Fire News New Jersey, June 2020 edition

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Serving NEW JFire, ERSEY Serving Rescue

VOLUME 15, NO. 1


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JUNE 2020

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by John Axford

Helpful COVID-19 Information Please See Pages 4 & 20.

Fire News, June 2020, Page 3

In this issue... Blue Angels, Thunderbirds Fly Over; Comfort Sails USNS Comfort returns to home port; Military aerial display thanking all essential personnel. See stories on pages 9 & 10

Collapses in Byram House Fire A pet dies, and several collapses occur in a house fire in the Forest Lakes section of town. See story on page 15

USFA Covid-19 Resources Websites for all the Covid-19 information you need to know. See story on page 20

Hasbrouck Heights Chief Roccamo Honored The Hasbrouck Heights Men’s Assn. honors Chief Angelo Roccamo as Man of the Year. See story on page 25

A Service for New Jersey Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES FIRE NEWS NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Aaronson, John Axford, Keith Addie, Adam Alberti, Ted Aurig, Kenneth E.Badger, Dick Berry, Tommy Bilancia, Thomas Bischoff, James Bonner, Joseph Brecko, John Buttino, Bob Chester, John Clark, Alex Coulter, Carl Crossman, Damien Davis, Chris Denton, Alan Dumoff, Brian Duddy, Brett M. Dzadik, Dan Eckert, Doug Fenichel, Tom Finnegan, Joe Fortunato, Liam Glinane, Israel Goldstein, Thomas Hayden Jr., David Hernandez, Robert Halberstadt, Roman Izaryk, Erica Jacoby, Jeffrey Konya, Kevin Maloney, Robert Munson, Paul Newborn, Robert F. Newkirk, Denis Niland, Mike Nowacki, Elvin Padilla, Ed Pinkevicz, Dane Policastro, Michael Ratcliffe, Joe Repici, Paul Rodriquez, Mark Rosetti, Chris Saraceno, Robert Scollan, Dennis C. Sharpe, Steve Sperlak, Steve Skipton, Matt Spadaro, Danielle Tagerty, Tim Sullivan, Robert Tallaksen, Wayne Tasaki, Giuseppe Tartaglia, Jim Trepeos, Gregory Taylor, Ron Trout, Ken VanPelt, Kevin Umbach, Jose Vazquez, Ronnie Viola, Tom Vogel, Tom Walker, Mike Wallace, Chris Whitam, Wells P. Wilson, Gerald Wyhopen, Jr., Peter Danzo. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder. COPYRIGHT 2020, THE FIRE NEWS LLC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Obituaries Little Falls’ Michael Burke Farmington’s James A. Garth, Sr. See story on page 26 & 27

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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:

Official Publication

Up Close & Personal

of the NJ State Firemen’s Convention

A closer look and some Farmington, Camden and Havertown first responders. See story on page 28

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News LLC, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, June 2020

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

COVID-19, A Cultural Awareness As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, we must give thought to returning to a new sense of normalcy. Yes, I believe that when things begin to calm down, which they appear to be doing, our return to what once was will be changed. Before I share my thoughts, I would like to sincerely thank our doctors, EMS staff, nurses, and all hospital employees, who have been through hell caring for the constant string of patients in need of help. I pray for the families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. As of May 7, 2020, there has been over 265,000 deaths worldwide, related to the virus. On a positive spin, there have been 1,313,251 patients who have recovered from it. Currently, there are 2,262,826 patients who have the disease with over 48,000 of them in grave condition. I applaud everyone who is involved with caring for our patients. I thank our newly graduated nurses for their service before they even get started working. I relate their service to a firefighter going in service during war years, or during other times when the horizon looked bleak. The Wildfires of 1995, the crash of Flight 800, the attacks of 9/11 - I could go on. At first, a responder feels exhilarated that they are responding to a serious

call. However, when the realization that you are now part of a horrible situation clicks in, you can become worn out and discouraged. It is easy to have thoughts of being a failure, when you feel helpless because you may not be performing up to your own expectations. You may not have been prepared emotionally for the devastation around you. To all essential personnel, everyone around you knows you are doing the best that you can with the skills you have. Do not be afraid to talk with friends or your fellow workers. Talk to your clergy, or anyone else who may have been through what you are going through. As a firefighter, I look back on some of the serious calls I have been on. Why do I sit at times rethinking the calls that upset me? Today we have a name for this. It is call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). PSTD is something that has become part of our job. Take a moment to talk to the people around you and share your experiences and thoughts. When we return to normalcy, share time together and protect one another with encouraging conversation. Why do I love starting my day at the firehouse? Why do firefighters say they miss the firehouse? It is because being around the people who have shared your experiences understand what you have

been through. An outsider may not fully understand that the bond we have with one another is what gets us through our rough times. We call this brotherhood. It is that special relationship between close friends or the feeling of kinship with others in the same boat. When two people have a close and loyal friendship, this is an example of brotherhood. When a group of people all share the same goals and tribulations and support each other, this too, is an example of a brotherhood. As responders and what is now called essential personnel, we share the same feelings. You will get through these tough times. Look out for one another and share your thoughts of a better time. - Dennis

Fire News, June 2020, Page 5

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Cover Story

Lawnside Garage Fire Severely Damages Home

On April 24, 2020, around 0700, the Lawnside Fire Company was summoned to the 300 block of Quaker Road for a dwelling fire during a driving rain storm. Upon arrival, companies found heavy fire showing from the garage of a two-story dwelling. The fire rapidly spread throughout the house and companies had to be withdrawn from the interior. Quint Magnolia 2914 and Barrington Tower Ladder 91 were placed into operation as crews on the ground level continued with their handlines. It took 45 minutes to get the upperhand on the fire. The occupants self-evacuated before the companies arrived. After a valiant effort the fire was placed under control, but the home suffered major damage. Companies from Lawnside, Magnolia, Cherry Hill, Haddon Heights, Barrington, Haddonfield, Somerdale, Westmont, Bellmawr and Runnemde operated at the scene. - Fire News photos by John Axford

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Camden 2-Alarmer

Camden firefighters worked a two-alarm fire on Mt. Ephraim Avenue on April 23, 2020. Shortly after noon, companies arrived to find heavy fire in the rear of Kevin’s Beauty Salon which extended to OK Fish, the D exposure. A second alarm was struck which, in addition to more city companies, also brought Gloucester City, Magnolia and Verga. The fire was placed under control just before 1300. - Fire News photos by Curt Hudson

Fire News, June 2020, Page 9

NYC Operation America Strong

The US Navy Blue Angels and the US Air Force Thunderbirds flew over New York City on April 28, 2020, as part of Operation America Strong to show support for first responders, medical professionals and essential workers. - Fire News photos by

Page 10, Fire News, June 2020

USNS Comfort Sails for Home On April 30, 2020, the USNS Comfort left Pier 90 on Manhattan's West Side and set sail for its home port in Norfolk, Virginia, after arriving in NYC on March 30 to assist with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Comfort was escorted by various agencies past the Statue of Liberty with a colored water salute by the FDNY’s fireboat Three Forty Three. Thank you for a job well done! - Fire News photos by

Fire News, June 2020, Page 11

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Ridgewood 4-Alarmer

At around 2115 on April 5, 2020, the Ridgewood Fire Department responded to the Bagelicious on North Broad Street. On arrival heavy smoke was showing from the third floor. Command reported a working fire and requested a platoon recall of off-duty members along with mutual aid to the scene. Command updated the report to heavy fire in the first floor extending up and reports of victims trapped on the third floor at which time he requested a full department recall. Crews tried to get the upper hand but reported a collapse on the interior and, with conditions rapidly deteriorating, all members were withdrawn from the building. The fire went to four alarms, and four elevated streams and numerous exterior handlines operated for several hours to get the fire knocked down. Companies attempted an interior operation to hit hot spots once all visible fire was extinguished however, due to safety concerns, the companies were again withdrawn and master streams were placed back into operation. It is reported that one occupant and one firefighter suffered minor injuries. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

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Nice Stop in Long Branch

On April 2, 2020, the Long Branch Fire Department Career Division responded to Willow Avenue for a reported house fire. Command 25-69 arrived to an occupied 2-1/2 story wood frame with smoke showing from the charlie/delta corner and transmitted a box alarm. Crews from Engine 74 and Truck 91 stretched a line to

division 1 and opened up the delta-side wall between the first and second floor where the main body of fire was located and were able to quickly extinguish the fire. Mutual aid came from Deal, Asbury Park and Neptune Township. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, June 2020, Page 15

Collapses in Byram House Fire In the early of April 21, 2020, Byram Fire and Lakeland Emergency Squad were dispatched to Winding Way for a reported structure fire in the Forrest Lakes Section of town. Chief 1 struck a second alarm as the first-in units stretched a 2-½ inch line. As the fire started to overtake the roof, secondary lines were also stretched and a water source was taken from a hydrant from the front of the house. There was no one home at the time of the fire but a family dog did not survive. Mutual aid came from several towns and the bulk of the fire was knocked down. Crews remained for several house hitting hot spots due to several collapses. - Fire News photos by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC

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Nutley Basement Fire At 0150 on February 19, 2020, the Nutley Fire Department responded to Villa Place for a fire. Crews arrived to a 1-1/2 story wood frame with a confirmed basement fire. Mutual aid came from Bloomfield, Belleville and Montclair. Nutley crews were able to quickly knock down the basement fire and ventilated a heavy smoke condition that remained in the structure. Nutley Rescue provided rehab at the scene and the township was covered by Clifton, Cedar Grove and Lyndhurst. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Quick Knock in Clifton On April 11, 2020, the Clifton Fire Department responded to Valley Road for a house fire. Engine 2 arrived to a moderate smoke condition showing from the top floor of a 2-1/2 story wood frame. A second alarm was eventually struck bringing Paterson, Little Falls and Passaic to the scene. Crews were able to locate and knock down the fire quickly, limiting damage to the top floor only. The fire was placed under control in under 30 minutes. No inhouse coverage was provided due to the COVID-19 pandemic. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, June 2020, Page 17

Mays Landing MVA

The volunteer fire companies of Mays Landing, Cologne and Laureldale, along with the Township of Hamilton EMS and police, responded to Atlantic Avenue and 19th Street at 1757 on April 16, 2020, for n MVA. Mays Landing Chief Lou DiMartine established command for a single-vehicle crash off of the roadway, on its side with all passengers selfextricated. Firefighters with chainsaws removed the trees from the vehicle, and stood by until the vehicle was up righted and removed. The cause of the crash was under investigation by the Township of Hamilton Police. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

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Medevac at Cologne MVA

The volunteer fire companies of Cologne, Laureldale and Mays Landing responded to Cologne Avenue and Almond Street on April 15, 2020, at 1554, for a n MVA with entrapment. Firefighters arrived to find a single-vehicle crash into the woodlands with entrapment. Firefighters removed the driver’s door, and the driver was flown by Airship Cooper 1 from an LZ set up at the Hamilton Mall. The other injured passengers were transported by ground by EMS to several area hospitals. The crash was under investigation by Township of Hamilton Police. Also responding was Township of Hamilton EMS. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Hoarder House Fire Stopped

The Volunteer Fire companies of Elwood, Weekstown, Sweetwater and Nesco responded to 5th Street on April 17, 2020, at 2020, for a structure fire. Elwood Chief Anthony Tomasco arrived and established command for a fire in a hoarder house that was well involved with live power lines down and arcing. Because the fire scene was on a dead end street, command had the first-due Elwood Engine lay

in with a LDH supply line. Command requested an engine from Egg Harbor City and water tenders from Hammonton, Laureldale, Germania and Mays Landing. Firefighters poured water onto the fire for several hours along with overhauling until a backhoe was brought in to break apart the debris. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, June 2020, Page 19

Page 20, Fire News, June 2020

US Fire Administration COVID-19 Resources This message from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) includes critical and emergent resources for fire and EMS on the COVID-19 response. The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation. USFA will update information at least once each week. ________________________________________

helps fire departments enhance their existing behavioral health programs and assists fire departments who are just beginning to develop formalized programs with limited resources. National Fallen Firefighters Foundation ( /2017/12/21/behavioral-health-management/).

Visit the USFA's website at for additional COVID-19 resources for fire and EMS.

IAFC Behavioral Health. Resources for behavioral health and alcohol screenings. International Association of Fire Chiefs (https://iafc

Featured Resources

IAFF Behavioral Health Program. Resources that educate and support IAFF members on behavioral health concerns. International Association of Fire Fighters (

Agencies and Organizations COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources. Information for providers, families and leadership. Uniformed Services University Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (

We’re Here for You. Several health and wellness resources that you may find useful during this time. First Responder Center for Excellence ( ________________________________________

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Grief during COVID-19. NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins discusses the stress and anxiety that people Counterfeit Respirators: What You Need to Know are feeling from COVID-19 with Dr. Joshua Gordon, Director of NIH's National Institute of Mental Health. National Institutes of Health. An image for your social media accounts to increase awareness about ( how to identify counterfeit respirators(see bottom of page) that are and-grief-during-covid-19/). making their way into the market during the COVID-19 pandemic can Topic Collection: COVID-19 Behavioral Health Resources. A collec- be found at: of resources created by federal agencies and their partners to help tors. 1200x600.png. ________________________________________ healthcare providers, caregivers and the general population prepare for and manage the negative behavioral effects that can accompany a pubCOVID-19 Essential Information lic health emergency. ASPR Technical Resources, Assistance Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Resources to protect the and Information Exchange ( and EMS from COVID-19 ( resources/115/covid-19-behavioral-health-resources/99). /emres/2019_ncov.html). Fire Service Associations The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Office Center for Firefighter Behavioral Health. Behavioral heal resources and of Emergency Medical Services provides current COVID-19 informaeducation for firefighters and their families ( tion for EMS responders ( Fire Service Behavioral Health Management Guide. This guide covid-19_resources.html).

Fire News, June 2020, Page 21

Decon at Paterson Blaze

At approximately 0830 on April 13, 2020, the Paterson Fire Department responded to East 26th Street for a fire. Crews encountered heavy smoke while responding and arrived to a large 2-1/2 story wood frame with the rear of the structure heavily involved, which had already extended to a detached garage. Ladders 1 and 3 took the front of the building but were unable to set up due to multiple overhead wires. A second alarm was transmitted brining an additional two engines as an interior attack was conducted. Companies had a difficult time reaching fire on the third floor as the attic stair case had burned though. Fire began to self-vent from the roof and command made the decision to use a combination attack and knocked down the visible fire from the exterior while crews inside continued to work until they were able to get an attic ladder to make access to the third floor. The fire was placed under control around 90 minutes after arrival, but crews remained on scene throughout the afternoon mopping up. Hazmat 1 was on scene decontaminating all members due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Page 22, Fire News, June 2020

Haddon Heights House Fire

A late afternoon fire damaged a Haddonfield home on Chews Landing Road on March 30, 2020. The fire badly damaged a second-floor bedroom and spread throughout the second floor. Fire crews from Haddonfield, Cherry Hill, Haddon Heights and Westmont responded on the Task Force Dwelling call and advanced two lines to the second floor of the home, and the fire was quickly knocked down. The house received considerable damage, but no one was injured. The blaze was placed under control in 20 minutes by borough Fire Chief Lou Frontino. The Pennsauken air-cascade was special called. - Fire News photos by John Axford

Resident Saved in Clifton

On April 13, 2020, the Clifton Fire Department responded to a 11/2 wood frame residence on Cresthill Avenue for a reported smoke condition. Engine 5 reported smoke showing from the basement. The crews from Engine 5 and Truck 2 removed a resident in a wheelchair and stretched a line to the Bravo side where the fire was located. Crews made quick work of the fire and had it knocked down within 10 minutes of arrival. A Passaic truck company was called to cover the city, but quickly returned as Clifton companies only operated at the fire scene for approximately 40 minutes. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, June 2020, Page 23

2020 New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference The New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association wishes to thank all the front line and essential personnel that are out every day making it possible for all those sheltering in place and social distancing to do so. We look forward to seeing many of you August 24-28, 2020 at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center in Atlantic City for our rescheduled 22nd Annual Conference. If you have not already done so, please go to to register. By mid-June we expect to have our new schedule posted with any changes that we may need to make. Although some of our previously scheduled speakers may not be available for our new dates, we will have many offerings including CEU eligible classes to help you maintain your certifications. Please visit our website - - frequently to see any changes to the program.

Page 24, Fire News, June 2020

East Orange 2-Alarmer On April 19, 2020, the East Orange Fire Department received multiple calls reporting a fire on North 17th Street. While responding, Engine 2 reported heavy smoke in the area and arrived to heavy fire showing from the threestory wood frame, extending to the Bravo exposure. Companies went interior while operating an exterior exposure line to keep the extension to the Bravo exposure at a minimum. Eventually a second alarm was struck brining all East Orange companies and apparatus from Newark to the scene. East Orange’s Drone Unit was in operation at this incident. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Hasbrouck Hts. Chief Roccamo Honored for Service On February 29, 2020, the Hasbrouck Heights Men’s Association honored retired and outgoing Chief Angelo Roccamo as Man of the Year for his 39 years of service to the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department Under the direction of the Hasbrouck Heights Men’s Association President Steve Palladino, the Executive Board presented Chief Roccamo with the award in front of members of the organization and Chief Roccamo’s extended family. He said he was honored to receive the award and had enjoyed his many years on the department. He was joined by his wife, Vivian, in the presentation of the award. The Men’s Association read off many of the Chief’s accomplishments including serving the department for a second time around over the last three years. - Fire News photo by Justin Watrell

Fire News, June 2020, Page 25

Page 26, Fire News, June 2020


Little Falls’ Michael Burke

Michael Burke, President and Firefighter of the Little Falls Fire Department Singac Fire Company 3 recently passed due to corona virus. He was 64. Burke was well-known as one of the most compassionate men in this world. A man that would do basically anything for anyone, a man that always left his mark no matter where he went. Mike was the face of not only Singac Fire Company but the entire Little Falls Fire Department, where he served as President. Singac will never be the same, and he is missed beyond belief already;. The department promises to carry on every bit of tradition he instilled in the members. The funeral procession made its way down Main Street under the US Flag hoisted by Wayne Fire Company Towers 1 and 2 on April 18, 2020. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

EMS Helpers Head Home

On April 23, 2020, the approximately 75 FEMA EMS Units from across the country were given a well-deserved send off as they left the state to head back to their homes after two weeks of assisting local EMS agencies that were pushed to the brink with the unprecedented call volumes during COVID-19 pandemic. Fire, police, and EMS units from across New Jersey showed up to show their support and lined the entry roads of Metlife Stadium as the EMS units entered the complex for one final time. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti


Farmington’s James A. Garth, Sr. It is with deep sorrow the Farmington Volunteer Fire Company, the Egg Harbor Township Fire Department, the Atlantic County Firefighters’ Association, and the Atlantic County Fire Chiefs’ Association announce the passing of past-Chief and 50-ye ar Life Member James A. ‘Jim’ Garth, Sr., 75. Jim was serving as President of the Farmington Volunteer Fire Company, Trustee to the Egg Harbor Township Fire Department Relief Association, Delegate and member of the Executive Committee for the Atlantic County Firefighters’ Association, and a Fire Instructor for the Atlantic County Fire Academy. Jim was also a past-President of the Atlantic County Fire Chiefs’ Association, a Life Member of the New Jersey State Fire Chiefs Parade Judges Association, served on the Atlantic County Fire Training Advisory Board, the Egg Harbor Township Planning Board, was a member of the Fraternal Order of Oddfellows, Veteran of the United States Navy, member of American Legion Post 352 of Somers Point, Charter member and past-President of the Pleasant Woods Youth Organization. A memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Jim's name to Emmanuel Church Building Fund, PO Box 292, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215; or Farmington Volunteer Fire Company, 301 Maple Avenue, Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, June 2020, Page 27

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Up Close & Personal Farmington Volunteer Fire Company’s Darrell Jackson and Tyrell Edwards after a recent call. Firefighter Jackson’s shirt says it all: 24 7/365. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Joe Landy, who lives in Havertown, was visiting Bob Hoffman, Sr., who lives outside of Millville. Joe decided to take in the Broad Street job in Millville on April 2, 2020. Joe is a member of the Oakmont Fire Company in Haverford Township. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Camden Chief of Department Mike Harper (left), and Deputy Chief Ed Glassman at a twoalarm fire on Mt. Ephraim Avenue on April 23, 2020. - Fire News photo by Curt Hudson

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Looking Back The Atlantic City Steel Pier, stores and boardwalk on July 30, 1954. The Steel Pier would suffer another fire in December 1982. - Fire News photo from the Dennis C. Sharpe collection

Members of the Farmington Volunteer Fire Company of Egg Harbor Township (circa 1960s) went to Tipton, Indiana, to pick up their new pumper at John Bean. This was a three-stage pump, one of three that served Farmington until 2002. - Fire News photo from the Dennis C. Sharpe collection

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