Fire News New Jersey, March 2022 edition

Page 4

Page 4, Fire News, March 2022

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Winter Blues are Almost Gone! I really think we have had worse winters so far. Yes, it’s been cold, however on Long Island we survived an 18-inch snowstorm. In my early years as a firefighter, I looked forward to standing by at my firehouse for snowstorms. As I have aged, I find the warmth of my home a better place for me to ride out the storm! Before I continue with my editorial, I would like to thank my company for riding past my home after a recent storm and taking the time to dig me out. Digging out the senior members of the Terryville Fire Department has been a tradition that is still carried out today. I know first-hand that snow standbys do not end immediately after the snow stops falling. The members traditionally ride past members in need to make sure their homes are cleared so that they can safely respond to calls. From a personal viewpoint, it hurts to stand on my driveway and watch my family of firefighters clear a path so I can continue to respond to calls. Thank you, Terryville Fire Department Company 2, for your help! I will have the coffee ready for you when you return after calls. I would like to reflect on the recent rash of Line of Duty Deaths in our nations police departments. As I watched the live coverage at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC of Detective

Wilbert Mora’s and Detective Jason Rivera’s funerals, I am not ashamed to say that there were times during the funeral service that I was teary eyed. I could feel the passion of His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan as he comforted the families of our fallen police officers. I was genuinely moved by the outpouring of love from the thousands of police officers and other responders, who stood in the cold and snowy weather to show strength and offer comfort to the families of New York City’s fallen police officers. As I heard the voice of Detective Jason Rivera’s wife eulogize her husband. I became teary eyed. She brought back the importance of always hugging your family when you go to work as a first responder. You never know if you will return to hug them back. Like all responders, worldwide, we are present to help the members of our communities. I just wish that communities would realize this and encourage change to respect those individuals that are trying to make a difference. According to the ODMP — Officers Down Memorial Page — nationally, there have been 35 LODDs in 2022.Thirty-one of those deaths happened in January! The causes of police officer deaths are varied. Visit to learn more about police Line of Duty Deaths. Spring is not far away. It is a time we see

our lawns return to their lush green color and we see our flowers start to emerge from the cold winter that is leaving us. In the fire service, it is a time of the year that we get out and resume our hands-on training at our fire academies and department training facilities. I am looking forward to spring 2022. Take the time to renew your commitment to training so that you are the best that you can be when you go into battle. I leave you with a quote I once heard, “Think positively and positive things will happen.” See you at the Fire Academy! — Dennis

Two FFs Injured at 2-Alarmer in Trenton Two firefighters were injured while operating at a two-alarm blaze involving four rowhouses in Trenton during the early morning of December 7, 2021. It was just before 0600 that the blaze on Chase Court was reported. First-due fire companies arrived to find heavy fire on the first and second floors of one of the homes in the middle of the row, with flames extending via the cockloft into the three other attached homes. An all hands was called, followed by a second alarm at 0620. It wasn’t until 0735 that the fire was officially declared under control. One civilian burn victim was transported to hospital by EMS. Also transported were two firefighters, one with a burned hand and the another with a shoulder injury reportedly suffered during a floor collapse. - Fire News photos by Michael Ratcliffe

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