1 minute read

Egg HarborCity 3-Alarmer

On February 14, 2023, ta 0020, the volunteerfire companies of Germania and South Egg Harborwere dispatched to Route 30 and Vienna Avenue at RefrigeratorCity in Egg HarborCity fora report of a structure fire. ASouth Egg Harborline officerarrive d and requested two additional ladders to respond with the Egg HarborCity and Pomona Volunteerfire companies dispatched. Firefighters were able to utilize a nearby hydrant forwatersupp ly. Firefighters threw ground ladders on the Aside to access the se cond floorapartments. The building was a two-story wood frame interiorwith a masonry exterior. Otherfirefighters utilized the Egg HarborCity ladderto access the roof forventilation. Heavy smoke hampered firefighting efforts and despite theirefforts, the fire broke through the roof forcing firefighters out of the building. The fire grew to three alarms, with the remaining Galloway Township companies of Bayview and Oceanville dispatched to the scene whi le Elwood and City of Absecon covered. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

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