Fire News New York State, July 2021 edition

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Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue

VOLUME 14, NO. 9


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JULY 2021

See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by

Looking Back: NYS Fire History Please see page 17.

Fire News, July 2021, Page 3

In this issue... Fire Destroys Red Hook Barn Red Hook and Tivoli firefighters were dispatched to a structure fire on Route 199. See story on page 7

Fatality at Fire in Princetown Firefighters were confronted with a fire that ravaged a home and took the life of its wheelchair-bound occupant. See story on page 12

3 Alarms Sound for Scotia Woods Fire Flames erupted in a seven-acre log and wood processing plant.

See story on page 16

Schenectady Rollover Sends 2 to Hospital Both the driver and passenger were taken to Albany Medical Center for treatment.

See story on page 28

Church Fire in Putnam County Units were dispatched to a working fire at the Assembly of God Church on Mahopac Avenue. See story on page 34

A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Editorial Assistant: BRYAN LOPEZ Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.


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Averill Park Installs New Officers The Averill Park Fire Department held its 121st Annual Installation of Officers banquet on May 2, 2021. See story on page 37

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 34 & 38 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, July 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Learning from Your Peers? When I joined the fire service, I was aware of some of the traditions that all fire departments seem to embrace. No, I most definitely am not speaking of hazing. Hazing is a ritual that involves risk, pain or harm as part of an initiation into a group. In the most organizations, hazing is frowned upon and has serious consequences. One of the first traditions I learned at a very young age, was to knock with your elbows! If you visit any firehouse, bring a cake. It was a family ritual that every other Friday of the month I ventured with my dad to his firehouse in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Before we left our house, mom had a freshly baked cake ready to go with us. That cake meant a lot to the guys who were sitting at the kitchen table drinking their coffee and involved in conversation. Yes, the firehouse kitchen seemed like a special place where the family of firefighters were always welcomed and could also share their thoughts and ask questions. The kitchen table was also a special place. Firefighters could share their personal experiences with one another. And whether they

wanted it or not, a solution to any problem was offered. Believe it or not, most firefighters were versed in many different aspects of life. Quite a few years back, I visited a neighboring firehouse and noticed a sign above a picnic table. The sign read, “Table of Knowledge.” Having a few years in the fire service, I simply read the sign and didn’t ask questions. A few years later, my breakfast table became known as the roundtable. I have coffee every day at the roundtable and yes, I usually wind up in a discussion that turns into several cups of coffee. The fire service is full of “unwritten rules.” You usually don’t learn about these sacred rules unless you share some time at the roundtable, the table of knowledge, the TV room, or any other place that you can engage in constructive conversation at the firehouse. How many times have you heard, “The new kids just don’t get it?” The special places where we can engage in constructive conversation is a place to eliminate future problems by clarifying the social norms and expected conduct that's not covered by policy

both in the station and on incidents. I am always happy to see members working together as they help each other practice for future practical exams. With the advent of portable training props, I often see small groups of members working to force a door or spring a lock so that they are ready for that early morning automatic alarm. In the fire service, there is no excuse not to know something. Spending a little time sitting with the members of your company will prove to be a wealth of knowledge. Sit down together and discuss recent calls or events that you were at but weren’t sure why things were done in a certain manor. Make sense of the organized chaos by talking with the people who make a difference. Dennis

Fire News, July 2021, Page 5

Warwick Hosts Scouts, Readies for Memorial Day

The Warwick Fire Prevention Team hosted the Warwick Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts and instructed them in fire safety and issued future Warwick Junior Firefighters certificates. The scout troops’ leaders and members were also impressed that some of our firefighters were also female firefighters and past scouts. The scouts were taught to work hard and to always help give back to their communities. Also, the WFD Color Guard held a drill to ready the guard for the upcoming Memorial Day Parade. - Fire News photos provided by Warwick FD

Page 6, Fire News, July 2021

Cover Story

Just after 2300 on April 29, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to the corner of Texas and Child Streets for the report of a house fire. Engine 5 reported a heavy smoke condition in the area and then found a working fire coming from the second floor and attic of a 2-½ story wood frame dwelling. Companies quickly stretched lines to

the fire floors and worked to knock down the heavy fire as other crews stretched a line to protect an exposure on the bravo side. Firefighters were able to contain the fire and hold it from spreading. Extensive overhaul was necessary to chase some stubborn hot spots in the home. - Fire News photo by

Fire News, July 2021, Page 7

Fire Destroys Red Hook Barn

3 Homes Involved in Troy

On May 16, 2021, the Red Hook Fire Company and Tivoli Fire Department were dispatched to a structure fire on Route 199 in Red Hook. Upon arrival, Assistant Chief Mike Lane found a barn fully involved extending to another structure nearby as well as several propane storage tanks and immediately called for a second alarm, bringing equipment and manpower from Rhinebeck, Milan and Livingston. Pine Plains, Hillside and Germantown covered. Due to heavy fire an exterior attack was initiated and the fire was knocked down in about 45 minutes. Overhaul and clean-up, required the use of a backhoe. One firefighter was transported to Northern Dutchess Hospital and later released. Also on scene were the Red Hook Police, NY State Police, Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office and Northern Dutchess Paramedics. - Fire News photo by John Lauffer

On April 28, 2021, in Troy, two days after a seven-year-old boy was lost in a fire on Fourth Street which destroyed four homes, fire struck again. Three homes were heavily involved, the center structure collapsed leaving only one wall standing, but no one was injured. Smoke banked to the ground hampered firefighting efforts. - Fire News photo by Martin E. Miller

Page 8, Fire News, July 2021

Glenville Blaze Damages Home

On May 17, 2021, East Glenville firefighters brought a fire in a basement laundry room under control in less than an hour on Glen Avenue in Glenville. No injuries were reported. Alplaus and Stratton Air Guard firefighters assisted at the scene. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Page 10, Fire News, July 2021

Garage Burns at Country Club

High Winds Wreak Havoc

On April 19, 2021, Albany Fire and Menands fire responded to a structure fire at the Wolfert’s Roost Country Club in the garage building which housed many of the machines used at the country club. Albany Fire entered by cutting the overhead door. The fire which was situated in the ceiling/roof area of the building proved to be stubborn, and crews worked from various angles to extinguish it. No one was injured and the building and most of the contents were left unscathed. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

On April 30, 2021, Mahopac Falls Fire and Fire Police were dispatched to Route 6N between Potter Road and Luccaro Lane for trees blocking the road and wires down starting a brush fire. This was one of the numerous weather-related calls that put many police and fire agencies throughout the county on the road because of the high winds. Fire police detoured traffic around the active fire scene as firefighters took on the brush fire. Captain Jason Stasiak was Incident Commander and put a call out for NYSE&G, whose response time was terrific. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO

FDNY EMS Week 2021 Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro unveiled the FDNY's poster for National EMS Week on May 17, 2021, at FDNY Headquarters in celebration of National EMS Week. May 16, 2021, marked the start of EMS Week 2021, an annual week-long initiative to promote public safety among all New Yorkers and celebrate the life-saving efforts of more than 4,400 members of FDNY's Emergency Medical Service. FDNY celebrates each year in conjunction with National EMS Week. "This year we celebrate more than just the excellence and life-saving treatment our hardworking EMTs and Paramedics provide to New Yorkers day and night. In 2020, our members faced the busiest period in the history of EMS, responding to a record number of calls and bringing compassion and empathy to their patients during a time of such terrible loss for our city," said Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro. "Their reputation as trusted professionals with an unwavering dedication to their patients has been on display every day. I'm incredibly proud of their resilience and remarkable service." Each year during EMS Week, the FDNY unveils a poster which is intended to raise greater awareness about the life-saving work of FDNYs EMTs and Paramedics. This year's FDNY-developed poster's theme is "Caring for Our Communities," and features EMT Melissa Rivera, a 13-year veteran, EMT Gilbert Sepulveda, a nine-year veteran, and Paramedic Kyle LoGiudice, a 14-year veteran of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service, pictured providing medical care in their assigned PPE to a medical emergency on the streets of New York City. Each day during EMS Week 2021, FDNY's social media platforms featured stories from the men and women of EMS who responded to medical emergencies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Some Facts: At the height of the pandemic in March/April 2020, EMS responded to the most medical emergencies daily in New York City history. Call volume increased by thousands, with the highest total ever coming on March 30 when there were 6,527 medical emergencies. Overall, FDNY EMS responded to 1,412,690 medical emergencies in 2020, down eight percent from 2019 when the department responded to 1,531,870 medical emergencies - the most ever recorded in a single year. Congratulations to Alex Arroyo for designing and photographing the 2021 EMS poster.

Fire News, July 2021, Page 11

Page 12, Fire News, July 2021

Fatality at Fire in Princetown

On May 13, 2021, Plotterkill firefighters were confronted with a two- tanker relays were set up from multiple neighboring departments alarm fire on Weast Road in Princetown, that ravaged a home and from Schenectady and Montgomery counties. The cause of the fire took the life of its wheelchair-bound occupant. Port-a-ponds and was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Fire News, July 2021, Page 13

Page 14, Fire News, July 2021

Quick Stop in St. Albans

Crescent Street Fire

FDNY companies in the St. Albans section of Queens responded to a second-floor fire in a house on 202nd Street on April 12, 2021. The blaze was quickly knocked down with the first handline. The incident was brought under control within 20 minutes. - Fire News photo by

On April 29, 2021, Engine Company 332 transmitted an all-hands for a fire on the first and second floor of a two-story private dwelling on Crescent Street in Brooklyn. The fire extended to exposure 2. A second alarm was transmitted by Battalion 39 as heavy fire got into the exposure building. Units used four handlines to knock down the fire just after 0530. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

Fire News, July 2021, Page 15

Dwelling Fire in Rochester

Fishkill Apartment Complex 3-Alarm

Around 2030 on March 28, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Cedarwood Terrace for a report of smoke coming from a home. While en route, a backup call was received and the box was filled out. First arriving units found smoke coming from the front door. Companies stretched lines and found a fire in the kitchen area on the first floor which had extended up to the second floor of the home. The fire was quickly knocked down and one dog was rescued. - Fire News photo by

On the evening of April 18, 2021, the Fishkill Fire Department was dispatched to Jefferson Boulevard for a porch fire. First-due units reported they had fire on multiple rear porches. Upon arrival of the incident commander, a second alarm was struck due to heavy fire load in the rear of a large condo-style apartment complex. Crews made a push to extinguish the fire, however, that was unsuccessful and all members were pulled from the building. Exterior operations went into play for about an hour until the fire was darkened down enough to send members back in. A third alarm was struck bringing additional resources and eight tankers to the scene. The fire was extinguished roughly three hours after the initial dispatch. NYSP and Village of Fishkill Arson investigators were on scene. - Fire News photo by Dave Kempter

Page 16, Fire News, July 2021

3 Alarms Sound for Scotia Woods Fire

On May 16, 2021, flames erupted in a seven-acre log and wood pro- departments, including one from the Stratton Air Guard base. After cessing plant on Sunnyside Road in the Schenectady County Village nearly three hours the fire was brought under control. of Scotia in the town of Glenville, sending plumes of smoke into the - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber sky that could be seen for miles. Brush trucks came from nearby

Fire News, July 2021, Page 17

Looking Back NYC 1969

Ridgewood Early 70’s

Deputy Chief James D. Joyce (dec.) of the FDNY 3rd Division being removed from the scene of a three-alarm fire on 20th Street and Broadway on August 8, 1969. - Fire News photo by “Godfrey” courtesy of the Joyce family

In the early 1970's a fire broke out in a wood frame structure on Onderdonk Avenue and Palmetto Street in Ridgewood, Queens. Companies from Bushwick, Brooklyn responded to assist with the blaze. - Fire News photos by Dennis Whittam

Page 18, Fire News, July 2021


Selkirk Responds to Car into House

Narrow Escape in Selkirk MVA

On May 15, 2021, Selkirk Fire, Albany County EMS and Bethlehem Police responded to Corning Hill Road for a car that crashed into a house. Upon arrival, they found a car with heavy damage to the front end and a section of the front of the home collapsed onto it. The driver refused medical attention. Power was knocked out in the area by the crash. Bethlehem Police were investigating the cause of the crash. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

On May 14, 2021, an elderly woman was very lucky when she was not seriously injured in an MVA. She pulled out of the post office on Route 9W and into the path of a truck, which hit her broadside and pushed her across 9W into the Becker School property. Selkirk Fire had to pop the driver’s door to extricate the woman. Bethlehem Police, Delmar-Bethlehem, Albany County EMS, and Selkirk Fire responded to the scene. - Fire News photo by Tom Heffernan

Occupants Flee Glenville Accident

Murderers Kill Road MVA

On April 10, 2021, Thomas Corners firefighters look for the cell phone of the the driver of this car which was hit by a pickup that crossed into its path on Saratoga and Worden Roads in the Schenectady County town of Glenville. The driver and passenger were later apprehended hiding in the back yard of a property about a mile from the scene. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

The Coxsackie Fire Department was toned out for a MVA car versus motorcycle at the intersection of Farm To Market and Murderers Kill Roads. The motorcyclist was treated at the scene by Town of Coxsackie Ambulance. No other injuries were reported. A helicopter was placed on standby per Greene County 911 protocol. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Fire News, July 2021, Page 19

Page 22, Fire News, July 2021

NYSAFC RETURNS TO SYRACUSE FOR THE 115TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE & FIRE 2021 EXPO The New York State Association of Fire Chiefs 115th Annual Conference & FIRE 2021 Expo will be held from July 14-17, 2021, at The Oncenter in Syracuse, NY. A full slate of programs and activities are scheduled for fire and EMS personnel. The exhibit area at The Oncenter has been expanded to include the War Memorial Arena, in addition to the Conference Center next door and an outdoor display area. Hundreds of vendors will be participating. Free One Day Tickets for entry to the expo (Thursday - Saturday) are available from exhibitors. NYSAFC’s Hands-On Training program, led by some of the nation's most respected instructors, has been expanded to allow more students to participate. Training will be held from Thursday Saturday at the Syracuse Fire Department Training Center. Eight diverse courses, most including live fire evolutions, will be delivered. More than 40 classroom-based programs, including eight EMS CEU sessions, will be open to Conference Full Term Registrants from Wednesday - Saturday at The Oncenter in the Ballroom area (lower level). Seating will be limited due to COVID-19 safety guidelines and will be available on a first come, first served basis. This year’s lineup of lecturers includes Mike Gagliano, Tim Klett, John Norman, Thomas Richardson, Dennis Rubin, John Salka, and many more! Dr. David Griffin of the Charleston (SC) Fire

Department will deliver the keynote address “In Honor of the Charleston 9: A Study of Change Following Tragedy” on Thursday at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown. Special courses include NYSAFC Codes Training, where students can earn in-service codes hours, and a free Fire Investigation Training delivered in partnership with OFPC, where participants can earn course credits. Special pre-registration is required for both programs. Other activities include the FIRE 2021 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Friday at a new venue the Carrier Dome on the campus of Syracuse University. All proceeds will benefit the FDNY Counseling Services Unit and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Special registration is required. Network with conference attendees from across the country at the FIRE 2021 Block Party, held after show hours on Friday. South Warren Street will be closed in the area of the Marriott Syracuse Downtown for the celebration, featuring live music, food, and beverages. The Annual Conference & FIRE Expo helps support the not-forprofit NYSAFC in its mission to serve fire and EMS personnel across New York state year-round. The most up-to-date information on FIRE 2021 is available at

VANDER MOLEN FIRE ADDED TO MALLEY INDUSTRIES DEALER NETWORK Vander Molen Fire has officially been added to Malley Industries growing dealer network, servicing Upstate New York. Malley leads in Type II innovation with pathogenresistant ambulances and patient transfer vehicles that optimize safety, ergonomics, fleet efficiency and lower operating costs. Please call Chris Heinbach at 518-948-1556 to set up a demo.


Fire News, July 2021, Page 23

MVA with Rollover on I-87

West Athens MVA

Latham, Boght and the Shaker Road Duty Crew responded to a three-vehicle accident on Interstate 87. One vehicle rolled over. Luckily, the occupant was able to be removed with the help of a passing car and the first responders on the scene. She was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. The other vehicles’ occupants received minor injuries. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

West Athens Lime Street Fire responded to a two-car MVA at the intersection of Route 9W and Schoharie Turnpike. No injuries were reported. Town of Catskill Ambulance and New York State Police assisted at the scene. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Schenectady MVA

Niskayuna MVA Injures 2

On April 24, 2021, Schenectady Captain Stanley Wilgocki checks the integrity of a utility pole hit by a car after the driver lost control on Weaver Street. The driver was taken to Ellis Hospital for evaluation. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

On April 9, 2021, Niskayuna Fire District 2 firefighters placed the driver of an SUV onto a stretcher after she collided with a pickup on Rosendale and Mohawk Roads in the Schenectady County town of Niskayuna. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

Page 24, Fire News, July 2021

★★★ 3-Alarmer in East Flatbush

On April 11, 2021, FDNY Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 transmitted a 10-75 for fire on the top floor of a twostory wood framed dwelling on Tilden Avenue. The fire extended into the cockloft and extended to exposure buildings. A third alarm was struck. A civilian and a firefighter suffered minor injuries. The fire took an hour to bring under control. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

★★★ Basement Fire in Queens Village

FDNY Firefighters in Queens Village battled a fire in the cellar of a single-story commercial building on Hollis Avenue on April 7, 2021. Heavy clutter in the basement area caused a delay in overhaul operations. - Fire News photo by

Jamaica All-Hands

Fire in Marine Park

On April 20, 2021, FDNY Engine Company 309 transmitted a 1075 for fire on the roof of a two-story private dwelling. The fire extended to the cockloft of the two-story brick attached dwellings. Units used three hoses to knock down the main body of fire. - Fire News photo by Lloyd Mitchell

FDNY units in the Jamaica section of Queens battled an all-hands blaze on the first and second floors of a two-story private dwelling on Waltham Street on April 23, 2021. The building was reportedly occupied by squatters but there were no reports of any injuries. -Fire News photo by

Page 26, Fire News, July 2021

Firefighters and Neighbors Make Multiple Rescues in Endicott Just after 0800 on the morning of May 11, 2021, Broome Communications dispatched the Endicott Fire Department to Parsons Avenue for a reported house fire with possible entrapment. En route units could see a large column of black smoke and a second alarm was requested. Quint 25 and Squad 25 arrived to find a 2-1/2 story wood frame multi-family house with heavy fire on the bravo side. Crews stretched lines and began searches, with neighbors reporting multiple residents were rescued off the porch roof, another having jumped from the fire escape and an additional resident was still unaccounted for. Firefighters were able to locate and remove this resident to safety. Multiple patients were transported from the scene but no life-threatening injuries were reported. Although the main body of fire was knocked down fairly early, crews continued to work for several hours chasing fire through the balloon frame construction. Eventually, dormers on the third floor collapsed revealing pockets of fire that had been concealed under multiple layers of roofing. Access to the second floor was difficult due to the stairwell in that apartment having burnt completely through. Departments responding or on standby included Endicott, West Corners, Endwell, Vestal, Union Center, West Endicott, Five Mile Point, Union Ambulance, Endicott Police, New York State Police, Broome County Fire Coordinators, and Broome County Fire Investigators. - Fire News photo by Nick Griswold

Smoke on Arrival in Mahopac On May 28, 2021, the Mahopac Fire Department was dispatched to Union Valley and Fassit Roads for smoke in a residence. Assistant Chief Gabe Rivera was first on the scene and was met with dense smoke as he entered the residence. The cause of the problem was oil burner related and there was no fire. Firefighters set up fans to remove smoke that was in the structure and soon cleared the scene. Two units from Carmel Police set up on a blind curve to protect the firefighters and apparatus. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO

Fire News, July 2021, Page 27

2-Alarmer in Port Chester

Rochester Dwelling Fire

On May 28, 2021, the Port Chester Fire Department was dispatched to Smith Street for a structure fire. Car 2392 transmitted an all-hands. Four lines were stretched to the second floor, on the 3-4 corner of the structure. With heavy fire, Car 2391 transmitted a second alarm, calling in West Harrison, Mamaroneck Village and Purchase. - Fire News photo by Brandon Colon

On the afternoon of May 1, 2021, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Parcells Avenue for the report of a fire in a dwelling. Crews arrived to find nothing showing but were met with a smoke condition on the second floor upon entry. Crews found a small fire that was quickly knocked down. - Fire News photo by

Page 28, Fire News, July 2021

Man Dies from Gun Shot Wound

Schenectady Rollover Sends 2 to Hospital

On May 21, 2021, City of Albany firefighters tended to the victim of a shooting at the intersection of Henry Johnson Boulevard and Central Avenue. The man shot staggered into the middle of Central Avenue and fell to the side of an Albany Water Department truck. This was the second fatal shooting in Albany only hours and blocks apart. Six people were shot, one fatally, at First Avenue and Quail Street at approximately 1400. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

In March, the driver of a car lost control on a curve at Kings Road and Albany Street in Schenectady causing it to roll over and end up on the front lawn of the St. Paul the Apostle Roman Catholic Church. Both the driver and passenger were taken to Albany Medical Center for treatment. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Fire News, July 2021, Page 29

PO Amie McGrady Retires from Warwick

Furnace Fire Extends in Loudonville

Recently, the Warwick Fire Department and Goodwill Hook and Ladder Company 1 provided a flag detail during walk out retirement services for retiring Town of Warwick Police Officer Amie McGrady at Warwick Town Hall. The departments were honored to be part of the service and would like to congratulate Officer McGrady on her retirement. We would also like to thank her for all of the years of service to the people of the Town of Warwick and to our departments. Good luck in all you do! - Fire News photo provided by the Warwick FD

Members of Shaker Road-Loudonville, Schuyler Heights, Fuller Road, Latham, Colonie Village, Menands, West Albany and Schuyler Heights responded to a structure fire on Orchard Grove in Loudonville. Upon arrival, the street was completely filled with smoke making it difficult to see. The two-story home had been evacuated. Fire from the first-floor furnace had extended up the back wall by the brick chimney and extended into the ceiling of the second story. Crews were able to contain the fire but the home was badly damaged. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

Page 30, Fire News, July 2021

FDNY’s Rebreather Task Force Conducts Full-Scale Rail Tunnel Emergency Exercise New York and Atlantic Railway (NYAR) recently partnered with the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) and the FDNY in conducting an emergency tunnel access training exercise involving more than 200 firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and emergency rescue responders in the East New York Rail Tunnel. This tunnel, used by NYAR for rail freight services to and from Brooklyn, is approximately 3,600-feet long, making it an ideal training location. First responders trained on rebreather equipment in an underground environment, with smoke and other conditions that are similar to what they might encounter in an actual emergency. A rebreather is a portable breathing device that absorbs the carbon dioxide of a user’s exhaled breath, essentially recycling unused oxygen. They can supply oxygen for more extended periods than standard air tanks and are used in accessing and conducting rescues in tunnels, under collapsed buildings, in confined spaces, and in situations where the environment may be toxic. The FDNY and the Los Angeles Fire Department are the only two major US cities with rebreathers. The exercise replicated a multi-vehicle crash in a highway tunnel. Firefighters and rescue teams entered the tunnel in dark and smokey conditions, using rebreathers and various equipment to access and extri-

cate victims. Approximately two dozen firefighters participated as simulated victims. “Giving the FDNY access to the East New York Rail Tunnel allowed them to train with state-of-the-art rebreathing equipment in a real-world environment. The coordination of this effort was significant and impressive to watch,” said Marlon Taylor, Vice President, NYAR. “The training is part of an ongoing commitment to safety and one of several programs we have with public-safety agencies throughout the year to bolster emergency preparedness and inter-agency cooperation.” “The use of this location allows the FDNY to train and experience the real environment for our Rebreather Task Force, said John M. Esposito, Chief of Special Operations, FDNY. “We are better prepared to respond to and mitigate these life-threatening emergencies because of the collaboration with LIRR and the New York & Atlantic Railway. (Below left, left to right): Mark Elliot, Deputy Chief Safety Officer Compliance and Investigations, MTA Long Island Rail Road; John M. Esposito, Chief of Special Operations, FDNY; and Marlon Taylor, VP, NY & Atlantic Railway. - Fire News photos by New York & Atlantic Railway

Fire News, July 2021, Page 31

New toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


Page 32, Fire News, July 2021

NYC Fire Riders MC Lou Rahn Run The NYC Fire Riders MC would like to thank all who participated in their 35th anniversary run. Additionally, they would like to thank Millers Ale House, Motorcycle Mayhem Radio, Ron Monteleone, The Nassau County Fire Riders MC, The Tier Rats MC, The Red Knights MC and Rolling Thunder MC. - Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

Fire News, July 2021, Page 33

Page 34, Fire News, July 2021


Midway’s Daniel Burnetter

Midway Fire Department’s past-Chief Daniel Burnetter passed away suddenly on May 18, 2021. He was 61. Burnetter was honored by not only Midway, but also Stanford Heights Fire Department, of which he was a social member. Chief Burnetter was remembered for being a mentor to others and for being part of the Boy Scouts. The processional of fire engines brought the Chief past both depart-

ments that he loved. The community and neighboring departments came out to not only celebrate a generous man but a loving father and husband. Chief Burnetter’s three children are all in the fire service. He will be remembered for his humor, knowledge and love for the fire service and family. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn

Church Fire in Putnam County Just before 0100 on May 30, 2021, the Mahopac Falls and Mahopac fire departments were dispatched to assist the Somers Fire Department with tanker/pumpers at a working fire at the Assembly of God Church on Mahopac Avenue. A strong State Police presence greeted the firefighters as they rolled in. Good planning proved itself because there was a working fire hydrant located directly across the road from the church which supplied water. - Fire News photo by Jack Casey, PIO

Page 36, Fire News, July 2021

Honoring Chief Verbert The Warwick Fire Department T-633 attended the funeral services for Chester Fire Department past-Chief Joseph Verbert, Jr., along with the Monroe Fire Department T-538. - Fire News photo by Warwick FD

More New Gear for Athens The Athens Volunteer Fire Department has taken delivery of an additional 13 sets of Globe Athletix gear with Globe super flex Artic grip boots. They also purchased five sets of Globe Classix gear with boots for their truck operators and exterior firefighters. Garrison Fire and Rescue out of Palenville was the supplying dealer. This brings Athens to a total of 18 sets of Globe Athletix gear and they are now the largest user of Globe Athletix gear in Greene County. - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Fire News, July 2021, Page 37

Averill Park Installs New Officers

The Averill Park Fire Department held its 121st Annual Installation of Officers banquet on May 2, 2021. This year was made extra special because of the installation of their first female Assistant Chief, Pam Danaher McCooey. Assistant Chief McCooey was presented her white helmet by her Chief. - Fire News photos by Lori Washburn

Page 38, Fire News, July 2021

Editor/Firefighter Janet Kimmerly Remembered

On the night of May 11, 2021, a life remembrance and memorial service was held at the quarters of Port Washington Protection Engine Company 1 for Janet Kimmerly, a 32-year active member and five-year associate member of the company, who passed away last month. Janet was the first female member of Protection Engine Company and the first female member of any Port Washington Fire Department line company. Following her father George Kimmerly, she was a second-generation member of PECO and served as recording secretary for decades. Janet Kimmerly was perhaps most well known for her time spent as the editor of the WNYF/FDNY publication as well as the Editorin-Chief for Firehouse Magazine. At her Tuesday evening memorial service members of the Port Washington Fire Department along with members of the FDNY [active and retired] spoke of her and how greatly she will be missed. - Fire News photos by K2M Photography

Fire News, July 2021, Page 39

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