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Up Close &Personal
UpCloseand Personal
AProbie from FDNYLadder131 at a fire on East 83rd Street in Carnarsie, Brooklyn. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Flames Damage a Pickup

On July 2, 2022, Schenectady firefighters battle a pickup on fire on Bradley Boulevard shortly before 0300. The fire was quickly extinguished and no injuries were reported forthe incident. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Quick Stop in Rochester
At 2157 on July 1, 2022, the RochesterFire Department was dispatched to a fire in the attic of a dwelling on Crossfield Road. Engine 9 arrived to heavy smoke showing from a 1-½ story dwelling and stretched a line. Units quickly identified that the fire was in the attic, and made quick work of the fire with a combination of an interiorattack and roof ventilation. The cause of the fire was determined to be electrical in nature and the single occupant of the home made it out safely. - Fire News photo by Matt Leo
House Saved, Tragedy Averted
Catskill fire was dispatched fora structure fire in the Jefferson Heights section. Car3 confirmed heavy smoke showing with a victim on the second floor. Catskill Car2 arrived and took command as Car3 entered the building searching fora reported victim. County Car2, who lives close by, kept control of the main entrance of the home to prevent family members from re-entering. Upon reaching the second floorand forcing the door, the victim was located in the front bedroom with a light smoke condition, due to his doorbeing closed. Simultaneously, the first engine arrived and put a line in service. Fourfirefighters were on a line to the rearof the first floor. Acaptain and Hudson Car2 headed up to the second floorto assist with the victim. Aftera very quick hit on a closet and hallway, all visible fire was knocked down. Due to the fast work of getting wateron the fire, the victim was unharmed. Hudson Fire assisted at the scene as well as a Catskill ambulance and state police. Athens and West Athens Fire were on standby - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Port Chester Structure Fire
On July 12, 2022, at around 1624, the Port ChesterFire Department was dispatched to Fox Island Road fora structure fire. Engine 61 arrived to smoke showing from a 2-1/2 story structure. Purchase, City of Rye, the Town of Mamaroneck FASTand Rye Brook also responded to the scene. Car2391 arrived to heavy fire on the second flooron the 3-4 cornerand requested Valhalla Rehab to the scene. The fire was knocked down within 31 minutes. - Fire News photos by Brandon Colon

Heavy Fire in Fairport

Early in the morning of July 26, 2022, Fairport firefighters were dispatched to Olde Prestwick Way fora fire. On arrival, companies found heavy fire running up the rearof a large dwelling and extending to the eaves of the home. Crews quickly stretched lines to the rearof the structure as well as to the front doorto make an interiorpush on the fire, but the flames entered and ran across the attic. Firefighters were pulled out of the home as structural stability became a worry with the collapse of the roof. Two towerladders were put into operation to knock down the heavy main body of fire before crews were able to re-enterthe structure to finish the remaining fire.
- Fire News photos by PuckStopperPhotography.com

Suspicious CarFire in Glenville

On August 1, 2022, Thomas Corners volunteerfirefighters were alerted to a carfire off Freemans Bridge Road in the Schenectady County village of Glenville. Alpaus firefighters assisted with an engine forwatersupply due to the distance away from the main road. The fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber
TractorTrailerHits Rotterdam Bridge

On August 2, 2022, South Schenectady firefighters and Rotterdam EMS were called to Interstate 90 in the eastbound lane fora tractortrailertruck that struck the Putnam Road overpass, ripping the roof of the traileroff like a sardine can and spreading bottled and canned food items onto the Thruway. The driversuffered shoulderand back injuries and was transported to a local hospital fortreatment. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber
Page 22, Fire News, October2022 South Jamaica 2-Alarmer

The FDNYstruck a second alarm fora fire in two private dwellings on 123rd Avenue in South Jamaica on June 26, 2022. Units arrived to find a heavy fire condition in the rearof a private dwelling with the flames extending to the home next door. Lines were stretched and truck companies went to work to bring the blaze undercontrol. - Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com

5 Injured in Williamsburg 3-Alarmer

Firefighters in Williamsburg recently battled a three-alarm fire. LadderCompany 108 transmitted an urgent 10-75 forheavy fire out the second floor, auto extending to the third floorand an exposure building on Meserole Street on August 12, 2022. The incident left five people with minorinjuries. Firefighters used six hoselines to knock down the fire. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Page 24, Fire News, October2022
Speed a Factorin
Feura Bush MVA

On June 9, 2022, the Onesquethaw Fire Department and EMS responded to a personal injury crash on Route 32, Indian Fields Road, in Feura Bush. Upon arrival they found two vehicles in the middle of the highway. One of vehicles was speeding and crashed into the back of the othervehicle that had slowed to make a left hand turn into the Stewarts Shop. Two passengers were transported to the hospital by Onesquethaw Ambulance. The Albany County Sheriffs issued two tickets to the one driver. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

RochesterVehicle Fire

At 2357 on July 19, 2022, Engine 17 from the RochesterFire Department was dispatched to a vehicle fire in the parking lot of an apartment building on AlexanderStreet. They arrived to find a car fully involved, and quickly stretched a line. The fire was contained to the vehicle and did not spread to any exposures, and fire investigators responded to determine the cause. - Fire News photo by Matt Leo

FireNews.com Fire News, October2022, Page 25 National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Hosts Wellness Conference

Sixty families came to Rochester from all over the country to attend the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) 2022 Fire Hero Family Wellness Conference. The conference was held at the Double Tree by Hilton in Henrietta from May 17 to May 20, 2022, and included seminars, workshops and community visits to area highlights. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) is in Emmitsburg, MD. The foundation’s mission is “to honor and remember America’s fallen fire heroes, to provide resources to assist their families in rebuilding their lives, and work within the fire service community to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries.” This annual conference is key to achieving their mission. Conference attendees were greeted by local firefighters, dignitaries, and other survivors as they ventured through the week.
Morning sessions on “Building Resilience Through Nature,” “Strong at the Broken Places,” “ADeafening Silence,” and “Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family in Stressful Times” were just a few of the topics they could choose from. AMen’s Service Project was hosted at the Fire Museum in Brockport where some landscaping was completed and fellowship with local firefighters provided. Off-site tours in the afternoon were provided to Mount Hope Cemetery, Highland Park, Strong Museum of Play, the George Eastman House and more.
Dinner was provided on Wednesday evening at the Spencerport Fire District where the attendees got to experience local dining delicacies such as a “plate” or a Beef-on-Weck with Salt Potatoes. The Rochester Area NFFF team worked with the foundation for many months planning the conference. While the foundation sought speakers and presenters, the local committee of community volunteers worked with local businesses and venues to enhance the experience for the attendees and showcase all that Rochester and Monroe County has to offer our visiting families.
- Fire News photos by Christopher Martin

International Firefighter Visits Brockport FD

Brockport firefighters were in for a surprise visit when Joerg Richter rode his bicycle into town as his cross-country journey brought him down the Erie Canal into the historic Village of Brockport. Richter has ridden through over 30 US states, and 17 different countries in Europe in his quest to raise awareness and funds for “Care for Rare: America.” Firefighter Richter served with the Kerpen Feuerwehr (Fire Department) outside Colon, Germany, for many years before leaving the fire service and moving north of Munich, where he has lived for the last 34 years. In his personal efforts to support Care for Rare, he has ridden across our country twice previously and has visited over 900 fire stations, spending the night at over 445 of them.
He has been associated with Care for Rare for the last eight years after finding out a friend of his had a child suffering from a rare childhood disease. After visiting some of these children in hospitals, he said he learned one thing from them; “Don’t postpone your dreams.” I asked him to describe his trip for us, and his response to was “I am living my dreams.” This year, his passage began in San Francisco where he arrived from Munich on March 14, 2022. He started his ride on March 22 and has been on the move since. His plan is to continue to New York City to complete his expedition. He also plans a brief stopover in Monroe, CT, where he will visit his son’s host family from an Educational Exchange his son participated in years ago. We consider ourselves fortunate there were firefighters at our station when he arrived. His Brockport visit with us included tours of our headquarters and the Brockport Fire Museum on Main Street where he met Village Mayor Margay Blackman and was able to see our 9/11 Memorial. Care for Rare: America is a non-profit organization with centers in the US, Canada and across Europe, dedicated to improving the lives of children with rare diseases. Care for Rare was founded 13 years ago in Munich with ties to the US in Boston. According to their website: “The Carefor-Rare Alliance comprises a large network of physicians and scientists working at academic pediatric centers and science institutes to support the foundation’s mission: Treating children with rare diseases, discovering the causes of diseases, and developing new therapies.” The Brockport Fire District wishes Joerg well in his travels and appreciates the time he spent with us.
- Fire News photos by Christopher Martin, Brockport PIO