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Page 46, Fire News, July/August 2021 Up Close & Personal
AProvidence (RI) firefighterfrom Engine 3 aftera recent four-alarm fire on Chatham Street. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

ALancaster(MA) firefighterattempts to resuscitate a cat at a working fire on April 21, 2021. - Fire News photo by David Bryce
Nashua (NH) firefighters at a fire in a garage on Harris Road on April 15, 2021. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan

FOOLS Training in West Bath. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

Hartford (CT) firefighters after a recent structure fire. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta

Lynn (MA) Firefighters taking a well deserved break on a 90-plus degree day at house fire in Lafayette Park. - Fire News photo Glenn S. Preston

Norton (MA) Fire Lieutenant Andrew Burgess. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers Mystic (CT) Firefighter/E MTHeather Bennett advancing a hose line during a training evolution. - Submitted by Michael Hand Bridgeport (CT) FirefighterJason Streit (Engine 4) operating at a second-alarm fire on Olive Street on May 30, 2021. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

Up Close & Personal

Danvers Firefighter J.T. Caron at a recent multiple alarm fire in May 2021. - Fire News photo by Glenn S. Preston

Captain Tim Papp of Rescue 1 exits a dwelling. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA An East Providence (RI) firefighterremoving a dog from a four-alarm fire on Pine Street. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody
On April 23, 2021, crews battled a two-alarm fire on Joseph Street in Worcester(MA). - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

ABridgeport (CT) probationary firefighter, at a recent three-alarm fire. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle Saugus (MA) Fire Lieutenant Damian Drella and his son Christian Drella, an EMT with Cataldo Ambulance Service, pay theirrespects to theirlongtime family friend and well-known local fire buff Michael Hinds, a firefighterwith the Alfred (ME) Fire Department who died unexpectedly on April 23, 2021. - Fire News photo by Kevin White

Shelton (CT) Deputy Chief Paul Wilson operating at a recent two-alarm fire on EasterSunday in Aspetuck Village in Shelton. - Fire News photo by FireGroundImages.com

Massport (MA) First Assistant Chief Dana Potter. - Fire News photo by John DeForest ABelltown firefighter at a recent Stamford (CT) Level 2 Tanker Task Force Drill. - Fire News photo by PuckStopper Photography.com