Fire News New Jersey, May 2021 edition

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Serving NEW JFire, ERSEY Serving Rescue

VOLUME 15, NO. 12


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 MAY 2021


Story on page 6 - Fire News photo by Dave Hernandez

See story on page ?. - Fire News photo by ??????????

Massive Brush Fire in Lakewood Area Please see page 33.

Page 2, Fire News, May 2021

Fire News, May 2021, Page 3

In this issue... 29 Displaced in Paterson Blaze Four homes damaged on a very busy day for Paterson firefighters. See story on page 10

2 MVAs on the Garden State Union firefighters respond to a GSP MVA with a fatality, immediately followed by a nearby three-car MVA. See story on page 16

Shamong All-Hands Blaze A dryer fire spreads and is one of four fires crews respond to for the day. See story on page 20

Up Close and Personal A closer look at first responders from around the state See story on pages 30-31

A Service for New Jersey Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager BARBARA CONNOLLY, Advertising Sales BRYAN LOPEZ, Editorial Assistant GREGORY JONES, Graphic Artist FIRE NEWS NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Aaronson, John Axford, Keith Addie, Adam Alberti, Ted Aurig, Kenneth E.Badger, Dick Berry, Tommy Bilancia, Thomas Bischoff, James Bonner, Joseph Brecko, John Buttino, Bob Chester, John Clark, Alex Coulter, Carl Crossman, Damien Davis, Chris Denton, Alan Dumoff, Brian Duddy, Brett M. Dzadik, Dan Eckert, Doug Fenichel, Tom Finnegan, Joe Fortunato, Liam Glinane, Israel Goldstein, Thomas Hayden Jr., David Hernandez, Robert Halberstadt, Roman Izaryk, Erica Jacoby, Jeffrey Konya, Kevin Maloney, Robert Munson, Paul Newborn, Robert F. Newkirk, Denis Niland, Mike Nowacki, Elvin Padilla, Ed Pinkevicz, Dane Policastro, Michael Ratcliffe, Joe Repici, Paul Rodriquez, Mark Rosetti, Chris Saraceno, Robert Scollan, Dennis C. Sharpe, Steve Sperlak, Steve Skipton, Matt Spadaro, Danielle Tagerty, Tim Sullivan, Robert Tallaksen, Wayne Tasaki, Giuseppe Tartaglia, Jim Trepeos, Gregory Taylor, Ron Trout, Ken VanPelt, Kevin Umbach, Jose Vazquez, Ronnie Viola, Tom Vogel, Tom Walker, Mike Wallace, Chris Whitam, Wells P. Wilson, Gerald Wyhopen, Jr., Peter Danzo. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder. COPYRIGHT 2021, THE FIRE NEWS LLC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Lakewood Brush Fire A massive and fast-moving brush fire in the Lakewood area jumps the Garden State Parkway. See story on page 33

Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of:

Official Publication


of the NJ State Firemen’s Convention

Elizabeth’s Dale Arthur

See story on page 34

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News LLC, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, May 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Ready for a Hazmat Call? I recently had to refresh my yearly Hazardous Materials Safety Training. I will admit that many years ago, firefighters dealt with Hazmat situations in ways that today, would turn heads and get us in some serious trouble. In the 60s, it was commonplace to see a hose line used to wash away fluids at a scene. At the end of the call, the scene was clean, but nowadays we have learned to be just as concerned with the environment. Thankfully, as we entered the 1990s, firefighters were required to sit down and take a lengthy Hazmat awareness class. As I sat in this class for the first time, I realized that we were entering a different era. Not only were we concerned with firefighter safety, but we were also concerned with the safety of the environment. Yes, Hazmat safety has been around for a long time and will continue to be part of our yearly certification. In 1976, a firefighter was killed in a rapidly advancing fire in Ridgewood, Queens. The fire broke out in a beauty supply store. What fueled this fire was acetone that was unknowingly being disposed of improperly. A leaking container was poured down a drain and the

fumes built up in the store. As the heating system kicked in, it ignited the vapors that had built up in the storage room. Could this happen today? The answer is probably yes. You need to take your training seriously. How many of you have actually reviewed the Hazmat Training Manual that is stored on your rigs? Yes, I know that working with the book was part of your Firefighter I training. Let’s face it, for many of us, that was a long time ago. I would bet that even our newer members are probably weak in using the manual and following the procedures in the manual. Think about it. Are you really familiar with following the safety guidelines for handling corrosives, reactives and irritants? Are you comfortable with handling a scene where flammable and explosive placards are present? Your yearly refresher course is only designed to make you aware of the things you learned during basic training. What the refresher class should be doing is motivating you to take out the Hazmat procedure manual and study it. We live in peculiar times. I am sure you are aware that many of the calls you


The Five Mile Beach Volunteer Fireman's Association Is moving forward with plans to hold the New Jersey State Fireman's Expo this September 17 and 18 2021. Presently, we are watching the governor's relaxation of the number of attendees permitted at outdoor activities closely. With current restrictions being relaxed, and vaccinations on the rise, we are hoping for a return of conventions and outdoor numbers permitting our expo to resume. Currently, The New Jersey State Fireman's Relief Association is expecting to be in Wildwood this year to hold their convention. While we are preparing for this year's expo, we cannot, at this time, guarantee we will be able to move forward without the further relaxation of allowable outdoor gathering numbers. Due to the time and effort it takes to produce the New Jersey State Fireman's Expo we must make a final decision by the end of May. We will post an update on our website at as soon as available. Some signs are encouraging. We hope to see you in September. David Thompson President, FMBVFA

go on could involve chemicals that could kill you or your fellow firefighters. As first responders, you need to take the training necessary to identify and mitigate any situation that arises. In many areas there are buildings that should present red flags in your mind, if you are the officer on a first-due truck. I compliment the chiefs who have set policy for dealing with a response to dangerous structures that may contain remnants of hazardous materials. Have you downloaded the Hazmat Emergency Response Guidebook app for your cell phone, tablet or computer? There is no excuse for any of us to lack the knowledge to handle Hazmat situations safely. Please review the manual and download the app! -Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, May 2021

Cover Story

Recently, City of Camden units were alerted to a building fire in the city’s East Side. Companies arrivied to fire in a three-story apartment building that had been the site of a double-fatal fire with seven others injured on October 25, 2020. This fire grew to three alarms with additional companies special called over the third alarm. About 90 minutes into the incident, an explosion occurred that was believed to have been a backdraft. The third-floor Alpha-Delta cor-

ner was blown off the building and Pennsauken Tower Ladder 11 was operating outside the third-floor window where the blast occurred. The two firefighters in the bucket escaped uninjured, but the apparatus sustained significant damage to the bucket from flying bricks. The fire was brought under control with no reported injuries. State and County Fire Marshals were investigating the cause. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

Fire News, May 2021, Page 7

Looking Back Atlantic City 1927

The New Jersey State Fireman’s 1927 Convention in Atlantic City. - Fire News photo from the Dennis C. Sharpe collection

Millville 2014

Camden City 2015

The City of Millville Fire Department in Cumberland County responded on February 6, 2014, to South 2nd Street for a report of a fire at Gil Bears Tavern. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

On October 17, 2015, a dwelling fire was reported on Baring Street in Camden City. Crews opened the roof and stopped the fire from spreading. - Fire News photo by Ted Aurig

Page 8, Fire News, May 2021

Tractor-Trailer Fire in Cologne

The volunteer fire companies of Cologne and Mays Landing responded to the rear of a Wawa Convenience Store located on Black Horse Pike at 0621 on February 1, 2021, for a report of a vehicle fire. The vehicle was a tractor-truck outfitted to plow snow and had heavy fire in the cab of the truck. Cologne Assistant Chief

Mark Sciore arrived and established command and had Cologne Engine 1854’s crew pull a line and begin hitting the fire. The fire was brought under control quickly and was under investigation. Also responding was the Township of Hamilton EMS. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Page 10, Fire News, May 2021

29 Displaced, 4 Homes Damaged on a Busy Day in Paterson The Paterson Fire Department Tour 2 had a busy shift on March 7, 2021, after fighting a three-alarm fire in a three-story OMD with a rescue made by members of Rescue 2. Companies continued to run all afternoon with various calls. At approximately 2140, dispatch started receiving calls for a building fire on Barnert Avenue. Battalion 3 quickly arrived and reported what appeared to be an outside fire between two homes. The fire was quickly upgraded to a working fire and, upon arrival of Deputy Chief Calamita, he reported fire involving two 2-1/2 story frames with fire extending to the attics of both and requested a second alarm. Lines were stretched into both buildings and set up for exposure protection but conditions deteriorated and, with fire now reported in a third building, command requested a third alarm. Companies were hampered by water supply issues, a narrow street making apparatus placement difficult, as well as difficult access to the rear of the homes and, as the fire continued to grow, command transmitted the fourth alarm. Two aerial streams, a deck gun and numerous handlines were put into operation to knock down the fire enough to allow companies to re-enter. The fire heavily damaged four homes and displaced 29 people. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

Fire News, May 2021, Page 11

Good Stop in Newark

On March 16, 2021, the Newark Fire Department responded to Walcott Terrace for a house fire. Companies were met with heavy smoke in the sky while responding and heavy fire conditions on arrival. A second alarm was transmitted as the fire continued to extend to the interior of two large multi-family dwellings. Multiple handlines were pulled off Engine 29 as truck crews went up to the roofs of both buildings and vertically ventilated. EMS was requested for an injured firefighter. The fire was knocked down and placed under control approximately 40 minutes after arrival. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Page 12, Fire News, May 2021

Medford Township Brush Fire District 25 units were alerted to a brush fire (one of three this day) on March 14, 2021, on the southern end of town. Battalion Chief Guelich arrived to find a rapidly growing fire. Residents reported that the wind picked up embers from a fire pit and lit the wood’s on fire. NJ Forest Fire Service B Division Warden Tom Gerber (B-1) arrived before the engine company and started controlling the fire. The fire was stopped after burning an approximately a 50- x 50-foot area. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

Page 14, Fire News, May 2021

Quick Action Stops Extension

On March 14, 2021, a general alarm was sounded for Sawmill Court in the Pleasant Plains section of Toms River for a house fire. Heavy fire was found showing from the Alpha and Delta sides on arrival, as crews laid into the scene. Heavy fire was knocked down as crews made entry

into the garage where a large amount of debris was found and extensive overhaul was conducted. Despite the heavy amount of fire on arrival, crews were able to keep the extension into the interior of the home to a minimum. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 16, Fire News, May 2021

2 MVAs, One Fatal on GSP

On March 14, 2021, the Union Fire Department responded to Garden State Parkway southbound for a fatal MVA which shut down all southbound lanes for an investigation. At approximately 0650, as all lanes were still closed, a second three-car MVA took place less than a mile from the previous accident before traffic was

diverted off the highway. Union Squad 41 and Engine 1 removed the driver via a complete roof removal and transported the patient to EMS as the closure of an additional three lanes was needed prior to the complete shutdown of the parkway near the Union tolls. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 18, Fire News, May 2021

Nice Rescue by Paterson FFs On March 7, 2021, Paterson firefighters from the 2nd Battalion-Tour 2 were dispatched to Fair Street for a possible building fire. Companies arrived to find heavy fire venting out the front second-floor windows of a three-story apartment building extending into the third floor. Battalion 2 ordered a second alarm and reported that searches would be delayed. Firefighters Brian Hirschmanner and Rob Santore of Rescue 2 made their way to the rear of the building where they found a man on the fire escape holding his threeyear-old daughter over the railing out of the smoke and ready to drop her to the firefighters. Firefighter Santore quickly climbed up the fire escape, grabbed the baby and handed her over to Firefighter Hirschmanner who brought her down to safety, Firefighter Santore then brought the father down the fire escape ladder. Meanwhile, as the trucks were conducting searches of the apartments, the engine companies stretched four lines into the building and were able to contain the fire to the original apartment and the one above it. Several tenants were treated by EMS for non-life-threatening injuries. A third alarm was requested for manpower. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

Fire News, May 2021, Page 19

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Shamong All-Hands House Fire

On March 7, 2021, County Central Communications advised District 28 Chief Smith of a dryer on fire and spreading up the wall. Chief Smith arrived to find fire up the exterior Charlie side wall of a two-story single-family dwelling with all occupants out. The fire extended to the interior second-floor Bravo-Charlie corner bedroom. Companies from Shamong, Tabernacle, Medford, Medford Lakes, and Waterford responded and quickly brought the fire under control. Resources had to be diverted to another fire in nearby Southampton that occurred during this fire. No injuries were reported. This was one of four fires in the county on March 7. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

Page 22, Fire News, May 2021

Embers from Lakewood Start Fires During the Lakewood brush fires an Ocean County Task Force made up of a Point Pleasant Beach engine, an Island Heights engine, a Toms River engine, a Pleasant Plains tanker, and a Brick quint were dispatched to a home on Francis Road for a basement fire. Crews arrived to find multiple spot fires in the residence backyard due to embers from the nearby brush fires. Crews were able to quickly extinguish the fires and check for extension into the home, which proved negative. Companies were able to soon take up and returned to the staging area. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, May 2021, Page 23

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Ice Rescue Weekend Recently, the Denville Volunteer Fire Department hosted an Ice Rescue Training Weekend at Cooks Pond in Denville. The three-day training event started with several hours of classroom instruction. Saturday’s program began with hands-on familiarization of the rescue equipment, followed by Saturday afternoon with everyone on the ice learning how to use the various pieces of equipment. All day Sunday was devoted to everyone working in teams on the ice and practicing rescue techniques. The course ended on Sunday with the teams rescuing victims based on several different scenarios. Over 40 firefighters and police officers from Denville and the surrounding area attended the course, which was taught by members of Rescue Products International’s ice rescue specialist team. Everyone enjoyed the training and the experience of conducting ‘real life’ ice rescue exercises. The Denville Volunteer Fire Department is celebrating the 95th Anniversary of its founding this year. Special events are being planned to take place throughout the year as we hopefully overcome Covid-19. - Fire News photos by Charles Botti

Fire News, May 2021, Page 25

Coldwater Rescue Drills

The members of the Cardiff, Bargaintown and Scullville fire companies took advantage of the frigid weather recently to hone their skills in ice and coldwater rescue. On January 31, 2021, firefighters went to the EHT Nature Preserve on Zion Road, an abandoned quarry where they drilled on the ice sled, rescue and retrieval, and familiarization with the equipment. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Page 26, Fire News, May 2021

Shed, Woods Fire in Bargaintown

The Cardiff and Bargaintown Volunteer Fire companies responded to Alder Avenue for a structure fire. Cardiff Assistant Chief William Danz III arrived and established command and investigated. He was advised by Bargaintown Safety Officer Ken Badger, Sr., the fire involved a collapsed garage and a fire spreading to the woods. Command had a Cardiff engine pull into the driveway and stretch a line. The NJ Forest Fire Service arrived quickly and extinguished the fire in the woods as Cardiff and Bargaintown firefighters extinguished and overhauled the structure fire. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

125th Anniversary for Toms River Station 25 This year marks the 125th anniversary of Toms River Fire Company 1 Station 25. On June 12, 2021, a parade and block party is scheduled to be held to celebrate the milestone at the Robbins Street fire house. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, May 2021, Page 27

Page 28, Fire News, May 2021

Norwood Structure Fire

On March 6, 2021, shortly before 2030, the Norwood Fire Tappan, Northvale, Closter and Norwood Emergency Medical Department responded to a structure fire in a private residence on Service; Tappan (NY) and Demarest stood by. Norwood Public Elton Terrace. The first-arriving Norwood officer confirmed fire on Works spread sand and salt and Hackensack MSU filled air bottles. the second floor on the Bravo and Charlie side of the structure. - Fire News photos by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton Command requested a second-alarm assignment and requested EMS to respond. Mutual aid came from Harrington Park, Old

New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference 2021

It's not too late to register to participate in the virtual portion of the 2021 NJEPA Conference! A complete list of course offerings may be found at In addition to the Advanced Professional Series discussed last month, several weather related courses have been added, including Examining Impacts of the 2019/2020 Severe Weather Seasons, Climatology of NJ/NYC Heat Waves, Mining Social Media for Severe Weather Reports during High Impact Weather, New Hydrological Forecast Services for Northern NJ, Ice Storms: A Warning and Reporting Perspective, along with Questions, Persuade and Refer, Social Media Tools and Techniques and First Responder Preparedness and Response During Times of Disobedience. Early Bird registration allows you to take advantage of both the Virtual Conference, May 3-7 and the In-person Conference, September 18-22, to be held at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center. The last day for Early Bird registration is May 1, 2021. Looking forward to seeing everyone in September!

Garfield House Fire At just around 1415 on January 10, 2021, Garfield Police received a call for a house fire on Harrison Avenue. On arrival, firefighters found heavy fire venting from two windows on the second floor of the two-story, two-family home. A second alarm was requested bringing mutual aid companies to the scene and for cover as several lines were stretched to the fire apartment. The main body of fire was knocked down in approximately 20 minutes and the fire was placed under control in just over an hour. One firefighter sustained minor injuries and was treated at the scene. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

Fire News, May 2021, Page 29

Page 30, Fire News, May 2021

Up Close & Personal

Long Branch new Chiefs for 2021: 1st Assistant/ActingChief Peter DeLisa, and 2nd Assistant Chief Miguel Guarda (on the left). - Fire News photo by Chris 'Doc' Denton

Is one of the requirements for assistant chief to have a mustache? Scullville Assistant Chief Vern Cruz and Farmington Assistant Chief Dennis Sharpe at an acquired structure drill in West Atlantic City on March 16, 2021. - Fire News photo by Charles Corbin, Jr.

Toms River Station 26 Firefighter Nick Criz at the scene of a general alarm fire on March 14, 2021. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Assistant Chief Gerry Smithson, Sr., and his son Captain Chris Smithson who are both members of the Northvale Fire Department. The chief also has another son, Gerry Jr., who is a Captain in the New Milford Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

Silverton Fire Chief Bob Sinnott on scene of a general alarm fire on March 14, 2021. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

A Sea Grit Fire Police member assisting at the Lakewood Brush Fire on March 14, 2021. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, May 2021, Page 31

Up Close & Personal

Paterson Rescue Company 2 working at a second alarm fire in Clifton on March 2, 2020. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Surf City Fire and EMS Fire Captain and EMT Peter Hartney at a recent call. - Fire News photo by Chris 'Doc' Denton

Dorothy Fire and Rescue’s Constantine P. Kiamos, Jr., who was assigned “Water Boy” at the Blake Drive job on February 10, 2021. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Margate Firefighter Natalie Carlucci at the Castaway Cove fire on January 30, 2021 in Ocean City. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Firefighter Rob Santore after making a rescue of a child and father at a Passaic fire on March 7, 2021. - Fire News photo by Peter Danzo

Firefighter Brian Hirschmanner after making a rescue of a child and father at a Passaic fire on March 7, 2021. - Fire News photo by Peter Danzo

Page 32, Fire News, May 2021

CHANGE OF DATE: FDIC INTERNATIONAL RE-SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 2 TO 7, 2021 The upcoming FDIC International, scheduled to take place on August 19-24, 2021, at the Indiana Convention Center & Lucas Oil Stadium will now take place August 2-7, 2021. Recently the Indiana Convention Center presented us with the opportunity to move FDIC International two weeks earlier. After speaking to many of our community members and partners over the past few days, we agreed the move is appropriate. Moving FDIC International to August 2-7, 2021, means: • More hotels will be available (no other events will be in town at the same time), as opposed to limited hotels available during the previous dates. We are working to open our hotel blocks as quickly as possible and will notify you with more details ASAP. • All of FDIC’s conference and keynotes will take place in their historical locations. Moving allowed us access to our full space at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium. The previous dates would have forced us to use neighboring hotels for our program. • FDIC International will be back to our traditional day pattern/schedule: • Hands-on Training (H.O.T.) Evolutions & Pre-Conference Workshops: Monday, August 2 - Tuesday, August 3, 2021 • Conference Classroom Sessions: Wednesday, August 4 - Friday, August 6, 2021 • Exhibition Halls and Outdoor Demonstration Areas: Thursday, August 5 - Saturday, August 7, 2021

• This move gives us greater flexibility and less time pressure for Move In/Move Out saving exhibitors overtime labor costs. Move in schedules will become available April 12. This decision, like the others we’ve made in the past year, was not an easy one. We continue to prioritize your experience, and that includes the health and safety of each person joining us at the event. We will continue to monitor and comply with state and local health department COVID-19 guidelines. This situation will remain fluid and more information and updates can always be found on our website. With respect to our obligations to each other under the contract for the Event (the “Contract”), kindly note the following: • the change of date is made pursuant to clause 26 (Cancellation or Changes to Event) to re-schedule the dates of the Event, as referenced above; and • By way of reassurance, pursuant to clause 27 (Consequences of Variation) your booking for the Event under the Contract remains unaffected and continues to apply to the new dates of the Event. Should you have any queries about the re-scheduled dates, please contact your account manager for more information. Thank you again for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

FDSOA ANNOUNCES VIRTUAL APPARATUS CONFERENCE FOR 2021 The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) in cooperation with Darley and the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA), is pleased to announce the dates of the 2021 Virtual Fire Apparatus Conference. On May 18 and 19, 2021, 1100 to 1500 EST, the only conference dedicated to providing a better understanding to emergency vehicle technicians of fire apparatus and ambulances will be held virtually for the first time. Presentations will be given from leading apparatus and equipment manufacturers to help emergency vehicle technicians stay on top of trends and industry changes despite the restrictions on travel and department budgets. Vendor sponsorship opportunities are also available. Eric Valliere, chairman of the FDSOA board of directors said, “Our team has spent countless hours developing a program that will bring you the most relevant and authentic training.” Registration for the online conference is $50. To take advantage of this opportunity, please visit

The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) was established in 1989 as a non-profit association, incorporated in Massachusetts. In 2013, the offices moved to Michigan. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. The association is dedicated to the issues that affect the critical role of the safety officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities of fire departments, communities and first responders. FDSOA works to helps fire departments achieve proficiency and promote the recognition of training, skills and a secure future. In May 2016, FDSOA won the Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award for its work over 28 years, “as an organization fully dedicated to the health and safety of the nation’s firefighters.” FDSOA can be found on the web at Please follow FDSOA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Fire News, May 2021, Page 33

Massive Brush Fire in Lakewood Area On March 14, 2021, the Lakewood Fire Department responded to Airport Road for a brush fire. Crews arrived to a fast-moving brush fire that was threatening a structure and a second alarm was struck. The fire quickly consumed the structure, spreading rapidly to multiple other buildings and a large area of brush. A third alarm was transmitted as the fire jumped the Garden State Parkway and began to threaten numerous structures in Brick off of Route 70. The NJ Forest Fire Service deployed multiple brush trucks, along with other ground and air units. Multiple mutual aid assets from both Monmouth and Ocean counties were dispatched to multiple locations throughout the area to assist in extinguishing the main body of fire along with dozens of spot fires throughout both townships. The Garden State Parkway and Route 70 had to be completely shut down during the containment of the fire. One NJFFS firefighter suffered a cardiac event during the fight and was hospitalized. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Page 34, Fire News, May 2021


Elizabeth’s Dale Arthur Battalion Chief Dale H. Arthur, 61, of Tinton Falls passed suddenly on April 4, 2021. Dale was born on October 16, 1959, in Ithaca, New York to his loving parents John and Barbara. Dale spent his life in service to others as an active member of the Elizabeth Fire Department. Battalion Chief Arthur was hired in May 1996 and served just shy of 25 years in the department. As a Firefighter he worked such companies as Engine 5, Engine 7, Ladder 3 and Engine 1. In 2007 he was promoted to Captain of Rescue 1. He was promoted to the position of Battalion Chief in June 2019 and continued to serve on Tour 1. BC Arthur was a certified EMT, Technical Rescue Specialist, as well as a Fire Instructor. He spent his free time volunteering with local fire departments in Fanwood and Keyport where, eventually, his love of firefighting turned into a life-long career. BC Arthur is predeceased by his parents and his sisters, Constance and Jennifer. Dale was a devoted husband of 40 years to his wife Linn. Together they had three wonderful children, Jason, Peter, and Jessica who he got to see marry the loves of their lives, Nick, Melissa, and Will, respectively. Dale was a doting Pop Pop to his three grandchildren Avery, Ellie, and Dylan. He will be deeply missed by his brother Tim and sister-in-law Shana. Most of all he loved his family dearly, especially his grandchildren who were the lights of his life. In lieu of flowers, the family ask that donations be made in his memory to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at - Fire News photo courtesy of the Elizabeth FD

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