Serving NEW JFire, ERSEY Serving Rescue
VOLUME 15, NO. 2
Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JULY 2020
Story on page 6. -Fire Newsonphoto See story page ?. by Mark Rosetti - Fire News photo by ??????????
Thanks to All New Jersey Fire, Rescue and EMS Heroes!
Fire News, July 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Fatality at River Edge RR Crossing A southbound Patchogue Valley line train hits an SUV, killing the sole occupant. See story on page 10
Gouldtown Structure Fire Gouldtown and Fairton make a quick stop of a fire on East Avenue. See story on page 12
Help From Across the Country Crews from as far away as California, helping NJ with the Covid-19 outbreak, head home. See story on page 16
Egg Harbor Car Fire Egg Harbor City firefighters handle a car fire on the railroad tracks. See story on page 20
A Service for New Jersey Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES FIRE NEWS NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Aaronson, John Axford, Keith Addie, Adam Alberti, Ted Aurig, Kenneth E.Badger, Dick Berry, Tommy Bilancia, Thomas Bischoff, James Bonner, Joseph Brecko, John Buttino, Bob Chester, John Clark, Alex Coulter, Carl Crossman, Damien Davis, Chris Denton, Alan Dumoff, Brian Duddy, Brett M. Dzadik, Dan Eckert, Doug Fenichel, Tom Finnegan, Joe Fortunato, Liam Glinane, Israel Goldstein, Thomas Hayden Jr., David Hernandez, Robert Halberstadt, Roman Izaryk, Erica Jacoby, Jeffrey Konya, Kevin Maloney, Robert Munson, Paul Newborn, Robert F. Newkirk, Denis Niland, Mike Nowacki, Elvin Padilla, Ed Pinkevicz, Dane Policastro, Michael Ratcliffe, Joe Repici, Paul Rodriquez, Mark Rosetti, Chris Saraceno, Robert Scollan, Dennis C. Sharpe, Steve Sperlak, Steve Skipton, Matt Spadaro, Danielle Tagerty, Tim Sullivan, Robert Tallaksen, Wayne Tasaki, Giuseppe Tartaglia, Jim Trepeos, Gregory Taylor, Ron Trout, Ken VanPelt, Kevin Umbach, Jose Vazquez, Ronnie Viola, Tom Vogel, Tom Walker, Mike Wallace, Chris Whitam, Wells P. Wilson, Gerald Wyhopen, Jr., Peter Danzo. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder. COPYRIGHT 2020, THE FIRE NEWS LLC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Cecil Breaks Ground for New/Old Quarters The Cecil Volunteer Fire Company of Gloucester breaks ground to refurb their station. See story on page 24
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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:
Up Close and Personal A closer look at first responders from around New Jersey. See story on page 26
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24
Official Publication
of the NJ State Firemen’s Convention Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News LLC, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Page 4, Fire News, July 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Don’t Let Your Guard Down As the battle against Covid-19 continues, I remind everyone that even though socialization restrictions have lightened up, this horrible disease is still threatening our existence. I am disheartened when I see people walking together in public places without masks and walking shoulder to shoulder and not giving thought that the disease is still around us. When firehouse procedures lighten up and you come down to the firehouse, keep in mind that masks, hand sanitizer and keeping your distance from your brothers and sisters is a good idea. Listening to the news, I hear that research is being done to come up with a vaccine that will protect us from Covid-19. Researchers feel that we could see an estimated date of 2021 for a vaccine. Truthfully, I am not confident that this will happen. Yes, times have changed, and our research technology is far superior than it was in the past. Let me share some of my thoughts with you. Polio can be traced back to 1580 BC. It was not until 1916 that serious concerns about the disease heightened and scientists started to work diligently to find a vaccine. In 1955, a vaccine to fight polio was developed. In 1961, an oral vaccine was developed and given to our population. I received my sugar cube with the vaccine in elementary school. Looking at the
timeline, a lot of years passed before we had a vaccine for polio. Look at the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This virus was discovered in 1983 and almost 40-years later, there is no cure for the disease. Yes, we can treat the disease and control the symptoms, but there is no cure. What makes you believe that we will have a cure for Covid-19 in less than a year? I believe that everyone should rethink their lifestyles and get used to wearing masks in public and utilizing hand sanitizer on an immediate and regular basis. When you get together with friends, remember the six-foot rule. Diseases can lurk in very visible places. Ask the people who have survived the horror of Covid. They will tell you it was one of the worst experiences they have ever gone through. Many will say, “I didn’t think I was going to make it.” It is easy to forget a bad situation. We forget that close call we had at a past fire, we forget that we caught the flu from using our SCBA facepieces that were never disinfected after use. Our experienced firefighters will tell you of times when you exited a fire and handed off your SCBA to another firefighter so someone else could take over the line as the fight continued. It took us until the 1990s to realize facepieces needed to
be sanitized after each use and every firefighter needed to have their own personal facepiece. Diseases can spread easily. Do not let your guard down and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. In closing, I remind everyone to watch out for each other. Don’t be afraid to remind someone to wash their hands, keep their distance from one another and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Be Safe, Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, July 2020
Cover Story
56 Displaced in Paterson 7-Alarm
On May 9, 2020, at approximately 2040, the Paterson Fire Department responded to Beech Street for a fire. Companies arrived to heavy fire in the rear of three homes and a second alarm was struck on arrival. The fire was well advanced on the arrival of the crews with heavy winds and embers blowing towards nearby structures. Third and fourth alarms were struck within 10 minutes of arrival, bringing all Paterson companies to the scene. Six homes became involved in fire as the fire reached seven alarms. Numerous mutual aid departments responded. The fire was placed under control at 0006, as heavy fire consumed half of the block and the original fire building was demolished before the fire department left the scene. Fifty-six residents were displaced. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti
Fire News, July 2020, Page 7
Page 8, Fire News, July 2020
House Fire in Cumberland County The volunteer fire companies of Gouldtown and Fairton from Fairfield Township in Cumberland County responded to Munson Lane on March 13, 2020, at 1400, for a report of a structure fire. Firefighters arrived to smoke showing from a single-story, wood frame, singlefamily dwelling. Mutual aid came from Bridgeton and Rosenhayn. The fire was quickly brought under control and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Nice Save at EHT Extrication The volunteer fire companies of Bargaintown and Scullville responded to Delaware Avenue for an MVA with entrapment. Bargaintown Chief Eugene Sharpe established command for a single-vehicle into a utility pole with a single occupant. Bargaintown Rescue 1527 began to pop the driver’s-side door. Egg Harbor Township EMS, along with Atlanticare paramedics, began treatment and the occupant was transported to the Atlantic City Trauma Center. Responding were Bargaintown, Scullville, EHT Ambulance, EHT Police, Atlanticare paramedics, and the Atlantic City Electric Company. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger
Truck Fire in Mount Olive Just before midnight on May 10, 2020 (Mother’s Day), a call came in from a truck driver pulling into a parking lot behind a business on Love Lane stating a truck was on fire in a fenced-in area. Cars 50 and 51 arrived and found the tractor of a car carrier on fire. E-59 stretched their bumper line and starting knocking down the fire, while E-53 provided water to 59. The fire was knocked down within 15 minutes. Flanders Fire and Budd Lake stood by and were released after the fire was knocked down. The Morris County HazMat Team was called to the scene due to a large diesel fuel leak. - Fire News photo by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC
Millville House Fire The City of Millville Fire Department in Cumberland County responded to the 500 block of Broad Street on April 2, 2020, at 1644, for a structure fire. Apparatus arrived to find heavy smoke and fire showing from the bravo side of a two-story wood frame. Command requested the working fire box, bringing all City of Millville apparatus to the scene and a ladder from the City of Vineland Company 2. Crews pushed their way in and made quick work of the fire, but the job required extensive overhaul. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Page 10, Fire News, July 2020
Paterson 3-Alarmer
On April 25, 2020, around 2100, the Wayne and Paterson fire departments received calls for a structure fire. Paterson Engine 2 was first to arrive at the Manchester Avenue address to find heavy fire on the top floor with an exposure problem on the Bravo side. A second alarm was struck on arrival, followed by a third alarm less than 10 minutes later. Master streams were put into service, knocking down the main body of fire in the main fire building as crews entered the Bravo exposure and were able to knock down fire with an interior attack. The fire was placed under control approximately two hours after arrival; all Paterson companies operated at the fire scene. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
Fatality at Train-SUV Crash in River Edge
On April 14, 2020, 911 received multiple calls reporting an SUV was struck by a southbound commuter train in River Edge. Police, fire and EMS were immediately dispatched. River Edge Fire Department requested mutual aid from the city of Hackensack for their Rescue 1 and Oradell Squad 22 to assist. Due to the severity of the injuries to the driver, the sole occupant, he did not survive. The train was traveling southbound on the Patchogue Valley Line from Port Jervis New York to Hoboken. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton
Fire News, July 2020, Page 11
Mays Landing Handles MVA
The volunteer fire companies of Mays Landing and Laureldale responded on May 5, 2020, at 0615 to Harding Highway for the report of an MVA with a rollover and entrapment. Mays Landing Captain Bob Dibiaso arrived and reported no entrapment as the driver self-extricated. Command had dispatch notify Atlantic City
Electric Company of a utility pole which was struck and damaged with utility wires hanging in the trees. Command then cancelled Laureldale and had the Mays Landing crew cut the batteries of the vehicle and standby until the vehicle was removed. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger
Page 12, Fire News, July 2020
Gouldtown Structure Fire The Volunteer Fire companies of Gouldtown and Fairton from the Fairfield Township Fire Department in Cumberland County responded on April 9, 2020, to the 300 block of East Avenue for a report of a structure fire. Gouldtown Chief Pierce arrived and established command for a single-story wood frame structure with fire showing from the rear. The crew of the first arriving Gouldtown engine pulled two lines and made quick work of the fire. Fairfield Township firefighters were backed up by local mutual aid and the cause of the fire was under investigation by the New Jersey State Police. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Page 14, Fire News, July 2020
Nice Stop in Belleville On May 15, 2020, the Belleville Fire Department received calls reporting a fire on Washington Avenue. The first engine reported visible fire showing from the roof. Mutual aid was requested to the scene but, upon further investigation, the fire was contained to the exterior of the roof and was quickly extinguished. Car 2 arrived and established command and returned mutual aid companies. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
Car Under Semi in Milmay MVA The volunteer fire companies of Milmay and Dorothy Fire and Rescue were dispatched at 0359 on May 19, 2020, to Millville Avenue and Broad Street for a report of a commercial MVA. Firefighters arrived to find a passenger vehicle with the driver trapped underneath a parked semitrailer being used for storage. Firefighters removed the vehicle’s doors first, then raised the roof of the car and the trailer up enough to bring the passenger out of the vehicle. An LZ was set up at a nearby location and the victim was transported via Medevac. The scene was under investigation by the New Jersey State Police. Also responding were Dorothy EMS and Paramedics. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger
Fire News, July 2020, Page 15
Page 16, Fire News, July 2020
Help from Across the Country On May 1, 2020, the over-100 ambulances and EMS units that were a part of the National Ambulance Contract that was assisting EMS agencies all across New Jersey during the Covid-19 pandemic were welcomed into MetLife Stadiums complex for one final time as the access roads were lined up with fire, police, and EMS units from across the state. Ambulances from as far as California came to assist New Jersey. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti and Chris ‘Doc’ Denton
Fire News, July 2020, Page 17
Car and Wildlands Fire
The Mays Landing Volunteer Fire Company responded to Thelma Avenue and the “Pits� on May 15, 2020, at 1840, for a report of a vehicle fire. Mays Landing Chief Lou Dimartine arrived but reported no fire at the Pits but smoke was visible at a distance towards Egg Harbor Township. Other firefighters investigating discovered the fire was actually located on Asbury Road, a dirt road between the Hidden Creek Golf Course and the Hamilton Township border. Egg Harbor Township then dispatched Scullville and Bargaintown with Scullville Tanker 1538 standing by at the rear of the golf course
because of the inaccessibility of the area to conventional fire apparatus. Equipment from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service was utilized with Unit C-7 transporting Mays Landing firefighters to the scene where they discovered a single vehicle fully involved along with extension to the wildlands. Assisting on location were Units C8 and C-37 supplying water to C-7. The fire was contained to a quarter-acre of forest, and the incident was under investigation by EHT Police. - Fire News photo by Cindy Badger
Page 18, Fire News, July 2020
Hackensack Commercial 3-Alarmer
On May 16, 2020, the Hackensack Fire Department responded to Main Street for a fire. Companies were handling multiple assignments throughout the city, but the fire was located within a block of fire headquarters. The deputy arrived to a single-story commercial, attached on both sides, with heavy smoke and fire showing. A second alarm was quickly struck followed by a third, as heavy fire consumed the structure. Command quickly withdrew companies as conditions continued to deteriorate. Units transitioned to a defensive attack setting up multiple landlines and ladder pipes. The fire extended to both Bravo and Delta exposures. Crews were able to hold the fire to the three buildings as the entire roof collapsed in the main fire building. Companies remained on scene throughout the night and the following morning conducting fire watch as mutual aid was released approximately three hours into the fire once it was placed under control. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti and Chris ‘Doc’ Denton
Fire News, July 2020, Page 19
Clifton 1-Car MVA
On May 12, 2020, the Clifton Police and Fire Department responded to Chittenden Road for a reported rollover. EMS-1 and Engine 6 arrived to a single-vehicle MVA where the single occupant was self-extricated. While traveling eastbound, the SUV hit a tree, flipping the car on its side. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
Page 20, Fire News, July 2020
Egg Harbor Car Fire
On May 21, 2020, the Egg Harbor City Fire Department was dispatched to Bremen Avenue and the railroad tracks for a vehicle fire. Car 100 established command and found a fully involved vehicle.
The first-due engine led off with an 1-3/4 inch line. The fire was quickly brought under control. - Fire News photo by Eric ‘Doc’ Moran
Fire News, July 2020, Page 21
Route 3 Utility Pole Fires
Belleville Apartment House Fire
On May 14, 2020, Clifton Engines 5 and 4, and Truck 2 responded to Route 3 westbound for a brush fire. On arrival, Engine 5 had about 10 separate fires stretching about a quarter-mile down the length of the highway and each appeared to be situated at the base of a utility pole leading crews to believe the fire was started due to an electrical issue. Engines 4 and 5 attacked the fire from opposite ends and Engine 6 was also added to the assignment for additional water. Companies were on scene for approximately 30 minutes extinguishing the fires. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
On the evening of May 14, 2020, the Belleville Fire Department responded to Florence Avenue for a fire. Engine 3 was first to arrive to a three-story apartment building with heavy smoke showing from the rear. An engine from Bloomfield and an engine from Nutley were requested to respond as Belleville crews initiated an interior attack. Units were met with high heat and heavy smoke throughout the third floor and the building was completely evacuated. The building was horizontally ventilated and companies had the fire under control within 40 minutes of arrival. Mutual aid house coverage was provided by Montclair, Orange and East Orange. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
Page 22, Fire News, July 2020
Passaic 3-Alarmer Seventeen people were displaced in a fast-moving fire in Passaic on April 5, 2020. The Passaic Fire Department responded to a Summer Street address just before 0930, where Battalion Chief Kevin Colavitti reported heavy smoke and fire from a 2-1/2 story frame dwelling with possible entrapment. A second alarm was quickly sounded as searches got underway, lines were being stretched and mutual aid called to assist. With rapidly deteriorating conditions, a third alarm was transmitted and, soon after, all members were ordered out of the building. Three elevated streams and numerous handlines operated for over an hour as heavy fire consumed the rear of the building and extended into the attic and front. The fire was placed under control at 1145 with command reporting companies would continue to operate overhauling and hitting hot spots. The fire did damage to both the bravo and delta exposures, but no occupants were injured. Several firefighters were treated at the scene for minor injuries. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo
Syntex Industries Donates Masks Syntex Industries is a manufacture of water tanks, hosebed covers and crosslay covers. Since late March, Syntex has been manufacturing masks and donating them to hospitals and care centers. There was a supply shortage of masks because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and Syntex Industries decided to help out and began manufacturing
masks. They followed state specifications on how a mask is to be made. So far over 1,000 masks have been donated. Syntex plans on manufacturing more and have a stock supply in case there is a second round of Covid-19 in the fall. Syntex is glad they could help protect the public.
Fire News, July 2020, Page 23
Bringing the Easter Bunny to Town Numerous fire companies across New Jersey took to the streets with the Easter bunny to spread cheer and to ease the boredom of being shuttered in place due to the Coronavirus. Among them was the West Atlantic City Volunteer Fire Company of Egg Harbor Township. - Fire News photo by Bill McFarland
Heroes Celebrating Heroes On Monday April 6, 2020, members of Belleville Fire Department and Police Department and Public Works; Bloomfield Fire Department and EMS; and the Nutley Police Department, Rescue Squad and Fire Department participated in a lights-andsirens parade through the complex of Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville, displaying signs and waving to show appreciation for the healthcare workers who have been continuously working throughout this Covid-19 pandemic. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti
Page 24, Fire News, July 2020
Cecil Breaks Ground for Old/New Station
The Cecil Volunteer Fire Company of Monroe Township in Gloucester County held a groundbreaking ceremony May 23, 2020, for the construction and renovation of their station. The original station was built in the 1980s and has not been renovated since. Plans call for the demolition of their existing administrative wing to include new offices, kitchen,and EOC. The remaining building will be taken down to the steel and rebuilt along with new doors and heating system. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe
Fire News, July 2020, Page 25
Looking Back
Back in April 6, 1973, a large six alarm fire at the Blackwood (Camden County) New Deal Lumber Yard destroyed the yard and all buildings. - Fire News photos by Bob Bartosz, Camden County & FD Photographer (ret.)
Page 26, Fire News, July 2020
Up Close & Personal
Members of the Asbury Park Fire Department with their Engine 76. (Left to right): Firefighters R. Schwarz, M. Quigley and M. Maner; Battalion Chief G. Siciliano; Firefighters K. Dilello, J. Piccolo, B. Condon, R. Maher and P. Keeshen. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Elwood Chief Tomasco and Assistant Chief Critelli with their new tanker. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
A Hackensack firefighter climbs the aerial ladder during a second-alarm commercial building fire on Main Street on May 17, 2020. - Fire News photo by
Members of the Moonachie Fire Department at the clap out thank you at MetLife Stadium for the members of the FEMA EMS task force. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton
Atlantic City Fire Department Captain P. Hess, and Firefighters Carleo, Kane and Hamilton posing with their new Ladder 1. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Who is that mask Bergen County Mutual Aid Fire Coordinator? It is Joseph Alvarez. Besides being the county Mutual Aid Coordinator he is also a career firefighter in Maplewood. He has served as past-Chief in Wyckoff and Waldwick and is also a member of New Jersey Task Force One, and teaches at the Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute Fire Academy Division. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton