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Brooklyn 4-Alarm Fire
One person was killed and two others injured in a house fire in the Soundview section of the Bronx on January 29, 2023. FDNYfirefighters arrived at the Evergreen Avenue home nearWestchester Avenue around 1400 to find the home engulfed in flames with reports of people inside. It took nearly 100 firefighters more than an hourto bring the blaze undercontrol.
- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Engine Company 248 and Ladder113 transmitted an all-hands on Clarkson Avenue in Brooklyn, forheavy fire in the cockloft of a sixstory, occupied, multiple dwelling on December16, 2022. Units were forced to battle the fire from above and below in a coordinated attack. The fire ultimately went to fouralarms.
- Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Brooklyn 2-Alarmer
FDNYcompanies in the Mill Basin section of Brooklyn battled a two-alarm blaze in a private dwelling on East 63rd Street on December26, 2022. Units encountered heavy flames and smoke in the rearof the dwelling on arrival. Additional resources were called to the scene to assist with the call.

- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
Whitestone 2-Alarmer
FDNYcompanies in the Whitestone section of Queens battled a two-alarm blaze in a private dwelling on 23rd Avenue near149th Street on December21, 2022. Heavy fire was showing from the basement on arrival with rapid extension to the upperfloors. High heat and a heavy smoke condition hampered fire operations. The blaze was brought undercontrol within 45 minutes.
- Fire News photo by FirstOnScenePhotos.com