Fire News New Jersey, January 2020 edition

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Serving NEW JFire, ERSEY Serving Rescue

VOLUME 14, NO. 8


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JANUARY 2020

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Happy New Year from the Staff at Fire News

Fire News, January 2020, Page 3

In this issue... Dog Saved at Wallington Fire A first-floor fire is quickly knocked down and a dog rescued and resuscitated. See story on page 10

Extrication in Cologne Two cars collide on Cologne Avenue pinning one of the drivers. See story on page 14

Minotola Fundraiser Minotola firefighters hold a hot roast beef sandwich fundraiser. See story on page 16

Warren County Garage Fire A garage fire extends to a home and car. See story on page 20

A Service for New Jersey Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES FIRE NEWS NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Aaronson, John Axford, Keith Addie, Adam Alberti, Ted Aurig, Kenneth E.Badger, Dick Berry, Tommy Bilancia, Thomas Bischoff, James Bonner, Joseph Brecko, John Buttino, Bob Chester, John Clark, Alex Coulter, Carl Crossman, Damien Davis, Chris Denton, Alan Dumoff, Brian Duddy, Brett M. Dzadik, Dan Eckert, Doug Fenichel, Tom Finnegan, Joe Fortunato, Liam Glinane, Israel Goldstein, Thomas Hayden Jr., David Hernandez, Robert Halberstadt, Roman Izaryk, Erica Jacoby, Jeffrey Konya, Kevin Maloney, Robert Munson, Paul Newborn, Robert F. Newkirk, Denis Niland, Mike Nowacki, Elvin Padilla, Ed Pinkevicz, Dane Policastro, Michael Ratcliffe, Joe Repici, Paul Rodriquez, Mark Rosetti, Chris Saraceno, Robert Scollan, Dennis C. Sharpe, Steve Sperlak, Steve Skipton, Matt Spadaro, Danielle Tagerty, Tim Sullivan, Robert Tallaksen, Wayne Tasaki, Giuseppe Tartaglia, Jim Trepeos, Gregory Taylor, Ron Trout, Ken VanPelt, Kevin Umbach, Jose Vazquez, Ronnie Viola, Tom Vogel, Tom Walker, Mike Wallace, Chris Whitam, Wells P. Wilson, Gerald Wyhopen, Jr., Peter Danzo. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder. COPYRIGHT 2020, THE FIRE NEWS LLC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Pleasantville Shooting Aftermath First responders turnout to honor 10-year-old Micah Tennant, killed in the shooting. See story on page 27

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Six Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania Proud Member Of:

Up Close and Personal A closer look at some first responders from around the state. See story on page 29

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28

Official Publication

of the NJ State Firemen’s Convention Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News LLC, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, January 2020

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

2020: What is Your Vision? When I hear someone say 2020, I think of my eyesight. Seriously, from an early age it was drilled into me that 2020 was a good thing and my eyes were perfect! Let’s check our vision and look into the year 2020. I give thought to what I would like to personally change to make 2020 a landmark year. Yes, all of us have the power to change to be the best that we can possibly be, especially as a first responder. According to the US Fire Administration, fires are down by 6.2 percent. Unfortunately, deaths from the fires are up 9.6 percent since 2008. What can you do to make a difference in 2020? Through your continued dedication to your community, help your fire department increase community awareness about preventing home fires. Work with the news media to get fire prevention messages into news stories. I will ask again, does your department have a trained public information officer? Your department should have a positive working relationship with your local newspapers and community boards. Learn about the latest research on fire detection, suppression and notification systems and get this information to your community through your fire prevention program. Hopefully your program is an on-going

program rather than just a one-day event. As the year comes to an end, I am saddened that we have lost another firefighter. On December 5, 2019, Chief Robert White, Jr., of the West Stockholm (NY) Fire Department answered his last alarm at a fire in Potsdam, New York. Firefighter LODDs have steadily decreased since 2015. However, one emergency responder death is too many when it comes to a member of our emergency responder family. In 2018, we lost 44 volunteer firefighters, 33 career firefighters and five wildland firefighters. To date, 54 fire firefighters have been lost in the line of duty in 2019. What can we do to continue the downward trend in firefighter fatalities? First you must look at how responders are dying and ask yourself where can you make a difference to lessen the chances of emergency responder deaths. The leading cause of fatalities of firefighters is heart attack (44 percent), followed by trauma (27 percent), motor vehicle collisions (20-25 percent) asphyxia and burns (20 percent). Reading these statistics, I realize many of us can lessen our chances of a fatality by realizing we may not be doing all we can to protect ourselves from danger. Fire departments offer physical training to their

members. Are you taking advantage of this? Do you exercise on a regular basis? Does your exercise program include a good cardio workout? How about your diet? Are you overweight? Let’s face it, wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) is taxing on the body. Responding to calls is taking lives. Hey, slow down! And finally, everyone must wear their gear at all calls! If we save the life of one responder by changing our thought process, we have made a difference. In 2020, look to see your job more clearly, so that you can continue the trend of lowering firefighter fatalities. Happy New Year to all! Dennis

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Cover Story

Orange Multi-Family Goes On the evening of November 22, 2019, the Orange Fire Department responded to Hilyer Street for a reported house fire. Car 2 arrived to a large, vacant, three-story, multi-family dwelling with the rear of the home heavily involved. Crews immediately initiated a defensive attack and a second alarm was struck bringing East Orange, West Orange, and Montclair to the scene. Crews attempted an offensive attack but heavy fire consumed the third floor and started to self-vent from the A side and command pulled everyone from the structure. The fire was brought under control in three hours. This building was the site of a previous fire along with the building next door. There had been a handful of other fires on this block in years past. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, January 2020, Page 7

MVA on the GSP The Volunteer Fire companies of Farmington and Bargaintown responded to the Garden State Parkway and Atlantic City Expressway on October 27, 2019, for a report of an MVA with entrapment. Farmington Assistant Chief Dennis Sharpe arrived on location and was advised by EMS all occupants self-extricated. Two occupants were transported by EMS and the cause of the crash was under investigation by the New Jersey State Police. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Seems Familiar... On October 22, 2019, the Montclair Fire Department responded to Maple Avenue for a fire on the second floor. Engine 1 stretched a line to the interior and found a fire in the kitchen. A mutual aid engine from Bloomfield responded as RIT. The fire was knocked down and the kitchen was opened up to check for any extension. Mutual aid coverage was provided by West Orange, Clifton and Cedar Grove. This fire was located directly across the street from a laundromat fire back in September. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

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Quick Stop in Vineland The City of Vineland Fire Department responded to the 500 block of North Second Street for a report of a structure fire with possible entrapment. Car 2 (Ciafologio) arrived and reported smoke showing and established command. The first-due piece stretched a line in and reported all occupants out. The fire was confined to the basement and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Computer Fire at Fort Monmouth On October 28, 2019, the Tinton Falls Fire Department was dispatched to Radar Way on the Fort Monmouth property for a commercial fire alarm. Fire Marshal 36-31 was met by an occupant who reported a smoke condition on the second floor. On their investigation, a heavy smoke condition was present on the second division and a working fire was transmitted which brought an Eatontown engine to the scene. The first-due engine from Station 36-3 located the source of the fire, which was contained to a computer and was quickly knocked down. The engine from Eatontown assisted with ventilation. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Willowbrook Mall Chemical Fire On October 11, 2019, the Wayne Fire Department received multiple calls reporting a fire at the construction site near the Cheese Cake Factory in the Willowbrook Mall. Units spied a large column of smoke on arrival and found an outside fire against the building. Wayne Companies 1, 2, 3 and 5 were assigned and the fire was quickly knocked down without extension. Preliminary reports state that the fire was cause by the mixture of two chemicals on the work site. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

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Dog Saved at Wallington Fire On October 24, 2019, the Wallington Fire Department responded to Anderson Avenue for a house fire. The first arriving chief reported smoke showing from division 1 and requested an East Rutherford truck to the scene with Wallington’s ladder being out of service, and a FAST from Rutherford to the scene. The fire was quickly knocked down on the first floor. A dog was rescued from the interior and brought out to an awaiting crew with a pet O2 mask who were able to save the dog. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

West AC Trailer Fire

The Volunteer Fire Company of West Atlantic City responded to Route 322 and Frankfort Avenue for a report of a motor vehicle fire on November 7, 2019. Chief Wallace Bakley arrived and established command for a construction trailer with debris on fire. Command had Engine 1553’s crew pull a line and knock down the fire. - Fire News photo courtesy of Wallace Bakley

Vineland Commercial Fire

Firefighters from the City of Vineland Fire Department responded on November 8, 2019, to East Chestnut Avenue, The Tropical Laundry, for a report of a commercial fire alarm. Car 201 arrived and reported medium to heavy smoke showing from the A side. Engine 6 stretched a line through the A/B door and Tower 6 helped Engine 6 search. Engine 2 arrived and Ladder 4 set up on the C side. Command requested cover companies to the scene as part of the second alarm and for manpower. The fire attack darkened down the fire and searches were negative. Vineland Electric Company disconnected the power and South Jersey Gas Company locked out the gas service that had already been shut down by the fire department. The cause of the fire was under investigation by the City of Vineland Fire Department. Also responding were the Forest Grove Volunteer Fire Company, City of Vineland Police and EMS. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

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Route 50 Single-Car MVA The City of Estell Manor Volunteer Fire Department along with the Dorothy Fire and Rescue Department responded to a report of an MVA on August 14, 2019. The call was initially dispatched for Tuckahoe Road and Route 50, but Dorothy units came across the scene about a mile from the reported location. One occupant was pinned in the single-vehicle crash off the road into the woodlands. The occupant was transported by BLS with non-life-threatening injuries and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Englishtown MVA On September 29, 2019, Monroe Fire District 3 sent an engine on a mutual aid assignment to Englishtown for a vehicle that had driven through the parking lot and struck a utility pole on Wilson Avenue. The single driver was RMA and Monroe Engine 23-5 secured the vehicle and awaited the arrival of the utility company and tow truck. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

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Hamilton Twp. 4-Car MVA

The volunteer fire companies of Cologne, Mays Landing and Laureldale along with the Township of Hamilton police and EMS responded to the intersection of Cologne Avenue and Route 322 on November 8, 2019, for an MVA with entrapment. Upon the arrival of emergency personnel, the driver had self-extricated from the vehicle, which was overturned in the middle of the intersection and leaking fluids. Four vehicles were involved in the crash and the occupants of those vehicles were removed by EMS and firefighters with EMS transporting all to the hospital. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Farmington MVA

West Atlantic City and Farmington responded to the Black Horse Pike and Genoa Avenue on November 12, 2019, for an MVA with entrapment. West Atlantic City Chief Wallace Bakley arrived and established command and reported the occupant out of the vehicle. The occupant of the vehicle was transported to the hospital by the EHT EMS. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

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Cologne Extrication

The volunteer fire companies of Cologne, Laureldale and Mays Landing along with Township of Hamilton Police and EMS responded to the intersection of Cologne Avenue at Lombard Street for an MVA with entrapment on October 27, 2019. Police and EMS reported a confirmed entrapment with two vehicles side-by-side on the shoulder of Cologne Avenue. Mays Landing firefighters used the winch on Rescue 1816 to remove one vehicle, so the second vehicle’s driver could be extricated. The injured were transported to the hospital by EMS. The cause of the crash was under investigation by the Township of Hamilton Police. Also responding were Atlanticare Paramedics. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Fire News, January 2020, Page 15

Egg Harbor Blue Mass The Church of St. Katherine Drexel in Egg Harbor Township held their annual Blue Mass on November 12, 2019, presided by Pastor Father John Vignone, in which all emergency personnel, military personnel and veterans were honored. In his comments Father Vignone reminded the parishioners that God promises to keep his children safe and does so by having emergency responders and military personnel. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

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Somers Pt. Fundraiser Minotola Fundraiser

The City of Somers Point Fire Company 2 had their spaghetti and meat ball fundraiser on November 23, 2019. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

The Minotola Volunteer Fire Company in Buena Borough, Atlantic County had their hot roast beef sandwich fundraiser at their station on November 23, 2019. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

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Mays Landing’s Wellington Honored Congratulations to Mays Landing firefighter Gene Wellington, Sr., who was honored by the Township of Hamilton Veterans Advisory Board at their Veterans Day ceremony on November 11, 2019, at their War Memorial Park in Mays Landing. Gene was honored for his service in the Vietnam War and to the residents of the Township of Hamilton. Gene started his fire service career in 1964 when he joined the West Atlantic City Volunteer Fire Company until he enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1968 climbing to the rank of Sergeant with the 823 CES Combat Engineer “Red Horse” Squadron. Upon his honorable discharge in 1972, Gene joined the Farmington Volunteer Fire Company, then joined the City of Pleasantville Volunteer Fire Company 1 where he climbed to the rank of Assistant Chief until 1975 when he joined the City of Northfield Fire Department. From there he moved to the Township of Hamilton where he joined the Laureldale Volunteer Fire Company where he climbed to the rank of Assistant Chief. In 1997 he joined the Hamilton Township Rescue Squad and in 1999 he joined the Mays Landing Volunteer Fire Company where he now serves as their Safety Officer and President. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Thanks for Your Support Recently, the members of Neptune Hose Company 1 in Long Branch wanted to recognize a number of people and businesses in Long Branch for assisting the fire company in a time of need. The mayor and city council, Jake Jones and ex-Chief Stan Dziuba were thanked for assisting the company in obtaining a much needed and new concrete apron at the fire station. Supplies Master (Coast Hardware), Chambers Electric, and Fisher Repairs were also thank for work and items needed at the station. (Left to right): Chief Kevin Stout, ex-Chief Stan Dziuba, and Mayor John Pallone. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

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Warren County Garage Fire

Recently, the Warren County Dispatch Center received calls for a garage on fire on East Baldwin Street. Patrol reported heavy fire conditions from the garage as Chief 78-60 arrived and requested a first-alarm box as the first engine company arrived. Other units laid a supply line while a second line was stretched inside and quickly knocked down the fire on the first and second floors. Mutual aid assisted with extensive overhaul. Mutual aid came from Hackettstown First Aid, Independence, Budd Lake and Tri County. - Fire News photos by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC

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Villas 9th Christmas Bazaar Fundraiser

This is a ninth anniversary of the Villas Fire Department’s Christmas bazaar. Funds raised go to purchasing fire equipment and supplies for the department. This event brings multiple artist from the local area selling goods from candles to fresh cakes, as well as everything from tie-dye shirts to homemade candies and decorations. - Fire News photos by Robert Newkirk

Fire News, January 2020, Page 23

Deptford FD Magic Show Teaches Fire Safety Firmly committed to Fire Prevention through Fire Safety Education, Deptford Fire Department is teaming up with teacher turned magician, Al Belmont, in a unique approach to Fire Safety Education - a Magic Show. Engaging students in a fun way, this is no ordinary magic show. It’s Magic with a Message — teaching life-saving lessons in an elementary school assembly program that will reach more than 3,200 kindergarten through sixth grade students, stressing that “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape!” this year’s theme for Fire Prevention Week sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association. - Fire News photo courtesy of Deptford Fire Marshal Robert Burkhardt

Bargaintown Ladies Fundraiser The Bargaintown Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxilliary held their annual fundraiser at the Hidden Sands Brewing Company in Egg Harbor Township on October 13, 2019. The event was attended by members of Egg Harbor Township and Atlantic County government and firefighters and their families from throughout the county. The festivities included several games such as bean bag toss and Jenga, along with plenty of food and drink. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

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New Life for Pumper This 1994 Pierce Pumper with 1500-gpm, 750-gallon tank, and 40-gallon foam cell was built for Union Township in Union County and originally placed in service as Engine 2, later being reassigned as Engine 5. This piece of equipment was recently acquired by the Sussex County Fire Academy, a division of the Sussex County Community College. The pumper will be going back into service after some preventive maintenance and new graphics are applied. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

Wayne Gets New Engine Recently, the Wayne Fire Department Community Fire Company 1 placed a new 2019 Spartan ERV 2000-gpm engine into service. It is replacing a 2004 Spartan which has been sent out for a refurb and will remain with the company. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 26, Fire News, January 2020

GOGLAS ELECTED AS FDSOA EASTERN DIRECTOR Judge Phil Goglas, ex-Captain of the Central Islip Fire Department was elected as the new Eastern Director of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). Goglas will be sworn in at the annual general meeting held in conjunction with the 2020 Health and Safety Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Goglas, a member of FDSOA since 2010, started his firefighting career as a volunteer in 1979 with the Wyandanch Volunteer Fire Company of Suffolk County, New York. He is a former New York City Transit Police Officer. He received his bachelor’s from St. John’s University and his Juris Doctorate from Brooklyn Law School. Among Goglas’ goals as director are to increase membership in the Eastern Region; have greater involvement bringing relevant speakers and information to FDSOA members and the Health and Safety Conference; and decreasing

injuries and fatalities to all members of the fire service. Both the FDSOA Health and Safety Conference and the Annual Fire Apparatus Safety and Maintenance Conference will be held at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz., January 13-16, 2020. - Fire News photo courtesy of Phil Goglas

Fire News, January 2020, Page 27

Pleasantville Shooting Aftermath On November 15, 2019, a shooting erupted at a Pleasantville High School football game. During the melee 10-year-old Micah Tennant was struck by a bullet and succumbed to his injuries five days later. On November 30, 2019, a ‘home going’ was held at Shiloh Baptist Church in Atlantic City. Numerous first responders, along with family and friends attended the funeral procession to the City of Pleasantville where the young man was laid to rest. (Below): Captain William. McFarland, Firefighter Tyrell Edwards, Assistant Chief Dennis Sharpe, Farmington Volunteer Fire Company. (Bottom): Firefighter Julio Sanchez and Farmington Firefighter Edwards provided CPR until Micah Tennant was given to medical emergency personnel. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

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Silverton Fall Festival On October 5, 2019, the 12th Annual Fall Festival was held at the Silverton Fire Company. The event was an allday affair and started with a motorcycle poker run followed by demonstrations by both Toms River Police and the Ocean County Sherriff’s Department along with an extrication demo conducted by Silverton. Live music, local vendors, kid’s activities, and plenty of food and drinks were available all day long. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, January 2020, Page 29

Up Close & Personal City of Vineland Firefighters (left to right) John Shaw, Jordan Perez, and Brett Scarpa operating at a working fire at Tropical Laundry. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Farmington Firefighters Darrell Jackson and Dana Swartz standing by at the Egg Harbor Township High School’s bonfire. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe Oceanville Firefighter Rob Mellon at the controls of Oceanville Engine 2614 during a structure fire on November 7, 2019. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

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A Different Kind of Training?

(Left): During the Egg Harbor Township Fire Department’s training on October 14, 2019, Instructor Hancock practiced catching the mannequin. Chief, we don’t think that’s how this was taught in basic training! (Above): “The Crew” from the Egg Harbor Township Fire Department following their training. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

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