responded to Back River Road fora two-vehicle MVAwith possible entrapment. Police and firefighters found one vehicle with heavy damage, and a male trapped. The second vehicle had minordamage and everyone was out. Firefighters began working on extricating the person using a variety of tools. AMerrimack Paramedic administered treatment to the person while he was still trapped, and firefighters continued to work on cutting the roof off the vehicle. Merrimack firefighters requested a trauma alert fora male with serious lowerextremity injuries. Afterabout 40 minutes the victim was removed from the carand transported to the hospital. Asecond person was also transported from the scene with what appeared to be minorinjuries. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

Page 22, Fire News, January/February 2022 Man Pinned by Car in Bedford
Bedford (NH) Fire and New Hampshire State Police responded to a single-vehicle rollover MVAat the Exit 13 southbound off-ramp of the Everett Turnpike. When firefighters arrived they found a vehicle on its roof, and a person trapped underthe vehicle. The head of the man was visible but his body was trapped underthe vehicle. Bedford Fire requested additional resources from ManchesterFire who sent Rescue 1 with additional equipment. Airbagsassisted in lifting the caralong with cribbing and blocking materials. Manchesterwas cancelled and Bedford firefighters worked to treat the adult male. He was transported to the Elliot Hospital with unknown injuries. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings Motorcycle Van MVA in Whitman

Around 1350 on November11, 2021, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department responded to a motorcycle accident at the intersection of Plymouth Street (Route 58) and South Avenue. Ambulance 248, Engine 43 and Car3 responded. Companies arrived to find a motorcycle had collided with an Amazon delivery van. The motorcycle rider was found down in the roadway. Firefighters had to tend to the critical trauma patient, and also active gasoline spill from the motorcycle, which was pouring downhilltowards the motorcyclist. As firefighters tended to the patient in the roadway, it was determined that Boston MedFlight would be required. The medevac landed at the LZ within 15-minutes of the request, and its crew assumed patient care and departed forBoston Medical Center. -Fire News photo by Pat Travers 2-Truck Rollover in Berlin

Berlin (CT) Company 2 and Company 4 responded to a two-truck rolloverat the intersection of High Road and Lincoln Street. One person was transported. - Fire News photo by Robert Brown
FireNews.com Fatalities in I-84 MVA

Crews responded to a serious accident on I-84 west, in East Hartford (CT), recently. Fatal injuries were reported in this crash. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius
NH State Trooper Killed

The aftermath of a fatal accident on October28, 2021, in which New Hampshire State TrooperStaff Sergeant Jesse Sherrill was struck by tractortraileron Route 95 in Portsmouth. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Manchester(NH) Fire Department and AMR Ambulance were dispatched to a report of a vehicle into a building on South Main Street. On arrival at Blake’s Restaurant they found a small car inside the front lobby of the business, which was open and had customers in it. ManchesterFire immediately requested that the building collapse unit be sent to the scene. Firefighters worked to add wood supports to the walls so the vehicle could be removed without additional collapse. The driverof the carand customers in the restaurant were medically evaluated by firefighters and AMR Medics, and all refused transport. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Manchester Restaurant Not a Drive-Thru

Cover Story Massive 4-Alarmerin Longmeadow

At approximately 0615 on November23, 2021, the Longmeadow (MA) Fire Department (Longmeadow Firefighters Local 1903) was dispatched to ShakerRoad fora structure fire. First arriving crews found heavy fire and smoke in the large, single-story strip mall. Second and third alarms were struck bringing East Longmeadow, North Thompsonville, ShakerPines, Agawam and Springfield Fire and Emergency Services (Firefighters Local 648). Fourladder pipes, multiple 2-1/2 inch lines and deck guns were used to battle this massive fire. It took firefighters overtwo hours to bring the heaviest of the fire undercontrol. Afourth alarm was struck for manpowerand the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services ISU and Rehab trucks were requested. Six businesses were destroyed. - Fire News photos by John DeForest and Patrick Dooley

2 Workers Electrocuted in Derry

Derry (NH) Fire, Police and EMS responded to a report of a person who was electrocuted and unresponsive on Mount Pleasant Street on November1, 2021. Responders found two men who appeared to have been electrocuted on the ground in front of a residence. CPR was in progress when firefighters and paramedics arrived, who immediately began providing medical treatment. Boston MedFlight was requested to Parkland Medical Centerto meet the ambulance. One man was immediately transported to Parkland by ambulance and the second man a short time later, both in critical condition. The men had been performing roofing work to the house according to a neighbor. Two ladders were on the ground where the unresponsive men were located, and several powerlines were located above the ladders. Derry Fire Department requested the New Hampshire Fire Marshal’s Office to respond to assist with the investigation. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Missing Merrimack Boy
Awooded area off Camp Sargent Road and Naticook Lake (NH) were the location of a significant amount of law enforcement agencies searching for clues in the disappearance of five-year-old Elijah ‘Eli’ Lewis.
It had been one week since DCYF (Department of Children, Youth and Families) notified (on October 14, 2021) Merrimack Police about the young boy who was missing from, and removed a two-year-old from, a Sunset Drive house. Since the investigation began Merrimack Police, New Hampshire State Police Major Crime, and the NH Attorney General have worked together on the investigation. Authorities said that the missing boy had not been seen bfor six months.
Law enforcement agencies from across New England including teams from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut used the shoreline of the YWCAas the command post. New Hampshire Marine Patrol boats were launched from Veterans Park and transported several divers around the lake.
Multiple New Hampshire State Police K9s along with K9s from other states worked to search wooded areas, shorelines, and the water.
Late in the day divers entered the water in front of the YWCAcamp and could be seen in shallow water searching the shoreline. It did not appear that anything was found or removed from the water. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings

(Elijah Lewis’buried remains were found on October 25, 2021, in Abington, MA, about 20 miles south of Boston. Elijah’s mother and a male friend were arrested in New York, and waived extradition to New Hampshire. - Ed.)
WindsorLocks Remembers TheirFallen
On October17, 2021, members of the WindsorLocks (CT) Fire Department and the WindsorLocks Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary gathered with theirfamilies to rememberthose members who have passed away. Atolling of the bell occurred aftereach name was read. Afamily memberof those who were newly added to the memorial plaque placed a flowerbearing a ribbon with theirloved one’s name into the Memorial Wreath afterthe wreath was placed in front of the Memorial Bell by the chief officers. This year PeterCoffey’s and Joseph Baron’s names were added to the role of honor. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero
Come on Down to Florida in February

The Florida Antique Bucket Brigade will be hosting the 2022 SPAAMFAAconvention on February, 23-26, 2022, at the Wyndham Hotel in Kissimmee, Florida. We have tours scheduled to visit the Pierce plant, Tampa Fire Department, Cape Canaveral Fire Department Training site, Daytona 500 Experience and Lake Ridge Winery. Seminars during the week, 2-½ days of vendors and the apparatus show on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Visit ourwebsite formore info: www.fabbfire.org or contact Bob Romig at 863-427-4717.