Fire News New York State, October 2020 edition

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Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue

VOLUME 13, NO. 12


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 OCTOBER 2020

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Dave Kempter

SABIC Hazardous Chemical Release See page 19.

Fire News, October 2020, Page 3

In this issue... Fishkill Apartment Fire First-due crews had a heavy fire load through the roof on arrival.

See story on page 5

Mount Vernon Commercial Fire Mount Vernon firefighters were dispatched to Gramatan Avenue for a fire on the first floor in a McDonald’s.

See story on page 7

Fire Sends Resident to Burn Unit Carman volunteer firefighters responded to a fully involved structure fire.

See story on page 11

2-Alarmer in Colonie A two-alarm fire ripped through a home on Waterman Drive.

See story on page 16

Coeymans Hollow MVA The vehicle was found on its roof with one occupant who was later transported to Albany Medical Center See story on page 20

A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.


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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:

Albany Responds to Another Shooting Albany Police and Fire were dispatched to a shooting in the city. See story on page 21

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, October 2020

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Give a Thought to 2020 Fire Prevention It is that time of the year, when fire departments reach out to their community and schools to educate everyone about Fire Prevention. Since 1922, the NFPA has sponsored the public observation of Fire Prevention week. President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed Fire Prevention Week a national observance, making it the longest-running public health observance in our country. According to the NFPA, Fire Prevention Week is observed each year during the week of October 9 in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which began on October 8, 1871, and caused devastating damage. This horrific conflagration killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures, and burned more than 2,000 acres of land. For 2020, the NFPA has chosen, “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen!” as the campaign for 2020. According to the NFPA, cooking is the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Unattended cooking is the leading cause of fires in the kitchen. As first responders, it is our job to educate our community about fire safety. The question is, how are you going to do this keeping the rules and practices for Covid-19 safety? I recently asked my Chief of Department what

our plans were for dealing with our Fire Prevention Program during Covid? Together, we discussed numerous ideas and ways to initiate a modified Fire Safety Program. I will share my thoughts with you. For 35 years, I was an industrial arts/technology teacher in Nassau County, Long Island. Every year, one of the Nassau County Fire Marshals came to our school to speak with the students. The program was simple. He held an interactive discussion with the students of each grade level. Using an overhead projector, he challenged the students with tough provoking question on what to do if a fire broke out in their home. To this day, I remember the incredible conversations the students had with Fire Marshal Andy Steinmuller. What Andy didn’t realize was that the teachers walked away learning that fire prevention is something of which even adults must be aware. So, how are we going to handle Fire Prevention Awareness in 2020? I came up with an idea that might be an answer to the problem. Here is my plan for 2020; to avoid large crowds coming to the firehouse for our fire safety program, my department is planning on using the props that we use during our community pro-

gram to create a video that reinforces the theme of Fire Safety in the Kitchen. Once the video is made, we will notify out community and local schools to visit our website, where there will be a link to the video that can be shared with the students and community. I feel confident that next year, our community will be back to visiting the firehouse to learn about fire prevention. In the meantime, visit, to learn more about the NFPA’s program ideas. - Dennis

Fire News, October 2020, Page 5

Fishkill Apartment Fire

On the afternoon of August 30, 2020, the Village of Fishkill Fire stopping the fire from spreading through the entire complex. Crews Department was dispatched to the area of Max Way for heavy called a second alarm brining additional resources to the scene. smoke from an apartment complex. First-due crews had a heavy Crews were on scene for hours conducting overhaul. fire load through the roof on arrival, making an interior attack dif- Fire News photos by Dave Kempter ficult. They put multiple master streams in operation in hopes of

Page 6, Fire News, October 2020

Cover Story

Port Chester 5-Alarmer

On the afternoon of August 30, 2020, the Port Chester Fire Department was dispatched to the 400 block of North Main Street for a structure fire. First arriving units had heavy fire in the rear of a three-story taxpayer and struck a second alarm. Crews went into an interior operation, but were pulled back due to heavy fire load. Exterior operations went into effect as fire jumped to the buildings on the D side exposure. Command struck a fifth alarm about an (continued on next page)

Fire News, October 2020, Page 7

Port Chester 5-Alarmer (cont.)

Mount Vernon Commercial Building Fire

continued from previous page hour into the incident for additional tower ladders and manpower to the scene. Mutual aid companies from all over Westchester were called for assistance. The incident was placed under control approximately five hours after dispatch. - Fire News photos by Dave Kempter and

Just after 1930 on August 12, 2020, Mount Vernon firefighters were dispatched to Gramatan Avenue for a fire on the first floor in a McDonald’s which sat inside a three-story mixed-use building. On arrival, companies found heavy smoke showing from the McDonald’s, as well as smoke and fire showing from the roof of the building. Companies quickly put lines into operation and were able to knock down the fire. Crews found the fire extended up the duct work of the building to the roof. Firefighters knocked down the fire in the duct work, putting the fire under control soon after. - Fire News photo by

Page 8, Fire News, October 2020

Chappaqua House Fire Early on the morning of September 1, 2020, the Chappaqua Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire in the area of Memorial Drive and Bedford Road. While responding, police advised they were on scene behind the firehouse with a working fire. Multiple lines were stretched and a two tower ladders set up. The bulk of the fire was extinguished in approximately 30 minutes. Mutual aid was also called to the scene to assist. - Fire News photos by Dave Kempter

Disabled Boat in Selkirk Selkirk Fire Truck 40, Engine 48, Fire Police 2956, Commands 2903 and 2902, Marine 2954, and Bethlehem Police 719 responded to assist a disabled boat on July 25, 2020. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

Page 10, Fire News, October 2020

N. Greenbush KOs Fire On August 18, 2020, North Greenbush Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire in a single-family home on Route 4. On arrival, the North Greenbush Police were working to get the elderly occupants out of the house. First arriving crews reported heavy smoke. Mutual aid came from Rensselaer, East Greenbush, Wynantskill and others for standby. There were no serious injuries. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Car Fire Extends in Schenectady On August 2, 2020, Schenectady firefighters responded to a car fire which extended to a fence behind a residence on Hawk Street. The fire was quickly knocked down and confined to the auto with no extension to neighboring homes. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Fire News, October 2020, Page 11

Fire Sends Resident to Burn Unit

On August 2, 2020, Carman volunteer firefighters responded to a the owner was taken by Rotterdam EMS to Albany Medical Center fully involved structure fire on Outer Drive in Schenectady County. for treatment of burns. The cause was under investigation. Rotterdam Fire District 2 and Fort Hunter assisted at the scene, and - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Page 12, Fire News, October 2020

Structure Fire in Onesquathaw

Claverack Home, Vehicles Destroyed

At approximately 0030, on August 17, 2020, the Onesquathaw Fire Department was toned out for a fire on Pangburn Road. Mutual aid came from East Berne, Delmar, New Salem and North Bethlehem. The Albany County Sheriff’s Office also responded. The fire was knocked down with no reported injuries. The owners of the home were not present at the time of the fire. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

On July 24, 2020, Claverack, and other crews from around Columbia County, responded to a structure fire that destroyed a home and several vehicles early in the morning. - Fire News photo by Ed Harvey

Elmsford Condo Fire on Nob Hill Road

Just after 0230 on August 18, 2020, Elmsford firefighters were dispatched to Nob Hill Road for a structure fire. Crews arrived to heavy fire showing from the rear of a two-story condo unit and stretched lines. Companies made a strong push on the fire but the well-advanced fire extended to the second floor and command struck a second alarm. Crews continued to battle heavy fire conditions in the middle of a severe storm. The fire was knocked down shortly after extending to the second floor. - Fire News photo by

Apartment Fire in Flatbush

On August 2, 2020, Brooklyn crews responded for a fire in a multidwelling on East 21st Street, in the Flatbush/Kensington section of Brooklyn. FDNY Engine 281 and Ladder 147 arrived to fire in a second-floor apartment of a seven-story dwelling. The fire originated in the kitchen and was quickly extinguished using the allhands assignment. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, October 2020, Page 13

Page 14, Fire News, October 2020


Not What They Mean by “Drive Thru”

East Greenbush MVA

West Albany, Fuller Road and Shaker Road firefighters responded to a vehicle that drove through the front store window of Sweet Willy’s. The century old pizzeria was closed at the time so no one was injured. The interior received minimal damage. The female driver was taken to the hospital after passing out. The other occupants, two children and an adult, were unharmed. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

On August 29, 2020, East Greenbush Police received a report about a serious accident on Luther Road. Traffic was moving in both directions with a number of drivers waiting to turn left. When traffic cleared the driver started her left turn and was slammed by a vehicle that was passing the stopped line of traffic. The striking vehicle stopped on its side, 100 feet up the hill. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Fire News, October 2020, Page 15


Crash Kills 2, Sends 4 to Hospital

On August 9, 2020, Fort Hunter firefighters were called to the scene of an MVA on Interstate 890 in the westbound lane at exit 9C. All six occupants were ejected, one victim was pronounced dead at the scene and five others taken by several different ambulances to Albany Medical Center. A second victim died a short time after arriving at the hospital. Carman firefighters assisted at the scene. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Mahopac 2-Car MVA

On August 12, 2020, Mahopac Fire and EMS, along with multiple units from Carmel Police and Putnam County Medic 3 were dispatched to a two-car MVA with injuries. First arriving police confirmed one possible injury. Chief Jim Stasiak assumed Incident Command, as Lieutenant Andy Scanga took charge of Operations and Scene Safety. Medic 3 triaged the reported injury, who opted to get checked out, going to a hospital in a private vehicle. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO

Page 16, Fire News, October 2020

2-Alarmer in Colonie

On August 6, 2020, a two-alarm fire ripped through a home on Waterman Drive in the Albany County town of Colonie shortly after 0300. Upon arrival, the rear of the 1-1/2 story home was fully involved with extension into the home and threatening an exposure on the D side of the building. All occupants made it out safely. - Fire News photos by Peter Barber and Lori Washburn

Fire News, October 2020, Page 17

It’sNew toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


Page 18, Fire News, October 2020

Queens Vacant House Fire

3 Civilians Brought to Safety

FDNY units in Queens were on the scene of an all-hands assignment at a private dwelling on 167th Street near 32nd Avenue on the morning of August 8, 2020. The fire was located on the second floor of a vacant three-story home. An extra engine and truck company were assigned to the box. - Fire News photo by

On August 8, 2020, firefighters from Brooklyn responded to Bushwick Avenue for a basement fire. Upon arrival, Squad Company 252 transmitted an all-hands. Three civilians were brought to safety utilizing the aerial ladder of Ladder Company 176. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Fire News, October 2020, Page 19

SABIC Hazardous Chemical Release

At around 0600 on September 1, 2020, Selkirk and Elsmere ladders were requested to Noryl Avenue at the SABIC facility (Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation), for a train car releasing a chemical into the air. The chemical was identified as a styrene monomer. The smell of the chemical compound could be picked up in Voorehsville, and later a Stage 1 evacuation was issued. Many roads were shut

down in the area. Multiple fire and law enforcement agencies were also called to stage at the Elm Avenue Park. The situation was not believed to be harmful to the community and there were no injuries reported. Tower ladders were used to keep the rail car cool. - Fire News photos by Simon Lindmark and Martin E. Miller

Page 20, Fire News, October 2020

Possible Tornado

On the afternoon of August 29, 2020, the skies darkened and the wind blew. As long claws began to reach out of the sky, it was believed that a small tornado had touched down in the area. All of the emergency services in the area were kept busy for a day or two, dealing with the damage from the storm. There were no serious injuries as a result of the incident, however there was some damage at the local school. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Coeymans Hollow MVA

Coeymans Hollow Fire, EMS, Ravena Rescue and 5592, were dispatched to an MVA at the top of Blodgett Hill Road. The vehicle was found on its roof with one occupant who was later transported to Albany Medical Center with unknown injuries. Blodgett Hill Road was shut down due to all the debris thrown out of the vehicle as it overturned several times. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

Fire News, October 2020, Page 21

Routine Operation in Washingtonville

Albany Responds to Another Shooting

Firefighters from the Washingtonville Fire Department responded to an electrical fire in the basement of a home on Lark Street. The home was made safe and firefighters returned to duty. - Fire News photo by Chief Gary Hearn

On August 17, 2020, Albany Police and Fire were dispatched to a shooting on Southern Boulevard in the city. Upon arrival, AFD EMS found two people wounded. One person was a 17-year old in full cardiac arrest. The other person had non-life-threatening injuries. The individuals were shot in their car while leaving a funeral home, where they had just attended a funeral for a friend that had been shot previously. Up until August 17, there have been 99 shootings in the City of Albany since the beginning of the year; nine were fatal. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Page 22, Fire News, October 2020

VCI FORMS VEHICLE CONVERSION BUSINESS VCI Emergency Vehicle Specialists is proud to announce the formation of the Vehicle Conversion Division to our business to help better serve our existing and new customers. We will be taking our 40-plus years of experience in the ambulance business and applying it to this new division. The new division will focus on chief’s vehicles, quick response vehicles, ESU trucks, incident command, paramedic units, SAR, quick attack and brush trucks, mini-pumpers, prisoner transport, K-9 units, and fleet vehicles with the ability to provide a one-stop resource for our customers from the chassis, to upfit, to paint, to graphics. Overseeing this new division will be Milt Grimes who has been promoted to Market Manager - Conversions and Stock Remounts. He will be overseeing the sales and production efforts of the conversion division as well as our established Stock Remount program. Milt brings over 15 years of experience in emergency vehicle sales and production to this new position including the last 10 at VCI Emergency Vehicles. So, if you’re in the market for a new command vehicle, give us a call at 1-800-394-2162 and ask for Milt. Pictured: President of VCI Emergency Vehicle Specialists - Robert Bohny Market Manager - Conversions & Stock Remounts - Milton Grimes

KOCHEK AND AWG TEAM UP TO DELIVER OUTSTANDING VALVE QUALITY Kochek Company, LLC, has announced its new alliance with AWG Fittings, GmbH. The two companies have partnered to provide Kochek loose equipment dealers with the superior performance and reliability for which AWG valves are known throughout the industry. As Kochek’s primary supplier of several sizes of gate, ball, intake, hydrassist, manifold, Siamese, and pressure relief valves, AWG plays an important role in Kochek's efforts to ensure the continued satisfaction of its dealers and customers. With every order, Kochek custom fits each valve to exacting specifications.

Kochek President and CEO, George J. Wessner, said of the relationship with AWG, “We’re thrilled to work with AWG to make

this quality possible for our customers. They rely on their Kochek equipment when it matters most, and our valve performance is

something they can always count on in the field.” Headquartered in Putnam, Connecticut, Kochek Company is a leading producer of water movement products for fire, water works, and irrigation markets throughout North America and abroad. In order to achieve its mission to manufacture and deliver the highest quality products at competitive prices, Kochek follows the guiding principles of lean manufacturing. More information about Kochek and the company’s entire product line may be found at AWG Fittings is a unit of IDEX Corporation.

Fire News, October 2020, Page 23

SWAVF Holds Business Meeting The Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen (SWAVF) held their annual business meeting on August 08, 2020, at the West Valley Fire Department in West Valley. Because of the pandemic the meeting was scaled back from three days to one and had the Memorial Service, the Awards and the Annual Business Meeting led by President Dorothy Button. The attached picture is of the current officers being sworn in. - Fire News photo by Jim Lepard

WNYVFA Holds Meeting The Western New York Volunteer Firefighters Association (WNYVFA) held its annual business meeting on July 25, 2020, at St. Johnsburg Fire Company in North Tonawanda. - Fire News photo by Jim Lepard

Page 24, Fire News, October 2020

Buffalo Receives New Rigs

The Buffalo Fire Department received three E-One pumpers, two chief’s vehicles and a fleet service truck. They were dedicated at the maintenance garage on 7th Street in Buffalo on July 9, 2020. The three engines are for Engine 19, Engine 26 and Engine 38. Engine 19 is dedicated to Captain Patrick J. Stanton who passed away August 26, 2019, due to an LODD related illness. - Fire News photo by Jim Lepard

Chatham Hose Deployment Practice

Chatham firefighters practice hose deployment and packing using a crosslay simulator built by department members. Use of this device increased the number of practice runs by a factor of two-tothree times versus the crosslay bed in the apparatus. - Fire News photo by Dave Levow

Page 26, Fire News, October 2020


The crew of Washingtonville Fire Department’s Tanker 577. - Fire News photo by Chief Gary Hearn

Up Close & Personal Fire Damages Apartment House On August 14, 2020, Watervliet Fire Chief Thomas Garrett spoke to the media at the scene of a three-alarm fire on 3rd Avenue in Albany County. The fire was knocked down and brought under control in less than an hour. They were assisted at the scene with an engine and ladder from Albany, two engines from Troy and an engine from Cohoes. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Page 28, Fire News, October 2020

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