Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973
See story on page 25. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Never Forget 9/11/2001
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Norwich 3-Alarm Draws a Crowd The City of Norwich (CT) struck three alarms for a building fire in a large, occupied, three-story. See story on page 6
Fire Extends in Springfield Leaves 12 Homeless Springfield (MA) firefighters were called to Alderman Sreet just before 2200 for a structure fire. See story on page 7
Shelton Multi-Alarm Mill Complex Blaze On June 13, 2020, multiple departments battled a mill fire involving the former Star Pin Company on Canal Street. See story on page 11
Smithfield Responds to Barn Fire Smithfield (RI) Fire companies responded to Williams Road for a small fire in a barn in the process of being restored. See story on page 14
Truck Hits I-290 Bridge in Worcester On July 8, 2020, a truck in Worcester (MA) struck a bridge on Interstate 290 on Southbridge Street in College Square. See story on page 21
A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:
ROCCC Dispatch Center Grand Opening The Regional Old Colony Communications Center in Duxbury (MA) opened its doors. See story on page 27
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . pages 28-29 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
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Page 4, Fire News, September/October 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Fire News Will Always Remember The last few months have been trying for all of us. You have been dealing with the changes in your lives that have been brought forth by the corona virus. Yes, Covid-19 has certainly changed the way we must think as we train, drill, fight fires and socialize. Recently added to your work load was a serious storm that challenged many departments up and down the East Coast. Quite a few, if not all, departments had their work cut out for them dealing with the destruction of Tropical Storm Isaias. Once again, many of you had to respond to hundreds of calls during the high winds. On top of Isaias you had to deal with your “normal” everyday calls. Every department had their hands full this month and you performed flawlessly. Sitting back and reflecting on what's next in our lives, I could not believe that September has arrived. September 2020 is the 19th Remembrance of 9/11. No matter what I am doing on September 11, I stop and give prayer to the families who have suffered over the last 19 years as a result of the attack on the World Trade Center. Stop and think of the staggering statistics that have changed the lives of so many responders and innocent civilians who had the misfortune of being murdered in the attacks of September 11, 2001. For those of you who lived, worked, responded, or were curious and visited the site, the smell cannot be for-
gotten. The smoky mix of burnt plastic and smoldering materials can instantly bring back memories for many of the aftermath of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers that day. May I remind you of some facts: 91,000 liters of jet fuel and 1,200,000 tons of building materials burned at 1000 degrees for a very long time. There were 23,000 fluorescent light bulbs in the World Trade Center. The bulbs contained small amounts of known carcinogens which vaporized for everyone to breathe. Then there were 75,000 telephones reportedly in the buildings, attached by 19,000 miles of cable — think PCBs. The coatings on the cables and 300 main frame computers that were pulverized and burned gave off toxic gases that many inhaled for many weeks. (Visit the “Let’s Roll Forum” for some incredible facts about the WTC.) Sadly, we continue to lose responders and civilians to 9/11 related cancers. Never forget that our fallen heroes have set the example of being true American heroes by continuing to make everyone aware that the diseases related to the attack on this country still have a horrible impact on us. Remember, Firefighter Jimmy Lanza of Ladder 43, Firefighter Ray Pfeifer and so many other responders for all they did to make sure our government does not walk away from a situation that is predicted to get worse. As we pray for the
families affected by 9/11 cancer and now Covid-19, stay vigilant and continue to monitor the aftermath of 9/11. Just a quick note on this year’s ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum; according to what I have read, the coronavirus pandemic rules mean that no live family tributes can be held at the 9/11 memorial. As we near September 11, 2020, visit the 9/11 Memorial website for information regarding this year’s ceremony and listen to the local news regarding the 2020 changes. Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, September/October 2020
Paper Mill Fire in Russell
Crews responded to a fire in a paper mill fire June 20, 2020, on Valley View Avenue in Russell (MA) in Berkshire County. The fire quickly went to multiple alarms bringing many departments from
as far away as the New York border. The fire burned all night and into the following day when companies were still dousing hot spots. - Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade, Steve Hess and John DeForest
Norwich 3-Alarm Draws a Crowd
The City of Norwich (CT) struck three alarms for a building fire in a large, occupied, three-story, wood frame Victorian on the corner of Prospect and Hickory Streets. The fire brought all Norwich departments with the City of Norwich, Occum, Taftville, Yantic, East Great Plain and Laurel Hill, for either suppression, staging, or cover. The Mohegan Tribal and New London were FASTs. Norwich FMO was investigating. - Fire News photos by Joe Shefer and Robert Ladd
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 7
All Out at Waterbury House Fire At approximately 2000, on June 20, 2020, the Waterbury (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Walnut Street for a house fire. First companies on scene found heavy fire showing from the second and third floors of a 2-1/2 story wood frame. All 10 family members made it out safely. The fire was put under control but not before special calling extra companies to the scene. - Fire News photo by
Busy 4th of July for Providence
Over the course of the last two months, residents in multiple cities and towns in Rhode Island had been complaining of a constant barrage of fireworks, lasting throughout the night. Providence had set up a Fireworks Task Force and had made several arrests for fireworks possession in the week leading up to the Fourth. It all culminated on the night of the Fourth, as the fireworks were exploding over every neighborhood in the city. As different companies were dealing with dumpster and outside fires, a still box went out for a house fire on Langdon Street. Engine 12 reported heavy fire showing from the second floor and attic of an occupied, 2-1/2 story house. The crew stretched a line to the second floor and attempted to knock down the fire but it had complete control of the attic. When Battalion 3 arrived, he ordered a second alarm and asked for a progress report. He was advised crews were making no headway and he ordered them out of the building. A deck gun and several lines were operated from the exterior. Crews then reentered to extinguish and remaining pockets of fire. All of the occupants were able to make it out of the building prior to the arrival of the fire department. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody
Fire Extends in Springfield Leaves 12 Homeless
Springfield (MA) firefighters were called to Alderman Sreet just before 2200 for a structure fire. Deputy Chief 2 Daley arrived and assumed command striking a second alarm for heavy fire in a large home at the intersection of Alderman and Sorrento. A second large home on Alderman Street quickly started and became fully involved. A third alarm was struck for the two large buildings heavily involved and a third in jeopardy. Crews did a great job knocking down the fire, which left 12 people homeless. One firefighter was taken to the hospital. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Page 8, Fire News, September/October 2020
Mayday at Windsor Fire Windsor (CT) firefighters were met with heavy fire conditions and a possible trapped occupant when they arrived on June 14, 2020. During a search of the basement a Mayday was called, and rescue operations were started. The member was removed and evaluated by EMS with no transport required. After a successful PAR check and regroup, defensive tactics were put into play, until such time when crews could make safe entry. - Fire News photo by Steve Hess
Porch Fire in Norwich Norwich (CT) Engine 2 (Greenville) stretches in as the fire rolls across the porch after arrival. - Fire News photo by Robert Ladd
Heavy Fire on Arrival in New Haven At approximately 1920 on June 26, 2020, the New Haven (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to a fire on Ella T. Grasso Boulevard. First companies found heavy fire in the rear on the second floor of a large, occupied, 2-1/2 story wood frame. The fire quickly extended into the upper floor before it could be put under control. There were no reported injuries to residents or firefighters. - Fire News photo by
Solar Array Fire On July 16, 2020, Charlton (MA) Fire responded to a commercial lawnmower fire that had extended to the solar array. Limited access to the area required small brush trucks to put out the fire. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Page 10, Fire News, September/October 2020
East Hartford 2-Alarm
At around 2250 on July 15, 2020, companies were dispatched to a report of a grease fire in a kitchen on Leichtner Drive in East Hartford (CT). First arriving companies found heavy fire showing on the first and second floor of a two-story, wood, occupied, multiple dwelling. Quickly after arrival, a second alarm was struck due
to the volume of fire. Three vehicles were well involved in between both the Bravo and Delta exposures. Companies made a fast attack, knocking down the bulk of fire within 20 minutes. - Fire News photos by Maurice Delage, Joey Mayette and Michael Brinius
Driver Lucky to Escape Car Explosion in Lincoln The driver of a hybrid car escaped serious injuries in Lincoln (RI) on August 18, 2020, when the car unexpectedly blew up while parked near a gas pump on George Washington Highway. The driver smelled a foul odor while driving and pulled into the gas station to investigate and fill the gas tank. The car, owned by GEM plumb-
Pets Saved at Leicester Fire On June 7, 2020, Leicester (MA) firefighters responded to a house fire on Main Street. Crews arrived to find fire showing. Nearby neighbors were able to rescue pets from the home prior to firefighters arrival. A second alarm brought in mutual aid crews to work and cover. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
ing, reportedly had two acetylene tanks in the trunk. One of the tanks were apparently leaking . The driver pushed the trunk release button sparking an explosion that obliterated the car. The gas station attendant reacted quickly by pushing the kill switch to the gas pumps which averted a larger scale incident. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 11
Shelton Multi-Alarm Multi Alarm Mill Complex Blaze
On June 13, 2020, multiple departments in the valley battled a mill fire in Shelton (CT) involving the former Star Pin Company on Canal Street. The fire consumed several multi-story mill buildings. The fire was reported shortly after 1900, and by the time first-due companies arrived they encountered a portion of the complex with heavy fire thoughout. The fire quickly spread to the other buildings within the complex, followed by several collapses. Companies had access problems, due to the factory being built riverside and a nar-
row street to operate on. A heads-up move by one of the Shelton MPOs involved drafting from the canal under the street through a manhole. Several ladders, multiversals and handlines worked for hours to darken down the fire. It would not be brought under control for some eight hours. The buildings were built in 1875 and the company operated until 1975 making hair pins. - Fire News photos by Glenn Duda, CFPA; and Christopher Sargis
Page 12, Fire News, September/October 2020
Good Stop in Springfield
On June 19, 2020, companies arrived at an address on Glenwood Drive in Springfield (MA) to find heavy fire at the rear of the dwelling. The first-due engine was able to make a quick hit on the fire before it extended to the attic. - Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade, John DeForest and Steve Hess
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 13
Groveland Fire Held
In the late hours of August 15, 2020, Groveland fire went out for a report a house fire. First-due companies had heavy smoke and fire showing from a 19th century, two-story, frame farmhouse. Mutual aid came from several surrounding communities. Fire Chief Robert Valentine struck four alarms. Crews did an excellent job at containing the bulk of the heavy fire to the rear of the building. - Fire News photos by Glenn S. Preston and Patrick Kerrigan
Page 14, Fire News, September/October 2020
Commercial Fire on RI-MA Border
On June 25, 2020, at approximately 1800, units from Fall River (MA) were dispatched to Canning Boulevard, while units from Tiverton (RI) were dispatched to Aquidneck Road for a fire on the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border. Both departments arrived simultaneously and went to work. The fire was contained to a 100x 200-foot commercial building housing a construction company. - Fire News photo by Kenneth Leger
Quick Knock Down in Hanson Around 0945 on June 10, 2020, the Hanson (MA) Fire Department responded to Fallon Point Road for a building fire. Companies arrived to find smoke showing from a single-story wood frame. A line was being stretched and a working fire requested by Lieutenant Keith Wilson, bringing Pembroke and Hanover to the scene and East Bridgewater to cover. As additional Hanson firefighters arrived on-scene an additional line was stretched and put into operation. Pembroke’s crew went to the roof to open up. Crews were able to quickly knock down the main body of fire and remained onscene checking for hot spots and extension. Whitman CERT Rehab also responded to the scene. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Cambridge 2-Alarmer
Crews responded to a two-alarm fire on Cambridge Street in Cambridge (MA) on June 28, 2020. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Smithfield Responds to Barn Fire
August 7, 2020, Smithfield (RI) fire companies responded to the end of Williams Road for a small fire in a barn that was in the process of being restored. Companies used a foam line to wet down the affected area. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Lightning Strike in Wethersfield
On July 1, 2020, Wethersfield (CT) firefighters responded to a fire on Wolcott Hill Road. The report was that lightning struck the house and the fire department was requested for smoke showing from the roof. The fire was in the living section of the attic and was brought under control quickly. Mutual aid was requested for two other calls that were happening at the same time and for station coverage. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta
Wallingford Brush Fire Extends On June 9, 2020, a fire started by a passing commuter train c a u s e d a b r u s h f i re i n Wallingford (CT), which extended to a commercial building. The fire also extended to two trailers containing used tires. Multiple handlines and one tower were used to knock down the heavy volume of fire. Mutual aid from Hamden and Meriden also responded. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 15
East Hartford 2-Alarmer East Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a two-alarm fire on Central Avenue on June 29, 2020, at 0033. Engine 1 arrived to a garage/barn well involved with the fire extending to two garages on Saunders Street to the rear. Numerous vehicles also burned. Mutual aid came from Hartford, Manchester and South Windsor. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
Lunenburg Grill Fire Extends Crews responded to a two-alarm fire in Lunenburg (MA) on May 30, 2020. The fire started at the gas cooking grill and quickly raced up the side of the townhouse. Mutual aid came from Leominster, Fitchburg and Townsend. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Page 18, Fire News, September/October 2020
Hartford 2-Alarmer
Hartford (CT) firefighters fought a twoalarm blaze on Westland Street on July 25, 2020. An unusual feature of the house — an exterior elevator — was not something seen every day. - Fire News photos by Patrick Dooley, Joey Mayette and Maurice Delage
Hartford Structure Fire Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a structure fire on James Street in the city’s West End. Engine 11 arrived first and transmitted the working fire on a very hot and humid July 7, 2020. Companies remained on scene for a several hours extinguishing the fire and checking for hot spots. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta
Hartford Car Fire On June 20, 2020, Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a car fire in the rearof a building on Main Street in the city’s North End. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 19
Water Rescue in Fall’s Village
On July 22, 2020, a technical water rescue was required for two people who fell while visiting the Great Falls off the Housatonic River Road, in Fall’s Village (CT), despite the area having been closed. The closing came at the town’s request that cited overcrowding and safety concerns. The area covers the borders of the Towns of Salisbury and Canaan so a multi-agency dispatch of crews from Lakeville Hose, Falls Village Fire, Salisbury Rescue, and the Northwest Rope Rescue Team were among the agencies initially dispatched. North Canaan and Sharon were called for additional personnel. Using a small boat
and a variety of rope system rescuers were able to remove the victims to awaiting ambulances. The most critical victim was transferred to Lifestar helicopter and the second victim was transported to a local hospital by ground. The incident spanned over three hours with crews enduring scorching sun and at one point a torrential downpour. In 2019 the area was the scene of a drowning in which a Brooklyn man lost his life. - Fire News photos by Ed Harvey
Quincy 4-Alarmer
Stratford Dwelling Fire
On July 27, 2020, Quincy (MA) Fire responded to a fire on Hanna Street. Companies found the entire rear of the building on fire and threatening exposures.The fire went to four alarms before being brought under control. - Fire News photo by Sean Fesko
Drowning Victim in Connecticut River
At 1650 on July 20, 2020, the Haddam (CT) Volunteer Fire Company responded to Haddam Meadows State Park for a water search after a man went missing in the Connecticut River. Haddam, along with crews from Haddam Ambulance, East Haddam, Chester, Middletown South Fire District, and Middletown’s Dive Rescue Team searched the river near the park’s sandbar area, looking for the missing swimmer. Fire marine units left the scene 2000, while Connecticut State Police and DEEP continued to search. The body was recovered from the water on July 22. Pictured is the crew from Haddam’s Marine-13 searching for the missing man. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
In the early morning hours of July 14, 2020, Stratford (CT) firefighters were dispatched to Meadowview Drive for the report of a mattress on fire inside of a dwelling. On arrival crews found heavy fire showing from two windows on the second floor. Two lines were quickly stretched and the fire was knocked down. - Fire News photo by
Middletown Dive Team Ops
A diver from Middletown Fire Department’s Dive and Rescue Team emerges from the water between Middletown Marine 1 and Haddam Marine-13. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
Page 20, Fire News, September/October 2020
Lebanon Fatal Truck Accident Firefighters from Bozrah, Lebanon, and Colchester (CT) responded to a fatal truck accident on Lebanon’s Camp Moween Road after a flatbed car carrier left the Route 2 westbound overpass bridge and plunged onto Camp Moween Road. Heavy rescues from Colchester and Lebanon worked jointly to extricate the heavily entrapped man who died from his injuries at the scene. There were no other reported injuries. The Connecticut State Police were investigating. - Fire News photo by Joe Shefer
2 Injured in 3-Vehicle MVA On May 30, 2020, Raynham (MA) Fire and Police responded to Pleasant Street for a three-vehicle accident with one a motorcycle. The driver and the passenger of the motorcycle were seriously injured, with one requiring transport via Boston Med Flight. An LZ was set up at a local school. The accident was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Saving the Flag Following a an MVA on July 11, 2020, in Haddam (CT) Haddam Volunteer Fire Company members Kyle Everett and Mike Sapia removed an American flag from the scene, folded it, and returned it to the vehicle’s owner. The driver, who had rolled his vehicle onto its roof, self-extricated and was not injured in the incident. Sapia also is an active member of the US Navy. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
Fitchburg MVA On June 10, 2020, Firefighters and EMS responded to Route 2 in Fitchburg (MA) for a truck pulling a trailer that lost a tire and went up and over the guardrail into an auto. A 41-year-old woman was transported by Lifeflight helicopter to the trauma center in Worcester in serious condition. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Leicester Head-on
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 21
Motorcycle Accident in Sturbridge
Crews responded to a head-on MVA in Leicester (MA) on Main Street at Locust Street (Route 9) on June 13, 2020. The roadway was closed for a short period of time while the vehicles were removed. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Driver Flees Scene On June 7, 2020, Sturbridge (MA) Fire assisted Brimfield (MA) Fire providing an LZ for a serious motorcycle accident. The patient was transported to the helicopter by Action Ambulance, who recently took over EMS operations for the towns of Brimfield, Holland and Wales. - Fire News photo by Bud Harris
Truck Hits I-290 Bridge in Worcester On July 26, 2020, first responders were called to South Street near Ocean Avenue for an MVA with injuries. Upon arrival one vehicle had fled scene and a female occupant was evaluated for her injuries but not transported. - Fire News photo by Rick Kulmann
Car-in-Water Call for Carver
Carver (MA) Fire companies 1, 2 and 3; and the Dive Team were toned out for an MVA with a vehicle overturned into a body of water. First on scene personnel were reasonably confident all occupants were out, however firefighters and the Dive Team were called into make confirmation. Crews wearing survival suits were able to use the spreaders to open the doors, check for occupants and contain any leaking hazards. Emergency personnel remained on scene while the towing company uprighted and removed the vehicle. The driver was treated by Carver EMS. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon
On July 8, 2020, a truck in Worcester (MA) struck a bridge on Interstate 290 on Southbridge Street in College Square. The damage to the bridge was minor and the driver was uninjured. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Page 22, Fire News, September/October 2020
Marine Exercise in Groton Marine units and dive and recovery teams from New London County took part in a multi-agency drill off the coast of Groton (CT) recently. The drill consisted of a sunken airplane fuselage and “victims� located both in and around the plane. Besides the fire/rescue agencies from Groton, Long Point, Mystic, Taftville/Yantic Dive Team, North Stonington, and Gales Ferry, the US Coast Guard, Groton/New London Airport, and the FAA with drone support also participated. - Fire News photo by Joe Shefer
Roof Operations Drill Lieutenant Bryan LeBlanc doing a roof operations drill with Firefighters David Fagone and Robert Griffin recently. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Hose Test in East Hartford Recently, East Hartford (CT) firefighters conducted hose testing. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius
Arlington Trains Arlington (MA) firefighters training with Tower Ladder 1 on July 17, 2020, at the Reservoir parking lot. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 23
Nice Rescue in Carver On July 19, 2020, Carver (MA) Fire companies 1, 2 and 3, were dispatched to a house fire on Great Meadow Drive with an occupant who called 911, trapped on the second floor. Five CFD firefighters living in the immediate area responded directly to the incident, discovering a woman screaming from the second floor with heavy fire on the floor below. A neighbor had already set up a ground ladder to attempt a rescue, but was unsuccessful. Firefighters made two attempts to climb the ladder and remove the occupant. On the second attempt, they were able to forcibly remove the trapped woman, head first down the ground ladder. First arriving engine companies went immediately to work with fire suppression on the first floor, while the rescue was being completed. Fire crews also rescued a cat and a dog. The occupant and one of the rescuers were treated by Carver EMS and both were transported to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon
Good Stop in Danvers Danvers (MA) Fire was called for a house fire on Donegal Lane, on June 16, 2020. First-due companies arrived to heavy smoke showing. FCP Ken Reardon struck a second-alarm, bringing mutual aid to the scene. Danvers companies made an aggressive interior attack under heavy fire conditions. Departments from Topsfield, Peabody and Beverly worked the fire. Hamilton, Middleton, Salem and Wenham covered. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston
Page 24, Fire News, September/October 2020
West Hartford Apparatus A new delivery for West Hartford (CT) Fire Department: a Pierce 107-foot Ascendant. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius
Worcester Gets a New Engine The all new Worcester (MA) Engine 3 is a 2020 E-One Cyclone. It features a 1500-gpm pump, 500-gallon water tank and a 30-gallon foam cell. Engine 3 was delivered on July 2, 2020, and went in service on July 19. It replaced a similar 1996 model. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Scott LaPrade Retires (Left to right): Paul LaRochelle, Jr; Kyle Krupa; Chey Rosado; Orlandus Kane; Scott LaPrade; Ken Kowal; Bill Gould; Rose Catalado; Ryan Mcglew; Brent Jenks; Mike LaPrade; and Shane Bolger. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 25
Cover Story
FF Injured in Groton 3-Alarmer
On June 1, 2020, Groton (MA) firefighters responded for a threealarm fire in a two-story townhouse. Numerous animals were rescued and a Mayday was called for a firefighter on the second floor
who had to be assisted out a window to a waiting stretcher; he was transferred to a local hospital. The fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Page 26, Fire News, September/October 2020
New Turn of River Tanker 68 The Turn of River (CT) Volunteer Fire Department has taken delivery and put into service a new tanker. The Marion with Spartan cab tanker has a 500-hp Cummins, a 3000-gallon tank, , remote dumps, and portable pools on each side with hydraulic assist for raiinge/lowering. - Fire News photo by
Happy Birthday to a Special Young Man A special needs young man from Leominster (MA) turned 22 on June 6, 2020. He attended Leominster Public Schools, moved onto Nashoba Regional School District and finally the Darnell School in Hudson. Part of his vocational service training was with the Berlin Fire and Police Departments. Heidi Bevilaqua, one of his teachers at Darnell School, reached out to his teachers from the different schools and Berlin Fire and Police gathered to congratulate him. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Haddam’s Ron Annino Gets His Own Day in Town Ron Annino, a lifelong Higganum (CT) resident, was honored for voluntarily serving with HVFC for 50 years. He joined the company on July 6, 1970. During this time, he was as a Captain and Third Assistant Chief, and served on multiple HVFC committees including the Grievance Committee, Memorial Day Committee, Haddam Green Committee, and the Water Study Committee. He was named Firefighter of the Year in 2012. Annino served with the US Navy from 1966-70 and was stationed on the USS Kearsarge during the Vietnam War. He has volunteered on the Town of Haddam’s Parade Committee and Veterans’
Happy Birthday, Seamus! Recently, crews joined in on a special birthday parade for Seamus, the son of Westborough Firefighter Sean Doherty. They live in Worcester (MA). - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Museum Committee for 45 years, of which he’s been chairman for the past 25 years. Annino retired as bridge inspector for the State of Connecticut’s Department of Transportation. His brother, Rick Annino, also is a member of the company. Haddam First Selectman Robert McGarry honored Ron Annino for his service with a proclamation during the company’s July 6 meeting. “I do hereby congratulate Ron Annino on his 50th year of service with the Haddam Volunteer Fire Company and declare July 6, 2020 as ‘Ron Annino Day,’” McGarry said. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 27
The Grand Opening of the ROCCC Dispatch Center
The Regional Old Colony Communications Center in Duxbury (MA) opened its doors on June 10, 2020. - Fire News photos by Tyler Reardon
Page 28, Fire News, September/October 2020
Up Close & Personal
Members from Topsfield (MA) fire at a recent mutual aid in Middleton. Pictured: 1st Lieutenant Scott Winfrey, Firefighter Travis Fontaine, Chief Jen Collins-Brown, Captain Conor Brown and Firefighter Jeff Horne. - Fire News photo by Glenn S. Preston
Hartford (CT) firefighters after a recent structure fire. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta
West Springfield (MA) firefighters at a Prospect Street fire on June 14, 2020. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
A Groveland (MA) firefighter at a stubborn fire in a large 2-1/2 story wood frame dwelling. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Stamford (CT) Firefighter Paul Anderson stands by after operating at a commercial building fire on Diaz Street on July 21, 2020. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography. com Springfield Rescue Squad members (left to right) Probationary Firefighter Jamison Atkins, Lieutenant Brendon Welz and Firefighter Brendan Shea. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 29
Up Close & Personal Fitchburg firefighter Michael Torres along with two other firefighters take relief from the hydrant mist after fighting a brush fire near the Quarry on July 10, 2020. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Providence (RI) Engine 6 firefighters at a July 2, 2020, house fire on Laurel Hill Avenue. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody
On June 7, 2020, Leicester (MA) firefighters responded to a house fire on Main Street. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea Pembroke (MA) Captain Bob Killinger opens up the roof. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Groveland (MA) Fire Chief Robert Valentine, running a fire on Broad Street. Valentine previously did almost 30 years in the city of Lincoln (RI), where he retired as a Chief Officer. He has now been serving as Chief of Department in the town of Groveland and is known as a fireman’s fireman, the highest compliment a fireguy can get! - Fire News photo by Glenn S. Preston
On July 22, 2020, Hartford (CT) companies were dispatched to James Street in the city’s West End for a structure fire. The heat of the day made for a difficult firefight for all firefighters. - Fire News photo by Maurice Delage
Page 30, Fire News, September/October 2020
Fire News, September/October 2020, Page 31
Sutphen Corporation Announces New Sales and Service Representative in Southern New England Sutphen Corporation continues to expand its dealer network Sutphen Corporation, the largest familyowned fire apparatus manufacturer in the nation, announces today the addition of Shipman’s Fire Equipment, Company as the official sales and service representative in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. With decades of fire industry experience, the Shipman’s Fire Equipment team and owners Lorraine Harrington and Christina Wallace bring extensive fire industry knowledge to the Sutphen dealer network. “We are excited to welcome Shipman’s Fire Equipment, Company to the Sutphen family of dealers,” said Sutphen Director of Sales and Marketing, Zach Rudy. “From top to bottom, we are impressed by the company's business model and offerings. Factor in their family history and established New England roots, and they are the ideal Sutphen dealer for southern New England.” Like Sutphen, Shipman’s Fire Equipment is a family-owned-and-operated business. With three generations of experience in the fire industry, Shipman’s was founded by a firefighter, grown by a firefighter and continues to have both current and former firefight-
ers as a part of the team. “We are extremely proud to be named the Sutphen sales and service representative for southern New England,” said Shipman’s Fire Equipment’s third-generation owner, Christina Wallace. “Family-owned businesses are a rarity these days, especially in our industry, and to be able to work with Sutphen, a company that not only manufactures the highest quality fire apparatus but is also a fourth-generation, family-owned business, is truly exceptional. Shipman’s and Sutphen share many of the same fundamental beliefs-honesty, consistent dedication to quality products and a commitment to the fire service.” Wallace continued by saying that Fire Apparatus Sales Director Jim Lyons, the apparatus service department and entire Shipman’s team are ready to represent the complete Sutphen brand. Fourth-generation president of familyowned Sutphen Corporation, Drew Sutphen, said that Shipman’s Fire Equipment will contribute greatly to the company's mission and values. “The entire Sutphen team and family are excited to welcome Shipman’s Fire
Equipment to our family of dealers,” Sutphen said. “With their extensive fire history and family background, we are confident Shipman’s will help grow our business while holding true to our mission of providing the safest, most reliable fire apparatus in the world.” For more information regarding Shipman’s Fire Equipment, Co., follow this link here: https// For more information regarding Sutphen as a company, follow this link: To see the breakdown of Sutphen’s entire dealer network, follow:
IamResponding Acquires and Integrates TwoToneDetect Audio dispatch notifications are now available within IaR, at no additional cost has acquired TwoToneDetect and integrated an enhanced TwoToneDetect version into its all-inclusive suite of time-saving, online tools for emergency responders. TwoToneDetect captures emergency dispatch audio and transmits it through the IamResponding system to emergency responders so that they can hear their actual audio dispatches right through their mobile devices, from any location. “One of IamResponding’s core features provides dispatch notifications to emergency responders’ mobile devices via multiple and redundant pathways, including app push notification, text message and email to an unlimited number of member devices.” explained IamResponding President Daniel Seidberg, adding that “We are excited to bring this industry-leading tone and audio capture software into our existing suite of emergency notification tools.” The integration of actual audio dispatches in IamResponding supplements IamResponding’s emergency notifications for those agencies that desire additional redundancy of their dispatch notifications, who may prefer to hear the actual emergency audio
transmission, or who may not be able to equip all of their members with pagers or radios. This also provides a highly reliable solution for agencies that are dispatched by dispatch centers that do not have a CAD system, as this does not require any involvement by the dispatch center. “It has been a pleasure to work with the IamResponding team to integrate an enhanced version of TwoToneDirect into their existing suite of communication tools,” said Andy Knitt, the original developer of TwoToneDetect, explaining that “This integration allows for a much more robust delivery of emergency audio alerts to emergency responders, directly through the highly reliable IamResponding system.” According to Mr. Knitt, “Integrating TwoToneDetect into IamResponding was a logical evolution for the improvement of the delivery of audio dispatch notifications, as I already had great familiarity with IamResponding as a user of that system, and I already understood both the reliability of IamResponding and its value to emergency response entities.” Mr. Knitt further advised that, “I highly encourage all TwoToneDetect
users to consider migrating their notifications to IamResponding because the audio delivery reliability, integrated phone app functionality, and support of TwoToneDetect within IamResponding far exceeds what has been available to this point.” In keeping with its longstanding practice of continually enhancing the features and tools it makes available to its users, Mr. Seidberg advised that, “IamResponding will be providing the fully integrated TwoToneDetect functionality to its users at no additional cost, and plans a gradual rollout of the new functionality to its user base over the next couple of months.” Visit to learn more.