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Second Alarm Transmitted forTrenton Blaze

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Long Branch MVA

Long Branch MVA

Trenton firefighters assigned to B Platoon battled a two-alarm blaze that damaged two homes in the state capital on February 11, 2023. At 1446, Engines 3, 10 and 7, Ladder2 and Rescue 1 were dispatched While en route, companies spotted a column of smoke. The all-hands signal was transmitted and the balance of the first alarm units were dispatched. When companies arrived, heavy fire was showing from the Lamberton Street building. The second alarm was struck and multiple hoselines were placed in service when it was confirmed the fire had extended into the neighboring home on Lamberton. Crews were briefly ordered to evacuate afterwatersupply was compromised by an apparatus mechanical issue. Once watersupply was stabilized, interioroperations resumed and the blaze was declared undercontrol at 1555.

- Fire News photos by Michael Ratcliffe

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