9 minute read
From the Editor’s Desk
Dennis Whittam, Editor Reflections on 9/11 and a Busy Fall Season
As I write this editorial, the date is September 1, 2022. This editorial is my October editorial. Sitting at my desk, my mind is reflecting ahead to September 11, 2022. Taking a few moments remembering the day our nation was attacked, it is our duty to never forget September 11, 2001. I remember driving to work on a clear crisp day. The major story on the radio was about a “small” airplane that crashed into the World Trade Center. When I arrived at work, I immediately turned on the news and realized the airplane was not a small plane and my city was probably under attack. Yes, we were under attack. I reflected and shared my recollection with my readers for the past 21 years.
Last year, I attended as many memorial services as possible. One year later I find myself thanking many of my photographers who joined me and spread throughout as many communities as possible, capturing photographs of the memorial services. Fire News utilized our photographs in our 9/11 20th Anniversary-Fire News Remembrance and Tribute edition. This magazine was a work of art that remembered all those lost on September 11, 2001, and continued paying tribute to those that passed away over the past 20 years due to illnesses spurred by toxic chemicals generated by the attack. When I pass Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center, it is still common to find an FDNYFirefighter Transport Unit waiting outside of the hospital to bring one of our loved ones back home.
As we move into 2023, try to think about something special your department can do to bring peace in our world. Plan on reflecting with your neighboring departments to never forget September 11, 2001. Remember to never forget those that continue to be lost to 9/11 diseases. Never Forget!
As the summer months are passing us by and we enter the fall, are you prepared to do your job under different conditions? Already I am finding that the windows on my car are fogging up on the inside, making response a little slower. Before you know it, the inside fog will move to the outside of your car windows, and you will be reminded that winter is not far away. Please take the time to clear off your frosted windows before you respond to a call. Think about the children who are waiting at school bus stops. Use caution while responding through school zones and bus stops. I have seen two students who were badly hurt when they tried to run across a busy street to catch a bus that they were late for.
Is your fire prevention program updated with new ideas to bring to the kids in your district? Yes, September and October are busy times in the fire service. Polish off your ideas and incorporate new activities into your Safety Programs. If you need help, meet with your Fire Prevention Committees to discuss what you can do to embellish your Fire Prevention Program.
Remember; if it wasn’t for the beep, you would still be asleep! Change your smoke and CO detector batteries or if you have 10-year detectors, check their dates to ensure that they are still good.
Stay safe!
- Dennis
RochesterScrapyard Fire

At 1056 on August 14, 2022, the RochesterFire Department was dispatched forthe report of smoke and flames coming from a scrap yard on Steel Street. RochesterPolice reported an active fire on arrival, and Battalion 2 requested a full structure assignment. Aworking fire was declared on the arrival of the first units, with an approximately 100- x 50-foot pile of scrap on fire. Crews worked to establish a watersupply and begin to douse the flames, using handlines, a deck gun, and the aerial off RochesterTruck 10. The fire took roughly a half hourto bring undercontrol, and employees at the scrap yard assisted with machinery and manpowerto reach the seat of the fire in the pile. - Fire News photos by Matt Leo

Cover Story 2-Alarms Sounded in Schenectady

Recently, Schenectady firefighters battled a two-alarm fire in a vacant building on 2nd Avenue in Mount Pleasant after911 calls were received forheavy smoke in the area. Firefighters were confronted with flames venting from the windows on the D side of the vacant structure extending into the attic. According to neighbors, the dwelling has been frequented by squatters. The exact cause was labeled as suspicious. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

Page 8, Fire News, October2022
Row House Burns in Rochester
Man Rescued from Brooklyn Blaze

Rochesterfirefighters were dispatched to Electric Avenue formultiple calls reporting a fire. First arriving companies found a large 2-1/2 story row home with heavy fire venting from a dormeron the top floor. Lines were quickly stretched to the top floorand the floor below. Asecond alarm was transmitted due to the size of the building, bringing in extra resources. Through hard work, firefighters were able to keep the fire contained to the area of origin. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com Firefighters rescued a trapped civilian in a house fire on East 83rd Street on August 12, 2022. FDNYfirefighters from TowerLadder 170 and Rescue 2 found the victim suffering from severe burns and smoke inhalation He was removed to Brookdale Hospital in critical condition. Anotherresident suffered minorinjuries. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Page 10, Fire News, October2022 3-Alarmerin Larchmont KO’d
The Larchmont Fire Department was dispatched to Ocean Avenue fora reported structure fire. Engine 33 arrived to a 2 -1/2 story structure with smoke showing. Immediately a 10-75 was transmitted, sending an engine and a FASTunit from the Town of Mamaroneck. New Rochelle responded with one engine and one ladder. Car2221 reported smoke showing from the A/D cornerof the structure and one line was placed into operation. Shortly after, Battalion 15 requested Pelham Ladder2 to the scene. Car2221 requested tones from 60 Control to have all members evacuate the structure due to heavy fire conditions. Battalion 15 requested a second alarm, bringing departments from the City of Rye and Scarsdale to the scene. The fire eventually went to a third alarm. Fourlines were stretched and placed into operation along with two ladderpipes. Due to heavy fire conditions members did exterioroperation to put out the fire. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

2 Nurses Aid in Extrication
In Glenville, the driverof a minivan lost control on Glenridge Road striking a vehicle and a utility pole before coming to rest on its side in the front yard of a home. Two nurses from ConiferPark Health Care, located across the street, climbed on top of the van to stabilize the driveras firefighters from Stratton Air National Guard, Alplaus and East Glenville extricated the driver. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber
MVA in Elsmere
On June 28, 2022, Elsmere Fire, Delmar Bethlehem EMS and Bethlehem Police responded to Kenwood Avenue fora personal injury crash involving three vehicles. First arriving units found two vehicles with significant damage off the side of the road. EMS evaluated the patients involved. Elsmere fire personnel secured the vehicles and cleaned up the scene while Kenwood Avenue was shut down at the entrance of the bypass. Police investigated the cause. - Fire News photo by Lindmark Photography

Page 12, Fire News, October2022
Quick Stop in Rochester

In the evening of May 22, 2022, Rochesterfirefighters responded fora house fire on Smith Street. Engine 5, stationed down the street, quickly arrived to find smoke coming from a home. Firefighters were able to get to the attic and make quick work of the fire. - Fire News photo by PuckStopperPhotography.com
Junkyard Fire in Brooklyn

FDNYTowerLadder120 transmitted an urgent 10-75 forheavy fire conditions in a Brooklyn junkyard on August, 12, 2022. Units used a defensive posture to battle the blaze, also using Tower Ladder170 and three handlines. The fire was placed undercontrol at 0815. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
Fire Heavily Damages Convenience Store

In June, Amsterdam firefighters battled a three-alarm fire at the Stewart’s Shop at Market and Storrie streets afterfire was reported shortly after2200. Atowerladderfrom neighboring Johnstown Fire Department was special called to help control the blaze. The origin of the fire was reported to be in the area of the restrooms. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber
Truck Fire on I-95

On July 29, 2022, at around 0930, the Village of Mamaroneck Fire Department along with the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department were dispatched to I-95 northbound fora tractortrailerfire. When the first-due engine arrived, they quickly stretched the trash line and began extinguishing the fire. Foam operation was used because fire had erupted in the saddle tank. Engines 42, 41, 36 and 51 all stretched trash line off of theirrigs. The fire was knocked down within 27 minutes. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

Irondequoit House Fire

On the afternoon of July 16, 2022, Irondequoit firefighters were dispatched to CulverRoad formultiple reports of a house fire. Firefighters arrived to heavy fire showing from the Delta side of the home with propane tanks also involved. Lines were stretched and crews were able to get wateron the fire allowing othermembers to get in and do a search of the home. Roof crews were able to get holes cut in the roof and the fire was out a short time later. - Fire News photos by PuckStopperPhotography.com