Fire News New York State, November 2020 edition

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Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue

VOLUME 14, NO. 1


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973


See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by

Never Forget 9/11! See Page 21.

Page 2, Fire News, November 2020

Fire News, November 2020, Page 3

In this issue... Chappaqua House Fire The Chappaqua FD was dispatched to a structure fire in the area of Memorial Drive and Bedford Road. See story on page 5

Fire Damages Scotia Home Scotia police officers on patrol found heavy smoke coming from the attic of a Washington Avenue house.

See story on page 7

Smoky Operation in Maspeth FDNY units from around the city battled a smoky three-alarm blaze. See story on page 16

Heavy Rescue in Albany Albany Fire and EMS responded to a rollover crash on Delaware Avenue. See story on page 19

Quick Work Saves Business Catskill Fire and EMS were dispatched for a grill fire at McDonald’s. See story on page 20

A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.


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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:

Bronx Commercial 3-Alarmer FDNY firefighters in the Bronx were dispatched to East 179th Street and Monterey for a building fire. See story on page 26

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 New to Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, November 2020

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Has Your Department Adapted? As we enter November, I ask, have you and your department adapted to working with the rules that deal with Covid-19? By now, all of us realize that this disease turned out to be a very serious disease and from the onset, the fire-rescue and emergency services worked hard to set up guidelines that protect you, the first responder. At the onset of the new rules and procedures, most of you wore your mask, used the hand sanitizer that was placed in numerous locations throughout the firehouse and kept your distance between one another. Recently, I noticed that many are not keeping their distance from one another, and many of you are not donning your facemask when you enter the firehouse. I know your immediate concerns are not to stop and put a mask on when you are running to don your gear and hopping on the truck to get to a call. However, it is important that after you get on the truck in a confined space that you give thought to wearing your facemask. If you have a call where you are going to work, your SCBA will take the place of the surgical mask. But, what should you do when you leave the building and remove your SCBA? Please, reach into your pocket or see your EMS responders to get a surgical mask. I know, you are think-

ing I’ve lost my mind, but when you are standing shoulder-to-shoulder outside of the fire building, you should don your cloth or surgical facemask. My department held a meeting recently in the truck bay. We kept our distance from one another and wore our surgical masks. Everyone from the chiefs to the probationary members, wore their masks. When the meeting was over, everyone washed up or used hand sanitizer and went home. Let’s face facts. When large groups get together, it is a scenario for the spread of Covid-19. Look at what has happened in certain areas of NYC. In my area, a catering hall was heavily fined when 37 people left the party with Covid-19; 28 children and nine adults tested positive for it. As a result of this incident, 300 people were placed under quarantine and eight schools had positive Covid-19 cases. My point is that it is easy to catch this disease and it probably is just as easy to prevent exposure by wearing your mask, keeping your distance from people and washing your hands as soon as possible. All departments must maintain their training schedule and drills. Officers, if you are going to hold a drill, before the drill starts, remind your members of the protocols that they must follow to

be safe from contracting Covid-19. Safety officers — remind your members when you see them standing around discussing the drill to don their masks. This is November. It is a month to give thanks for all that we have. Your family and friends mean a lot to you. Let’s make sure that we all remain healthy so that we can celebrate Thanksgiving together in a creative, safe way. Yes, this holiday will be different, but the meaning will be the same. Happy Thanksgiving to all! - Dennis

Chappaqua House Fire

Early on the morning of September 1, 2020, the Chappaqua Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire in the area of Memorial Drive and Bedford Road. While responding, police advised they were on scene behind the firehouse and had a working fire. Multiple lines were stretched and a two tower ladders setup, and the bulk of the fire was extinguished in approximately 30 minutes. Mutual aid was also called to the scene to assist. - Fire News photo by Dave Kempter

Fire News, November 2020, Page 5

Abandoned Structure Burns in Watervliet

An abandoned D&H railway building at the end of 14th Street in Watervliet caught fire. By the time departments arrived the wooden roof had collapsed. Schulyer Heights, Maplewood, Menands, Verdoy and West Albany Hazmat team fought, not only the heat, but also had a hard time bringing equipment and water to the scene. Verdoy’s engine made its way down the embankment of the railroad tracks to lay lines. West Albany and EnCon were called due to containers found in the structure that were melted and run-off going into a local stream. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

Page 6, Fire News, November 2020

Cover Story

Suspicious 5-Alarmer in Hunts Point

Just before 1630 on September 7, 2020, FDNY firefighters in the Bronx were dispatched to an auto salvage and pallet yard on Drake Street in the Hunts Point section. First arriving companies found heavy fire that involved a large amount of pallets and vehicles. Smoke from the fire was so thick and intense that the smoke could be seen over 22-miles away in Connecticut. Firefighters worked to stretch lines and set up tower ladders as they encountered flames that shot 20-plus feet in the air as well as severe radiant heat that

caught numerous cars and trucks outside the yard on fire. The already well-advanced fire eventually took over the entire salvage yard. At one point, six tower ladders and five handlines were in operation to knock down the fire. After two hours, five alarms, and almost 200 firefighters responding, the fire was brought under control. The fire has been deemed suspicious. - Fire News photos by and

Fire News, November 2020, Page 7

Fire Damages Scotia Home

On September 5, 2020, Scotia police officers on patrol found heavy smoke coming from the attic of a Washington Avenue house just before 2230. Upon arrival of Scotia E201 a second alarm was sounded bringing mutual aid from Beukendaal and Thomas Corners. All occupants of the home made it out safely and no injuries were reported. -Fire News photos by Peter Barber

Page 8, Fire News, November 2020

Flames Show in Chappaqua

Lucky Spot in Elsmere

Just before 0100 on September 1, 2020, the Chappaqua Fire Department was sent to Memorial Drive for a report by a police officer of a dwelling fire. Firefighters arrived in just a few minutes to find heavy fire through the roof of a 2-1/2 story wood dwelling that was being used as a storage building. Firefighters quickly made a strong push and knocked down the main body of fire. - Fire News photo by

On September 20, 2020, firefighters from Elsmere, Delmar, the FAST, EMS, Albany County Paramedics and Bethlehem police responded to a house fire on Quincy Court. Upon arrival, heavy smoke was showing from the back of the home. Firefighters went to work and brought the fire under control in a short time. The fire would have been worse if it was not noticed by a paper delivery person. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Fire News, November 2020, Page 9

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House Fire in Chester

Recently, a home burned on Lakes Road in Chester. The fire was in the basement and safely brought under control. The crew of Washingtonville Fire Department Truck 579 assisted with the overhaul operation. -Fire News photo by Chief Gary Hearn

Fatality at Mt. Kisco 2-Alarmer

Just after 1815 on October 5, 2020, Mount Kisco firefighters were dispatched to Brandon Drive for the report of a dwelling fire. Companies arrived to fire through the roof with a victim out in front of the dwelling. A second alarm was struck due to heavy fire throughout the entire home. Companies operated multiple lines and were able to knock down the fire. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, November 2020, Page 11

1 Fatal, 2 injured at Queens Plane Crash

Oven Fire Extends in Coxsackie

One person was killed and two others critically injured after a seaplane crashed onto a dock in Queens late Sunday afternoon October 4, 2020. Officials believe the plane was landing near a Beechhurst pier when it struck the dock and flipped over. FDNY land units along with EMS and marine companies were quickly on the scene off 158th Street just west of the Throgs Neck Bridge. Witnesses stated that Good Samaritans on PWCs (personal water craft) aided in rescuing some of the injured. - Fire News photo by

On September 21, 2020, the Coxsackie Fire Department was dispatched to an oven fire in a second-floor apartment. The fire extended into the wall and ceiling of the apartment. The fire was quickly knocked down without incident. Mutual aid came from Athens, Earlton and New Baltimore. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

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Flames KO’d in East Flatbush

Vehicle Fire in Coeymans Hollow

FDNY firefighters in East Flatbush responded to East 39th Street for a fire. Upon arrival, Engine Company 310 and Ladder Company 174 transmitted an all-hands for fire on the second floor rear of a two-story, private dwelling. The fire was knocked down and brought under control. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

On September 18, 2020, Coeymans Hollow was dispatched to a vehicle fire on Jarvis Road, just north at Bushendorf Road. The Albany County Sheriffs, Coeymans Police, and Ravena Rescue also responded. Due to the heavy fire condition, foam was utilized to extinguish the blaze. It took firefighters about 10 minutes to completely extinguish the truck and the surrounding brush that caught fire. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

Fire News, November 2020, Page 13

It’sNew toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


Page 14, Fire News, November 2020

Firemen’s Association Honors Chatham FD With The 2020 Recruitment And Retention Award The members of the Chatham Fire Department will be honored with the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) 2020 Recruitment and Retention Award on September 2, 2020, at the Chatham firehouse. Although the Village of Chatham is not a densely populated area, the department is responsible for providing service to the village as well as the surrounding areas, including parts of the towns of Ghent, Kinderhook, Austerlitz, and the Town of Chatham. Combined, the department is responsible for protecting the life and property of approximately 6,000 people. The all-volunteer Chatham Fire Department has seen consistent interest and new recruits over the past two years. And, while the Covid-19 pandemic has made outreach difficult, that has not stopped the department from growing. “I am honored to be accepting this award for the Chatham Fire Department,” said Eric Barnes, Chief of the Department. “This award serves as a testament to the hard work and dedication that our team has shown to building our crew, two years in a row under the leadership of past chief Paul Rideout. It is clear that we are all personally vested in maintaining an active and vibrant crew,” added Chief Barnes. To help bring in members from the community, the fire department sought new methods of building awareness and interest. It was by rolling out a recruitment ad campaign that featured photos of active members that the department was able to encourage the public to join the service. The campaign spawned from guidance received from a former New York City

advertising executive who recently moved to Chatham and offered the department his expertise for boosting recruitment. These ads were seen on screen at the local movie theater, on outdoor billboards, and as posters and banners in local businesses. The campaign helped drive the message that the volunteers that make up the department are your friends, your neighbors, your family. This campaign, which ran in both 2019 and 2020, has led many to seek further information about the fire service, ultimately driving a 20 percent increase in the (Continued on next page)

Firemen’s Association Honors Chatham FD (Continued from previous page) number of active firefighters in the Chatham Fire Department. “The Chatham Fire Department’s recruitment success is greatly attributed to their thoughtful approach to raising awareness and welcoming new members to the service,” said John Farrell, Jr., President of the FASNY. “Their growth over the past two years has been consistent, despite hardships presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.” The use of social media was key to the department’s great success. In addition to the ad campaign that was featured all over Chatham, the department’s Facebook page housed all recruitment information and photos which were shared widely by family and friends to help increase awareness. These joint efforts have boosted interest and driven recruitment in an area in which the volunteer pool is already quite limited. “In the midst of unprecedented challenges presented by Covid-19, the Chatham Fire Department once again has successfully raised the bar in terms of attracting new recruits. Smartly utilizing social media, and advertising via new mediums such as the local movie theater, the Chatham Fire Department demonstrated the continued strength, innovation, and community-centric approach of its recruitment efforts” said Senator Daphne Jordan (R,C,I-Halfmoon). “Congratulations to Chief Eric Barnes, his members, and the department's new recruits. I'm proud to join FASNY in recognizing and celebrating the can-do attitude and community spirit of service that defines the Chatham Fire Department.” The small community of Chatham works to the advantage of their fire department. As new members enter the service, they are typically already known by one or two existing members of the team. Currently, the department has a pair of brothers from one family, and a set of three from another, which highlights the familial nature of their team. Retention of members has been a source of pride for them because, shy of family situations changing or members moving out of Chatham, the department has lost very few people. - Fire News photo from the office of Senator Daphne Jordan

Where Are Your Department’s Photos?

As Delaware Fire Service News celebrates 16 years of publication, we would like to remind our readers that we are always happy to receive photos and stories. Feel free to e-mail your photos to We ask that any photo you do send be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and that you do not retouch, crop, alter or reduce your photos in size when you e-mail them to us. Please send two to four photos per incident. Also, include a brief write-up of the incident, event, or family news, which includes basic "who, what, when, and where information." We look forward to seeing your department in our next issue. - Ed.

Fire News, November 2020, Page 15

Page 16, Fire News, November 2020

Smoky Operation in Maspeth

FDNY units from around the city battled a smoky three-alarm blaze two-story converted commercial building, which once served as the on Grand Avenue in the Maspeth section of Queens on September Maspeth movie theatre. There were no serious injuries reported for 6, 2020. The fire appeared to have started on the lower level of a the operation. - Fire News photos by

Page 18, Fire News, November 2020


Elsmere 1-Car MVA

On September 5, 2020, Elsmere Fire was dispatched with DelmarBethlehem EMS, Albany County Paramedics and Bethlehem Police for a car that crashed into a utility pole on Elsmere Avenue at Fernbank Avenue around 1630 on September 5, 2020. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

MVA Closes Road in Mahopac Falls

Mahopac Falls Fire, EMS and Fire Police recently responded to an MVA, along with the Carmel Police Department and a Putnam County medic to the area of Baldwin Place Road and Stillwater Road. Arriving Fire Police began trying to slow traffic approaching the accident scene from either end but were forced to close the road for the safety of responders trying to triage the drivers of the vehicles. EMTs checked out both drivers, who refused medical assistance. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO

Fire News, November 2020, Page 19


Coeymans Hollow MVA Heavy Rescue in Albany

Coeymans Hollow Fire, EMS, Ravena Rescue and 5592, were dispatched to an MVA at the top of Blodgett Hill Road. The vehicle was found on its roof with one occupant who was later transported to Albany Medical Center with unknown injuries. Blodgett Hill Road was shut down due to all the debris thrown out of the vehicle as it overturned several times. - Fire News photo by Simon Lindmark

On September 2, 2020, Albany Fire and EMS responded to a rollover crash on Delaware Avenue. The driver was trapped in his vehicle until crews cut out the windshield. He was transported to the hospital, condition unknown. The accident happened when the driver hit a parked car. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Page 20, Fire News, November 2020

Quick Work Saves Business

On September 24, 2020, shortly before 1100, Catskill Fire and EMS were dispatched for a grill fire at McDonald’s. Unit 3-12 with a crew of four responded along with Cars 1 and 3 followed by the tower and rescue. Car 1 arrived to smoke showing. The engine crew went in with a 20-pound extinguisher and knocked the bulk of the fire down. The fire was contained mostly to the grill area with minor extension. Athens Fire was also on scene and Hudson was on standby for Catskill. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Fatality at Albany MVA

At 1730 on September 24, 2020, Albany Police, Albany Fire and EMS responded to a serious crash involving a motorcycle and a CDTA bus on Madison Avenue near the State Museum. Upon arrival they found a 57-year-old motorcyclist on the ground with serious traumatic injuries. The man was subsequently pronounced dead at the scene. A preliminary investigation suggested that the motorcyclist was traveling westbound on Madison Avenue when he was struck by a vehicle that was making a left onto Madison. The crash forced the motorcycle into the left rear of the CDTA bus. The driver of the vehicle that struck the motorcyclist remained at the scene. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Never Forget!

Fire News, November 2020, Page 21

The 9/11 Tribute in Lights taken from the New Jersey and Brooklyn sides. - Fire News photos by and

Page 22, Fire News, November 2020

HAVE CLASS, WILL TRAVEL The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) is known to teach ISO and HSO classes in local jurisdictions if there is enough interest. This year, with the pandemic keeping firefighters and paramedics busy at home, most departments are not allowed to travel. To date, FDSOA has taught one HSO class in San Diego with multiple departments in attendance, and three other ISO courses, in Alpena, Michigan at the Air National Guard Base; Redmond, Washington; and in Chesterfield, Michigan, also with multiple departments in attendance. Chairman Eric Valliere said, “What’s nice about teaching the course in their own jurisdiction is that we can base the curriculum around the way they respond. Each fire department is going to have different priorities for incident safety.” Valliere taught the ISO class in Redmond with FDSOA Board Member Scott Yurczyk. If you are interested in hosting an HSO or ISO class in your district, please contact Executive Director Rich Marinucci at, or at our website,

The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) was established in 1989 as a non-profit association, incorporated in Massachusetts. In 2013, the offices moved to Michigan. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. The association is dedicated to the issues that affect the critical role of the safety officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities of fire departments, communities and first responders. FDSOA works to helps fire departments achieve proficiency and promote the recognition of training, skills and a secure future. In May 2016, FDSOA won the Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award for its work over 28 years, “as an organization fully dedicated to the health and safety of the nation’s firefighters.” FDSOA can be found on the web at Please follow FDSOA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

CAMPBELL SUPPLY CO., LLC ACQUIRES CRUZAN’S FREIGHTLINER Campbell Supply Company, the Northeast’s leader in commercial and emergency vehicle sales and service today announced they purchased Cruzan’s Freightliner, a leading service, sales and parts dealership for Freightliner and Isuzu Trucks. Cruzan’s joins Campbell’s business unit and in recognition of the acquisition will go to market under W. Campbell Supply Company of Atlantic County, LLC. The acquisition is the latest action driven by Campbell’s strategic plan and will result in the achievement of 3 of the plans key goals. Market share growth, increase revenue and geographic expansion by the way of delivering on the promise of increasing the service and the distribution footprint in the northeast region. “This is an exciting day for Campbell” said Scott Campbell, President of Campbell Supply Company.“As we welcome the Cruzan family to the Campbell family and work to grow to combine businesses, we see many opportunities for additional expansion into the emergency vehicle market in the state of New Jersey. Our long term strategy is to further broaden our geographic footprint with increased capabilities for each location to offer a comprehensive suite of products and services in support of fire truck and emergency vehicle sales and service.”

Campbell said. Dale Cruzan, Sr., started his business in the late 1960s as Dale’s Automotive Service and alongside his wife Carol ran a part time shop repairing cars and light trucks. In 1984, Dale’s Automotive Service became a full-service parts and sales source for Mercedes-Benz Trucks. The company was renamed Cruzan’s Truck Service, Inc. Shortly thereafter, Mercedes-Benz Trucks were discontinued in the United States and Cruzan’s became a Freightliner commercial truck dealer for sales, parts and service. Cruzan’s is a family operated business and holds the same values and similar history as Campbell Supply Company. “We look forward to blending both companies’ strengths into one to provide sales and aftermarket support for which both companies are known for,” said Campbell. Campbell Supply Company is family/veteran-owned franchised dealership chain serving New Jersey and New York’s Hudson Valley. With five locations in Montgomery, NY; Lafayette, NJ; Newark, NJ; Woodbidge, NJ; and headquarters in South Brunswick, NJ; Campbell is a leader in the region for commercial truck and emergency vehicle sales and service. The company has been in business since 1967 and represents Daimler Trucks North America’s Freightliner product

line, REV Fire Groups Spartan, Smeal and LTI fire truck line as well as Detroit, Cummins, Alliance Truck Parts and EVI. More information can be obtained on our website: Cruzan’s Freightliner is a family owned business that started in the 1960’s, originally a Mercedes-Benz truck dealership Cruzan became a Freightliner commercial truck dealership in 1984. In 1998, a second location was opened in Egg Harbor Township outside Atlantic City, NJ, which the company quickly outgrew and relocated in a new facility in Absecon, NJ. In 2010, the Pleasantville location became a parts and service dealership for Isuzu Trucks. Both locations are Cummins Engine dealers and the Bridgeton, NJ location is a Detroit Diesel Engine dealer.

Playin’ with Fire

Meet Stevie Wright, better known as ‘Lefty’ to his fellow Red Knights. Stevie is a 45-year member of Elsmere Fire Department and continues to respond to fires with his department. Stevie is also a hardcore rock-n’-roller leading the Playin’ with Fire Band for over 13 years. Playin’ with Fire Band can be heard on many radio stations and has a number of CDs under their belt. Their oldest fan is Sir Ken Bailey, a 98-year-old hero veteran, who often sends his request to the band at each performance. Stevie and his band members perform throughout New York and have a very faithful following. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

Fire News, November 2020, Page 23

Tri State Shields Football Game vs Hudson Valley

The Tri State Shields semi pro football team played their second game on October 3, 2020, looking to move to a record of 2-0. Unfortunately, for the Shields, they fell to the Hudson Valley Mountaineers 26-8. The Shields are made up of firefighters, police officers, corrections officers, court officers, federal agents, military members, and EMS personnel from across Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey! - Fire News photo by

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West Point’s & Vails Gate’s Alec Tannebaum Vails Gate volunteer firefighter Alec Tannen-baum, who also worked as a career firefighter at West Point, had helped with multiple calls during Tropical Storm Isaias. A Marine veteran, he was found dead in his home from an apparent heart attack after going on numerous calls during Tropical Storm Isaias. After West Point, Tannenbaum, 29, completed his shift Tuesday morning with the Vails Gate Fire Department, said an online statement. Some of the calls included helping to clear away trees downed by the storm. Please hold Firefighter Tannenbaum’s family, friends, and departments in your prayer. - Fire News photo provided

Whitehall’s James P. Brooks On September 18, 2020, Whitehall Volunteer Fire Company Second Assistant Chief, James P. Brooks, began his exit of this life as dramatically as he had entered it 45 years before. Jim lived his life on his own terms and was as stubborn as they came. He loved to be in charge and made that clear from the start when on July 1, 1975, he determined it was time to start his life and was born on the bathroom floor of a small apartment in Whitehall, to his parents, Maura A. Lafayette and James P. Brooks, Sr. Friends and family paid their respects on September 25, 2020, at the Whitehall Volunteer Fire Company, followed by a Mass on September 26 at Our Lady of Hope with the Rev. Rendell Torres officiating. - Fire News photo provided

Fire News, November 2020, Page 25


North Greece’s Bertrand W. Morgan

Tappan’s Franklin H. Knower, Jr.

Chaplain Bertrand W. ‘Bud’ Morgan, North Greece Fire Department Chaplain and Fire Police Officer died unexpectedly on September 3, 2020 at age 81. Long time beloved chaplain of the North Greece Fire Department, Bud started his fire career at Braddock Heights Fire Department in the early 1960s and later moved to the Barnard Fire Department where he continued to act as Chaplain for the Barnard Exempts Association. He joined the North Greece Fire Department in 1973. Bud was a member of the NGFD Fire Police, and as NGFD Chaplain, was a founder of the Greece Town-Wide Memorial Service and a Life Member of NGFD. A Funeral Mass was held September 10, 2020, at St Mark’s Church in Greece. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Barnard Exempt Fireman’s Association, 360 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14616, in Bud’s memory. - Fire News photo provided by the New York State Association of Fire Chaplains

Chaplain Franklin H. Knower, Jr., a longtime resident of Tappan, passed away peacefully on September 4, 2020. He was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 13, 1929. Frank attended Ohio State University and served in the US Coast Guard in the Great Lakes Region. Frank was a past president of the NY State Fireman’s Chaplains Association, past president of the Volunteer Fireman’s Association of Hudson Valley, chaplain of the Tappan Volunteer Fire Department, and the Fire Police of the Tappan Volunteer Fire Department. He was predeceased by his wife Alene who passed away in 1978 and his second wife, Betty Kuhn, who passed away in 2012. A firematic graveside service was held September 12, 2020, at the Tappan Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Volunteer Fire Association of Tappan. - Fire News photo provided by the New York State Association of Fire Chaplains

Page 26, Fire News, November 2020

Bronx Commercial 3-Alarmer

Just after 1215 on August 12, 2020, FDNY firefighters in the Bronx were dispatched to East 179th Street and Monterey for a building on fire. Ladder 27 reported a fire in a commercial warehouse and, soon after, reported water issues as heavy smoke pushed from the large 75- x 100-foot building. Ten minutes after arriving, a second alarm was struck as crews found fire inside the cockloft of the building and command transitioned the incident from an interior operation to a defensive exterior operation. Multiple tower ladders and big lines were put into operation to darken down the fire. Con Ed was called due to the potential exposure problem to a large substation in the rear of the fire building. Fire continued through the roof as companies worked to hit stubborn pockets of fire before they were moved back from the building as propane tanks freely rolled across the roof. Tower ladders continued to hit the fire as portions of the roof collapsed. The FDNY used multiple drones to help get aerial view to command to give a better view of the scene and to help fight the fire. The fire was brought under control just before 2100. A 36-year-old Brooklyn man was arrested a few days later in connection to the fire which was determined to have started from propane tanks left on the building’s roof which were deliberately ignited causing the fire that left five firefighters injured. - Fire News photos by, Lloyd Mitchell, and Dave Kempter

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