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The Cool Springs Fire Department Annual Awards Dinner

Five years of service awards went to Bradley Luther(not present). Wyatt Gibson and Duncan Dunavent. Fire Fighter2 certification was achieved by Anna Saxton and Jonathan Teague. Most training hours award was presented to TylerClodfelter. Todd Bowers got most calls answered award presented to Ryan Franklin. Rookie of the Yearaward was presented to Chad Cooley. Randy Jones First Responderof the Yearaward presented to Brittany Loftin. David A.
Cline Fire Fighterof the Yearaward presented to Ryan Franklin. C. Maurice Jenkins Officerof the Yearaward presented to Jonathan Teague. Sonny Johnson Outstanding Service award was presented to Chris Owens. Nine firefighters were recognized for150-hours-plus of training: Wyatt Adkins, Alaina Carper, TylerClodfelter, Chad Cooley, Chrystal Cooley, John Fletcher, Bradley Luther, Chris Owen and Anna Saxton. - Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com