Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue
VOLUME 13, NO. 9
Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JULY 2020
See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
Thanks to All New York State Fire, Rescue and EMS Heroes!
Fire News, July 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Fatality at Spring Valley Fire The Spring Valley Fire Department was toned out for a structure fire in the area of Christa Lynn Drive. See story on page 5
Truck Fire on the NYS Thruway The Nanuet Fire Department responded to a tractor-trailer fire on the New York State Thruway. See story on page 8
Fatality at Schenectady 2-Alarmer Schenectady firefighters were leaving a fire on Divison Street when they noticed a large column of smoke. See story on page 10
7-Hour Fight in the Bronx The FDNY responded to Buckner Boulevard in the Bronx to find heavy smoke showing from a warehouse. See story on page 14
Flames Show in Depew The Depew Fire Department was toned out on for a house fire. See story on page 31
A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.
For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3 Editorial: (631) 776-0500 Ext 281 Fax number: (631) 286-6866 Internet:
Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:
Grill Fire in Midway Colonie Village, Midway, Stanford Heights, Niskayuna 2 and Latham respond to a structure fire. See story on page 36
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 It’s New To Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37
Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Page 4, Fire News, July 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Don’t Let Your Guard Down As the battle against Covid-19 continues, I remind everyone that even though socialization restrictions have lightened up, this horrible disease is still threatening our existence. I am disheartened when I see people walking together in public places without masks and walking shoulder to shoulder and not giving thought that the disease is still around us. When firehouse procedures lighten up and you come down to the firehouse, keep in mind that masks, hand sanitizer and keeping your distance from your brothers and sisters is a good idea. Listening to the news, I hear that research is being done to come up with a vaccine that will protect us from Covid-19. Researchers feel that we could see an estimated date of 2021 for a vaccine. Truthfully, I am not confident that this will happen. Yes, times have changed, and our research technology is far superior than it was in the past. Let me share some of my thoughts with you. Polio can be traced back to 1580 BC. It was not until 1916 that serious concerns about the disease heightened and scientists started to work diligently to find a vaccine. In 1955, a vaccine to fight polio was developed. In 1961, an oral vaccine was developed and given to our population. I received my sugar cube with the vaccine in elementary school. Looking at the timeline, a lot of years passed before we had a
vaccine for polio. Look at the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This virus was discovered in 1983 and almost 40-years later, there is no cure for the disease. Yes, we can treat the disease and control the symptoms, but there is no cure. What makes you believe that we will have a cure for Covid-19 in less than a year? I believe that everyone should rethink their lifestyles and get used to wearing masks in public and utilizing hand sanitizer on an immediate and regular basis. When you get together with friends, remember the six-foot rule. Diseases can lurk in very visible places. Ask the people who have survived the horror of Covid. They will tell you it was one of the worst experiences they have ever gone through. Many will say, “I didn’t think I was going to make it.” It is easy to forget a bad situation. We forget that close call we had at a past fire, we forget that we caught the flu from using our SCBA facepieces that were never disinfected after use. Our experienced firefighters will tell you of times when you exited a fire and handed off your SCBA to another firefighter so someone else could take over the line as the fight continued. It took us until the 1990s to realize facepieces needed to be sanitized after each use and every firefighter needed to have their own personal facepiece.
Diseases can spread easily. Do not let your guard down and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. In closing, I remind everyone to watch out for each other. Don't be afraid to remind someone to wash their hands, keep their distance from one another and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid -19. Be Safe, Dennis
Fire News, July 2020, Page 5
Fatality at Spring Valley Fire On May 6, 2020, the Spring Valley Fire Department was toned out for a structure fire in the area of Christa Lynn Drive. Under the command of Chief Canario, firefighters arrived just after 0100 to find a small, single-story bungalow fully involved. Several lines were placed into operation to knock down the fire. Once overhaul began, a body was found in the destroyed bungalow. Investigators were looking into the cause of the fire as well as the identity of the victim. The building was abandoned and in disrepair at the time of the fire. Hillcrest and Nanuet responded on mutual aid. - Fire News photo by Kenny Flynn
Exposures to All Sides at Poughkeepsie Blaze On the evening of May 19, 2020, the City of Poughkeepsie firefighters responding to Duane Street on a report of a structure fire. Upon arrival they encountered heavy fire conditions with exposure to all sides. Crews were confronted with a three-story private dwelling on the B/D sides well involved, and two garages on the C side on fire. Crews went interior until conditions pushed them to an exterior operation. Crews remained on scene for hours overhauling and cleaning up. - Fire News photos by Dave Kempter
Page 6, Fire News, July 2020
Cover Story
Schenectady House Collapses
Stanford Heights, Colonie Village, Fuller Road, Midway and West Albany fought an early morning blaze at a house on May 29, 2020, on Memory Lane in Schenectady. Upon arrival flames had already broken through the roof. The fire was fought as an exterior attack
until the majority of the roof had collapsed. The garage had also become engulfed and only one wall remained in the end. The home was being remodeled and no one as living in the residence at the time. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 7
Smoking Ceiling Fan in Mahopac
Commercial Fire in Hagaman
On May 19, 2020, Mahopac Fire was dispatched to smoke in a structure call on Wellington Drive. Chief Jim Stasiak, the first fire unit on location, assumed Incident Command. With Carmel Police Officers Garcia and Sanborn there as a welcomed police presence, Chief Stasiak had nothing showing. Lieutenant Brian Smith took on Operations and Safety, and traced the smoke to a faulty ceiling fan. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey
The Hagaman Volunteer Fire Department operated at a structure fire on Genesee Lane on May 12, 2020, with mutual aid from Fort Johnson. A small fire broke out at Power and Composite Technologies. Cranesville was on standby, and Amsterdam was the FAST. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti
Page 8, Fire News, July 2020
Truck Fire on the NYS Thruway
The Nanuet Fire Department responded to a tractor-trailer fire on the New York State Thruway on May 13, 2020. The trailer, carrying produce, split in two as the first hoseline was being deployed. The noon fire between Exits 14a and 14b shut down the southbound lanes of the Thruway for the duration of the incident. Due to some
early confusion on the location, South Spring Valley and Tallman were also dispatched as the Thruway also goes thought their respective districts. Crews from those departments fought a brush fire on the side of the road that was caused by the trailer. - Fire News photo by Kenny Flynn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 9
2-Alarm Fire Destroys Farm House
Suspicious Fire in Pelham Gardens
On May 21, 2020, Guilderland Center firefighters battled a house fire on Dunnsville Road in Albany County. Heavy fire was found at the rear of 2-1/2 story wood frame farm house and extended to the second floor, then through the roof. Port-a-ponds and tanker shuttles kept water coming to the scene. All occupants made it out safely. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
FDNY companies in the Pelham Gardens section of the Bronx battled a two-alarm blaze in a row of attached private dwellings on Gabriel Drive early on May 11, 2020. Arriving companies were faced with a heavy fire condition and a roadway that provided very little room to operate. The fire quickly auto-exposed to the floors above and additional units were called to the scene. The incident was brought under control within 45 minutes and was declared suspicious. - Fire News photo by
Page 10, Fire News, July 2020
Fatality at Schenectady 2-Alarmer
On May 20, 2020, Schenectady firefighters on Truck 1 were just leaving a fire on Divison Street when they noticed a large column of smoke just blocks away. They alerted dispatch who informed them they were getting multiple calls of an explosion and fire on Elmer Avenue, and a tenant trapped on the third floor. Fire was consuming the rear of the house and firefighters from Engine 4 opened up
their deck gun to knock down the flames at the rear from where several small explosions were heard. Firefighters located a deceased occupant on the third floor. The fire was brought under control in less than an hour. No other injuries were reported. This was the third of three fires in a five hour period between 0700 and 1200. - Fire News photos by Peter Barber
Fire News, July 2020, Page 11
It’sNew toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus
BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.
2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.
2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.
We are looking forward to our new monthly feature
Sold by Command Apparatus
“It’s New to THEM”
AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus
To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly
Page 12, Fire News, July 2020
Monsey Battles Flames
On May 31, 2020, the Monsey Fire Department was toned out for an automatic alarm on Hungry Hollow Road. Almost immediately after the 1430 dispatch, Monsey Chief Andy Schlissel reported heavy fire was already showing in the rear of the building, and was rapidly extending up the exterior to the second floor and roof. Firstin crews mounted an interior attack on the fast growing fire, as several mutual aid companies were requested to the scene. Unfortunately, the property had limited “yard� hydrants which were quickly overwhelmed by the demands for water. As incoming
companies were establishing a secure water supply, crews were forced to pull back to a defensive attack, with the use of several aerial master streams. One firefighter was treated for dehydration and was expected to recover. Eleven elderly residents and two care workers in the building at the time were able to evacuate before the fire department arrived. The cause of the fire was being investigated, but was considered accidental at the time. - Fire News photos by Kenny Flynn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 13
Firehouse Kitchen
FD Movie Nights
By Ray Cooney Getting frustrated with this quarantine? Tired of staying home? Frustrated that there is no confirmation of when this will end? Are my fellow firefighters upset that we have lost substantial fundraising ability? Well, then I have the answer for you! Firehouse Kitchen, Fire News and the company Long Island Movie Nights have joined together to convert the now empty and expansive parking lots of the fire departments into pop-up drive-in movie theaters. It’s a very simple fundraiser with little work on your part. Contact Long Island Movie nights at or call 631-4693545. You can also visit the website at How does it work? The fire department pays Long Island Movie Nights their fee (this includes the movie licensing, insurance and promotion). LI Movie nights will come out and do a site survey to determine the best layout and maximum amount of cars that can fit comfortably. This is included in their fee as well. The department can then decide the following: what to charge per car (my suggestion is $40/car), will you sell hot dogs, hamburgers, soda, etc., will you do 50/50 raffles, etc.
You can schedule two showings an evening — a family friendly movie and a not so family friendly movie (i.e. The Goonies and then Scream). Whatever you raise above and beyond the fee due Long Island Movie Nights goes directly to the fire department! Advance on-line ticket sales are recommended. Just a note, every showing that they have had has sold out within the first hour!! The movie selections range from such classics as Jaws to more recent movies like Jumanji. Who doesn’t remember their childhood memories of attending at least one drivein movie? In a time when our children and grandchildren are all consumed by handheld electronics, let’s bring this nostalgia back
while doing something wonderful and uplifting for our communities. We hope to see you soon at one of these movie nights. In the meantime, stay well and keep washing those hands! To find out more about Firehouse Kitchen visit, or to become a sponsor or have your firehouse on Firehouse Kitchen, email me at
Page 14, Fire News, July 2020
7-Hour Fight in the Bronx
On the afternoon of May 4, 2020, the FDNY responded to Buckner Boulevard in the Bronx to find heavy smoke showing from a 100x 150-foot storage warehouse. Crews attempted to make a push but fire conditions were too intense. A second alarm was transmitted and crews setup for an exterior operation. They remained exterior for over three hours as the fire tore through the building. The roof collapsed and a tower ladder operation was setup. Crews remained on scene for approximately seven hours until the incident was placed under control. - Fire News photos by Dave Kempter, Lloyd Mitchell, FirstOnScenePhotos and
Fire News, July 2020, Page 15
Page 16, Fire News, July 2020
NY Mutual Aid Tankers to Connecticut
Defensive Operation in Buffalo
Tankers from Banksville and Armonk assisted the Greenwich Fire Department during a fully- involved dwelling fire on Lower Cross Road in Greenwich (CT) on March 19, 2020. With no hydrants in the area, the tankers were called from over the state border to assist in getting water to the scene. - Fire News photo by
Buffalo firefighters were notified of a fire on Lemon Street. Upon arrival, heavy fire conditions were present on the second floor of the structure. A quick interior search was conducted, but due to partial collapse of the second floor, a defensive operation was ordered and Ladder 6 went airborne for aerial operations. - Fire News photo by Donald Kilianski
Fire News, July 2020, Page 17
Mount Vernon Auto Body Shop Fire
Latham Storage Shed Fire
Shortly after 0500 on April 18, 2020, Mount Vernon firefighters were dispatched to South Fulton Avenue for a building fire. On arrival, crews found heavy smoke and fire coming from an auto repair shop. Crews were able to get the fire under control in 45 minutes. - Fire News photo by
On April 12, 2020, the Boght, Maplewood, Latham and Colonie fire departments responded to a structure fire at the Valleyview Apartments in Latham. Upon arrival, a storage unit had an exterior fire that extended into the closed unit. The fire was extinguished with minimal damage to the unit. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn
Page 18, Fire News, July 2020
Could Have Been Worse On April 28, 2020, Mahopac and Mahopac Falls fire departments were dispatched for a capsized boat with two occupants in the water of Dixon Lake in the Mahopac Fire District. A full water rescue response by both departments diverted a possible tragedy. Along with a heavy Carmel Police presence and having Medic 3 and Battalion 16 on the scene, Mahopac Chief Jim Stasiak took Incident Command as Assistant Chief Gabe Rivera handled Operations and Safety. Sending out the Company 18 boat to secure the victims, the Mahopac Falls Dive Team suited up. Mahopac EMTs and Medic 3 removed the two to a warm ambulance for triage. Both victims eventually refused transport. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO
Zamboni Fire Winona Lake Engine Company and Orange Lake Engine Company responded to C&A Warehouse for a Zamboni fire. The Zamboni, which is a floor cleaner, was moved outside of the structure. - Fire News photo by Vinnie Dominick
Fire News, July 2020, Page 19
Page 22, Fire News, July 2020
Quick Knock Down at Suspicious Fire
Fire Leaves Several Homeless
On May 20, 2020, Schenectady firefighters were called to the scene of a structure fire on Divison Street shortly after 1100. Upon arrival, flames were seen crawling up the C-D sides of a vacant house. Flames were quickly extinguished with no extension to the interior. This was the second of three fires in a five-hour period between 0700 and 1200. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
Schenectady firefighters were called to the scene of a structure fire on South Ferry Street shortly after 0700 on May 20, 2020. Heavy smoke was found coming from under porch stairs where fire was started in a pile of garbage. No injuries were reported. This was the first of three fires in a five-hour period between 0700 and 1200. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
Fire News, July 2020, Page 23
Rockaway House Fire
In April, the Queens Central Office started receiving numerous a second alarm was transmitted. Due to the volume of fire, firefightcalls for a fire in a private dwelling on Beach 66th Street in the ers were pulled from the building for tower ladders to operate. Rockaways. Fire had quickly spread to every floor of the home and - Fire News photo by Brian Grogan
Page 24, Fire News, July 2020
FIREHOUSE EXPO CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION MOVES TO OCTOBER 2020 Endeavor Business Media and the Firehouse Expo event team have closely monitored the developments around the Covid-19 pandemic with the highest intention of protecting the health and safety of its attendees, instructors, exhibitors, sponsors and employees. In these efforts to host a safe and productive event, the decision has been made to postpone the event until October 30 to November 1, 2020. “While Firehouse Expo’s commitment to providing life-saving training and education remains stronger than ever as we collectively fight this pandemic, the health and wellbeing of the fire service is our top priority,” says Peter Matthews, Firehouse Expo Conference Director. “The timing of Nashville’s recovery plan, CDC guidelines, and close discussions with local officials and partners has prompted our difficult decision to reschedule the event.” Firehouse Expo 2020, originally scheduled for July 20-25, will now take place October 30 through November 1, 2020, at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN.
“The fire service community’s hearts, minds and efforts are now rightly focused on Covid-19 at home as so many continue their work on the front lines of this pandemic,” said Matthews. “While we are disappointed about postponing the event, we are also confident that the October dates will result in a stronger, safer, and more well attended event where the fire community can come together to train, learn and rebuild.” The annual conference and expo will maintain its focus on training and educating the fire service through hands-on training classes, conference sessions, workshops and an exhibit floor showcasing more than 200 vendors. The event attracts approximately 4,000 attendees each year from across the United States. With the date change, there will be forthcoming changes to the conference program, hands-on training and workshop curriculums and schedules. An updated program as well as reduced registration fees were announced on the Firehouse Expo website on May 26.
Syntex Industries Donates Masks Syntex Industries is a manufacture of water tanks, hosebed covers and crosslay covers. Since late March, Syntex has been manufacturing masks and donating them to hospitals and care centers. There was a supply shortage of masks because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and Syntex Industries decided to help out and began manufacturing
masks. They followed state specifications on how a mask is to be made. So far over 1,000 masks have been donated. Syntex plans on manufacturing more and have a stock supply in case there is a second round of Covid-19 in the fall. Syntex is glad they could help protect the public.
FDNY Fires
Fire News, July 2020, Page 25
2nd Alarm Vacant Dwelling Fire
Taxpayer Burns in Crown Heights
On May 18, 2020, firefighters in the Bronx were dispatched to East 240th Street for the report of a dwelling fire. First-due crews found heavy fire from multiple sides of a vacant dwelling. A second alarm was struck as the home was well involved. Companies stretched lines and quickly knocked down the main body for fire. The fire was brought under control in about 30 minutes. - Fire News photo by
On March 31, 2020, Tower Ladder 111 transmitted a 10-75 for heavy smoke pushing from the first floor of a corner store. Units encountered heavy fire in the rear of the bodega. Division 15 transmitted a second alarm for extension to the floor above and rear buildings. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell
3-Alarm Apartment Building Fire
Just before 2100 on March 27, 2020, FDNY firefighters in the Bronx were sent to Cruger Avenue for a fire in an apartment. Firefighters arrived to find fire on the top floor of a six-story apartment building. Fueled by strong winds the fire worked its way into the cockloft. Second and third alarms were struck. Firefighters were able keep the fire to one section of the cockloft, saving the building from major damage. Two people were hospitalized following the fire, which was put under control in just under two hours. - Fire News photo by
Fatal Fire in Queens
Recently, one person was killed and two others were injured in an afternoon fire in the Woodside section of Queens. The alarm came in just before 1530, for fire in a house on 56th Street near 39th Avenue. The fire quickly spread to the house next door prompting a second alarm. One victim was transported to Elmhurst Hospital and pronounced dead. - Fire News photo by
Page 26, Fire News, July 2020
MVA’S Delmar Handles Medical Emergency-Crash
No Injuries in Mahopac Rollover
On May 9, 2020, a woman suffered a medical problem, which caused her to crash her car into the Delaware Plaza on Delaware Avenue in Delmar. The woman lost control, causing major damage to her car and structural damage to a sign. She was treated at the scene by Delmar-Bethlehem EMS and Albany County Paramedics, and transported to Albany Medical Center. Bethlehem Police, and the Elsmere Fire Department also responded. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan
On May 6, 2020, Mahopac Fire, EMS and Fire Police, along with multiple units from Carmel Police and Medic 3 were dispatched to a rollover MVA in the area of Union Valley Road in the Mahopac Fire District. First arriving units found a single-car accident with the vehicle on its roof and the driver out of the car. Assistant Chief Gabe Rivera took the lead as Incident Command and had pumpers stand by at each end of the crash diverting traffic. With Mahopac EMS and Medic 3 on location, the driver was triaged but refused transport. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO
Jeep Down the Embankment
4 Injured in Bad MVA in Boght
On April 5, 2020, the Washingtonville Fire Department was dispatched to a report of an overturned auto on Helms Hill Road in the Town of Blooming Grove. Upon arrival, personnel found a Jeep had traveled down the embankment and overturned. The driver of the vehicle was able to extricate herself and her four-legged passenger prior to the arrival. The driver of the vehicle was evaluated by the Blooming Grove VAC and refused further medical aid. The dog appeared to be uninjured. According to the driver’s family, the dog was wearing a special seatbelt made for dogs. Blooming Grove PD was at the scene. - Fire News photo by Chief Gary Hearn
At approximately 0230 on April 6, 2020, the Boght and Latham fire departments were called to an MVA involving a van that crashed into a parked trailer. The accident occurred at the corner of Boght Road and Loudon Road. The vehicle contained a mother and two children who were in the back of the car in car seats and a third child in the rear seat. The children survived because of the car seats. The mother driving was pinned under the crushed area of the van. The fire departments wrenched the vehicle out so that crews could proceed with removing the doors in order to access the driver’s compartment. The mother was extricated with multiple injuries to her leg and arm but luckily survived. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 27
Page 28, Fire News, July 2020
Rye Dwelling Fire on Oakland Beach Ave.
Around 1300 on March 22, 2020, Rye firefighters were dispatched to Oakland Beach Avenue for the report of a dwelling on fire. First arriving units found smoke showing from a large dwelling and a working fire was transmitted. Firefighters were able to quickly stretch lines and knock down the fire limiting damage to the home. The fire was placed under control in 45 minutes. - Fire News photo by
Kitchen Fire in Amsterdam
At 1300 on March 18, 2020, Amsterdam fire responded to a kitchen fire on Austin Street at 1300 hours. The fire was brought under control without incident. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti
Fire News, July 2020, Page 29
Brush Fire at Ward Acres Park In the afternoon on April 12, 2020, New Rochelle firefighters were sent to Ward Acres Park for the report of a brush fire. When crews arrived they found, and quickly extinguished, a small brush fire in the area of the dog park. - Fire News photo by
Same Place, Second Time in 2 Weeks At around 0700 on May 20, 2020, the Spring Valley Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire — for the second time in two weeks — at a vacant bungalow community. Similar to the earlier blaze, crews again arrived to a fully involved singlestory bungalow, which was already collapsing. With assistance from the Nanuet, they took up defensive operations to extinguish the fire. The fire was being investigated as suspicious by the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office BCI and the Ramapo Police Department. The first fire resulted in the death of a possible squatter. The cause of that fire was still under investigation. The area, which still has several vacant buildings standing, is the site of a controversial high-density housing development, scheduled to be built in the near future. -Fire News photo by Kenny Flynn
Page 30, Fire News, July 2020
Better Than the Alternative
The Piermont Fire Department Dive Team was dispatched on May 8, 2020, to the Hudson River to search for a possible missing person. The call was prompted by some personal items and clothing left on a local dock, which raised concerns that someone could have fallen in the water. Along with the Thiells Dive Team on mutual aid, divers
and boats searched the area around the dock for approximately 30 minutes. During the time they were searching, local police were able to locate the missing person on land. -Fire News photos by Kenny Flynn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 31
Trash and Trees Blaze
Flames Show in Depew
The call came in as a structure fire but upon arrival it was discovered that a dumpster and surrounding garbage were on fire. Latham and West Albany worked to put out the layers of fencing and boxes, as well as surrounding trees. The fire was attributed to careless smoking and dry vegetation. No one was injured. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn
The Depew Fire Department was toned out on May 7, 2020, for a house fire on Norman Street, in the village. Automatic mutual came from Twin District for their FAST and Hyview for an engine and a ladder to the scene. The first unit reported a fully engulfed garage, which extended to the house, the garage behind it and the next door neighbor’s house. Additional companies to the scene came from U-Crest, Forks, Bowmansville, Lancaster and Townline. The fire was brought under control in a little over an hour. - Fire News photo by Jim Lepard
Page 32, Fire News, July 2020
Hi-Rise Fire on East 102 St.
Quick Work in Winona Lake
On April 9, 2020, the Winona Lake Engine Company was called out for a car fire on Route 17k. Firefighters arrived to a fully involved vehicle fire and knocked out the fire without incident. - Fire News photo by Vinnie Dominick
Motorcyclist Air Lifted to Albany Medical Center On April 6, 2020, after loading up the box due to multiple calls, FDNY firefighters in Manhattan went to work on a high-rise fire . Engine 53 arrived to heavy fire showing from windows on a corner unit of the seventh floor of a 14-story building. Battalion 10 requested an extra engine and truck due to the fire conditions. The main body of fire was knocked down within 20 minutes. - Fire News photo by
Rotterdam Ambulance personnel tended to the operator of a motorcycle who lost control on loose gravel at the Interstate 90 entrance ramp in the westbound lane of Interstate 890. The cycle rolled several times before coming to rest, severely injuring the operator. An Air Methods LifeNet helicopter was called to the scene and air lifted the operator to Albany Medical Center for severe head trauma. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
Fire News, July 2020, Page 33
Up Close and Personal
Amsterdam Firefighter Paul Daw. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti
Amsterdam firefighter Jim Meyers. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti
Amsterdam Lieutenant Aaron Robinson. - Fire News photo by Mark Perfetti
Page 34, Fire News, July 2020
COVID-19 One Round on the Horn
Every Friday evening at 2020, the Mahopac Falls Fire Department honors the Mahopac High School’s Class of 2020 by putting “One Round on the Horn” at Fire Headquarters for the graduates. Recently, the guests of honor were members of the MHS Class of 2020 and members of the Mahopac Falls Fire Department. Members Josh Finney, Samantha Faeth and A.J. Watts had the privilege to salute their classmates in a way that few get to do. With other members, all Mahopac alumni put One Round on the Horn to honor all graduates. One alumnus was Putnam County Deputy Brian Neary, who was returning from a call and heard the siren and stopped in to give his congratulations to the graduates. Deputy Neary was a member of the Mahopac Falls Fire Department and a welcomed law enforcement officer who was at many fire scenes. He is a friend and role model to everyone. The graduates were thrilled that he took time to stop by the firehouse. - Fire News photos by Jack Casey
A Sign of the Times Stanford Hts. Helping Their Community This year is Stanford Heights 100th Anniversary. For years members have been planning on how they would celebrate with the residents who have supported them throughout the years. Then Covid-19 happened. The members of Stanford Heights wanted some way to help their community. With the funds set aside that would have gone towards the 100th Anniversary party, they and local businesses joined together and purchased food items. They were able to put together over 300 boxes of food for those in need in their community. On May 30, 2020, they opened their doors for a drive-through food pantry. Item that were not picked up were brought to local elderly community members, shelters and others in need. Thank you Stanford Heights for stepping up and supporting your community when they were in need. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn
Washingtonville Fire Department personnel investigating a carbon monoxide alarm activation in a senior citizens complex wearing N-95 masks. No carbon monoxide was found. The cause of the incident was a defective CO alarm. - Fire News photo by Chief Gary Hearn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 35
Page 36, Fire News, July 2020
Grill Fire in Midway
Colonie Village, Midway, Stanford Heights, Niskayuna 2 and Latham fire departments were called to a structure fire on Tokay Lane in Midway’s fire district. The structure fire began as a grill fire on the back deck of the home and quickly spread up the back wall and into the second floor with flames visible coming from the roof. All occupants were able to evacuate and no firefighters were injured. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn
1 Driver Flees 2-Car MVA in Astoria
In the early hours of April 7, 2020, Engine 262, Ladder 117 and EMS units from Station 49 in Astoria, Queens, were dispatched to an MVA with a utility pole down at the intersection of 21st Street and 28th Avenue. Units arrived to find a crash involving two vehicles, with no entrapment. The occupants of one vehicle fled the scene, the driver of the other vehicle was transported to a nearby hospital for injuries via a Station 49 Ambulance. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez
Fire News, July 2020, Page 37
FDNY’s Anthony J. Catapano
With regret, the Fire Department of New York announced the death of retired Firefighter Anthony J. Catapano, E-202, appointed February 9, 1963, retired May 22, 2005, which occurred on May 30, 2020. This member bravely served this department protecting life and property in the City of New York in the rescue and recovery at Manhattan Box 5-5-8087 World Trade Center. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire Department is extended to the family, relatives and friends of the deceased in the midst of the great loss that they and the department have sustained. The funeral took place at the Marine Park Funeral Home in Brooklyn, on June 10, 2020, followed by a Mass at St. Columbia Church. - Fire News story and photo courtesy Mark Little, the South Regional Director, NYS Chaplains
Cambridge Firefighters Bid Farewell to Former Longtime Chief
If Henry Bates, Jr., could spend a lifetime fighting fires for his community, his brother and sister firefighters weren’t going to let the coronavirus stop them from honoring his passing. Bates, who was Cambridge Fire Chief for 26 years, died March 31, 2020, at the age of 93. Timothy Bates, one of his three sons, said he discussed whether to hold a fire department commemoration with Chief Thomas Gray. Most fire departments are only mustering for fire calls during the coronavirus epidemic, Bates said. “We don’t have to do this,” Bates told Gray. Gray replied. “'No, we have to do this,” Bates recalled. Members of the village fire department turned out to escort the hearse bearing Bates’ casket from Cambridge Central School to the firehouse on West Main Street. Four of the village’s five trucks were in the procession. - Fire News photo courtesy of the Glens Falls Post-Star
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Memorial Day
Honoring the Fallen
The Washingtonville Fire Department, Police Department and Blooming Grove VAC honored military personnel who made the supreme sacrifice for this country. - Fire News photos by Chief Gary Hearn
Mahopac Fire Gets New Ambulance
Recently, Senator Peter Harckham and Tom Staudter, Director of Communications, stopped by Mahopac Fire Headquarters today, to get a first-hand look at what they were instrumental in getting for Mahopac EMS and all members who ride the ambulances by getting a grant for MVFD so they could purchase and equip the first out ambulance with a stretcher lift system. The Senator commented
that he felt this addition was everything promised and could see how it eased the burden of the ambulance crews. Firefighters and EMTs had a good time with Senator Pete showing off their firehouse and equipment they are so proud of and even got a group shot together. - Fire News photos by Jack Casey
A Birthday to Remember
On May 13, 2020, the community came together to help the daughter of Verdoy Fire Department’s President celebrate her Sweet 16th Birthday. Jackie who, during the pandemic, was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, was all smiles at the outpouring of love she received. On hand were Verdoy, Colonie Village, Shaker Road and Latham
Fire Departments as well as Colonie Police and many, many friends and family. The Humane Society with furry friends on board and the Schenectady Pipe Band also made an appearance to give Jackie a memorable birthday. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn
Fire News, July 2020, Page 39
Minivan Fire Endangers Neighboring Structures
On May 18, 2020, Schenectady Engine 4 firefighters battled a fully involved minivan fire in the back of a Raymond Street residence which endangered a neighboring garage and a car parked nearby.
The fire was confined to the minivan and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber
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