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Toys forTots, Saratoga Style
Fire departments and businesses from fourcounties participated in the 8th annual Saratoga County Sheriff’s Toys forTots Convoy. Fire engines, tractortrailers and even a 1972 lawnmowertraveled along Route 50 in Saratoga to the Saratoga Performing Arts Centerto bring donated toys to the Marines and volunteers loading them into the waiting tractortrailer. The Grand Marshal for the event was 100-year-old, knighted SirKen Bailey, a WWII, DDay veteran. Braden Champagne, son of West Crescent Fire Department Assistant Chief Joe Champagne, drove a 1972 lawn tractorduring the convoy. West Crescent’s past Chief Steven Myer, who passed away this year, was honored forhis diligent work during the past convoys. SenatorPaul Tonko was among the volunteers who helped load the truck with gifts. Patriot Guard Riders and MacBoston 18 Truck Fallen FirefighterMemorial tillertruck also assisted in the event. The event makes sure 30,000 children in the Capital Region receive a gift forChristmas.