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By Jason Porter, President, Public Sector and FirstNet, AT&T

Four years ago, the federal government selected AT&Tto enter into a public-private partnership to build and manage public safety’s network. And when we set out on this historic and critical initiative, we committed to Be There for America’s first responders. Now, as the FirstNet network turns 3, we’re going beyond our commitment to the federal government and have established the FirstNet Health & Wellness Coalition (FNHWC) to coordinate how we support holistic health and wellness of first responders.

Nothing is more important than the lives of first responders and the people they serve day in, and day out. These are the men and women that run toward emergencies. And we understand the service public safety provides to our communities does not come without personal sacrifice and burdens.

With more than two dozen members representing more than 1.3 million first responders —including organizations like the International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives and National Emergency Management Association, to name a few —the mission of the FNHWC is to integrate responder, community, industry and academic capabilities to support the health, wellness and readiness of first responders. We’re focused on collaborating with our members to support healthy, well and resilient first responders that are ready to support public safety at a moment’s notice.

Our support of first responder health and wellness began long before the formation of the FNHWC through dedicated financial and resource support to public safety associations and related programs. • For the past two years, we’ve sponsored the IACPOfficer Safety & Wellness Symposiums which focus on improving officer safety and wellness to enhance the health and effectiveness of officers, as well as the safety of the community. • Just last fall we launched a collaboration with All Clear Foundation to help increase the accessibility of education, resources and support that will aid first responders who may be struggling with health wellness challenges brought on by the unique stressors of their jobs. • And, more recently, we’ve added more health and wellness apps to the FirstNet App Catalog and supported conferences and seminars with 1st Responder Conferences. Moving forward, the FNHWC will serve as the backbone to everything we do to support the health and wellbeing of first responders. Coalition priorities were developed from the input of over 350 first responders in professions including law enforcement, fire, emergency communications, emergency management, and emergency medical personnel. Priorities include Post Traumatic Stress, Suicide Prevention, Physical Fitness, Stress Management, Resiliency, leadership engagement and others. The coalition will be developing integrated approaches to raising awareness, identifying technical solutions and applications, and local targeted areas to support these priorities. We believe FirstNet is the most important wireless network in the country because it’s serving our first responders and the extended public safety community. And we have a responsibility unlike any other wireless carrier to deliver for America’s first responders. Shaped by the vision of the first responder community and Congress following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, FirstNet stands above commercial offerings. It is built with AT&Tin public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) —an independent agency within the federal government. The FirstNet network is providing public safety with truly dedicated coverage and capacity when they need it, unique benefits like always-on priority and preemption for first responders, and high-quality Band 14 spectrum. These advanced capabilities help fire, EMS, healthcare workers and law enforcement save lives and protect their communities. Just as FirstNet is built for and by first responders, we want to be there to support the health and well-being of those who serve their communities every day. For more information on FirstNet, go to FirstNet.com.

FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.


The New York State Association of Fire Chiefs 115th Annual Conference & FIRE 2021 Expo will be held from July 14-17, 2021, at The Oncenter in Syracuse, NY. Afull slate of programs and activities are scheduled for fire and EMS personnel.

The exhibit area at The Oncenter has been expanded to include the War Memorial Arena, in addition to the Conference Center next door and an outdoor display area. Hundreds of vendors will be participating. Free One Day Tickets for entry to the expo (Thursday to Saturday) are available from exhibitors.

NYSAFC’s Hands-On Training program, led by some of the nation's most respected instructors, has been expanded to allow more students to participate. Training will be held from Thursday to Saturday at the Syracuse Fire Department Training Center. Eight diverse courses, most including live fire evolutions, will be delivered.

More than 40 classroom-based programs, including eight EMS CEU sessions, will be open to Conference Full Term Registrants from Wednesday - Saturday at The Oncenter in the Ballroom area (lower level). Seating will be limited due to COVID19 safety guidelines and will be available on a first come, first served basis.

This year’s lineup of lecturers includes Mike Gagliano, Tim Klett, John Norman, Thomas Richardson, Dennis Rubin, John Salka, and many more! Dr. David Griffin of the Charleston (SC) Fire Department will deliver the keynote address “In Honor of the Charleston 9: AStudy of Change Following Tragedy” on Thursday at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown. Special courses include NYSAFC Codes Training, where students can earn in-service codes hours, and a free Fire Investigation Training delivered in partnership with OFPC, where participants can earn course credits. Special pre-registration is required for both programs. Other activities include the FIRE 2021 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Friday at a new venue the Carrier Dome on the campus of Syracuse University. All proceeds will benefit the FDNY Counseling Services Unit and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Special registration is required. Network with conference attendees from across the country at the FIRE 2021 Block Party, held after show hours on Friday. South Warren Street will be closed in the area of the Marriott Syracuse Downtown for the celebration, featuring live music, food, and beverages.

The Annual Conference & FIRE Expo helps support the not-forprofit NYSAFC in its mission to serve fire and EMS personnel across New York state year-round. The most up-to-date information on FIRE 2021 is available at www.nysfirechiefs.com.


Super Vac, one of the leading manufacturers in fire ventilation equipment, has redesigned its website, supervac.com, to better promote its full lineup of ventilation equipment for firefighting and industrial applications. With dual product lines and the largest breadth of ventilation equipment in both industries, this website makes it easier to navigate Super Vac’s offerings.

The website is divided into “Firefighting” and “Industrial” ventilation equipment and offers a number of resources, like fan comparison guide, ventilation duration calculator and fan placement guidance to help departments and companies select the best ventilation equipment for their needs. The site also includes a number of tools for existing customers, including product manuals, technical videos and a new replacement parts store.

The new website also puts special emphasis on Super Vac’s popular battery fan lineup, touted in the fire industry for its compatibility with other batteryoperated tools. (Super Vac will soon be expanding this lineup, so watch for more news to come.)

Super Vac is the world’s leading manufacturer in the emergency ventilation products. A one-stop shop for all things ventilation, Super Vac equips crews with a versatile array of only the toughest solutions, including the industry’s largest lineup of PPVfans, spanning from eight- to 80-inch blades, as well as smoke ejectors, available in 12-, 16-, 20- and 24inch blades. Super Vac also manufactures rescue saws, rehab misters and other necessities, including the patented Smoke BlockAid for smoke mitigation.

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