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Tripplet Road Overturn
On December16, 2022, Shepherds and Mooresville Fire Rescue units responded to an overturned van on Tripplet Road. The driverwas uninjured.

- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com

AMooresville Christmas
On November22, 2022, the Town of Mooresville held theirannual Christmas parade in Downtown Mooresville.

- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Mooresville Overturn
On December7, 2022, the Mooresville and South Iredell fire departments along with Mooresville Police and Iredell County EMS responded to an MVAon Golden Valley Road in Mooresville. Acar and a van collided causing the van to leave the roadway and overturn up against the front porch of a home trapping the driverand two dogs. Crews from both departments worked togetherto extricate the trapped driverand dogs. The driverwas transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and the dogs appeared to be okay.

- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Amity Hill Road MVA with Pin
On December17, 2022, the Wayside and Troutman fire departments responded to an MVAwith pin on Amity Hill Road. Crews used hydraulic tools to free the trapped person.

- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Troutman Extricaton
On December8, 2022, Troutman Fire Rescue responded to MVAwith pin in at the intersection of the Interstate 77 ramp and South Main Street. Crews performed a doorpop on the passenger’s doorand extricated one person who was transported to the hospital by Iredell EMS.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com