Fire News New York State, July 2022

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Serving NEW YORK S TATE Serving Fire, Rescue

VOLUME 15, NO. 9


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 JULY 2022

See story on page 16. - Fire News photo by Peter R. Barber

Welcome to the NYS Fire Chiefs Expo See Us At Booth 1230

Fire News, July 2022, Page 3

In this issue... Rochester Vacant House Fire Companies arrived, forced entry and quickly went to work. See story on page 7

Wood Stove Fire Stopped in Watervliet A wood stove caught fire which extended through a wall and into the basement area.

See story on page 10

Shooting Kills One in Naval Park Buffalo firefighters were unsuccessful in saving the life of a man shot in the head.

See story on page 19

Flushing All-Hands

A Service for New York State Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Editorial Assistant: BRYAN LOPEZ Graphic Artist: GREGORY JONES CONTRIBUTORS: Andrew Aguilar, Chris Aldous, Jeff Ambroz, Peter Barber, Kevin Barry, John Bashaw, Bill Bennett, Tom Bierds, Jeff Couch, Chris Creighton, David Denniston, Rick Douglas, Brian Duddy, Stan Dybus, John Falcone, Ken Flynn, Joe Fortunato, Eli Gill, Mark Gillen, Carol Greene, Tom Heffernan Sr., Greg Herman, Matt Hodge, Steve Hodgekiss, Robert Holley, Daniel Imfield, Andy Jarchin, Bill Johnson, Mark Johnson, Chris Kalisak, Charlie Keller, Jon Kemp, Gordon Kotars, David R. LaRocco, Stephen Lenz, Joshua Long, Mike Messar, Ralph Miele, Albert Mignone, John Miller, Martin E. Miller, Lloyd Mitchell, Brian Natoli, Carleton Raab, Robert Reynolds, Lauren Rivera, Stephen Schaefer, Deborah Schweikert, Tom Shand, John Shaw, Sharon Siegel, Robert Simpson, Joe Sperber, Bryan Sypniewski, Karen Todd, Kyle Townsend, Joe Turner, Michael VanDerLieth, Lori Washburn, D.B. Weimer, Stephen White.

Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka

Fire companies in the Flushing section of Queens battled a smoky all-hands blaze. See story on page 25

Arverne Fast Moving Fire FDNY units in the Arverne section of the Rockaways battled a private dwelling fire.

See story on page 31


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Twelve Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of:

So. Jamaica 2-Alarmer Firefighters inbattled a two-alarm blaze in a private dwelling in South Jamaica. See story on page 37

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 40

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, July 2022

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Ready for Something That Can’t Happen? An AS/MCI (active shooter/mass casualty incident) drill was held at Greenport (NY) High School on June 4, 2022. The drill had been scheduled months prior, but somewhat eerily took place 11 days after the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting in which 19 elementary school students and two teachers were slaughtered. The proximity to that latest AS/MCI is what has prompted this editorial. The drill involved the Southold Police, Suffolk Police, North Fork fire departments and EMS services from Jamesport to Orient, and even several South Fork departments, along with moulaged teenage actors to play victims. By all reports the exercise was a success. But what makes a successful AS/MCI drill? According to FEMA’s 2013 white paper, Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department Operational Considerations and Guide for Active Shooter and Mass Casualty Incidents, there are several things that responding agencies need to incorporate into a specific SOP for such an event. Why formalize reacting to an AS/MCI if your department already has an MCI plan in place? Because the “AS” part of the exercise makes it, nearly, an entirely different animal. Some particular areas of focus, become apparent with little thought and are proved out — or have problems made obvious — by an AS/MCI

drill. Some key facets are communication between the parties, including ensuring all parties are not only able to communicate with each other, but use the same terminologies when doing so. This is unlikely to be a problem between FDs and EMS, but it may become a problem when communicating with law enforcement (LE) who, in most instances, will be first on the scene. Other areas of concern will become apparent in frequent drills involving all the aforementioned agencies, as well as local hospitals and trauma units. There needs to be a single Incident Command Post for fire, EMS and LE. The goal of any and all SOPs is to plan, prepare and respond in a manner that will save the maximum number of lives possible. Although in their careers most first responders have encountered some horrific scenarios, the results of a mass shooting of unarmed people — seemingly more often than not children with obviously terminal wounds — will undoubtedly be something first responders will never forget. Many of the first responders will be long-term casualties of this ongoing slaughter, even if they never spilled a drop of their own blood. As psychology researcher Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. of the University of Central Florida, who has studied the impact these slaughters have on first

responders, put it, “There are just some events that are so horrific that no human being should be able to just process that and put it away.” Add after-action reports and treatments to the long list of things an AS/MCI SOP demands. A last note … “It’ll never happen here” too often becomes, “Oh my God, how did this happen?” Be prepared for the thing that’ll never happen. And the only way to do so is to train for it. - Gary P. Joyce Managing Editor Gary P. Joyce is filling in for Editor Dennis Whittam this month. Joyce is a decorated three-tour Viet Nam combat veteran.

Page 6, Fire News, July 2022

Laurelton House Fire

Firefighters from the FDNY battled an all-hands fire in the Laurelton section of Queens on April 15, 2022, in an attached private dwelling on 230th Street. Units were met with heavy fire on the second floor and promptly stretched handlines to the fire area. An additional engine and truck were requested to assist at the scene. - Fire News photos by

Fire News, July 2022, Page 7

Rochester Vacant House Fire

In the afternoon of April 19, 2022, a Rochester fire official was driving down Central Park when he noticed smoke coming from a building. He quickly radioed dispatch that he had a working fire and would need the assignment. Companies arrived and quickly went to work taking down boards that were over the walls to make

an attack on the fire. Firefighters were able to make the second floor where they found heavy fire conditions in multiple rooms. Crews were able to get control of the fire within 20 minutes. - Fire News photos by

Page 8, Fire News, July 2022

Good Stop in Verdoy

Brush Fire in Boght

Verdoy, Albany Airport, Colonie Village and Shaker Road responded to a structure fire on April 24, 2022. Smoke was billowing from the building on arrival. Crews extinguished an interior fire. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

On April 16, 2022, Boght Fire Department responded to multiple calls for a brush fire on Schermerhorn Road. The original call came through because of an open burn situation. A few hours later the neighbors called stating that the woods that surrounded the original property were now on fire. The crews worked diligently to prevent the fire from expanding to the neighboring homes. Multiple trees needed to be cut down and embankments that surrounded a pond needed to be saturated. While working, the hydrant Boght’s engines were attached to, it broke off. Maplewood and Shaker Road fire departments were called in to assist with laying hose lines from neighboring hydrants to the scene. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

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Wood Stove Fire Stopped in Watervliet

Maplewood, Watervliet, Green Island, Boght and Latham responded to a structure fire on Kirkner Lane in Watervliet. The wood stove in the residence caught fire which extended through the wall and into the basement area. The departments were able to contain the fire quickly and prevented the fire from extending into the remaining residence. - Fire News photo by Lori Washburn

Smoke Shows on Skuse Street

Shortly after midnight on January 30, 2022, Rochester firefighters were dispatched to Skuse Street for a kitchen fire. First arriving companies found smoke and fire showing from the rear of a home. Lines were stretched and the fire was quickly knocked down before it could extend. - Fire News photos

Fire News, July 2022, Page 11

Vacant Home Burns in Queens

A three-alarm fire tore through a vacant home on 74th Road in Flushing, Queens on May 30, 2022. Units had heavy fire in the basement, first and second floors. The fire was brought under control without incident. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell

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Shooting on the N Train

On April 12, 2022, the FDNY received a call for smoke on the N train. As firefighters arrived on scene, they realized they had multiple people shot. The scene spanned between the 25th and 36th street stations. Numerous FDNY assets responded to the scene, along with

units from the NYPD and FBI. It was reported there were explosive devices left behind but it was believe that they were deemed to be more smoke bombs. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea

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Looking Back Catskill - 2014

Pine Bush - 2014

Catskill firefighters responded to a fire in a two-family house on River Street in Catskill on November 22, 2014. First Assistant Fire Chief Harold Rivenburgh said a building inspector on the scene believe the building uninhabitable due to extensive heat, smoke and water damage - Fire News photo by John C. Miller

Buffalo - 2014

As a November 2014 lake-effect snow paralyzed western New York State, out of town crews from Hogansburg, Champlain and Wrights Corners were mutual-aided to the area. Incident management teams from as far away as New York City also came to assist. - Fire News photo by Jim Lepard

On November 14, 2014, Pine Bush firefighters responded to a structure fire on Dubois Street. Upon arrival, a fully involved fire was reported and a second alarm requested. The house was totally destroyed. - Fire News photo by Steve Lenz, WFD

Fire News, July 2022, Page 15

Major MVA on Route 32

On April 20, 2022, a major motor vehicle accident occurred on closed injuries. The car took down over a hundred feet of guardrail, Feura Bush Road-Route 32 in Delmar. Delmar Fire, Slingerlands traveling approximately 175 feet off the road down the embankRescue and EMS, and Bethlehem Police responded to the call. The ment. - Fire News photos by Tom Heffernan driver of the vehicle was transported to the hospital with undis-

Page 16, Fire News, July 2022

Cover Story

Flames Destroy Home in West Glenville

On May 26, 2022, West Glenville firefighters arrived at Closson Road to find heavy fire consuming two parked vehicles and the back of a two-story home. An interior attack was initiated but ,with deteriorating conditions, crews went defensive. All occupants made

it out safely. Glenville Hill was assisted at the scene with volunteers from Beukendaal, Glenville Hill, Thomas Corners, South Schenectady, Schonowe (rehab), Burnt Hills, Charlton, and the Air Guard for the irRIT. - Fire News photos by Peter R. Barber

Page 18, Fire News, July 2022

Fatal Fire in Brighton Beach

Firefighters from Ladder 169 rescued a civilian from a house fire on was transmitted by 33 Battalion. Paramedics removed the victim to Brighton 5th Lane in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn on Coney Island Hospital where he died hours later. The fire was invesMay, 15, 2022. Units arrived to heavy fire venting from the first tigated by the FDNY Fire Marshal's Office. floor and basement of a bungalow-style dwelling. A second alarm - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell

Shooting Kills One in Naval Park

Buffalo firefighters were unsuccessful in saving the life of a man shot in the head near the Erie Basin Marina Naval Park in downtown Buffalo. A second victim was taken to Erie County Medical Center with a gunshot wound but was expected to survive. A dark vehicle was seen leaving the area with police in pursuit. No motive was given for the incident. - Fire News photo by Peter Barber

Memorial Day Parade in Newburgh

The town of Newburgh held there 29th Memorial Day parade. The beautiful day brought out a great crowd. Thank you to all of the departments who marched in the parade and thank you to the Winona Lake people who lined up in front of the truck before the parade. - Fire News photo by Vinnie Dominick

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PJ Keeler Emergency Personnel Training Facility Dedication The PJ Keeler Columbia County Emergency Services Response and Training Facility held a dedication ceremony on May 21, 2022. Friends, family and many emergency personnel came to celebrate the new facility. Agencies as well as companies also came to showcase their products/work and fun activities were available for children . - Fire News photos by Lindmark Photography

Fire News, July 2022, Page 21

Millerton Awards Dinner

On May 21, 2022, the Millerton Fire Department held their annual awards dinner. At this dinner it was time to give thanks to all whohelped out in the past year and recognized those individuals who were outstanding. The department also took the time to honor those with service anniversaries. The greatest celebration came when the department honored Bernie Silvernail for his 72 years of service and also honored him with Firefighter of the Year from the

Millerton Fire Department. On hand was Michael Carter HVVFA Director who presented Bernie with a Hudson Valley Certificate, 1st Vice-President Robert Boyles of the DCVFA, Kyle Pottenburgh President of the Dutchess County Firefighters Museum, and Dewitt Sagendorph presenting on part of the Dutchess County Legislatures. Vinny Galvin represented FASNY. - Fire News photos Vinny Galvin

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Remembering Ex-Chief Charles Faillace It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart having to report the passing of of my special friend, Somers Ex-Chief Charles Faillace, age 91. He entered God’s Immortal Firehouse at the Albany Medical Center. He could no longer fight the infection resultant from wounds on his back. Ex-Chief Faillace was a past-President of the Westchester County Volunteer Firemen’s Association, past-President of the Westchester County Parade Judges Association, Charter member of the Royal Order of Blue Vests, past-President of the Westchester County Chiefs’ Association, Life Member of the Somers Volunteer Fire Department, Hudson Valley VFA and FASNY, and the Putnam No. Westchester Fire Police Association. His wake was held on May 6, 2022, at the Joseph Smith Funeral Home in Mahopac. Bless Charlie’s soul and God give peace to his family as he watches over us from the floor above. - Fire News story by Bob Ruston, Chaplain

Fire News, July 2022, Page 25

Flushing All-Hands

FDNY companies in the Flushing section of Queens battled a smoky all-hands blaze in a one-story commercial supermarket on Northern Boulevard early on May 22, 2022. Extensive overhaul was

necessary as fire extended into walls and ceilings. No injuries were reported for the incident. - Fire News photos by

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Award Dinner in Athens

Congratulations on receiving the Athens Fire Department 50 Years of Service Award goes to Stan Nestlen; William ‘Bibs’ Nestlen, Jr.; Warren Gritmon; Robert VanValkenburg; David Riley; and Bruce Miller (missing from picture). Also pictured is Mark Dinkleacker of the Hudson Mohawk VFA, Robert Outhouse President HVVFA, and John P. Farrell President of FASNY. Congratulations to Ethan Young for Most Improved Firefighter; Greg Walker for the Eugene Fandozzi Memorial Firefighter of the Year; Emily Lubera for 10 years of service; Lt. Don Winegard, Captain Antonio Fuentes, 1st Assistant Chief Anthony DelVecchio, and EJA School Principal Jim Martino for Special Recognition of Service to the Department; 2nd Assistant Chief James Robinson and Seth Dillworth with The Harold VanShaack Memorial Leadership award. (Rear right

to lef): Lt. Dave Disbrow, Chief Wayne Butterworth, Jr. and Lt. Chris Frisbee. Missing is James McDermott, Chiefs Merit Award. The Department Line officers elected to office are, Chief Wayne Butterworth, First Assistant Chief Anthony DelVecchio III, Second Assistant Chief James Robinson III, Captain Antonio Fuentes, Lt. Chris Frisbee, Lt. Dave Disbrow and Fire Police Captain Greg Walker. Department officers for 2022 are President Alan Frisbee; VicePresident John C. Miller; Secretary Emily Lubera; Treasurer George Stacey, Sr.; Recording Secretary Tom Borfitz; Board of Directors Robert Schrader, John Greco, Bill Tompkins, Mike Gonzales, and Jessica Vermylie. Chaplain Josh Camacho, Sergeant-at-Arms Emily Lubera, Steward Randy VanValkenburg, and Quarter Master Tim Albright Sr. - Fire News photos by John C. Miller

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Rear End Collision in Delmar

2-Car Collision in Slingerlands

On May 11, 2022, Delmar Fire and Delmar Bethlehem EMS were dispatched to an MVA on Delaware Avenue. Upon arrival of Bethlehem Police, one car with rear end damage was pulled off onto a side road and the second car with front end damage was stopped in northbound lanes on Delaware Avenue. The road was temporarily shut down from Fischer Boulevard and Van Dyke Road, while crews secured and cleared the scene. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Lindmark Photography

On May 13, 2022, Elsmere, Delmar and Slingerlands Fire were dispatched to an MVA in the area of New Scotland and Southwood. Dispatch stated one car was in the bushes. Upon arrival of Bethlehem Police, a red minivan was found in a flower bed after hitting a tree. The second car involved was pulled off onto Southwood. There were no injuries and the cause of the crash was unknown. New Scotland remained open during the time of the incident. - Fire News photo by Lindmark Photography

Five Mile Point Places New Tanker in Service

Five Mile Point Fire Department has placed in service a new Tanker 59. It is a 2022 Midwest all-poly body tanker on a 2022 Freightliner M2 112 chassis powered by a Detroit DD13 515-hp diesel motor via an Allison 4000 transmission. It has a water capacity of 3024 gallons and a 750-gpm Hale Sidekick PTO pump with pump and roll capability. In the cab there is seating for three firefighters and SCBA’s for each mounted in the compartments. Outside is a 3000-gallon portable drop tank and a 12-inch swivel dump on the rear of the

truck. It also has space to hold six lengths of suction hose in varying sizes, 24-, 14-, and 10-foot ladders, two 200-foot 1.75-inch preconnects, one in front bumper, 500-feet of 2.5-inch hose, and 1000 feet of five-inch hose. Overall height is still under 10 feet and overall length is under 31 feet including the front bumper extension and the rear dump chute. Set back front wheels and a tight cramp angle allows for extremely good maneuverability. - Fire News photo by Nick Griswold

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Hughsonville Explorers Hold Open House On May 24, 2022, the Hughsonville Fire Department held an open house for their Explorer post. After a few years dormant due to Covid and other factors, the post was reborn. There were nine possible candidates but only seven signed up. The seven potential Explorers were shown all the tools of the trade. District Chief Justin Jerrick and Assistant Chief Paul Rogers, Jr., were on hand to talk about and demonstrated the different gear and tools that they will be using. Both Chief Jerrick and Assistant Chief Rogers Jr. came up through the Explorer post when they were in their teens and look how successful that the program was. Also on hand was Captain John King who also helped potential Exploresr put on their gear and showed then the tools they would be carrying. In addition, on hand was Firefighters James Farrell, Santino Bartolotta and Tom Masch, and Commissioners Anthony Martino and Mark Liebermann. As time goes on more will join and one day fill the roles in the Hughsonville Fire Department. - Fire News photos by Vinny Galvin, DCVFA

Fire News, July 2022, Page 31

Arverne Fast Moving Fire FDNY units in the Arverne section of the Rockaways battled a private dwelling fire on Beach 64th Street on May 10, 2022. The blaze apparently started on the first floor but quickly spread upward to the second floor and attic. The blaze was under control with 45 minutes. - Fire News photos by

Page 32, Fire News, July 2022

Rochester Area Committee Hosts 15th Annual Golf Tournament On May 17, 2022, 400 golfers came to Deerfield Golf and Country Club on Clarkson-Parma Townline Road over the two-day tournament. The annual event is in its 15th year of raising funds for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. This is one of two major fundraising events held every year in the Rochester area. The other is the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in September. The Rochester Area Annual Golf Tournament raises tens of thousands of dollars each year to support that mission while offering support to the Fire Hero Families as they travel from all over the country; some to golf while others get comfortable at different holes telling their story to the golfers as they pass by. Twenty-five families attended the tournament this year. They were honored and their loved ones remembered at the closing banquet each night and during the tournament with signs and banners all over the course. Chief Ronald Siarnicki, Executive Director of the NFFF in a note to the golfers had this to say: “Many of you today have been directly touched by the line-of-duty death of a firefighter. You have also seen at the darkest possible moment, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation was there to help pick up the pieces, and it will continue to provide comfort and support to the survivors.” Retired Fire Chief Randy Jensen, local committee chair was seemingly overwhelmed at the number of golfers participating when he thanked the sponsors and supporters, the golfers and the volunteers and recognized the hero families present in the closing ceremony each day. - Fire News photos by Christopher Martin

E-Bike Batteries Suspected Cause of All Hands

Firefighters battled yet another E-bike fire on East 93rd Street on June 1, 2022. The all-hands fire had residents fleeing down fire escapes. Firefighters were met by heavy fire in the hallway and a first-floor apartment. Six residents, including two babies, suffered minor injuries. Engine 250 removed the battery and e bike. - Fire News photos by Lloyd Mitchell

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Monroe County Dedicates Roadway During Annual Golf Tournament

Over five hundred golfers and volunteers came to Deerfield Golf and Country Club on Clarkson-Parma Townline Road in Clarkson during the two-days of the 15th annual tournament. And each of them passed by newly installed signage on County Road 254. This is the first-ever dedication of a County Road in Monroe County and tournament organizers are very pleased to see it come to fruition. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) is in Emmitsburg, VA. The foundation’s

mission includes, “to honor and remember America’s fallen fire heroes.” The Rochester Area Committee is doing its part to ensure that message is visible for all that come to the Annual Tournament and all that travel down ClarksonParma Town Line Road each and every day. The Rochester Area NFFF team has worked diligently for several months with county officials to receive approval and have the signs up in time for the tournament. County Executive Adam Bello acknowledged retired Fire Chiefs

Randy Jensen and Laurence Vaughan for their efforts in making it happen as he dedicated the section of roadway surrounding the country club. They worked closely with Monroe County Legislators Jackie Smith and Blake Keller whose districts the signs are posted. (Left to right): Legislator Blake Keller, Visit Rochester’s Don Jeffries, County Executive Adam Bello, past Chiefs Laurence Vaughan and Randy Jensen and Legislator Jackie Smith - Photos by Christopher Martin

Fire News, July 2022, Page 35

Car into Tree in New Baltimore

The New Baltimore Fire Department was dispatched to an MVA recently on Route 9W. A caller stated the vehicle was into a tree. Additional tones were sent out for EMS to respond as the patient was complaining of a head injury. State police were also on scene. - Fire News photos by Lindmark Photography

Rollover MVA in Woodstock On May 13, 2022, at 1644, the Woodstock Fire Department was dispatched for a rollover MVA in the area of Glenford Wittenberg Road. Crews arrived to find an SUV rolled over into a tree and began extrication. The person was removed within 10 minutes and turned over to Woodstock’s EMTs and was transferred under ALS care to the HAHV Broadway Campus. - Fire News photo courtesy Patrick Rose, WFD A/C

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Winona Lake and Neighbors Drill

On May 26, 2022, Winona Lake Engine Company held a drill with a neighboring fire companies; Goodwill Fire Company, Orange Lake Fire Company and Cronomer Valley Fire Company, and spokesperson Mike Caimpo of the FDNY. On one side of the bank

Winona Lake raised their ladder to do ventilation on the opposite side of the bank. Cronomer Valley had their ladder up to do ventilation. - Fire News photos by Vinnie Dominick

Fire News, July 2022, Page 37

South Jamaica 2-Alarmer

FDNY companies in the South Jamaica section of Queens battled a two-alarm blaze in a private dwelling on 155th Street on May 1, 2022. The flames quickly spread to an adjoining dwelling requiring additional units. There were no serious injuries reported. - Fire News photos by

Page 38, Fire News, July 2022

HazMat Training

Recently, members of the City of Amsterdam Fire Department conducted their yearly HazMat training. Technicians refreshed on meters, suit work, decon setups and identifying unknown chemi-

cals. All AFD personal are trained to the tech level or higher for a HazMat response. - Fire News photos by Mark Perfetti

Fire News, July 2022, Page 39

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Hosts Wellness Conference

Sixty families came to Rochester from all over the country to attend the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) 2022 Fire Hero Family Wellness Conference. The conference was held at the Double Tree by Hilton in Henrietta from May 17 to May 20, 2022, and included seminars, workshops and community visits to area highlights. Conference attendees were greeted by local firefighters, dignitaries, and other survivors as they ventured through the week. Morning sessions on “Building Resilience Through Nature,”

“Strong at the Broken Places,” “A Deafening Silence,” and “Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family In Stressful Times,” were just a few of the seminars to choose from. A Men’s Service Project was hosted at the Fire Museum in Brockport where some landscaping was completed and fellowship with local firefighters provided. Off-site tours in the afternoon were provided to Mount Hope Cemetery, Highland Park, Strong Museum of Play, the George Eastman House, and many others. Dinner was provided on Wednesday evening at the Spencerport Fire District where the

attendees got to experience local dining delicacies such as a “plate” or a Beef-on-Weck with Salt Potatoes. The Rochester Area NFFF team worked with the Foundation for many months planning the conference. While the foundation sought speakers and presenters, the local committee of community volunteers worked with local businesses and venues to enhance the experience for the attendees and showcase all that Rochester and Monroe County has to offer our visiting families. - Fire News photos by Christopher Martin

Page 40, Fire News, July 2022

FOR HE’S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW… FIREHOUSE SYSTEMS AND THE PANTHER COMPRESSOR To say I am proud of my father, Fred Gandolfo, would not offer him the justice he deserved. To say I am amazed by my father, would be more fitting, because sometimes we can’t find the right words, we can only feel them. From childhood to this day, I’ve had the opportunity to watch my father pick up any broken object and be able to fix any problem in his personal life or business life; to troubleshoot it and, if any need isn’t met he'd find a way to meet it, especially if solving the problem meant he got to fabricate something. After several years of development, I watched him build what the entire industry knows today as THE CAT. Little did I know then, The CAT would fuel an entire market change. Having my father’s love of the industry and safety of his client base as the driving force behind his design, leads to high quality, safe, efficient equipment. The CAT was only the beginning. After the success of The CAT, my father began to design and produce a new line of Breathing Air Compressors — Panther Compressors. Of course, he offered standardized style systems, as always going above any other compressor manufacturer on the market, offering custom solutions to your need, space, and budget. Recognizing two needs in the industry, my father put the pencil back on the paper and got to sketching out an idea. He wanted to offer a Breathing Air Compressor Trailer

Unit, one that a fire department would actually use. One that would safely operate on scene, one that would operate to its full potential without losing “steam,” one that would be safe for the long-term health of the operator. He needed to find a way to offer an economically friendly, efficient, easy to tow, safe to operate equipment in the middle of a world in the midst of an ecological and economic crisis. With that … I repeat, to say I am proud of my dad, is not enough…nonetheless…We are very proud to introduce the world’s first battery powered breathing air compressor trailer. Made especially for you by my dad, Fred Gandolfo … the Panther ECO. The Panther ECO provides eight hours of run time at full load, emits no diesel or fumes and, most importantly, no thermal runaway! The Panther ECO is available in 10- 15- or 20-horsepower versions. Already have a breathing air trailer? We can upgrade your current system to the Panther ECO, feel free to ask us for your options/! Remember: Go green…choose Panther Compressors. - Liz Gandolfo For more info contact Fred or Liz Gandolfo at 631-661-7515; or Fred at or at

HARTT AND MARINO PROMOTED TO ACCOUNT EXEC AT MILBURN FLOORING/RENU RESTORATION Christine Hartt and Andrea Marino began working for Milburn Flooring and RENU Contracting Restoration as Business Development Representatives initiating relationships in a variety of market categories. As important members of the sales team within both organizations, Christine and Andrea have made names for themselves as reliable and knowledgeable professionals in the industry. Christine and Andrea have recently been promoted to the position of Account Executive for Milburn Flooring and RENU Contracting Restoration. With a focus on specific markets including Fire Departments, Towns/Villages, Libraries, and State facilities in Suffolk County and Nassau County, Christine and Andrea have a proven skillset, not just for establishing working relationships, but actively developing substantial ones to ensure customers are always benefitting. Both Christine and Andrea are responsible for partnering with cus-

tomers to provide flooring solutions in both products and services. They are also an asset for customers who experience property damage due to fire, water, smoke or mold. As a representative for RENU Contracting Restoration’s 24-hour emergency service division, Christine and Andrea play an active role aiding in the quick response times that are necessary to mitigate a crisis, having a restoration crew on site in minutes and remaining a constant source of support throughout the entire process and beyond. RENU Contracting and Restoration is based at 20 35th Street, Copiague. They may be reached at 631-782-1020 or 833-247-GETRENU;

Fire News, July 2022, Page 41

Fire Bell Club Meeting

On April 12, 2022, the Fire Bell Club of New York, held their April meeting at the Bureau of Fleet Services. A few new rigs will be in service soon. Thanks to Assistant Commissioner Aronberg and the guys at the shops for hosting us. - Fire News photos by Paul Shea

Page 42, Fire News, July 2022

A Great Day at the Firemen’s Home

May 15, 2022, was Dutchess County Volunteer Firemen’s Day at the Firemen’s Home. The day started off cloudy then the sun came out. Around noon the members of the home started the journey down to the multi-purpose building where they had a great barbecue lunch of hot dogs, burgers and salads. Around 45 of the members broke bread with the officers and members of the DCVFA. When lunch was over the members of the home watched a parade put on by those who came. DCVFA would like to thank the members of the home who came down to enjoy the day, long-awaited day after two-years-plus of Covid. We thank the staff at the home for all the help they gave to make it a great day. In addition, we thank the following fire companies who sent members: the Chelsea Fire Company, Hillside Lake Fire Company, New Hamburg Fire Company, Millbrook Fire Company, New Hackensack Fire Company, Pawling Fire Department, Rhinebeck Fire Company, Slater Chemical Fire Company and the Wassaic Fire Company. - Fire News photos by Vinny Galvin, DCVFA

Fire News, July 2022, Page 43

New toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


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